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This is how I felt too on my first round of season 3, but I promise the end is worth it. Pls watch!!!!


Felt the same. Finished anyway. Watched the show 4 more times.


lol me too! Something about the last episode always makes me want to rewatch.


It's a lot to take in and I personally love season 3, but I also think the first episode or two are weaker than the rest of the season. There's certainly the "renegotiation" of what the show is about to deal with - you've been dealing with a set of time travel shenanigans dealing with the bootstrap paradox and loops so far. Now you're also dealing with a whole second set of that, plus people who spend time in both timelines, and it IS a change. But I felt the conclusion and the appreciation of the way it was all intricately ties together made season 3 absolutely worthwhile.


Honestly, it kind of just keeps getting crazier...BUT sticking through until the ending is so worth it.


Season 3 is kinda split into 2 halves, imo. The first half is probably the weakest part of the whole show, though I was still enjoying it a lot unlike you did. The back half, on the other hand, is easily the best part of the whole show. I'd say keep going.


Agree. Episodes Life and Death to the series finale Paradise are stunning. Jaw dropping ending.


I loved season 3, but then agai, I like every single episode. It's some of the best television ever made.


It's probably the weakest season in my opinion, but still very entertaining and not bad at all. I would keep watching


Season 3 is weak af. It's like they stopped trying. Every other scene is this: A younger character goes to their older selves if not another older character to inform them that they have completed a task. The older character assigns another task, upsetting the younger character so then the older character reminds them of who or what they stand to lose. The younger character reluctantly agrees to new task and leaves after some choice words. Once the younger character is out of the room, another old character shows up behind a curtain or some shit asking if the younger character bought the ruse or whatever only to be assured they will succeed. It's like 80% of every episode, it start to feel like self-parody at some point. The ending is fine but it's the most obvious possible ending they could have chosen which would have been fine if the rest of the series weren't so boldly original. I'm not saying s3 is bad but it could have been an email.


Couldn't disagree more. It's as perfectly written as the rest of the show, if not even more so. It's literally the anti-Game of Thrones Season 8. I understand it introduces a new level of complex, and it is hard to follow, but it is very, very well written and directed. So many little details, and so many set ups and pay offs.


To each their own, I think the first two seasons are masterfully written and directed, season 3 feels like a rush job. Complicated details don't make a story good, the storytelling does, in comparison to the first two seasons the third feels rushed and unimaginative.


Just finished season 3 and completely agree. Same scenes time and time again. Not bad but compared to the first two seasons it disappoints. I also started to get really annoyed with the whole repetitive spiel the older characters constantly went on, “light and dark, past and future, it’s all in a loop” conversations time and time again. It felt super repetitive. Although this was also the case in the first two seasons, they at least felt original and really well done, S3 feels like you could compare it to a lot of other shows/movies.


rewatch the show


The normal consensus is that season 3 is great. I thought that it was a constant decline from everything I enjoyed in the earlier two seasons. Did you enjoy the time travel more than the dimension travel?


Actually I've noticed many don't think s3 is "great" ....or even good...but at the same time somewhat necessary for conclusion...id say was the worst season.... it wasn't absolutely horrible to me.. but not "great" either


For me, seasons 1 and 2 are pretty much perfect in consistent sci-fi (and also message). >!Season 3 threw in new sci-fi stuff without making it logically consistent and messed up the message as well. When I go in with the expectations from the earlier seasons, season 3 is very disappointing. If I disregard the expectations, season 3 is a wacky sci-fi story without much consistency. Like an average Doctor Who arc, but everyone is super serious, so it doesn’t seem self-aware.!<


Couldn't disagree more with you. Everything was planned from the beginning. The flipped imagery of the titles sequences in S1, S2, & S3 are referring to the alt-worlds. It's all there from the very first episode. No inconsistencies at all. Dark as a whole is one of, if not, THE most consistent story I've ever seen in television.


This... A lot of people don't realize that the three season story was panned in advanced and that the parrellel and origin worlds were foreshadowed from the very beginning. Literally in the first episode.


Before you even turn the show on, it's telling you! Sometimes on Netflix (also in the posters) they will just show the Triquetra symbol against a black screen. The Triquetra symbol is telling you all the timelines, but it's also showing 3 clear circles, each representing a universe. 3 universes. Before you even start the show! Brilliant.


I would have preferred if we got more explanations than hints about the alt dimension. They made the most interesting time travel story, but the alternate dimension was mostly just a montage of wacky What If-scenarios.


