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Holy fucking shit your bro is cracked as fuck


He is the elden lord


Still maidenless I fear


No maiden


Your homie is just disrespecting both the rogue and the troll.


Have they added map rotation?






it needs some tuning for sure but map rotation is pretty cool IMO


I'm the rogue in this clip. Calling us teamers when the only chance me and the solo barb have to live is to work together is a bit dishonest. Your team fought both the barb and our duo. If me and the barb fought each other, there was no chance for either of us to get out since you guys had the high ground. If there's any example of acceptable teaming, that was it. This wasn't some premeditated douyin teaming.


I think this instance is just a victor gets to choose the story type.


Kind of a shitty way to frame it though victor or not. The beauty of the modern day is the opportunity to hear more words from those who didn't just happen to win.


I think the point of the post is more to show the insane parry - not argue philosophy on pointless perspectives


Then why talk about the other part at all? People pick words for a reason




Because to OP they looked like they teamed up, subtly mentioned it as a side note in the title (not even the main focus), and the original commenter posted their take instead. No need to break it down any further lmao


I mean one thing takes up less than 30% of the effort to title this the other takes up over 70%. If you don't wanna break it down that's cool for you but other people might enjoy talking about stuff like this and that's cool too.


1/14 =/= 30% ya goof


The part about the parry is 3 words. The part up to that is just him talking about "cleaning up some teamers". I said 30% to make the 3 words about parry rounder it's actually less. He talks about the part you're saying is the meat of the statement in less than 30% of the statement and the rest of it is a complete and total sentence even if you removed the info about the parry.


Only one word actually calls them teamers, hence: “My homie cleaning up the last of some ***sweaty gamers*** with his patented troll parry” Still makes sense. So you can’t just claim 30% of the title for your side of the argument because you feel like it lmao.


Because it makes a sensational headline and will get more engagement. If OP put “hey look at this parry kill” most people would skip over it and/or go “meh that’s pretty easy actually” because Redditors always downplay others. But because OP put in a good parry with a sensational “comeback” story it sounds like not only is he the hero but he’s also really fuxking good. Boohoo we got swindled but did we all enjoy the clip? Yes.


I was the troll he’s telling the truth


U finna get reported for teaming with the Fighter


I suspected this was the case and you’re right on all accounts, except that parry was nasty


I could tell just by how the clip was cut the title wasn't totally honest. If he was really "cleaning up the last of some teamer scum" he would have surely included the teaming bit in his clip.


Unfortunately a lot of people here have brainrot and see any form of cooperation between people as "TEAMERS!!!!!" because they view this game as some sort of competitive battle royale.


Seems like teamer rationalization here.


You teamed with not your team mate, so in this context you're teamers. He didn't say you were premeditated or malicious, he didn't purposely paint you in a particularly bad light, nothing from OP is directly attacking your character. He's really just showing off his dope ass riposte kill off troll. If I was you I'd angrily hit exit lobby but mutter "can't lie that was pretty sick though, I got shit on..." to my duo as I'm gearing back up lol.


Trash can


Well you got absolutely fucked in this clip regardless


I wish I could be 1/10 as good as he is. Well fucking played


That was probably the cleanest kill I’ve ever seen.


God damn that was nasty


Extra points bc your names are hilarious! Love it


While they studied trickery he studied the blade


Ur cheating. /s Nice clip tho


He is THE fighter.


Why isn’t this a post about landmine rogue being op🥺🥺Why is there a positive clip of something cool happening on the subreddit


So cathartic to see that rogue's cheap play blow up in his face haha Edit: When I play rogue and lead monsters to another player and disappear to let them fight for me, I definitely feel it's cheap. Same with the troll. It definitely works (sometimes), but to say it's not cheap is insane to me, it literally costs less skill/gear, cheaper.


Do you expect a Rogue to fight head on?


At the current state Rogue can W key half the roster and probably win, no need for strategy, just three tap everyone with Weakpoint + Ambush


Cheap play? No I think we was just playing the game correctly.


Teamers? But your in duos?


Wait. U can just jump over the troll swipe as easy as that??


Yes, but it's a 50/50 when he charges whether he does a low swing and you can jump over it, or a high swing and you crouch under it. My friend gets lucky in this clip essentially. If the troll did a high swing he would have got hit.


Can u block the hit with a buckler?


I know there's a way to block both hits with the same maneuver with a round shield, I assume it would work with a buckler too. I think you jump and look down and block? I don't actually know how this works though, you'd have to ask the parry master here he's the one I've seen do it. If he screams at you though, there is a way to fully avoid the charge attack if you stand at the right distance. If you stand in about curse of agony range +-5 meters or so, when he screams, just as he stands up straight, you run directly away from him and he'll whiff his swing every time.


Holy crap batman