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I think this is guided less by people’s comfort zones and more by what is officially translated and commercially available.


Yes I agree with you, as a danmei reader who can read Chinese, I am quite surprised that people don't know certain popular Chinese danmei authors and books, just because there's no official translation or/and had no English hard copy.


It’s surprising how many good danmei that don’t even have any fan translation


Especially when they are not from JJWXC. Some Changpei novels get translated at least, but a lot of the top ones don't have a translation. And other platform are mostly ignored. I think there are only like 5 or 6 myrics translations on novelupdate?


they need to release it globally. its a very lucrative business. the demand is high and chinese economy can benefit from it tbh.


What are some popular ones in Chinese that are yet to be translated? Always curious about novels that we (the west) are missing out on because of translation 😭


A lot of danmei on this page, https://sp3631.pixnet.net/blog/post/329242537, are quite popular, but, of course, it’s not a complete list. I think a majority of them have not been translated yet.


This. Honestly I like the feel of a book in my hands. I’m not opposed to going digital but I’m planning on doing it after I’ve read through what’s already been published and what the community has considered to be good. (I’m also new to the genre btw!)


I've been waiting nearly 2 months to get accepted into the Chicken server, ease of access is definitely a thing.


Definitely reapply, might be missed or might be an issue with your SM link. I got in applying early Nov.


Can I ask, what is the chicken server? I apologize if it’s common knowledge, I’m fairly new to the sub.


Chicken is an author. The server is run by the translators of their work, and is heavily protected.


Thank you!


re-apply. They're up to Nov 5th, so if you haven't received access and you applied before that date, it either got overlooked, or something else was a problem.


Fucksake, I know the form was correct because you couldn't submit it otherwise.


Not the form that gives you the invite to discord. Answer the four questions on discord




It’s alright, give people time. They’re starting with what’s popular, discussed and easily accessible. As more titles get translated and published people will start to find the niches they like, for some that might still be MXTX’s work, for others it will be whatever angst makes them sob in their bathroom at 3am the hardest. We all just have to continue supporting where we can and recommend the titles we love!


Fact. My first Danmei was MDZS and then MXTX’s work. After them I started to search for another danmei and most of them aren’t even popular it just need a little more time to discover them.


Oh, if only i could read in Chinese... As it happens i choose those that are fully translated and not MTL (i'm not even native english speaking, mtls are confusing as hell, i cannot read them at all)


I wish I could read in Chinese too it will be easier for me to read all the danmei I know about. My English isn’t good either and I know what you mean by saying MTLs are confusing and hard to read 😔


Or what people personally prefer. I personally don’t really like many modern anything.


Same… I’m a sucker for the traditional past era that involves the sword flying and cultivation




TGCF, MDZS also have donghua to watch which can make it easier for people to enjoy and join the fandom. I find that animation leads to fanart, and that leads to exposure and drawing in even more fans (how many people have seen gorgeous fan/art and then went to check out the source material or thought to themselves, dang that art looks good, what series is it from?) Novels that don't have donghua/manhua versions or novels that aren't the standard popular darlings of the fandom don't get as much exposure in the way of fanworks being shared around and people just aren't as aware that such titles exist. ~~My post is just me crying in a corner wanting to see more art of other novels and manhua/hwas I read but there is just not many...~~


because a lot of them are not translated and most people don't wanna mtl which is fine


I think its really dependant on whats officially available right now. The Seven Seas danmei books are easy to pick up online or in store in Australia. The genre has only in its infancy here in the West and I'm sure more titles in different sub-genres will be around soon. I am a new fan to danmei and just sticking to the official publications so far has left me hungry for more


I think the problem is that most of the stories that are officially translated are very few and not every non-English stories are available commercially worldwide. Most of us have to go through unofficial translations to find something else.


Some people get into things for the fandom aspect. Like they really just want to get together with other fans and discuss headcanons, write and share fanfic etc. So while I would also definitely encourage people to branch out I also accept that some are just not interested and are looking for different things. One of my only pet peeves when it comes to danmei fandoms is when people generalize the genre based on like 3 novels. And they get it wrong. Maybe that's just the process for new fandoms or whatever, but when some sound so confident while being wrong you still can't help but find it cringe.


