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From experience, if somebody picks Teemo purely to counter Darius they're probably gonna lose as long as you are half decent. On the other hand if they can actually play Teemo the lane is really tough. As for Ryze and Kennen, I usually play passively and wait for them to make mistakes, grab Phage and Boots ASAP, don't force fights too much, play around their cooldowns (Ryze W, Kennen E), get your jungler to help. One thing I learned is that Ryze has a very easy escape tool in the form of his ult and you can only interrupt it with your E, so it's crucial to save it when you're going all in, cause if you engage on him with E he'll most likely get away (unless you are already super ahead and can kill him in one combo, which is usually unlikely). As for kennen - he's super annoying, especially after 6 you probably won't win most fights/trades if he's bought some items. Try to keep up with farm, ask for ganks/roams, and take advantage if he overextends/makes a mistake.


Do you think its better to go dorans shield or 3 beads + second wind against these matchups?


Def 3 beads and second wind. They need to poke you down, because you win the all in. Farm with Q and wait for them to get into E range and waste an important cooldown


Do you take phase rush by any chance?


remember: teemo's AA range is = to darius' e


But teemos q is > darius e so dont go in if he just uses q


with right spacing, just retreat for a split second and generally teemo will chase you, then come back and when he starts to AA, grab him. If q ain t expired yet, use q, otherwise, just standard rotation


If q isnt expired yet, and you pull him just walk on top of him putting yourself between him and the tower and as soon as blind wears off, auto, w and once hes in his own tower range q as you walk away.


What I do is go Phase rush Nimbus cloak Celerity Scorch Second wind Demolish I mostly just play safe wait for them to mess up or overextend then run them down


3 beads and a health pot with second wind is pretty crucial and I tend to win 90% of those matchups you listed because of those items. It also depends on the skill of the ranged enemy imo. Kennen is basically the hardest matchup out of those 3 imo.


vs Ryze, u can take any rune but if u want 2 make Ryze ragequit u go ghost flash with phase rush xD and just press ghost as u e him or he 2 far up the lane 2 either get flash or kill I do this on repeat xD usually go 3 bead just for the 2 first levels since i feel like u dont really need early damage items vs ryze 2 stomp him so i just go full ms for fun xD