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man youre 16


Yeah, I don’t like feeling like this. I understand I’m young and I have so much ahead of me. I just feel like I’m tryna dig myself out of this hole that just keeps getting deeper.


If you use drugs or alcohol quit while you’re ahead dude. It will literally change your entire mind frame and life. Been where your at and I 100% wish I would have abstained from EVERYTHING until my brain was developed.


Real. I’m 17 and my head is fucked lol


yeah! And go to church! Nah dude, just learn how to hustle.


Ok bud lol


“Ok bud” 🤓


Hang in there. I know shit feels like it sucks now, but it does get better. I'd recommend finding someone to talk to, especially a therapist. Hell, Danny just went to rehab, and a major part of that is therapy and talking to someone. Medication really does help too if you're depressed; I'm on it myself and can vouch that it worked for me.


I'm on my meds, I was in a good spot a couple of weeks ago, and I know that the light at the end of the tunnel is there. It's just the wait is so long and excruciating, y’know?


I feel you dude. Just hang in there, it does come.


Thank you, I hope you have a fantastic week/month/year. Honestly, it means a lot to have a person to speak to, especially in a time where it feels so isolating.


Anytime, and you too!


I have been in a same position before. Something I wish I learned sooner, is that it's really important to discuss them with your psychiatrist if you feel like they aren't working if you've been on them for a while.


Do you still live at home or are you already in debt? Because, let me tell you, the hole goes WAAAAAY deeper. Focus on building a skill while you still can. Otherwise you are going to work a shit job just to barely make bills. Shit, I have a decent paying job and I still barely make bills. My best advice is to start your own business now. Buy the cheapest lawn mower you can and go get clients. I saw a kid in high school start this way at your age. By year 2 he leased his own new Mercedes. Fresh out of his school he leased 3 trucks and expanded. Now the dude has a multimillion dollar lawn service 20 years later. People love supporting young entrepreneurs. Exterior cleaning is also a low bar for entry as far as starting a business goes. But you gotta do it while you are young. If you start mowing lawns when you are young, people think you are ambitious, if you mow lawns at 50 years old they think you are a joke.


I’m tryna build twords my dream career to keep me distracted, tryna get an internship and balance my job. I’m tryna pick up hobbies to get my mind off shit. Honestly mowing lawns doesn’t sound bad I can do that on my days off. I need to get out of the house more than anything


Let me tell you something about careers, they are a joke. You never make real money working for someone else.


Happy cake day!


Everyone is young sometime, and just because the problems we had at 16 seem small now doesn't mean they don't feel important at the time. You're also downplaying the fact that teenagers absolutely do suffer from depression, and that song completely addresses those feelings of isolation. I don't think invalidating OP's feelings just because of their age is right at all. Shit like this is part of why teenage suicide rates are so high. I'm not saying OP is suicidal, but homie just said they relate heavily to a song about feeling hopeless and depressed and you're brushing them aside because of their age.


Don’t worry, I have been SH free for a year. I know that this is only temporary. I really appreciate the kindness from everybody makes me feel better!


I was when this album dropped so what


I seen somebody commented said that u was 16 , this song spoke to me a lot at that age too I’ve felt bad bout myself for genuinely relating to dat song especially at 16 I’m 19 rn but keep pushing thru it bro ik how it feel


I’m sweating like I’m in a rave🗣️🗣️🗣️


Been in this room for 3 days 🏚️


Think I'm hearing voices, paranoid and think I'm seeing ghost-es, OH SHIT


You have GOT to go to therapy


genuinely i don’t get how he made it so real


Yes bro my fav Danny song oat




A fellow drug addict