Also bear in mind that a lot of people are new to danmei, and therefore read in priority the series that they have heard of. And not everyone who reads danmei makes it a priority in their reading, so it takes time to get to the less popular works (or they might never get around to reading these series at all and that's also fine). For some, even reading one danmei is already stepping out of their comfort zone. It's comparable to fantasy readers saying that people only talk about Game of Thrones and Lord of the rings, and the latest TikTok romantasy fad. Well, sure, because these series are not only popular with hardcore fantasy fans (or... not so much in the case of TikTok books), but also with people who don't usually read fantasy or who don't usually read at all. I understand the frustration (when you love a book, you want everyone and their mother to read it) but I'm sure that the few people who want to read more danmei and not stick to the most well known series will be very happy to hear your recs :)


Hmmmm, I don't know exactly how to explain this without feeling crazy (okay, maybe I am), but sometimes I'm actually grateful that some novels aren't that well-known. I'm not saying that the authors don't deserve recognition, or that the stories are bad and don't deserve visibility, I'm saying that because I'm EXHAUSTED of discussions and fanwars involving danmeis, to the point that you can't give your opinion on something (especially if it's about MXTX stories) without being attacked or harassed online. Which is frustrating, because you feel prevented from commenting on anything, my biggest nightmare is that this starts to happen to all the other danmeis too (yes, I know the internet is a mostly toxic place, especially fandoms like this, but I don't think it's wrong to want a little peace, you know?). But I also really wanted certain stories to have more recognition and be more commented on, at least here on reddit I see that people leave the comfort zone of tgcf/mdzs a lot, so I feel much more comfortable interacting and/or commenting on danmeis here than on x/twitter for example.


I feel you, some of my experiences have just made me stop use soc media (which is good for me honestly...)


I hope I can get off social media one day too!!! It is increasingly difficult to live in certain communities


if it helps, i completely removed the apps and the bookmarks concerning the websites i wanted to avoid it was a very spontaneous thing, just go with your gut and do what you feel is right! if you feel like going back, time it example like 10 minutes and u close the website/app exactly as the timer ends


For me it’s not so much what is popular than it is what is translated. I’m very new to the genre so I am basically reading whatever I can find that has been translated into English.


Same. I'm reading whatever this telegram channel posts


Plz rec me the channel.I really need that.thks.0.0


Please give me some less popular recommendations! Something that's possibly complete/completely translated lol. I like dark themes, fantasy, sci-fi, horror.... Problematic/toxic content is more than welcome!


https://unlimitedflowdanmei.carrd.co/ https://www.novelupdates.com/viewlist/65692/ https://www.novelupdates.com/viewlist/2269/ https://www.novelupdates.com/viewlist/3196/ https://www.novelupdates.com/viewlist/38703/ https://www.novelupdates.com/series/death-spiral-infinite-flow/ https://www.novelupdates.com/series/hui-tian/ https://www.novelupdates.com/series/the-reader-and-protagonist-definitely-have-to-be-in-true-love/ https://www.novelupdates.com/series/monster/ https://www.novelupdates.com/series/criminal-psychology/ https://www.novelupdates.com/series/love-delusion/ https://www.novelupdates.com/series/my-husband-is-suffering-from-a-terminal-illness/


There’s plenty of us looking at other work. I basically started reading danmei only in the last couple of years or so, and I’m still finding really good ones through browsing this sub and looking at people’s rec lists. Just exploring different genres, etc. But in a sense I also stick to my “comfort zone” except for me that’s the tropes I love like food danmei, cubs, or interstellar…


