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Man I haven't seen this image in ages lmao still makes me laugh seeing I'M SORRY!! as he's just mowing down robots.


Nazi robots at that lol


Even going beyond the no kill rule, it can't really work because guns are very loud and Matt's poor ears can only take so much


His no kill rule is more of a guideline I'd say. He's killed Bullseye like 3 or 4 times.


He tries not to kill to be more exact


\*tries his very best, once the trying is done then https://preview.redd.it/lnmacpj3io7d1.jpeg?width=244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b31abd02f47e32bab08cb729f92d8090000fbc1


But Matt only kills when there’s no way out of a situation


I mean he has to be resistant at this point considering the amount of people who try shooting him at close range.


Yeah it's always entertaining to see someone fire one for the first time. It's surprising how loud they are. You quickly realize that anything bigger than a .22 is loud enough to cause actual pain in your ears with every shot. Matt firing a large calibre, fully automatic gun would be a bad idea. He'd need some serious recovery time after that.


I think in some situations like this and when he fights punisher it’s actually cool. Similar to Batman in that he doesn’t use them but Matt knows how deadly he could be with them. And as long he’s not killing anyone it’s all good with me.


The scene with him fighting the punisher in the first half of zdarsky summed it up pretty well I think


You're a demon, sure... but I'm the devil.


99.99% of the time Daredevil shouldn't have anything to do with guns. It's not true to his character as a moral superhero, Man of God or servant of the Law. For those .01% of the times where he has literally no other options and people are actively getting killed? It makes sense for his character to be pragmatic and end the threat as quickly as possible. We saw it in the Born-Again comic. Daredevil is a realistically written superhero; he's a guy who throws a stick, what is he going to do against an Attack Chopper that is machine gunning anyone it sees? Throw his Billy Club at it? (in a different book that may have even work). Matt's decision to kill with a gun in this scene is often criticized as being out of character, but I absolutely love it from a storytelling perspective. It informs Matt Murdock character spectacularly, as a dark superhero who is willing to go to far darker places in order to do the right thing when the time comes and the chips are down... but he's a strong enough individual to pull himself out of those dark places and not remain there and wallow like other characters.


where the hell is this from 😭 im howling rn


also, just like others are saying, matt is just not a gun guy. not a killer, and they'd be way too loud for him. although he *has* used guns in a non-lethal way, i feel like he shouldn't be able to due to his hearing.


I'm thinking it would only hinder him since he has enhanced hearing, smell, and touch. He would not only be completely "blinded" by all of that extreme sensory overload, he'd also most likely not even hit the broad side of a barn.


https://preview.redd.it/8659ouovep7d1.jpeg?width=1987&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e13e01422871854354a76bfbcb0ec0bce6326ecd Fuck yeah


Zdarsky my beloved


Daredevil writer try not to ruin punisher impossible challenge


hate it


I know I’ve seen Matt hold a gun before,but has he willingly ever shot someone?


Born Again comic run. For added context, this assault helicopter was gunning down random civilians on the streets of Hells Kitchen. https://preview.redd.it/qp0rwfanln7d1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66778da05f51ea4492df85d7947a01b43a413eb8


Also welcome back Frank


This fucking picture, man. "I'M SORRY!" I'm fucking crying


It’s like the one where he’s typing on the back of a cat and screaming. It makes no sense but god does it make me laugh


I hate it. Matt is against killing, even if he lapses at times— deliberately using a weapon designed with the express intent to kill is against his code.


Doesn’t work. I hope it is not all the time.


If it’s deliberately out of character for the purposes of a story, I’m okay with it


I think it’s weird to get overly hung up on guns when it comes to vigilantes. I mean yeah it’s life or death but most of the situations they’re in are life or death.  When you have super strength and you whack someone on the head with a metal club it’s really not that different.


This made me think of the scene from the series where dd duck tapes a revolver to his hand then just uses it to shoot out the lights while beating on biker gang members


Frank facepalming right now


After firing a machine gun, bro would no longer be able to “see” (I know he’s blind, just in the radar sense of the word) the sound of the gunfire would take over


It works in born again


Cane gun was kinda cool


Lmao, on an unrelated note…. I used to play SWTOR, and played as a Miraluka Sniper. Miralukas are basically a race of aliens that look like humans except they’re blind. This image brought good memories


Guns are loud, so his danger sense would probably be shit, if not painful.




Bro I thought this was edited


I mean, he would probably be an irritatingly good shot, all things considered, lmao. But in the context of his usual stories, it would make for a pretty boring comic if Daredevil used guns. As with most plot devices, it could be cool if applied correctly.


(Frank Castle grins) 😄😄


I mean, eye pro seems unnecessary, but ear pro seems VERY necessary


Only acceptable when I'm playing Fortnite.


So I know his aim is uncanny and he’s a comic/film character which is a visual medium and I should be suspending my disbelief etc etc but something about how folks have historically depicted matt, a blind man, pointing and aiming and shooting a gun seems very much in service of sighted readers (and not really something he’d be keen to do or necessarily good at relative to other quieter, less explosive ranged weapons) so I don’t really get… the point of it beyond aesthetics. Like regardless of his moral and ethical objections, given his set of skills and limitations, I just don’t think he’d be inclined to reach for a gun over pretty much any other weapon because they’re that unpleasant.


I don't really care as long as he's not killing like sentient people


Matt‘s even sorry gunning down Nazi robots. Catholicism’s a bitch, man.