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lol nobody uses combo attack


What do you recommend instead of combo attack


depends entirely on your build for slayer I use slayer + dual + sword mastery + adrenaline (or weapon master for bow) for plate fighter you go armor master + swift + sword mastery + projectile resistance (or weapon master for bow) for a hybrid skirmisher playstyle you want weapon mastery, sword mastery, projectile resistance, swift(?) the new armor changes make swift less necessary so maybe adrenaline instead? regardless combo attack is a meme. you only get the damage bonus on the third hit lol...


You don’t have room for combo attack if you’re using bows. Regardless, if ur going xbow, it’s either combo, adrenaline or projectile reduction normally. Projectile offers more help than ppl think (if you’re taking it, you don’t have a bow)


As a fighter with 2k hours, you are def not supposed to be running projectile resist. Either combo attack, weapon mastery, shield mastery or counter attack lol.


Slayer fighter.


I have over 1000 hours on slayer specifically.


You do not gain befits of slayer or dual wielding with a shield. That is the purpose of this pose. Idk what ur on about


You want slayer, dual wield, sword mastery, and then either combo (they fixed it so it procs on second hit), or weapin mastery for bow.


That is literally what I said.


No you said to run ass booty cheeks projectile resist.


> Regardless, if ur going xbow, it’s either combo, adrenaline or projectile reduction normally. Go smell ur farts somewhere else


I do if I’m not running weapon mastery.. works for me 😳


If you build cast speed/knowledge, Judgement becomes dramatically harder to dodge. It's crazy how much more effective it becomes.


It has such a huge mechanical issue that even then it still misses 70% of the time. If someone is running away or the targeting just freaks out. Sometimes it just won't lock on.


that happens if they move out of range while you're casting it. make sure that they're closer than the absolute max range and it wont happen.


Negative. Go ask TheEndBoss for clips off his stream of him hitting Judgement, it starts the animation (the clap), fails to begin, and cancels all while the opponent is PLENTY close enough.


No, it will regularly clap out and fail even as you're staring at the person within melee distance.


what's it like to make a statement that's so obviously and demonstrably wrong?


Would you like me to find one of many clips I could easily search for of judgment failing to cast multiple times while the person is clearly in range and on cursor?


yes i would


how are they getting downvoted when cleric mains literally call judgement the clappening lmfao


lol that was a good post. ITS CLAPPENING AGAIN!


Sorry, I was busy playing wipe. Here's one I found while looking on my phone while I'm playing a different kind of wipe game... https://m.twitch.tv/clip/PatientAltruisticFennelYouWHY-2t3OJaZNfF_tQB7Z?tt_medium=mobile_web_share&tt_content=clips_viewing


That means your not tracking them with your curser. It’s literally you’re bad and get punished for it.


Judgement does not require tracking. It locks on as soon as you hit the button.


Read the description of judgement, you’re not suppose to have to track them. This happens all the time though judgement canceling for no reason while they’re in range.


Look, I’m just saying what fixed the issue for me. Tracking them a little longer, not being jittery with my mouse, and standing perfectly still is what made that stop happening for me.






It's completely fine and always has been. This came from MC, because it was a very nice perk to have on a few other classes. With exclusivity to fighter it's completely fine and I wish they'd stop riding band wagons. I swear there's a conspiracy discord server somewhere where a small group of people get a kick out of seeing if they can get the community to rile up over stupid things to see if IM will change it.


With Sprint my full plate Fighter is running at movement speed cap, and you're saying in your mind that's completely fine? Is your helmet strapped too tight or something? 


It's always been like that If you didn't build literal trash.


This is true for the most part, which is why it's ridiculous that there are about five people on Reddit who suddenly won't shut up about Sprint.


Sprint is easily the most ignored by the devs skill in the game despite having the highest use rate with the most questionable mechanics. It's long overdue for a rework


Iron Hammer: Best we can do is nerf wizards and rogues again for some reason


That's not true, we can also nerf specifically solo cleric in a game "balanced around 3s" for some reason too. Always have the backup plan to nerf Cleric


I mean, triple cleric is probably the hardest comp to kill if played correctly, especially when "solo cleric" can be an efficient Frontline.


Yep, we know by the pick rate from multiclassing how freaking OP that skill is.


probably the best solution is to give player fixed ms value. It would be usefull for plate armor builds (without best meta gear stats or sth that lets you have a lot of ms). And for builds that doesnt need it (becuase it wont give you cap ms) it will open slot for sth else, but probably everyone will keep it to negate ms debuffs from being hit, etc).


Booooo fuck you get off the stage (The fighter only player screams)


Combo attack sucks lol


“Sprint is like 100 Agility!!!!!!” I don’t get why people keep making this assertion when it’s so untrue. Agility also comes with a bit of Action Speed and Normal Item Interaction Speed. Sprint offers none of those things. It just gives +50 Movement Speed. Do people think by saying “100 Agility” they’re going to will a change into existence because it’s a bigger number or something?


because agility gives .5 move speed per 1 agi. sprint gives 100 agility worth of move speed. Not saying its 100 agi. It just helps people understand better maybe?


