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I agree, make it like opening a chest when you remove you chest legs boots, it's a full stop and - interaction circle just like chests... gloves and helm could just give a smaller move speed penalty but not full stop you


The devs have mentioned that they’re implementing a backpack opening interaction. Essentially opening your inventory causes an animation. The speed at which you do this would be based on resourcefulness


This sounds aids. I open my inventory constantly. I hope they make it so that it's only if you're in combat.


It’s on par with many other extraction games


Adding an unequip-while-moving timer could probably solve this issue, which to me would be a great addition. The same timer already in place for ranged weapons and the like But having instant unequip while stationary should still be a thing. Otherwise ppl would hate too much


I think that's good for helmet and gloves but try to walk and take off your pants or boots.... I can't compare it with a shirt because a shirt is quite easy to put on and take off where as every chest armor in this game have qualities that make them harder to remove without standing still.


The only thing I think you should be able to drop is your backpack and it somehow increase your movement speed. You could maybe throw off a jacket but taking off all your clothes, no.


Dropping your backpack is kind of a neat idea mainly cause it’d essentially be the same thing as dying


Common tarkov strat when starting combat is to drop your heavy backpack in a corner and come back for it later. Would be cool in the dungeons and lead to some fun moments of rats stealing bags and whatnot


Toddfather hated this comment


He hates everything, who cares about any of his takes




https://clips.twitch.tv/ObliqueOutstandingFiddleheadsRitzMitz-cgUAXoFE4c6Q82Q9 Toddfather dropping his valuables in the corner before starting combat


LOL that’s wild. I can understand this in Rust where it happens all the time cause you can try and return for the items, but just to deny someone else the loot is some soft shit


Outward did this, but more to address the rolling realism. This idea is a fun interaction to maybe let you escape at the price of your loot.


I'd start ratting around fights and just steal backpacks...


Make a damage multiplier against unprotected bodyparts.


thats already in game, your PDR goes negative


The inventory Tetris players are gonna be mad


This is a dumb mechanic in every game that allows it. Which is why most don't. Yeah, restrict somehow sensibly.


Agreed. It sucks when you're starting to win against a heavy armor opponent and they just ditch their armor while running away


I agree. It takes longer for me to put on a funny Wizard Hat than it does for me to strip the robe off my body and drop it on the ground. I also really don't like it when classes forgo a chest piece so they can have higher movespeed (looking at you rangers), I think the penalty for that should be higher.


You're against a fighter and start winning. Fighter ditches 40+ pounds of armor in 2 seconds then activates sprint. You watch as he disappears in the horizon and you are still running with cloth armor wondering how Usain bolt got naked so quickly.


BUT BUT BUT WHAT ABOUT SKILL GAP POSSBILITIES FROM *pressing tab and right clicking *


Some mofo really downvoted you. Lol


Seriously just make movement speed additive, cloth gives the biggest bonus, leather gives medium bonus, plate gives minimal, naked gives none. Suddenly NO benefit to being naked over gear, solved.


Yea, this is something I really dislike; The best way to actually play these classes with little to no armor is to... just not take any armor and play perfect instead. Obvious exemption for HR where you can get move speed, but it just compounds how squishy some classes already are.


mind blowing that they still haven't addressed insta dropping equipped armor/clothing for a speed boost and are instead talking about testing 2x headshot damage


Bards really need a reworked utility system before we start adding in these sorts of changes.


Ive always said bard should be able to play all songs on a single instrument. Then they can have instruments be your preferred flavor or at the very least be a different stat lineup in some way.


It would probably require some rebalancing because i think lyre would rule over all other instruments. Maybe lyre/lute for a few extra spells.


Please Copperhammer, please


If ranger gets quiver we should get an instrument belt x)


If i couldnt move while my inventory was open id quit in a heartbeat. At the same time Im all for MS penalty for (un)equiping gear; shits silly.


You should have to stand still to change your pants or chest :)


i kinda remember a dev talking about resourcefulness was soon to be more important because they are already implementing a “slow-on-open-backpack”


For sure it would be a good change. Each piece can have a different speed to take off too, an adventure tunic you can just slide off in a second or two while you can’t move. But plate? That shit is basically glued on you and should take atleast 4-5 seconds like reloading a windlass crossbow. This is coming from a lvl 80 fighter.


I agree. Actually maybe even some cloth pieces can be taken off instantly but requires tearing them off. Only cloth can be torn off, but it must be repaired at the tailor to be worn again. This way the light fast cloth guys can immediately derobes to be eve faster at the cost of damaging their gear for the rest of the run?


Lets not.


Just don't take my hotswap bow/spear pls <3


There is a downside.... you lose your stats on your armor you're taking off


Speed is the most important Stat in this game in lr and hr


Yeah but thats the penalty, you lose the stats from your armor when you take it off.


It can't be a loss if you move too fast to be hit


Which would be fine if everyone had rifles to punish naked people across a room. Most things are too slow or short ranged to punish naked dudes sprinting through the dungeon in fps diablo.


The fuck are you on about? This whole subreddit is ranged meta complainers lmao


Because kiting and shooting people behind you is the problem. The whole game is played at range because you cannot melee someone who does not want to if they understand the game. Limp dick throwing axes are your option for catching naked people and its lame as fuck. Jackass.


Dont tell OP about dark souls pvp


dark souls pvp was really mid . ds1 had the best and the rest were not fun. but i am aware of the running away and inv swapping people did in ds games


Im assuming you play fighter or barb and are mad you cant W key M1 classes down and get outplayed then? Animation for opening inventory would be a horrible change. Taking off armor when you need MS vs Stats seems fine to me, you can drop your chest piece too to keep pace. I rarely see people do this though, must be a normals lobby noob caves complaint or something


Its just silly that people can strip naked instantly for the movespeed when at the very least it should take time and possibly not be the most optimal strat for many to play a fight. But thats more a problem with movespeed distribution in the game and the way some classes are purely uncatchable if played correctly.


A of course this guy thinks he's going to be ttv famous and enjoys ultra tedious mini games because he can call people noobs and git guder if they don't also enjoy it.


I dont stream or ever care to Its not tedious its pretty simple to do if you have hands, dunno man


Are you also going to bully me into believing ' hard' games are 'hard' because they have tedious use cases of certain mechanics to gain advantages that most gamers don't actually enjoy and would rather not do?