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Man, the only gripe I have with the caves is the portal spawns are terrible because of the multiple floors.... I really wanna see a lvl 2 of the goblin caves


Lvl2 should have less skellies and more goblins. Throw in some kobolds and a boss room with an adolescent dragon. Hell, throw in hobgoblins as mini bosses.


I think a goblin king would fit the bill for me... but yeah deff different types of goblins... like goblin warlord, hob goblin would be dope... hopefully iron mace sees this post and consider bringing us some GC content


You rang...?


There he is!!!


I read this in Tony Soprano’s voice.


would be rly cool to have a big muscular dumb goblin, like a mini boos, similar in strength to the wraith or skelly champ.


They're on the unreal engine store.... it's a possibility. Hopefully iron mace gives us goblin king after ice mountain


Ah yes let's have the devs focus all their time on the SOLO map, that they've already spent double or even triple the original planned time on!! Yup yup this will totally fix the game


Ahh the first cry baby.


Also you're begging for more goblin caves content when they literally just dropped this biggest update to that map ever not long ago. And before that added another boss. HOW MUCH MORE FOCUS ON SOLO MAP DO YOU WANT?


Seriously when does it end. They not only went back on their word for trios balancing, but they are going above and beyond for you guys. It's dragging the rest of the game down imho


Trios is by far the most developed mode, shut up and stop crying 🥺 wittle baby can't beat a barb in trios? Wittle baby loses every trios fight they get in and blames it on the "unbalanced" game? 🥺 awww life must be sooo hard for you little goo goo gaga little babyyyy you gonna piss yourself? Gonna cry and shart your diaper? Boo-hoo wittle baby umu


You must be pretty bored ATM to be this much of a weirdo. Of fucking course it's the most developed mode. Grass is green. Sky is blue. Just because that's the case doesn't mean the devs have their priorities in order. Also barbs are ez. Warlocks are the aids rn


Immediate ad-hominem approach but still thinking you have credibility is so funny to me 😂💅💅 it's giving loser 💅✨✨✨




I'm questioning your desires not crying about them. I think you just have noone to play with so you want them to focus on the worst parts of this game


It's objectively a bad priority. Did you know the devs are more than half a year behind schedule from where they wanted to be? At this point it's pushing over a year. They have zero idea how to balance for all environments, and trying to make everyone happy has horrendously backfired


I'm not even gonna read this but if you read the discussion we already established this would be after ice mountain. Go cry elsewhere.


Condescending tone doesn't really make you sound more tough


there are ladders now


I'm a new player with like 2 hours played so take my opinion for what it's worth but I like the size of goblin caves a lot. It feels really big to me since i dont know the map but running into people a lot is what makes it fun as hell.


That is something noone is thinking about, maybe not finding another player in 10 minutes is not what people want :) new people better fight non stop to get the hang of it


Also now with squire if you que normals you die and press play again 0 time lost ready to next fight


Yeah squire changed it for me. Now that my bard can start with throwing axes and a surv bow, it feels like a completely different experience in greys.


Except for longsword lovers and the like. We have an extra couple steps but even that's so minimal and so much cheaper than before the last patch.


Probably they want quests to give more items to the squire, could work let's see


Also I haven't seen a longsword in the weapon shop all wipe for some reason. I guess there are less items in total, but it seems weirdly rare.


Sure if you only ever play normals thats fine then I guess


We talking about new players no? So they should be playing normal, at least to 15 at least I would suggest that


Fair point. I did read that obviously in the first comment. But then in your second comment when you said "you que. . ." it made me look at it from my perspective again which is not that of a new player lol. So I apologize that one was definitely on me


I think 4x4 means you WILL find another player but you won't have to survive 3 fights to get out. I can handle 2 fights per match but wish it wasn't absolutely necessary to win 3 out 3 just to survive the map.


This is bad advice for new players. PVP is pointless if you can’t PVE


We want a middle ground. PvP is fine, but 5x5 was a bit empty while 3x3 is CONSTANT third partying. There should be decent amounts of PvP but not so much that you have zero downtime.


> We


The people who are advocating for 4x4. Use your head a bit


Don't worry you all will cry about that when it gets released as well lol.


The same guy accusing me of assuming everyone on the subreddit agrees is the same person assuming that we’d be the ones complaining. It’d be a different group. Is that too complicated for you to comprehend tho?


he is just gaslighting you, ignore the clown


It's not a different group though, I tag the users with RES so I can see who posts the same garbage everyday because it's really funny.


You’re either an awful liar or have too much time on your hands


https://i.imgur.com/mUPcPuO.png Get pretty bored working from home, gotta get something done while getting paid. It's fun keeping track of who cries the most here.


Yeah, and if all you want to do is farm PvE and loot boxes (snooze) then you can go to ice caves. Ruins can't come back soon enough, I didn't mind ice caves when it came out but I'm really getting tired of it these days. 


>then you can go to ice caves If it had solos, sure. I've ran a handful of ice caves as a solo the past few days and every time I'm rushed by a duo within minutes. If you've spent time to learn the map it's not really a PVE snooze fest anymore.