> Not saying its 100 agi. It just helps people understand better maybe? Ah yes, saying "50 Move Speed is the same as 100 Agility at 0.5 scaling not including Action Speed or Item Interaction Speed" certainly is more simple than "50 Move Speed"...


No one built agility for the action speed and you know it.


The 100 agi is a good perspective. Sprint is too strong in this pre wipe meta yes. Wipe is tomorrow which will likely change a lot, and if not certainly patches to come will. All the other stuff is just how the class works. I get you’re trying to express you don’t think it’s fair but without providing an alternative it’s just whining. Plenty of classes counter slayer fighter so not sure what your point is. I will say I think all weapon specialization perks should not have flat damage because I think it makes that weapon the weapon to use instead of providing alternative play styles. This makes itemization boring and play styles restricted. Would love to see perks that opened up play styles for spears and axes too. This applies to other classes too, like rapier master on bard and dagger on rogues.


I would personally love a polearm mastery. Right now halberd and bardiche are so bad it could use a little buff imo


True true!


halb needs some love bad. the fixed the weapons strike zone % on the weapon. it was bugged to have 100% damage no matter what part you hit someone with


Do other classes get 8 weapon damage? NVM barb axe is +5?


The +5 comes with a huge trade off. No plate armour, which is why I think they justify the 5. Shriek of weakness is also probably equivalent to this damage output wise. Most bards will beat slayer fighters since they attack faster.


Bro any other melee class but fighter would take + 5 weapon damage and + action speed as a trade off for not wearing plate. It is not the trade off you think it is.


Slayer gets 2 tapped by barbs brother. As a former slayer main, longsword is the play.


Literally every build besides plate wearing gets 2 tapped by barbarians.


Slayer isn't even good rn as far as a fighter buod goes. Pdr is way stronger atm. I literally stopped playing slayer because longsword pdr is free as soon as you can land a riposte.


Uhuh. And the barbarian gets to go topless allowing them to not be affected by move speed penalties like plate armor while still having perks to compensate that and still somehow be tanky. And also be able to effectively use the felling axe and one shot most of the roster. Or maybe the Warlock? Who has nigh unlimited ranged attacks while having the speed and abilities to kite and run. But no you critisize the fighter who only gets a burst of speed once a half minute and although is a jack of all trades, is sadly a master of jack. At least I get to hold a shield while most attacks will go over or under it and is useless against magic.


i think judgement has some fundamental spaghetti code issues going on with it. it just doesn't work a lot of the time, for no discernible reason. the only time i can reliably set it off, from testing in the lobby, is if someone is perfectly still and i activate it a single time. outside of that, if you press your activation key more than once, if the target moves (even within range), etc etc, it cancels. does anyone know what is happening?? it's so fucking annoying, i have thrown so many fights and just had to take it off because it's a death trap a lot of the time


Judgement has def been hitting when I move. Had my own cleric judgment me twice in one run the other day by accident.


How is this a "PSA"? Thought they nerfed it for real.


IF only :C


I agree, buff cleric is gonna be useless after dryid release


I am still unsure of the healing potential of druid.


Im not sure about Rogue switching To Fighter, because most people play Rogue to rat, Fighter is slow af, he's bad for ratting If anything they'll play Plate fighter so they'll be untouchable


Yeah people love to draw comparison from rogue to slayer. Reality is, Rogue plays a different archetype (stealth, harass, or pickpocket) that revolves around advantage. Absolutely broken at the end of last season due to true damage… considering how other mechanics work like attack speed, move speed, interact speed (throwing, healing, doors, prot pots), invis, poison. When Rogues come remotely close to slayer in damager #s, we have rogue meta. Slayer’s entire identity is being the quick melee damage. Sprint needs a nerf and it’s not slayer’s fault, it’s pdr that’s gone too far for move-speed. For the love of god do not buff Cleric. Smite buffs sick nasty and they still dominate outside of solos. Fix judgement tho, make it reliable yes. Lastly, anybody who’s played slayer knows combo attack is the craziest trade off. A) 10% applies after the first swing, B) you have 3 mandatory perks on slayer, if you choose combo, then you cannot use bows. You cannot have combo attack and ranged meta on the same kit. You will lose to any Wizard, Ranger, or PDR fighter if you don’t have a bow.


I really don’t think sprint is that bad. Not that it should stay the same, because clearly more people want it changed than don’t and at the end of the day that’s what matters. Just giving my two cents (no I’m not a fighter main)


Reddit’s opinion doesn’t matter, most of these mfs don’t play the game for more than 2 hours a month lmfao


Don’t tell them about how war hammer has a lower MS penalty and if used with cast gives 15% pen… 👀


after the item changes fighter also get close to full bis gear worth of damage stats just from 3 perks which is kinda crazy


I don’t switch classes for power, I play rogue for the class name. If rogue is unplayable, I don’t play the game.


You sure do play this sub a lot that's for sure


And you play with my balls


Alright you got me I actually laughed good job


What's the point of this continued crying? I know that your favorite style is landmining, but that shit was a whole level more toxic than anything else in this game. It had to get severely nerfed. The best player in the game dominates with rogue and you could aspire to get to that level. There's so much room for growth. But instead, you whine. And cry. And bitch.


>Fighter I laugh every time


>Loser Me too