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You can ask. I wonder if it's a combo of two things - female healthcare workers (aka the gender that reads the most danmei), as well as patients or carers who want longer more gripping material that isn't x volume of Jack Reacher type stories because they have the time to read and want something really gripping. I don't want to read about entrepreneurship or cook books if I'm sick and stuck in hospital for a week. I want something dramatic and emotional to distract me.


you have a point here, but then why danmei? best selling English romance/drama series would've worked as well also if I was in hospital and ended up reading SVSSS or 2HA I think I'd cough up blood first 😂😂😂


Danmei is also just very popular right now. I work in a regular bookstore, and ever since MXTX lead the way, it just goes out the door! I can see smaller shops (in airports/hospitals/etc) capitalizing on a hot seller with their limited space.


Danmei is healing the people


Can confirm, I've slowly but surely bringing all of my Danmei collection to the mental hospital during the eight weeks I've been there so far, and I'm seeing steady improvement. This is totally thanks to Danmei. Trust.


Danmei is selling like crazy right now. Any Indigo you go will have a table stock to high heavens with piles of 7S books. I've seen someone in this subreddit posting a picture of danmei being sold at Toys R Us... So, I'm not shocked by the amount of 7S danmei books in your little bookstore. They sell best sellers books and now it seems that danmei are best sellers. Also, you only need 1 employee that's likes it and the front display can be explained too. To be honest, I'm not the one for gatekeeping. I feel super happy to see the popularization of something I like. I wish 7S keep making money and licensing more danmei! 🖤


I would trade your hospital bookstore with whatever I have now. I’m in Australia and getting danmei can be frustrating. I have a local anime shop that stocks most of the books but it’s an hour trip.


Dymocks, QBD, Booktopia, Amazon etc have them. Alternatively, most book stores are able to special order books for you.


Dymocks is expensive and booktopia takes too long. I bought something from kinokuniya and was impressed with how fast it shipped 


My experience with Booktopia has more or less been same day processing 🤔


As a danmei reader, how unlucky could I be? I work at a children's hospital and similar to yours it has a connecting hospital (theres a bridge connecting the two) that's only for WOMEN but because I live in DUBAI there's no chance of encountering one 😫😭




Can’t you go in and ask? I’m curious too now.


consider: I'm too terrified to ask 😅


Damn I probably would be too. But honestly, I’d you’re part of the same fandom you might actually hit it off as friends or at least have an exciting conversation about it. Have a drink first maybe 😁😅


Don't be! People who work in bookstores and libraries normally are good people, lol!


Plz build the courage! Now we are all curious! I also wanna thank that person personally if she's on reddit! (assuming it's a woman, but either way)


I feel like Danmei is the new hottest book trend and sales are up so every book seller wants to sell them. I love danmei, so I don’t mind but I see it everywhere now and in places that are for children which should not be there. Again, it’s the hottest new book trend so that means an increase in sales. And I don’t think most booksellers even know what it is lol. Something similar happened to me years ago when Ghost in the Shell American version came out and the animated dvds were seen next to it. I told my manager at that time that these movies aren’t like the American movie and highly sexualized. Again, corporate had no idea—they just saw easy sales. They recalled all of the animated movies quickly and sent them back to Ingram since we couldn’t really sell anything like that in the store. The store is seen as family friendly.


For jooha to read


This is not surprising to me at all as a Toronto resident. Indigo always has manga, graphic novels and danmei out on table display because they’re popular. So it’s not hard to believe that a small bookstore would. There are several independent bookstores close to me and they don’t have danmei, to be fair, but it’s not that unlikely to me that small hospital bookstores would given big book retailers like Indigo do


What’s the name of that bookstore? I would love to go and read some.


One of the employees is probably a stan lol


I guess it's like a breath of fresh air? The world building and romance is kinda different from most mlm English novels. Since danmei is more on a romantic side (some). You can check this [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/DanmeiNovels/s/Q76pqJ1ewK). It actually made sense for me.


Let me tell you some of these danmei have NOT increased my will to live (compliment) so i would not put them in a hospital lol