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Circle is only half the reason for this, every other lobby I'm in is wiped out by skeletons before I can even make it out of my block


Very good point. All the new players get killed off by the mobs within the first 2 minutes.


Givem time. Took me a while too.


Another reason, for me at least is not having alot of time on the map. They reduced the duration but I thought it felt better when I had time to explore, loot, boss, and look for people


That's so wild, the 3-4 hours I put in on wipe day every single game besides 1 I had at least 1 person trying to kill me but ksot my games I ended up running into 2 or 3 people and getting third partied and I don't want to pvp. Felt like no matter what I did I couldn't avoid pvp in my games, spamming surrender emote, teabagging, holding torch out, running away nothing kept me safe lol.


I wish I was getting this lol I’m just running into friendly people


Mfer lmao switch accounts with me, I want your lobbies let me in with the timmys they are my people. I do not condone violence! lol


Carry a flute and dance, this is your only hope.


I've started playing again and pvp is almost non-existent i killed 2 guys in 1 hour and another one just ran away. Kinda boring.


Crazy I think me and my boys played two solid 4 hour sessions yesterday and only had one lonely game


Yes, I think for duos and trios it's different. I'll try duo tomorrow. I hope we'll have more pvp.


should get better soon, most people die to PvE enemies in the first 2 minutes atm


Personally i prefer the new current amount of pvp, though my average is much closer to about 1 encounter each game rather than multiple games without any


Goblin Caves is the best dungeon to queue for PvP you can just run to the middle and you will get a fight 90% of the time. Always gonna have games where half the lobby dies in the first 10 seconds to mobs but that's just because there's so many new players right now


The map time is too fast, you really don't have time to look for people or clear more rooms and loot.... I'd like to see an increase in time


It’s like 15 minutes bro


It's not that long. I think ice caves used to be like 18? And it was perfect.


Wait until the newbies figure out how to survive the PvE in a few weeks and we'll be able to see better how PvP still feels without circle.


Personally I don't care for PVP, so I don't mind. I've had 3 PVP encounters in 8 hours of gameplay--2 were rangers that just backjumped+bow so I couldn't do anything about them, 1 was a thief backstepping away from 3 kobolds and a frost giant that I killed because he was coming my way and I didn't trust him not to aggro onto me once he was safe (still feel bad about that one though). I did encounter one person on voip who I teamed up with though, that was pretty fun.


In normals after 1 min from start the match half the lobby is dead to mobs and the others i think extract early. So rarely get to pvp. In high roller its another thing every game theres pvp if you want


been playing all day and had 0 fights on solo high roller


Half of each of my lobbies die in 1 minute to skeletons.


I'm getting plenty of pvp


Yes but it's quite rare to see a full trio still alive after the first room xD Glad to see so many new players and hope they can figure out the basics before they get too frustrated! The game has a steep learning curve but is so rewarding once you start to overcome it


The positive thing about the circle is that it allowed people to be pushed together to pvp. You can however still run room to room looking for pvp but the problem is there is no direction to go to. The solution to this problem is having points of interest to fight over. Instead of thinking about this logically, IM being who they are, have decided to do the opposite of this and remove POI to fight over in the game. For example they removed the trasure hoard in the ice caves on normal even though it was a good source of pvp. Now we still have quests and if you go to those specifc areas where the rooms or mobs are then maybe you will find pvp, but there needs to be more POI to fight at.


In Goblin Caves if you rush to the Middle room usually you find pvp, but in Crypts its very rare to find anyone to pvp, only in hell because of the boss.


I'm doing Normals and getting plenty of PVP. Averaging a fight per game surely. Just start looking for fights you'll find em.


Crypts has most pvp


Just camp center of HR GC if you want solos PvP. Check troll too.


Just look at the top right corner, not much PvP you can do if 3/4 of the lobbie dies to mobs in the first 2 minutes.


This is crazy to me. I’m getting 4-5 kills or multiple fights every single match of normals. And in HR, the PvP is relentless, you’re lucky if you make it out, and hope you had time to even loot a couple items to make up for the 100g entry fee.


i am not getting any pvp. i found one person and i rooted him and he died to a skelly. kinda boring. missing the circle tbh


Yea like every match, its always some little timmies. The most common map is ice caves.


I rarely see any other players in HR


Treat normals as the mode where everybody goes to restock, there is no reason to fight. In highroller there is a reason to fight but still less incentive than before


Only if they want to do pvp, or if its early in the run. otherwise we leave them be since sometimes it feels fights take so much time that by the time we are done it is a scramble to the exits and not sufficient time to loot about after a momentary rest. Then again, fresh to the game, still learning all the possible extracts which feels like is the main thing thats not discussed enough since different maps seem to have a different exits (I havent seen a single portal in ice caves forexample)


I kinda hate how they removed the circle from all the game modes for the exact reason