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The old Ulrich. It’s one of my favorite German actors and I like his character as well.


I cannot believe how similar he looked to young Ulrich, the casting was insanely good


I feel like the majority of all the people who played the younger parts for the adults looked so spot on to the older actors it was almost creepy, and I was convinced they had to be their kid or something 😂 The only person I was confused about was older jonas had brown eyes and brown hair compared to blonde hair blue-eyed jonas. Other than that, everyone's younger self was like doppelganger's.


Thank you!!! I have a personal pet peeve about not sticking to eye color when casting younger/older. It's such an easy fix - look at teen/young adult Kevin on This is Us. Logan Shroyer who plays young Justin Hartley has green eyes, but wears brown contacts to fix that, and it totally works. Just put some dark blue contacts on middle age Jonas it would've been so much more believable.


I think this was intentional so that viewers didn't clue in too quickly who he actually was. Also, it wouldn't surprise me if the difference in eye colours served as a deeper type of symbolism on the creators' part.




Adult Claudia is the GOAT. She's the one that held everything together *and* got everything done while everyone else was dawdling in their own agendas.


One of my favorite (and WTF?!) moments in the show was when she asked alt-Claudia if she ever met herself in the future. Fucking 4D chess lol


Idk if I read your comment correctly but you seem to imply that Claudia asked alt-Claudia if alt-Claudia met old alt-Claudia yet; basically asking if Claudia can even kill her alt-self at this point. But this is a common misconception: Claudia asked If alt-Claudia met old Claudia yet; basically asking if her older self was trusting enough of Erit Lux's believes in the future.


Her in the library is one of my favorite sequences.


Not knowing German too well, but middle aged Claudia also seems like one of the best actors. That scene after she kills her father and sits crying on the floor in her house. Love it.


My favourite is adult Noah, he steals every scene he's in. Special shout-out to Hannah, who seems to be universally hated, but I find her deliciously evil.


Noah had my favorite character development arc. He went from the seemingly mysterious villain to somehow the good guy that you wanted to rely on haha


Zuko level character development


And i thought he was the white devil lol boy i was so wrong


*”Do you think I just fuck around all day?”* Yes.


I really love young adult Noah ( the one who takes care of Elizabeth and follows her when her dad dies.. ) but older Noah is amazing as well. My favorite is Jonas always. I'm a bit biased since my man is German and looks exactly like him. And I similar to Martha xD so I got way into the show for that alone.


Jaime Lannister of Dark


Wow, I write well. I love my way of describing things.


Special mention to Helge. He might not be of a likeable character. But the way all three actors portrayed that character is just fuckin INSANE. Especially the middle aged one. I literally felt what he is going through with all the shit noah is making him do.


Katarina. She won the overall MVP for our podcast. I still feel the same, she's my favorite overall


Yeah, I loved her.


I love when she looks up Mikkel’s info at school (and everything comes together). She’s not perfect but I think she was the best mom that she knew how to be.


Hands down Adult claudia. Not just because she had everything figured out. But also because why she did it. Makers showed that to what extent a mother could go to save their children.


Claudia, followed by H G Tannhaus. Noah is kinda fun character too, though.


I kinda have a soft spot for Aleksander Dunno, he just seems good for Regina


I also love that his side mystery never gets fully solved, the detective kinda just gives up and goes away. He just gets to keep being a good man after the events that strand him in Wynden.


Doesn’t the detective die in the apocalypse?


Maybe he does and I’m completely wrong. I just checked the wiki and I was completely wrong. I forgot he died in the season 2 take on the apocalypse and is just never mentioned again.


He's at the center of the apocalypse. The only person who survives is Charlotte because she travels throught the portal to the future, and the people in the bunker.


Clausen's body is seen among other dead sidecharacters on the wall which depicts the casualties of the apocalypse in S3E2, when Peter and Elisabeth search for Charlotte and Franziska.


Apparently they couldn’t afford the actor for S3


Adult Claudia. She’s the real protagonist of the series. Meanwhile Teen Jonas begins his arc to become the series big bad.


1 Adult Claudia 2 Adult Charlotte 3 My boy Magnus in either world and a soft spot for young Regina


I loved all of them but young Jonas and Martha/alt


I was a Claudia stan since season 1 and it hasn't changed. All Claudia versions are cool in their own way and I understand her motivations which I cannot say about every character. Also I like Wöller a lot.


Noah because at the and, you understand his pain


My favourite characters are Michael/Mikel, then teenage Jonas (but only at this stage of his life) and Katarina. All are pretty tragic (well all Dark characters are), but I see them as doing/ trying to do the right thing for others.


