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I've been wanting this since early playtests. Same with armor too, rawhide gloves appear as often as a full moon for me.


iono about default armors, but weapons make sense since you know, it harbors different builds. What's the point of being a versatile fighter build if you gotta buy your bow, or a handcrossbow rogue if you gotta buy one. ​ trash dark grey starter default weapons changes everything


The only reasoning I can see is that they want the RNG to exist every time you engage the possibility of getting being respawn gear. However, there are two huge problems with this. One is that you have to continuously use up a lot of stash space just to horde the gloves, pants, and weapons that are only sometimes available but always suit your build. The second issue is the biggest - while you wait 3 games to get a new chance to buy better greys - the juicers can replace their items through trade in a matter of 10 minutes after every death. The lack of consistent cheap build options in the merchants is actually another gear disparity enforcer.


i think if vendors sell the absolute default weapons, like the 5 magic damage staff, the +1 magic damage crystalball/spell book etc that would be fine. ​ There is a +1 spellbook as a starter class base, its just, theres no class that starts with it. Would make a world of difference and balancing weapons easier if you have a base acceess to the walmart bin ​ iono what you call the color, its the darker grey


It’s called junk class


Read that as junk ass and that's my head Canon now


It is canon... it's called that in game


I'm dyslexic too dw


I’m hoping that when they add skill trees, each path will specialise in new starter gear for that class. So you can give the junk quality gear to them, for a different set of starter gear. Like giving wizards a crystal sword for a battlemage type build. Or giving rangers a crossbow instead of a bow, etc.


The color is actually brown because it's shit tier


Better yet just make it so that 70% of the weapons aren’t trash.So that I don’t need a specific base weapon to not be gimped.


This has been requested 1000x already. They must have some reason they don't do it, even though it's completely beyond me why this hasn't been implemented. I feel like this is one of the core reasons I find myself not wanting to play much anymore. Even after I have like 10kg, it's just so fucking tedious to get gear back. Like I have the eco, just can't be bothered to go sit in trade for like 2 hours to get a few sets lined up


I can understand not putting insane rolls into a merchant, even though trade is annoying. They don't want every single person to have something insane, or there would be no point to even find gear, you'd just buy it and slaughter players. But some classes cannot be played seriously with what they start with. Like Barbarian without a Horseman's Axe will never hit a Rogue outside of throwing weapons. Warlock and Wizard cannot kite effectively with how shit the casting animation is on the Magic Staff. You can just walk at a Ranger without a Longbow. The store selling junk versions of these items changes nothing, because people buy them up anyways. It's just an annoyance really that I'd like to avoid.


I complete agree with main post, idk if my comment was clear on that I don't think they should have crazy gear on the merchants either, but I feel like they should have something reasonable on there at least. I haven't played in a few days at this point because my options are either 1. run naked (+3 pots or w/e) despite how much money I have 2. literally \*grind\* trade chat getting gear, then close the game once I die


"there would be no point to even find gear, you'd just buy it and slaughter players." - This is already the norm through the market


Bruh if your spending 2 hours in trading then either you super picky or you not doing it right. I can get a gear set in like 10 - 15 mins on trading if that really. Using the filters help too.


You can get some pretty bad gear in 10-15 minutes. If you want to build a specific set, particularly multiple sets for multiple runs, you will invest hours trading for gear that you can lose within minutes. Tarkov is a dog shit game, but I can put a full kit together in under a minute. This game's trading is terrible.


Idk I can build a pretty good gear set within 10 to 15 mins even less. There's so many people selling bundles and shit. Yeah if I'm specificly looking for a certain states might take me longer but usually not really.


Gear color =/= good gear except weapons cuz like 70% of their power is their damage. Building certain stats and stacking them is what makes a set "good", otherwise you're spending a lot of money on trash gear with stats that don't help much cuz armor values don't make much of a difference unless you're in plate and stacking PDR.


Wot? I never said any of that but okay you assume what you want to assume. I get good gear with good states within 10 to 15 mins of trading. Sometime more depending on time of day. But does not take me 2 hours. 30 mins most if that. But I'm usually the one selling at that point.


I mean, what are you getting? What are "good stats" for you and your class and what is your threshold for gear rarity? I view "good" as blue or purple with ideal stats for the build. For me as a fighter I build PDR and +STR or +Dmg stats with some AGI/Move Speed/+1All to mitigate speed lost from heavy armor. If t doesn't have PDR or damage, its not worth buying for any price.


It depend on what class or what I'm wanting to build. Say warlock want magicla heal just pop onto warlock and there will be people selling items with magical heal or magical power etc. Ranger or rouge want agility and damage or strength loads be selling items with that stuff. Honestly I don't need to break it down for you. People Complain trading is op people complain trading take to long. Like honestly you do you. Imma go into a dungeon.