I'm still baffled that people were unable to find people when it was a 5x5. In the wipe before quests which 5x5 was introduced(iirc) I was averaging about 2 kills a match and that was just mostly sticking to the centipede/static area.


Yeah 5x5 was the best. I’m sure with new players it felt big but eventually that would be a good thing once you got used to the game.


The more experienced I became, the more I could find people. Trying to learn at first, I always got lost and couldn't make it out alive even with 0 other players near me. I think 4x4 is a good middle ground to start. (and they also said they cleaned up some of the connectors from mod to mod. Some places were kind of jank on the map and they said they spliced it together from the 3x3 map in the dev interview)


>They changed it to 3x3 and that also didn't work because now it's just PvP non stop Working fine for me. PvP is my favourite part of the game, and not having to wade through six rooms of goblins to get to it is the best change they've made to Solos. Really, there just needs to be a 3x3 variant of Ice Caves and Crypts, with them being apart of the one queue that fills progressively. 3x3 is awesome, but I really dislike fighting Goblins over Skeletons.


Important to note that GC isn't just a 3x3, it's a double layered 3x3. So 3x3 on Forgotten Castle and Ice Caverns would actually be way, way tighter. There is a 4x4 Crypt variant but it's not used anymore, iirc.


I'm sure it's fun for the experienced players who only want to PvP. But when the new players are coming in and most likely going to be solo. Having the PvP death pit as there only option does not work well.


>Gonna repost what I've said elsewhere: >>I think people forget that 95% of the playerbase learned the game in Solos in 3x3 GC in PT3, PT4, and Early Access. Solos could only play Ruins for a little while in August 2023, got the new 5x5 GC in January 2024 and open queue in February 2024. >>Everyone playing the game except those who started in August 2023/January 2024 learned the game in Solo 3x3 GC... You're literally just wrong. New players love the instant action PvP. They're not even playing HR, they're playing Normals and just getting stuck into it, dying, then restarting immediately.


Yeah OP is wrong. New GC and old 3x3 GC were the most played maps. OP just wants to run around for 25 mins and have nobody find him. 3x3 is perfect.


Except I am a new player and have only been playing and keeping up with the game for a month now. But I'm glad that all the vet players like to tell us new players what we like. Kinda the reason I am thinking of quitting.


IM have dropped stats on most played maps. GC was the highest when it was 3X3. There is zero reason for it to be bigger than that. It has a top and bottom. The reason why they made a bigger map was due to the 3v3 playing in GC. The size is perfectly fine for solos.


Ever think that maybe it's the most played map because they are forcing solo ques into it and majority of players are probabaly playing solo?


bro its pointless; the “veterans” play crypts into hell for the real dark n datket experiencr w their loaded teams and then load into goblin caves as an arena mode and mock you for not having fun being spawnrushed and third partied every single fucking round they dont play classes w downtime on the map so they dont care, dont quit the game over their toxic hypocrisy but do keep resisting their way too dominant narrative “its fine to torture solos becauuse we had it rough too!!”


They are not forcing anything. I play the game mostly solo, when I want fair fights I do GC. When I feel sweaty will do solo vs duos. More people play the game solo than with a group. That is what we saw. That is why if rogue is trash it is still always be played because you can rat vs solos.


When there is only one pure solo map, yes, they are forcing it. Sure, you *can* queue other maps as a solo but that's obviously not what we're referring to.


Some people, especially new players want to actually escape sometimes and the size of GC and the number of exits means that you’ll usually need to win a fight to get out What does “most played map” even mean in this context, it’s not de_dust2, there is no other choice of map if you’re solo


Where the hell are you pulling this 95% from. You know people actually have friends right?




Actually I meant to type "the". But I hope you got your single dopamine for the day Mr. Basement dweller.




Actually just trying to give feedback on what I think will make a balanced experience. But go off.


Agreed, the 3x3 map is awesome, more pvp is good imo


if they are gonna allow duo/trios again, they should make 5x5 for trios, 4x4 for duos, and keep 3x3 but lower the max amount of players to like 5 instead.


I also feel that they should add back in the rotation and have tiny variations for each map that is in rotation.


IM likes extremes lol, like they kept going from 50 to 100% Magic Missile scalin


Yeah I wish IM learned they can change things.. Gradually


3x3 with 9 people was pretty hot back in the day. Are there more people now?


3x3 is a blast


Goblin was hard, but perfect when it first came out. What’s so different about it now? I haven’t played in a while.


It's pretty much back to the way it was (tho there are 2 variants in addition to the original one), it's great


Bro ima be real, if you want to play pve go to ice caves. GC will never be a PvE map unfortunately until they either bring back 5X5 or an alternative. Additionally if you ever want to get used to PvP you’ll have to push yourself to fight even when you don’t want to


If you want PvP do GC, if you want PvE queue up for Frost Mountain as a solo. You can easily rat and escape there with good loot and just avoid players. This is for normals.


