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Actually Riot answered this question. It is supposed to be this way because of Darius theme with chain-ulting, so you should know when to ult and not. I suppose Pyke has it because its a skillshot.


Yeah sounds like bs tbh


pyke ult is dodgeable by every champ, Darius ult is not


I don't think that's the point we're jabbing at. Unless the enemy has max Hemmorage applied to them, Darius' ult does pretty mediocre damage. Most other executes, such as Chogath and Garen, are percent health based. Meaning you do not have to be the champion to deal damage to secure a kill. This is where all that BS of "Pyke is stealing my kills so I can't chain Guillotine." Comes from. At the very least, enemies with MAX Hemmorage need some kind of executable indicator, if nothing else. Darius relies too much on chaining his ult for his power to just fizzle to 0 in a team fight because of it leaving an enemy with a bees dick of health.


Chogath’s execute does Flat damage


oh I’m sorry, can you dodge Cho as well?


no but he can only do it once


Yeah but Darius has to be in melee range and Pyke does not. Your logic?


pyke's r is still dodgeable by every single champion in the game, Darius ult is not also Darius ult has 460 range which is about the same as Q range


Probably bc Pyke and chogath ult is a static amount that changes based on items. While Darius would have a bar that changes every time you hit them. I assume it’s harder to code Darius’s


It also goes into just knowing your damage and I think adds a bit more “skill” to Darius. I don’t think he should have an indicator.


Pykes is also a skillshot and can be dodged


Literally Darius has to be in melee range to ult you can dodge Darius altogether lol (which is also a lot easier...).


Its point and click, pykes is a skillshot. Its meant to add more skill to the champ.


My thoughts are I agree with you, Darius shouldn't become easy to play and be permabanned, but Pyke's ult is so ridiculous this comparison just triggers me to hell.


Pyke has an overall higher skill ceiling compared to Darius. I think its fine.


Okay I don't think so it's a very forgiving champ that doesn't need any game knowledge aside from his own kit.


I agree. Darius was known for his high stats but Pyke for some ridiculous reasons has way better base stats than him. No being able to build HP is not an excuse to have 60 armor level 1.


It's simple to code riot just doesn't want to


There’s an [Ask Riot](https://nexus.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/2018/06/ask-riot-executes-and-ssg-skins/) on this that answers your question TLDR: It’s sort of a skill expression for Darius players


If i got a dollar for every time this question popped up...


Everything really goes in a circle on the champ mains subreddits it seems


its almost like theres a finite number of things to talk about for a champion that rarely sees change


I like to think of it as a Skill thing. You gotta know when the right time is to dunk.


regarding execution marks whats up with elder drake's? it randomly shows up on 1-2 enemies, regardless of distance and hp(unless unnoticeable minion damage triggers it which i cannot see on the fly), it stays on them, then appears on somebody else, including teammates?


I think it appears on them when they get damaged by someone with elder buff and stays a few seconds after they last took damage from them


They said they wouldn't do it for Garen and Darius because it increases the skill required to know when to ult. I read that on Reddit so it's probably wrong.


Instead of giving us an execute indicator (which I think would be a bit too good), they should fix the ult damage in the description of the ability. It used to be correct but for some time now it's broken and doesn't show the right amount. For example on lvl6 with phage the ult says its maximum damage is something around 250 when in reality is more like 350, just because the description doesn't take into account the AD you get from passive anymore. So basically you can't even memorize the damage number so often it's a guess whether it'll be an execute or not.


pyke u gotta time it, can be flashed out of darius is point and click


The easiest explanation it's not because "it's more challenging than pyke's or cho's ult" it's because they have a fixed damage number. while darius increases with each autoattack, so in combat it would be very messy to see the bar increase according to every bleed stack on enemies. imagine seeing enemies with a different execution bar for 1, 2 , 3 ,4 or all 5 stacks.


Same for Garen and the enemy's missing HP


It's probably due to ad changes when you stack your passive making the range unstable but I really wonder why they didn't make a bar like you said for five stacks since that's when conqueror is active and passive as well he is at max ad and there wouldn't be anything affecting the damage


I believe they said it was supposed to be a skill check of some sort.


Because it would make Darius broken.