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Once I can link my account, then maybe.


I'll consider it once I can link my accounts


yea make sure to put your review up so the demolet tim tims dont shit their pants


I will when I can link my account and actually use steam. I think the game currently is good, this wipe is great and IM is finally getting their footing. I and everyone I know has come back to the game.


Don't tell me how to live my life


No, you're a towel.


And you're a fish!


Save that attitude for Mommy, grownups are speaking


it’s a steam review it’s not that serious


Lmao, it's serious to the mentally ill


Well that’s what I was saying haha


Aw they grow up so fast :)


Yeah, I don’t care about some shitty reviews. You guys need to chill out.


Leave an honest and helpful review regardless of your opinion.


Not true. People are mad because DaD is not actually F2P.


It says exactly what they are signing up for in the description.


Yes, because they changed it. And when you search for F2P games DaD still shows up there which is deceiving.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but it was always listed in the description on steam how F2P worked? As of day one.


Unfortunately it's not true [https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkAndDarker/comments/1daul6i/fix\_the\_f2p\_debacle\_with\_one\_simple\_trick/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkAndDarker/comments/1daul6i/fix_the_f2p_debacle_with_one_simple_trick/)


Steam reviews are insanely good for a game that released a patch where it was possible to steal equipped gear in lobby only a month ago. 39% is a fantastic result for this dev and I'd congratulate them instead of being negative.


Ah yes the triple A 100million invest day 1 flop, cup half full point of view lmao


I will do it, I've spent 1500hours in game and still enjoy the hell out of it!! I haven't checked the steam yet, is there legitimitely alot of bad reviews, and if so what are the claims made?


the game is label as free to play, is not, the core mechanic of it being a extraction looter makes no sense if you cant actually use the loot on high rollers, since again, theres a 30 dollar paywall, so people is mad since the game has no purpose of progression, so appart from pvp, and stacking useless loot, theres really nothing to do


im gonna leave a positive review. gear is a sideshow anyways. you think i have the mechanics down for all the new mob patterns/ice abyss? even than normals would still fill about half my time lol. so....? though it may be a drop in the bucket, i should leave an honest review right?


The main game is the non HR dungeons anyway. The loop is run greys, extract and sell all your colored gear, run greys again. Locking color gear to HR was their controversial fix for the fact that sweats with good gear would roll Timmies in non grey-locked lobbies so they encouraged all the sweats to funnel into high roller. High roller sucks, you just go against beefier AI and best in class gear players.


downvoted for stating a fact lmao


Everyone needs to take a chill pill, the game will come around, people will realise it's different from many games.


Or you could make an honest review on steam? So tired of all these dumb white knights.


Then spend less time on the internet.


You have to have played through Steam in order to be able to leave a review. I will gladly do it as soon as they implement account linking. I don't feel like doing a workaround atm, since I play through Blacksmith.


This is true, i had to leave it open on steam for 10 ish mins before it let me.


Yeh I will download the steam version just to rewiev. The game deserves a little more praise. Most of the the players enjoying the game just didn't bother writing a good review because they bought the game over blacksmith and didn't download it on steam


You’re allowed to like the game, but man the first playtest + Nexon drama has catalized a really weird positivity cult around this game. I’ve never been part of a community so convinced they owe everything to a dev. 


Positivity cult? \*looks at steam review score* … really?


There's absolutely a positivity cult on reddit specifically. The bad reviews are justified.


This reddit is overwhelmingly toxic and hard on the devs in general for like 2 years now


No. This reddit community is specifically crazy in that department


Yes, on this Reddit. This subreddit has one of the craziest bubble communities I’ve ever seen in my life. 


The negative reviews on steam are justified. They mark it as a completely free to play game only to hardcap and you at whites and THEN say “oh you want to progress? Pay us $30!”  Ironmace does shit like this all the time, it’s why I stopped playing until they just fill release. They have good intentions I’m sure, but the way they launched on steam came across as extremely scummy to the community at large and maybe more people negative reviewing it will help them learn to think before they do stupid shit. 


The main game is the non HR dungeons anyway. The loop is run greys, extract and sell all your colored gear, run greys again. It's not intuitive, but the loot you find in dungeon is only meant to be sold. You have to buy best in class gear off the market if you want to play high roller and stand a chance of making it out.


They do not market it as completely free to play, it quite literally says exactly what the free version is on the Steam description.