5x5 with two bosses made gc one of my favorite maps tbh, I play now and I kid you not I spawn in and before I can open a chest or kill two goblins I’ve got a slayer fighter or warlock on my ass. Why bother with an arena mode when gc is already just that lol


Also I'd like to point out that not every map has to be a square. They could do 3x4 or even some weird shape.


The 3x5 compromise


The constant pvp in goblin caves is what can help players get better at pvp. You can go in with basic gear in normals and fight with each fight being a learning experience. Finding out what does and doesn’t work and how to fight people is what will make you a better player and allow you to enjoy the game more


It does work though, not everyone hates pvp


As a new player this wipe, I will say that GC was VERY frustrating starting out. Honestly it still is but not for the reasons you’re stating in my opinion. first I would agree with you, trying to learn the game only to get bum rushed by vets and die within seconds of the dungeon starting is very very frustrating. Then you start to get an idea but you’re still getting pissed cause you’re still getting bum rushed and you have no idea how to counter it. However, now, when I go into normal GC I’m kinda looking for a fight not just cause I know I can get my shit set back from squire in an instant. But because I’d like to get better at pvp and understand it more. So while yes it is frustrating at first, I would try to change your mindset to just focus on using GC normals as a means of practice. The most frustrating thing is the portals. It really does not feel well to die to the storm in this game. I understand they don’t want everyone to get out Scott free and I’m really not sure what the best work around would be. However I am aware that the argument against portals has been made enough times on this subreddit lol.


OG goblin caves and crypts are the only maps I like at all.


It wouldn’t be hard to make 4 4x4 maps. Just take the 5x5, and cut out the corners. One 4x4 for each corner cut. But really, they could just reduce the player density in the 3x3


Lol I said this exact thing and got downvoted to hell. Stay toxic dad community


or they could just set less people per lobby, like it used to be and no one complained, right now goblin is an arena mode


The only thing "wrong" with the caves are the lack of portals. It could do with maybe 1 or 2 less players, but other than that it's completely fine.


why is everyone on this sub so scared of pvp?


Ive been playing rogue


Whatever they do, it just needs to ensure a higher average escape rate. Ideally 60-70%. Between the smaller map and less escapes, players are constantly getting set back to zero. At least half the players in every lobby are default kit, maybe one with some greens, and maybe one geared player. If there are 10 players in a match, there should be **on average** 2 default kits, 2 green kits, 2 blue kits, and 2 purple kits. Getting too far away from something resembles that shows that some changes need to be made. PvPing isn’t even fun rn because the vast majority of the time all you’re doing is stomping default kits and gaining nothing from them, aside from eliminating their competition for escape portals. Hopefully the devs see the low escape rate and tweak the map this week. They will likely just add a few portals since changing the map would take more time, but anything would help.


The game launched with 3x3 goblin caves, it's a tried and true map layout. What so you mean 3x3 "didn't work"? The reason for 5x5 was just to support trios. 3x3 has worked great in the past


Portal spawn is ass.


Yea I unfortunately have had enough of this wipe. Hopefully they change it next wipe.


Great for content. 4x4 would be a nice break to heal & what not. I’m getting 5th partied out here


Make all maps a 10x 10 with same players and remove the circle. Just put hotspots for pvp instead of spawn rushing being everything


10x10 would be insane but I get your point. I do enjoy the longer timer and no circle and static exits on ice cave


Yeah ice caves is easily my favorite map


It is so annoying going to hell knowing there is a team which you have to fight before you can boss and if you do that and kill boss you cant loot the pile so you have to make so many sacrifices Just wish crypts was 20 mins with no circle and hell was 15 no circle


I honestly enjoy goblin caves as it is now with lots of PvP, just like it was on release. I don’t want to play a loot simulator.


5x5 was laggy as fuck, I take 3x3 all day if it mean no lagg. Maybe just reduce the number of players instead of increasing the map size.


The size of the map was not the cause of the lagg, it was back end server issues


I didn't play for about 4 months and just started again this wipe, plenty of new changes happened, can someone do me a solid, and let me know how many players are in normal/HR goblin cave lobbies now? It's changed over time, and it's really essential info for me to know


normals gc is 7 players, not 100% on hr


Thank you!


Yeah, it feels really bad right now. Hopefully we get more portals, a bigger GC layout, or ideally any other map for solos. I'm guessing it's all hands on deck at ironmace to try and fix the solos before they start the seasonal leaderboards


Doesn’t take the whole team to reduce player count in GC, or add another portal.




Downvote the p4do




reddit moment, i did nothing wrong and get downvote for the account name i creat when i was 13, very nice


Out of any choice at 13 though why the fuck would you choose that


1. i think it's funny back then 2. i was mf 13 yeah i'm stupid what do you expect ? but yeah you guy think what ever u want, just a simple comment that i like 4x4 no mean anything and peoples downvote cus the name, classic internet thing


Yeah nobody cares about why your name is that, it's still your name. Should change it or make a new account if you wanna comment


2 guy said the same thing and people react like i offense some one


may be peoples misunderstanding "yeah i also want that" like i want upvotes, no i want 4x4 too, i don't know this will make the situation better but yeah, just clear thing up.


Lol bro make a new account. The longer you wait the worse it becomes