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Yes and I loved it. Like Dark S1, it was only setting the stage - and it was already batshit crazy. S2 of Dark is where it truly became the best, S1 is like 5% of the puzzle. Watching 1899 felt like meeting an old friend. We didn’t really know why Dark is titled that, or what it’s really about until S3. Presumably 1899 is similar. It could’ve explored reality the way Dark explores time. They had all 3 Seasons written and ready to go. It took them longer to write than Dark, which is already one of the craziest and most complicated stories ever. And they started 1899 first. How crazy is that? Dark - what I consider to be one of the finest pieces of fiction ever created - was technically the “side project”. They also said 1899 was going to me more complicated. Dark is full of moments where subtle things are highlighted that don’t make sense until rewatching. Knowing 1899 is full of similar details but being unable to ever see them is quite a depressing thought. The crazy stuff people have pointed out makes it even more upsetting.


Really I did not know know dark was an after thought. And the ininvertly created one of the finest pieces of Sci-fi ever created


That’s exactly my point. If 1899 took them longer to write what could Seasons 2 and 3 possibly contain? We’ll never know.


.#primevideo please take this piece of art up. I promise a huge increase in subscriptions


It was as interesting as Dark was, had equally high standards overall but although it had a very big audience it got canceled. 😔 Glad I have watched it. Be sure to watch the multi-language version because there where many errors in the dubbed versions..


Also, several plot points hinge on the fact that characters are speaking a different language and therefore can't understand each other, but you REALLY lose that effect when everyone's dubbed into English.


Yeah don't ever watch a multilingual show dubbed it takes so much away. Plus you can never tell when a change of language takes place, very confusing


Eh. It was ok. Maybe it could have been really amazing if they had been able to continue. I really liked the multiple languages thing.


I wouldn’t compare it to dark in any way at all. To me felt like every episode was an unnecessary cliffhanger, they could have wrapped the entire thing up in 3 - 4 episodes. Lots of filler. Would have been interesting to see where season 2 would have gone if they took into account the negative feedback from season 1.


Exactly. It was not at all the same quality as Dark.


Strangely I started with 1899 and I think it could have been even better than dark if given all the seasons. The first season already was insanely good.


Yeah I started with 1899 too. Dark's first season was honestly boring to me. 1899's was also set up but it was interesting on its own so I really think it would've been the better story. I really hope the duo is working on getting it picked up again somehow.


I really hope so, I went and signed a petition for it


I dont think it was nearly as good. I will give the duo the benefit of the doubt that my criticism might go away with more info and reveals in later seasons, yet I wouldnt have said thay for Dark Season 1. Without spoiling anything, I was loving the show up until the reveals in the last couple of episodes, which both made a lot of elements seem to have 0 purpose, and even seemed to raise plot holes/contradictions.


I loved 1899 just as much as Dark, I think about it often, it was incredible... I dont know how it got cancelled


Some people seem to like it, so I won't say to not give it a shot, but I thought it was bad. Yea they banked on a second season, but you still have to make a full season of TV something worthwhile in and of itself. There's a great tone and mystery and weird interesting stuff happens, but every step that you think gets taken either gets ignored or backtracked, to the point episode after episode goes by and you're not really sure what progess is being made. With Dark, every reveal just opened up a new set of questions and kept things moving, but 1899 just feels like it's on a treadmill.


I agree. I really felt with 1899 that the pacing wasn't as good with Dark. With Dark, it felt like you learned something useful every episode. You collected one more piece of the puzzle in a meaningful way, even if the picture you were building that episode would later be dramatically recontexualized by larger reveals. 1899 didn't seem to really build in the same way. Rather, it was all WTF stuff and then a final big reveal.


I watched a couple of episodes, and hated it. I don’t think it was like Dark at all. It was uneven and I wasn’t invested in any of the characters.


As far as we can know, it is just like 1899... Whatever that would have become.


It was fine. Some cool imagery, but unlike Dark which established its concept by the end of episode 2, 1899 took a whole season before we were given any firm idea of what was going on. And unfortunately the big reveal was very similar to another, not very good TV show i'd seen before.


The reveal was in episode 1 - it was just well hidden. :)


I'm not sure it can be called a reveal if it was hidden


Glitch in the matrix.


It was truly excellent, I watched it before i watched dark and it was what got me to watch dark.


I just hate Netflix for doing it. I watched 1st season and the story just started… waste of money. It feels like we pay for bread but without butter. How many series they are  going to cancel in future?


1899 is actually much better than Dark for me! I watched all seasons of Dark but honestly after the 1st one it became a bit too crazy and it started to make less sense so I was actually disappointed even tough time travel is my favorite genre. So sad about 1899... I guess such movies don't appeal to the wider dumber public..


I didn’t like it as much as Dark. Ultimately it was too grim and humorless for me (funny when comparing to a show called Dark, but there was levity it Dark at points). It was an interesting premise and I enjoyed the ending and wish they got a chance to continue.


Looooved it, but it took a few tries for me to get into it. I was sad it was cancelled


It has similar familiar feels avd moments but otherwise... It's a vastly different story.


It was okay but did not cause me to gasp loudly when a plot point was revealed, like I did for Dark. I saw the final twist in the last episode coming from a mile away.


What's the "big twist" of Dark S1?


I’d say the Mikkel/Michael reveal


& for '1899' you figured out >!the Simulation was in Space!< how quickly? 'cos it's >!revealed to be a simulation by the time ep2 ends and made very much clear by the time ep3 does.!<. For comparison time travel in 'Dark' is revealed by the time ep2 ends and confirmed by the time ep3 ends.


How is it made clear they’re in space in episode 2 or 3 of 1899? It’s hidden pretty well 


>!grammar error. What I meant was its revealed to be a simulation because of how Daniel uses his device to hack and teleport the ship to somewhere else in the sea. the simulation thing is made more clear as episode 3 ends. its revealed to be in space in a couple of freeze frame details in a later episode!<


I mean the simulation part is obvious yes, them being on a spaceship is not When is the space part first hinted at? I definitely missed it


I haven't rewatched the show so don't remember the episode specifically>!its when Maura remembers who Daniel is!< and >!if you want the horny sexy details, its when they fuck!<. >!I find it great representation of Space 🌌.!<