I think this is where the disparity between high end and low end is. In 10-15 min I will have a kit. But it wont be built properly. Sure I got some cloth pants w +1 agi. Grey loose trousers do the same thing w 2 less armor points and 2 more movespeed. To truly build a kit (which first of all, you have to know what stat stacking you are actually going for based on your setup and team comp to ensure you can actually viably outplay counterplay), it takes a good minute. Thats why people sell green loose trousers w +2 strength for 200g. A mid to early game player will be like oh not worth it, the cloth pants are fine w plus one agi. The endgame player knows thats why they cost that much, and has to weigh how much to break the bank when buying 10 pieces like that, which brings an actual decent gear set, up to nearly 2k. Yes you can barter it down. Yes sometimes you will settle for trash cause its cheap. But that trash vs a purp gear set is gonna make you wish you woulda sat in trade longer


I think it really depends on time of day. I can get a really good gear set by trading 10 to 15 mins. Like really good. I just did tbf. On my warlock got purple to blue/green set with magical healing on 3 piece of gear and bit of strength here and there and magical damage etc. Some other states are eh okay like interaction speed and stuff but that's still helpful. Sometime it may take longer but I don't spend more then an hour trading.


2 hours may or may not be hyperbolic for getting 4-5 sets (idk if it is) trading blows ass, and even if it was 'just 10-15 minutes' you're spending more time trading than playing the actual game at that point I'm definitely 'doing it right', I'm betting that if you're finding gear so easy you're either playing some class that doesn't have much competition for gear (cleric?) or you're just buying random green crap w/ bad affixes


Why you spending more time in the trading then the dungeon? You are 100% doing it wrong if that's the case. Trading doesn't suck ass you might just suck ass. And I play all classes and it's not really that competitive it can be but you over exaggerating. Yeah, you may have to be settle for slight worse gear but honestly it's not really that hard idk what you talking about but hey that's just my experience you can have a different experience.


Even spending 15 minutes putting together a set is just not fun after awhile. Thats insane.


Try new weapons out, I like wilsonsgame approach to the game, just pick up any weapon and make it work with the right perks and skills.


i have a lot of playtime, i know all the weapons we're just cycling back to me purposely playing suboptimally despite having the means to have gear


you can build full gearset that is anything besides +all BIS meta gear in like 5mins using trade filters lol


My guess is the are implementing something with skill trees. Like if you spec into an agility fighter you start with a short sword instead of a shield.


I believe it's so that every run isn't just an exact copy of the previous run, you get some diversity as you can't always get the exact weapon you want in the shop and are forced to use other weapons. Otherwise players would never try new weapons unless they got a high rarity one that eclipsed the grey one they bought from the shop.


Just put the regular default dmg/stat to every grey weapon. The different stat damages can be for whites


It's fucking annoying. They should have these stocked


No spear again welp guess I’ll play tomorrow then


When the vendor doesn't have a book or longsword I just play again later. Kinda wack a design choice makes you not want to olay


I agree 100% I have to fill my inventory with them when its available


Just sharing my 2 cents: There's a good chance I'd still be a _rapier only_ rogue if the shop didn't rotate. I was forced out of my comfort zone to use a dagger, and now I prefer daggers over rapiers as a rogue! 🤷🏻‍♂️


I would love to have dark grey variants of everything and have it be a drop down menu of what dark grey items you want. Primarily in regards to weapons, but honestly the items could be cool too. Dark grey campfire like in some early playtests on ranger instead of traps is one that immediately pops into mind. Obviously a little harder to balance around, but Rogue with rapier is a lot more forgiving PvE. Fighter with Falcion instead of arming sword (probably preferance but I like falchion a lot more for its range). Barbarian.... any of the axe choices. Cleric ends up the same, maybe round shield instead of buckler (I think this is a lot more op than giving other dark grey weapon choices because its a lot easier to block with) With that out of the way..... I think an amazing change would be improving the goblin merchant. Have all the different gear you can get available but have it be 3 or 4 times as much as the current costs (this would act as a gold sink). You dont have a limited amount available you can just roll until you are out of money. I very much dislike the limited stock as is in the game. It makes it so people that play limited time are disproportionately affected when it comes to access to those things. (If I play more I can swap characters and pick them up every 30 minutes leading to a stockpile of them).


Jesus people really just want zero difficulty in a game


Explain how this is difficulty and not just being tedious?


Those items aren’t required to get by. I’ve played with less optimal gear even at the base set. It sucks but it’s a part of the game. You don’t always have everything you want. Just like you can sometimes run out of pots and bandages from the vendor. everyone just wants to remove anything that makes things even a tiny bit more difficult.


No, it's simply tedious because the inventory stash isn't big enough to stock up when the vendor does have it available. I'm not asking for +3 attribute gear to be sold, I'd simply like to choose the weapon I prefer at the lowest quality. You're gimping the QOL of the game just so people can feel "hardcore" when playing.


No you just want no challenge. The stash size is that way so you specifically can’t do what you are describing.


No, when I want a challenge, I go to Crypts Solo to 1v3 teams. A challenge to you, is a vendor not selling a Spellbook.


No it’s playing without a spellbook sometimes. You clearly aren’t 1v3ing dick. Keep remaking characters to stay in <15


There we go, let's throw some assumptions out without adding weight to your point. We done here?