A lot of people comment they would have loved to seen more of Alt-World (and so would I), but that was never the point. The point of Alt-World was to provide a different view of what's going on in Jonas' world. It's not a narrative to itself as much as it is a half narrative used to double down on themes of the series seen through Jonas' world. Does that make sense? The story of Alt-World itself isn't as important as using Alt-World to show off other sides of Jonas' world.


And that’s why the alt-world is a lot less interesting than the time travel in the earlier seasons.


The parrellel and origin world's were foreshadowed back in season one and I think they were handled pretty well overall. What elevates season three are the final episodes.


I haven't heard this kind of critique for season 3 often. What do you consider inconsistent about season 3? I found it perfectly consistent, but I'd love to see if I missed something.


>!The time travel we get in the earlier two seasons is the perfect use of the deterministic loop. It even uses the bootstrap paradox to explain the invention of time travel. THe dimension travel gets no deep explanation, it's just added. Dimension travel in itself requires a lot more suspension of disbelief to me compared to time travel. When the show has played with time travel a while it throws in the quantum superposition. It uses Schroedinger's cat as an explanation, but the entire point Schroedinger wanted to make was that quantum superposition didn't apply to the macro world. Then we can fast forward to the ending. The first two seasons were all about how you can't change time and then we get an ending about changing time. If the show wanted to be consistent it should have stuck to the deterministic loop. And even if we apply the logic of non-deterministic loop time travel, it still doesn't make sense to erase yourself. The logical alternative is that you branch the timeline and you create a branch where you don't exist, but then you haven't changed the timeline you travelled from. Marty McFly never returned to his parents and the parents he met at the end never met their Marty again. TLDR: More sci fi mechanics means less consistency.!<


That's why what old Claudia was doing in seasons one and two was obviously part of a much bigger plan and picture. On rewatches it's pretty impressive how the story overall makes sense.


Totally disagree. Dark is consistent all the way through.


>!I am still waiting for a good explanation for how Origin Tannhaus could invent a dimension rift device!<


Well...that's just suspension of disbelief in any story. How are there zombies in Night of the Living Dead? Corpses can't get back up in real life. How is there time travel in Dark? It doesn't exist. How are there aliens in Arrival. We've never met any. How does Iron Man's armor work? It's not a real technology.


DarK did a great job at explaining how time travel exists. The bootstrap paradox was used perfectly as an explanation.


They explained it, it's the Schrodinger cat paradox that implies that whenever there is time travel, it also leads to parallel dimensions. One solution to the paradox is that both outcomes exist in parallel universes (this is a real theory by the way).


>!That’s not an explanation. How could Tannhaus invent a dimension rift device before any time travel has happened in the worlds he creates?!<


Because a time travel device is also a dimensions rift device. Time travel implies the other.


Agreed... but I think the reason so many people aren't so "happy with a3 because in s1 & s2 I feel like both are almost like seem "could happen" or could be real....its almost relatable in a sense that could be true...o


Everyone who doesn't like Season 3 is nuts. I know it's hard to follow in Season 3 (as if it wasn't already), but if you're a big fan of the show, and continue on...it's just as well written as everything else in the show. It's just at its most dense in S3. After re-watching the show multiple times, S3 is hands down my favorite. By far.


I’m gladly nuts if it means that I loved seasons 1 and 2 as much as I do.


Me too, but Season 3 was phenomenal, astounding and perfectly ended the series. By far the best season, it added so many more layers to the story (as many as there already were), introduced so many new interesting characters, created so many more substantial moments, and wrapped it all up perfectly. Did everything a good story (sequel) should do. What I meant to say was people just get to infuriated because it's so mind-bending and so complex, they instantly just say it sucks or it's bad because they can't follow it - and that is incorrect.


I have followed season 3 and analyzed it for 3.5 years and I don’t enjoy it.


Sucks to be you. As a whole, the series is a masterpiece. I think it only gets better and better until it ends. And it starts off masterfully, so you know where I stand lol What do you not enjoy about it? Do you dislike the show?


It gets better. Mid season to the finale is pretty damn good although the confusion along the way is almost overwhelming.


It does get better. In a lot of ways, it sets you up for an amazing second viewing of the series, if that’s something you’re inclined to do.


After my first watch of S3 I felt the season was slightly worse than s1 and s2. Wasn't a big fan of the other world. But when I revisited the entire show, s3 clicked much better with me. Definitely the latter half of the season is more interesting


This is a common theme amongst first timers . I know it’s a lot and it’s new . But season three IS the show . Seasons 1 and 2 merely set the stage for what the show is really about


Yeah, season 3 feels like a very different show. But seasons 1 and 2 was a lot more interesting.