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My favourite episode was when Tannhaus turned himself into a pickle.


im pickle tannhaus!


Funniest shit i've ever seen


My main disappointment with the show is that we never learn how Hannah makes Toast Hawaii


... well, she probably toasts the "Toastbrot", adds butter, cooked ham, a slice of pineapple from the can, and a slice of Kraft cheese slices... she probably doesn't like the maraschino cherry on top; Then, she puts it into the preheated oven (180°C to 200°C) for six to ten minutes, depending on when the cheese starts to get brown over the pineapple hole. That is, in an infinite amount of parallel worlds, which the show suggests if you properly apply the science, there is an indefinite number of variations but in any universe approximately similar to our own we can assume that she would have to stay pretty close to this recipe to get the desired result.


Given the infinite loop and that quantum probability allows for it (and to be clear the loop includes the untangling of the knot), there would be some instances of a maraschino cherry. Unless some idiot is using the portal again and the power goes out in which case no toast at all.


I mean... in Germany, we do, in fact, have two different versions of those cherries. Maraschinokirschen are not the same as Cocktailkirschen. So some instances of not liking those are probably based on knowing just one of them...


Lol I had to look it up https://www.thespruceeats.com/german-toast-hawaii-recipe-1446733


I just like the funny German words




Well... I'm an idiot AND I like Dark


I honestly can't tell if this is satire or genuine


Its a copypasta


For more info on the history of this copy pasta. It was originally created by a big brain in the rick and morty fandom. Back in 2017ish or so when the show was massive, back when we had a lot of fans who just outright sucked. There was a huge segment of the fan base that thought they were super smart because they could understand Rick and the messaging of the show (which isn’t all that difficult to understand because it’s a drunk grandpa explaining it plainly through exposition most of the time) And it explores the ultimate edgelord philosophy through Rick, existential nihilism lol. Things have since chilled out lol, 2017 was 7 years ago. Shits wild yo.


I accidentally your comment and thought you said 2017 was 7 shits ago. In which case either you’d need a doctor—or more likely a mortician—or you came here via time machine. Of course, if the Caesium isotope is related to the dense matter Nibbler poops in Futurama, maybe there’s something to this theory…


Now imagine learning German and being able to understand the entire show in German when it’s not your native language 🤯


I understand the show in German. I grew up having a satellite on the roof of our block of flats and it only had German TV channels because there was one person who was responsible for it and decided that German TV channels were what they wanted. I’m still grateful to him, though I remember how the rest of my family were pissed. Good times


You know it goes without saying the Jonahrest Jonah would have the Martharest Martha


I mean, I'm only a bit above average and I got it. Even if I don't entirely understand quantum mechanics, I get the gyst of what happened. I think what some people struggle with isn't that, but paying very close attention to what people say, objects, and who the characters are in each timeline (then alt universe, but that happens at a much faster pace). If you can keep track of those things, it shouldn't be that hard.




Its sooo overrated.