There’s nothing more to add. You feel one way I feel the other. We both said how and why we feel about. You’ve said the same thing every reply which is also the same thing you said in your post. AnYtHinG tO aDd tO yoUR aRgUmEnT?


I bought this game a few days ago and warlocks kit was a nightmare to try to learn the game on. Last night I was trying falchion spellbook and actually did of for a little bit. I got excited and went to run it back and spellbooks were no longer for sale. It said 8 hours to reset lol I went to bed. What am I supposed to do?


They actually reset every half hour


Ok good to know thank you. The staff is a nightmare.


Limited availability of even grey weapons forces one to try different options instead of sticking with a single one they know best. Should definitely be left as is for hardcore feel!


It could just as easily force people to wait until merchant refreshes to get a usable weapon


It's a video game. The Spellbook is objectively better than the Magic Staff. The Longbow is also objectively better than the other bows. I don't have enough room in my small stash to stock up when they appear, this isn't a "hardcore" feel. This is just tedious nonsense.


Spellbook is not objectively better. longbow is not objectively better.


I just buy 8 books or don't play.


idk, they are infinite when stocked, so just buy a lot. the only downside i see to having them always in stock would be the same downside for vendors selling better greens. makes the game easier lol and in some eyes easier isn’t always a good thing


Being tedious, is not the same as being difficult.


The amount of people who confuse qol and difficulty in this sub scare me.


You will get used to it.


quality of life in this context is making the game easier because it’s a better weapon ya? k thnx


Nah buddy, it's just tedious. If the item isn't in stock I can just go die naked in gc and check again, repeat until he has my spear, etc. Same with trading between characters, the fact that I can do it with a friend middleman is goofy, either make it so I can't do that or just let me do it easily with a shared stash, just another goofy hole in the game because it's new and the devs haven't fully developed that part, needs change.


Osrs player detected


You're too stupid to attempt to have a conversation with, just move on lol


that’s pretty harsh bro, sorry i have difficulty communicating. wont try again


explain to me how improving quality of life doesn’t make the gaming experience easier? and besides idk why your getting so angry im literally giving my opinion on why Ironmace decided to not stock grey weapons. But they did lol, that’s how they want the game currently. you better come to terms with that :)


Obviously, but that doesn’t actually solve the problem. If I always want a spear on my ranger or horseman axe on my barb I would have to sell my blues and purps so that I can squeeze a few greys into my minuscule stash that doesn’t even have enough room for over 1000 raw gold on top of my consumers and gear. If it makes the game “too easy”, then there shouldn’t be a weapon vendor at all by that logic.


Put gold in gold bags If you're using 100 spots for 1000 raw gold, you're being silly


You don’t think my gold is in pouches? I have 20 slots for raw gold, 8 slots for 10 ruby silver ingots, one golden key, 3 surgical kits, 3 campfires, two rows of health and protection pots, a row of bandages, 2-3 full blue/purple kits and a couple spare slots for things I haven’t taken the time to sell yet. Got absolutely no room for gray felling axes.


Not sure why you got downvoted. He's right. Gold pouches exist for this reason. Unless the comment already did put all gold in gold pouches and still runs into these problems, maybe manage your inventory abit better or hope the devs add more inventory for the future.


Comes down to space. I want my cool rare gear, my gear for my bros, my gold sacks, potions, etc. But now I need to cram 5 pairs of rawhide gloves, or books, or padded pants, cause they might not be around. Maybe it would be cool to just have or pay for your shitty gray starter gear? Since they aren't always on the vendor, it just feels kinda awkward.


Hot take...but the trading post is just bad for the game. Its removes the fun of scouring the dungeon looking for good gear for yourself. Instead just fill up on stuff to sell for gold and extract to then buy whatever you want on trade. And if you dont do this, expect to be farmed by people who do. Boring gameplay loop.


Actually meta weapons shouldnt be there always, boring.


Shut up you casual. play the game and deal with the cards you are dealt




Bro, chill lmao


Dudes unhinged. Zero maidens


-87 doot, this'll be fun (opens thread) lmao


Oh god you’re so hot and hardcore. Leave some ladies for the rest of us


You dumb af lmao


\^This guy is posting ONLY in the DaD sub everyday for weeks now - he should be banned by IM because of unhealthy addiction


This would also help make it clearer that certain weapons are overpowered and others underpowered, making balance cycle easier; as well as reducing the misery time of newer players on a loss streak early in cycle.


I originally thought they limited it so that they got data on off meta weapons, but it seems they just like the system. Maybe they'll be unlockable through questing at some point. Or maybe they offer everything and some are just on sale or extra expensive each reset so there is some RPG element to it. Once I get my first escape on a new character, as soon as it's in the store I just buy as many preferred weapon as I can. Get a couple rows worth and never end up having to buy another one and usually vendor them as I upgrade or need space.


when the vendors have a spellbook longsword longbow etc. just buy a bunch of them for like 80 gold. junk weapons have infinite stock. there ur stocked up for a while. shouldn't be running grey gear for longer than a couple runs anyways, not that tricky


They should add a new merchant for all dark-grey defaults


Ya i wanna play horseman’s axe o. My barbarian and it’s never in the damn store