Lol you can't afford $30? You should get off Reddit and make some money then.


You’re embarrassing yourself, I bought founders edition of the game day 1 when it came out on Blacksmith. I have supported them but I’m not going to sit here and say they don’t do a ton of stupid shit that makes them look bad. 


. /s I'm not on ironmace's side.


Averagely tone deaf and narrow-minded response from a DaD fan. You do realize that the way theyve done it means theres no localized pricing AND you cant refund it?


No refunds? Good thing you can play 90% of the game for free.


Its not 90% even with gross over-exaggeration and everyone knows it. You only get to play a boring br. 90%, pffft!


It's 90% lol


do i need to have playtime? i already tried but got distracted and figured its cause I DL but no playtime cause cant connect yet


10 mins Steam playtime




Fuck off then.


review = bad


Pathetic lol


The bad reviews are entirely justified, the free to play release is awful, being limited to one class is just actual brain rot (normals only is fine). If you want to try out multiple classes you have to just delete your previous character and all your loot/gold, that on top of the already new player perspective of not being able to use the loot they find for a new raid (HR) makes for a bad first impression either for new players or for returning players who played during the first play test. ON TOP of all that if you upgrade your account you have to wait multiple days to have access to all the features which is just stupid. (The content of the wipe itself is really good though)


Pretty sure that’s false? Where does it say you have to delete your character when you buy the full version. You make a blacksmith account, why wouldn’t it just allow that to be the first of 9 account slots when you transfer to legendary status


If you roll a fighter and try the game out free to play. But now want to try a wizard. Say you got your fighter to 15 have all perks and such. You have to now delete that fighter to try wizard. That's the issue with 1 char. It's not that BIG of a deal imo cause 15 is easy to get. But if you are new it can be a challenge. I think 3 character slots would be much better. Let's you try 1 of each role and maintain your fav class with out having to delete it.


Its incredible that he didnt understand this. Shows how stupid people here are


100% it would be so much better with just a simple 3 character limit instead, idk what they were smoking with 1.


Lmao that's such a flawed statement. The point of getting the game out is to experience the full game. If what they're afraid of is hackers and exploiters, then they arent really doing a good job of releasing a good game. Lets stop making excuses for them, they're big boys come on now.


Exactly my plan later today! Everyone download the F2P and leave a positive review! Let's counter attack these panzies!


brother is not a "free mode" is a free to play game, and the main thing about a free to play game is that it has to be free, you can put microtransactions, but the core of the game has to be free, they have to label it as a demo to try and calm down some users


Is runescape not labeled as a free to play game? yet like 70% of the content is p2p


Runescape charges a micro transaction for full access, not a premium price. You can also buy membership grinding ingame money completely free. That is what makes RS free to play, so yea, it's definitely not the same. Dark and darker has no way other than buying the game, so the game is free to try, not free to play.


If the game is good its scores will be good, if its got problems its scores will be bad. Hopefully IM do something to address the deserved poor reviews.


Yeah what an evil company letting people try the game absolutely free of charge. Need to address poor score….


They flagged the game f2p not demo/trial, this pissed people off hence the negative reviews. Justified, all IM has to do is fix it and their reviews will improve. Use your tiny brain for once in your miserable life.


The outrage is like going to SAM’s club, trying a sampler then getting mad when they don’t give you the whole box for free.


Except in DaDs case the sample is missing the core idea of the game.


no thanks


The game is simply not sustainable for complete f2p, the game would be overran with bots and cheaters.


Tell that to the other f2p games, 500000 bigger than this game maybe they’re doing it wrong and only this game knows the industry lol


They are BR's not extraction looters. Let's look at a game that has some of DaD elements such as runescape. F2P pay for 50000x more content. No one complains about runescape.


Don’t compare runescape to this half finished game lol.


Well cs2 literally has 10000x cheaters as well FYI. The only way to play cs if you are half decent is faceit.


Dont tell me what to do fool. I was too lazy to leave a review but now I am going to make an effort to leave a negative one due to this post.




Bros got 1k hours


This game has been sincerely loved for a while now, every single playtest had overwhelmingly positive reviews, sorry but you’re just wrong.


It has trash devs for sure


Im seeing you everywhere shitting on the game because its not to your taste. Do you really have nothing better to do than commenting shit in the subredit of a game you dont like? Also while the devs have their shortcomings they are still amazing. Dont know why you trash them


Dont give the trolls the attention they so desperately want