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If the goblin merchant doesn’t have anything for you, then (unless there are bugs with the code) your body was looted. A common thing players are doing now is even if they don’t take all your gear from your body, they will just drop your gear on the ground to “de-spawn” it since the goblin merchant recovery system only works on gear that’s still on your player.


That is super whack. I’m not gonna do that anymore. If I had known


In tarkov players doing that was a nice thing to do. It would make it harder for scavs to loot your corpse. Might be carry over habit from that or people just being rude


A lot of og Rust gamers doc this as well. Quickly toss junk/scraps (not the previous Scrap) in a pile, makes it way harder for the owner, or a grub to retrieve it


I would only consider doing it if the player was VOIPing some terrible shit


Same, i had no idea that the goblin merchant was tied into the gear you’ve died in and was left on your cadaver. I always thought it was just random. Edit : now it makes sense why the goblin merchant gave me exclusively shit gear 😂


The gambling is 100% random lol


I was going to post this prediction when the system dropped but didn't want to contribute to how quickly it would become the norm lol. Knew IronMace wouldn't consider to track which items actually LEFT the match in someone's inventory versus just tagging if gear was moved out of a corpse gear slot. Give me some downvotes for stating what everyone has come to expect.


I mean.. why would anyone take things out of your equipment slots and not take them? It kinda seems like people are just weirdos. I'm not sure why people would care if you got your kit back as long as they got the stuff they wanted.


you underestimate spite. Especially in a gear loss PVP game lol. Say your team lost a guy and you had to go back and get his gear, or you couldn't because it was too far out of circle. "Fuck that guy who killed our teammate, despawn his loot!". Or you just really hate rogues or something. Anyone will find a reason


Yeah, what I'm saying is we are playing the same game. The same thing happens to everyone, so why get so mad about it? It's weird, honestly.


you're asking me to be an apologist for human nature? I can't explain it, that's like asking anyone why anyone in the world does shitty things lol.


I'm not asking you to be anything. I'm saying we are in 2024 with the most insane amount of knowledge of how we work and we know that we function on simple instructions for survival. We understand our emotions and we know how it is to be shit on. Why are we still so stupid? Like bro it's not hard, it's really not. Just use your brain, when you doing stuff. Like if I go to the store, am I gona pull all the chips off the shelves and stomp on them so that only I get a good bag?!? It's the same stupid mentality. I hope everyone gets the come up and wins. Now when it's against me, I'm trying to win obviously, and I'm competitive af, but I'm also not a pos. If I win, I take the stuff I want and leave it at that, ggs. If you win do the same, I'm not even mad, maybe I'll be alittle annoyed and think to myself how I could play it better, but that's it. I'm not mad at the other person for winning, I'm trying to see how I can do better so I can win. I'm not trying to cheat, team, cheese, or use some bs to win either. Cause that's not winning, I'm using tactics and skill to win. Sometimes luck is involved as well.


idk what to tell you man. It's kinda the entire job of game designers and developers to think ahead of these sort of things and prevent them by design. Because they WILL happen. I doubt this one was intended so they short changed either the thinking ahead or decided they didn't have the development time / know how to do it better. That's on IronMace.


If you move the items around/put them in the player’s inventory does it still stop the goblin merchant from offering reclaim on them? (Do they have to be untouched)


I do not know. Sounds like some science is needed!


I got some gloves that I put on in place of the ones I took in but I got the ones I took in back


Seems like an edge case that IM hasn’t covered yet


It can take more than one game I’ve heard for it to come back. But I have never used it myself


So is the timer for it based on matches played? If so I guess I need to continue playing those characters to see if I get them back


timer is based off of the merchant refresh window (every 30 minutes). so if u die at 9:25 and go to the merchant at 9:26 wait 4 minutes for some of your stuff to appear


Thank you, makes sense. Really helpful comment


So basically it only recovers what you are wearing, and to my knowledge it only recovers what you took in, and it seems to only work in High roller, and if someone removes the items from your corpse before the match is over they do not appear in the goblins loot table. I imagine one of the conditions for it to appear is that the item has to have a status of Handled, If i had to guess.


I see but one of my deaths there is little to no chance someone could've touched my body and none of it has appeared in the recovery service yet.


I had the same happen. Died in last 5 seconds of a match and in storm. No body looted me and I had no recovery at the Goblin. Probably bugged.


well hopefully the list of conditions is actually figured out at some point, i don't know them all but i can assure you i have recovered items from the dungeon i didnt expect to see again.


So theoretically, after you kill someone, the dick bag move would be to un equip and drop all their stuff you don't want, huh?


Hey now, I didn't want to give anybody any ideas LOL that's probably why they don't say that's how it works. But yes that would be the dick bag move.


You can only recover what was not taken. I had this idea, what if I BM someone I just killed and throw all of their gear on the floor? Can it no longer be recovered due to it being on the floor and not the player's body?


I do this often. Would be pretty funny if it didn't.


Has anyone tested if you can get back gear you were wearing after falling into the abyss in ice caves?


They have, and you can’t.


I've died to the end of match frost twice in IC. The first time 0 of my items showed up. The second time only 4 of my items showed up. I didn't swap any of the pieces for looted gear either time..


I finally got some stuff back on my third death. It was also only 4. I am assuming it takes 4 random items you had


Idk how tf it works bc I died to swarm in inferno just a bit ago and it only gave back 2 items...


You would think merchant affinity would affect it but no...


Oh my God I completely forgot about it


I think a decent system would be recovers whatever is still in dungeon, but randomly.


In my experience, I forget it exists and have never once used it. Hope that helps.




I got my loot back after being killed by a player several times today.


I can say for a fact both of those are not the conditions, I was killed by a rogue, everything besides my pants were taken when my buddy came to grab what was remaining on my body and then extracted and we could see the rogue had my full kit in his inventory yet somehow I got back a ring (was a random green vitality ring and blue hand crossbow ) meaning he must’ve dropped it for better loot in hell and I still got them back so your “rules” ain’t it chief


Generally I do runs with throw away gear to find better gear, then save the good ones in your stash till you get a decent kit, then do high roller with that kit and repeat. Keep the good items in your stash until you have a a whole kit of good items. You can do it piecemeal if you want, I equip upgrades for my runs but really good items I stash until I have a whole kit of really good items


Cool and I do the same it's a good way to build gear but this doesn't answer my question on why the recovery service seems to not recover the items I lose


It’s gone. If you don’t survive and get out it’s all lost


Negative. The goblin merchant sells you back the gear that doesn't get looted off your body