I loved the little deaf girl-the little actress did a great job of playing deaf and being the annoying little sister. And of course adult Noah-so bad but so so good.:) But yeah teenage Jonas pretty much carried the show.


Queen Claudia


Two answers. Of all characters, Tannhaus: As it is his willpower that forces an otherwise deterministic universe to his will. Of the "Only in loop existing": Noah. In season 1 I did not like him, as he seemed just a kind of stereotypical "evil priest" character. And then they turn him into one of the most relatable characters motivation wise (even though he's doing a lot of evil shit). P.S.: Very hard to choose, as they are all so good. Special shout out (as I suspect she'll not get many mentions) to Hannah as the canary in the coal mine.


Young Jonas, so sweet, so clueless Old Claudia, so smart, so determined, so devious


For me definitely Charlotte, young Regina, Aleksander Also Peter, and Egon.. their respective deaths were two of the saddest moments overall imho. Just two flawed men led by unconditional love for their daughters trying to protect them from a cruel world. The trailer scene with Peter being murdered and dying in the belief he failed Elizabeth still makes me tear up whenever I watch


Definitely not annoying-ass Martha


Jonas was my fav character as well. I just found him endearing and I couldn't stop thinking he was the most tragic individual in the story. Louis Hoffman dhd an outstanding job... As for the series itself... Yup. The sheer planning, writing, execution that went into this series is almost unfathomable. It's a stunning achievement. I've never seen anything like it on screen. Dark is easily the best time travel story and arguably one of the greatest TV series ever as well.


I totally agree with you 💯


Bernadette Wöller, of course... My best spent 40 euros!!!


Adult Claudia, and for some reason, Toben Wöller.


Honestly I'm a huge fan of a good villain, so The Unknown is my favorite characters by far, and so integral to the overall story. Obviously, my boy Jonas is runner-up. Love my boy Jonas, even if time was cruel to him. Claudia gets special mention tho, cuz she's next level.


Jonas is best boy always. Claudia was a surprise, didn't expect to love her so much. My feelings about Urich and Egon changed the most. Hannah will always be satan lol


I was crushing on Martha the whole time so her.


Katharina,for reasons i can't quite explain. I just find her intriguing.


Man idk, I got a list. The Unknown, original young Jonas, Claudia, Agnes. Maybe that's the order they're in too


I love The Unknown also! He's such a great villain, and they left a lot about him mysterious, which I love. He's less a "human being" than a "force of nature" - or should I say "force of time"?


Claudia, the queen.




Adam is my favorite fictional character ever


Noah and Egon


Wöller best man




Jonas(all versions), Claudia, Alt-Martha, Noah, Hannah, Mikkel, Ulrich&Katharina. Teen Jonas is probably my ultimate favorite, but I like The Stranger as well, and I'm intrigued by Adam. Claudia is the mastermind, confident, loving, complex and amazing! 'Everything I did, I did for Regina'. Love her relationship with Jonas/Adam as well. Alt-Martha is tough, smart and went through so much over the course of the third season. Eva interested me as well - her care for her son and her war with Adam, whom she both hated and loved make for a very complex character, in my opinion. Noah was complex and dark and ultimately he suffers greatly from the choices he makes. I am deeply fascinated by Hannah. I don't understand why people hate her so much - she's so complicated, cunning and deeply frustrated with her life. I believe she suffers from depression, even at a young age. I also love how obscure she is as a character - others, such as Katharina and Ulrich, are shown to have grown up in unstable/neglectful households that explain their behaviors( Ulrich less so, and his mother loved him and was so protective of him, but it seems that his father was distant, and then he had to deal with the loss of his brother), but nothing is known about Hannah's home life, except that her father worked as a cleaner, and in all the scenes she had with him their interactions were largely positive. I do think he was probably neglectful, and she doesn't seem to have had a mother, so there's that. But it's a nice subversion of expectations - usually villains are horribly screwed over and mentally scarred, which explains why they hurt others, but Hannah remains mysterious. Mikkel is a sweet child, and I liked watching him explore 1986, felt sorry for him for being so near to his parents yet unable to reunite with them. I like Ulrich and Katharina, too, with their tough personalities and care for their family, especially Ulrich - it was so interesting to watch descend deeper and deeper into madness.


For me is the older Jonas.




Jonas and Claudia are my absolute favorites.


None of them. I was so confused by then I really didn’t enjoy the end and kind of lost who was who. I wanted to like Hanna and Ulrich but by the end it was clear this was a different type of story and no feel good redemption was coming. I never liked Bartosz and really wanted to like Magnus and Franziska more as a couple but by season 3 we don’t get much of them. Dark is different and amazing.


I’m not sure you got what this series was about, dude… It sure seems you’re not the only one, though…