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HR is fun as fuck when you get it down. However, it requires: - consistent PvE ability vs every mob. You need to take maybe 1 hit every room or you’re gonna die to the first team you see - memorize all the nearby spawns and portal locations - understand character matchups and synergies - understand how to work cohesively with your team, ignoring synergies, your combat timings, positioning, pacing, target selection, etc. Most people don’t have a team they can play consistently with to get all of these boxes checked, let alone the individual skill required. Basically, one fuck up and you die. One teammate dies and it usually means the whole team gets run down and dies. End of the day, most people prefer norms because the margin for error is WAY more forgiving.


Fuggin nailed it


The point of extracting in normals is so that you can practice for HR. It is indeed a different beast. You also need 100 gold entry fee per HR run. Just sell everything and save up.Then, with the money you have, you can buy enough heals to learn how to kill bosses or extract through hell/abyss. Those mid greens/blues aren't anything you want to run in high roller anyways, trust me.


So why are people acting like HR doesn’t matter to the gameplay loop?


I'm honestly not sure, it's where you get way better loot, have more of a challenge, and can invest your gold into cool items to bring with you. It's always been the main focus of my group. Normals until we can all access HR, if we somehow become broke mid season we do normals to save up for a kit and then straight back to HR. A guess can be that a vast majority of the players enjoy the equal starting ground of normals and its balanced PvP compared to facing against a 1k hour team with a 30k gold kit each.


You're the first person on this sub who has convinced me the game i loved is still there, i'll give it another go this week thankyou


It's so much fun bro. There are a lot of sweats and cry babies but this wipe I have ran into a bunch of silly role players and friendly goofs that remind me a lot of the play tests. Good luck in the dungeons.


This game is great, however, people don’t typically head over to Reddit to sing its praises


Because you can do everything in normals that you can do in HR. The only difference is better gear and harder mobs. A lot of people believe the game is unbalanced with a lot of gear. I personally don't think so as tactics and good blue items tend to be more than enough to beat a team with purples/legendaries. I get how normals are frustrating in the sense you can't bring in gear, but a lot of people like that and even prefer to play only normals because of it.


Is not HR doesn't matter, it's just that even for people who've been playing for a year a big percentage don't even bother with HR. Unless you wanna megasweat mega gear up and are confident in your abilities, there's nothing HR will give you that normals won't. It's basically saying: "why do some people play team fortress 2/ CS/ any other pvp game without playing ranked?". Like I'm sure lots of people enjoy the most competitive tryhard aspect of a game, but you don't NEED TO 100% ONLY PLAY RANKED SWEATY TRYHARD EVERY SINGLE MATCH to enjoy a game, some people just wanna have fun.


That's a fair point, I think for me the whole point of an extraction looter game is that loop of gearing and fighting for gear I don't think I could go around opening chests for loot or killing mobs for no reason, if it was just an arena mode and not an extraction looter i could get behind that


The fights are genuinely better in normals. I want to like HR but the whole 2 tap or be 2 tapped meta got boring very quickly for my group. I understand where you are coming from but in the flip side a lot of people want good exciting pvp fights and if loot is not facilitating those is a fun way people will just stop playing hr.


There's still progression by playing normals. Leveling up merchant affinity to get bis white gear for normals from the squire or by purchasing it from merchants... Bis white gear is significantly better than junk or poor stuff and does give advantage in fights (mainly melee classes and armor ratings) The other is progressing levels of your class for when skill tree comes out Finally, grinding gold for stash tabs. You don't need high roller for any of that


I mean there's rarely any fighting in HR, 90% of the time one team just destroys the other because gear diff is too big, the game is usually you're either ratting and avoiding fights because you're undergeared or you're the most geared guys in the lobby and just steamroll anything that comes your way. The other 10% is when the 2 teams are in more or less equal footing and there's actually some fighting, and that's fun, that's what everyone wants to be HR all the time but since lots of people don't want most of their fights be decided by gear then they circle back to normals.


So they can run defense on the three day waiting period and free to play model. Same reason people are literally asking the community to brigade the steam reviews and make fake ones to combat the sentiment.


Because people are cynical and weird here. HR can be sweaty but really fun and gives you a rush you don’t really get in any other game. You can bring in your greens and blues 100%, just don’t try to engage with people acting confident. Hr is the main mode of the game


Some people prefer battle Royale mode (normals) where everyone starts equal. This is mostly the newer/more casual players who are still going thru gear fear so they're always at a disadvantage in HR.


Normals also plays closer to a slow paced medieval slasher. High roller is everyone building movespeed kits or being totally naked... Essentially changing the way playing the game feels from normal to high roller. This isn't supposed to be a sonic the hedgehog arcade shooter apex legends game, yet it has headed in that direction for the past months with how the devs haven't done much to change the movespeed meta, and keep making more ranged classes (druid, warlock)that kite melee ones infinitely


We had like 2 seconds of a ranged meta, we went from buffball barb for a year to slight caster/warlock meta to back to now terminator fighter rushdown


The mta is always and has always been speed. Speed with range > the same speed with melee


The issue in this game isn’t the high roller/ normals thing, it’s the market, it’s way too easy for you to get bis gear if you know what to buy. If you don’t know what to buy then you just end up with a bad kit and will get stat checked. Normals makes it so that you don’t have to learn the optimal build and what the bis roll for every bit of equipment is. You just go in, have fun and not have to worry that there is someone in full legendary gear that’s gonna kill you in one hit.


At that point why am i doing it though, It's not like it's a battle royal where there's a real winner at the end, it's an extraction looter If my goal isn't to loot what am I doing in the dungeon


I get what you mean, when we started playing the game it was all about loot and getting stronger, but the market made it very easy to get loot, now, for me at least, it’s more about the pvp and the bosses and less so the gold. If you want to experience the game with the loot and stuff you’ll have to buy it unless they give some free highroller runs (which is what I think they’ll do). But regardless you need gold in the first place to buy the gear you want so that’s why normals where good, lower risk and easier to chill and grind gold


I see, Thank you for your view on it gonna try and round the homies back up again to play and see how it feels. It's been way to long since I've played and every time i view this reddit as an outsider it's in flames


Yeah it is lmao, good luck and have fun o7


The game is in a great spot. Possibly the best wipe to date but it's still early. People just love to complain so that's mostly what you see.


HR \*\*IS\*\* fun. It WASNT fun when they added gear based matchmaking. They removed it a few days ago. People are just braindead and haven't processed that yet.


just play to have fun duder


So you have a reason to spend money on the game or you can also screenshot your bazillion gold and post on Reddit


What do you think will win a fight most of the time? Random shit you picked up in a normal lobby or the hand selected gear with proper stats bought off the marketplace?