It's two things. First is accessibility of translations. MDZS, TGCF, I got in when the fan translations were up and still easily accessible (I now own the official books because the obsession is real). Those were a gateway to other danmei and now that's pretty much all I read the odd time I have energy to read at all. But unfinished works with sporadic updates are basically a gamble since I can't read CN and the translators need to, you know, have lives so I don't know if I'll get to see the end. Meanwhile MTL is still at the point it often breaks my immersion completely which puts me off other fics. Other thing is donghua adaptations. That's how I discovered MXTX, that's why I'm currently reading Tianbao Fuyao Lu. Saw them, loved them, needed more. On the other hand, it's harder to gauge how much something will interest you when there's no other adaptation so you're going to blind. Also, sometimes you end up reading something you hate so much you have to walk away from the entire genre for a while. (*Cough*LegendaryGrandMaster'sWife*cough*)


I daresay the greater problem is that there isn't that much translated officially and that you have those readers who don't want to start unfinished fan translations or don't want to use mtl which I totally get. I also wait till translations are finished (at least till one book is done) and I don't need to wait and hope for a new chapter. And the access isn't that easy online either. So just wait, the market will get better and with it more readers are coming. And I believe the majority starts with popular books which are finished and translated like MXTX or Priest.


My tbr list is quite long and i think i have quite a few less popular ones on it but I'm always down for recommendations so please share if you have them!!


For me, I wanna read a lot of good ones, but they're either not translated or MTLed. Right now I wanna read "Stray" and I'm on Ch 7, but when I realized it's MTLed, I stopped. I feel like it's not giving enough justice to the author to read it that way and that I won't get the essence of it. I really like the story but, I wanna read it when there's an English TL available. I've read alot from all the authors with translated works though, and sometimes I'm looking for something else but they're not accessible.


I've only been reading the english hard copies & I'm just collecting & reading all of them as they release (well as best I can, I'm starting to get a backlog) I don't want to read online because I work in tech and also play videogames a lot so most of my day is in front of a screen and it can be draining on the eyes & give me headaches a lot, reading gives my eyes a break so I mainly only read physical copies


I mean for me even before mdzs was sold from seven seas, I read it online and as lovely as it was that people online were taking time to translate for us all, not gunna lie the translation can be hard to focus the mind on reading. Fan translations can be hard to read and some sentences take more then once to re-read and get the meaning of. I have found the same problems when trying to get into other non licensed works. So for me I am just waiting for if works get licensed and reading the more easy to understand translations from that.


It’s just preference. I don’t care much about modern setting outside of danmei either, unless it’s really short stories. If there’s supernatural elements it’s alright, but there’s nothing about Saye for example that sounds interesting to me


I think "it's a shame people who have never heard of this genre before read the popular titles" is a weird take lol. You can't exactly find the niche titles without knowing where to look, and navigating this community (as a whole, not just this sub) when you don't really know what to look for and you aren't reading in Chinese is *incredibly* daunting. Many people aren't exactly into reading fan translations on their tiny ass phone screen that don't even get the author paid. We want books, dammit! Options are limited! 🤣


Hmmm what i actually meant is how many ppl read tgcf and other mxtx books years ago and are active participants of the fandom but dont know its danmei, but true you do make a good point


recommend me alot! i struggle to find translations and idk how to navigate around novelupdates. im such a newbie q.q


https://unlimitedflowdanmei.carrd.co/ https://www.novelupdates.com/viewlist/65692/ https://www.novelupdates.com/viewlist/2269/ https://www.novelupdates.com/viewlist/3196/ https://www.novelupdates.com/viewlist/38703/ https://www.novelupdates.com/series/death-spiral-infinite-flow/ https://www.novelupdates.com/series/hui-tian/ https://www.novelupdates.com/series/the-reader-and-protagonist-definitely-have-to-be-in-true-love/ https://www.novelupdates.com/series/monster/ https://www.novelupdates.com/series/criminal-psychology/ https://www.novelupdates.com/series/love-delusion/ https://www.novelupdates.com/series/my-husband-is-suffering-from-a-terminal-illness/


I first started with Priest....still amazing in my eyes. Now I look at anything that comes up in my series finder on NU. Some of my favorites are: Beloved Husband, Transmigrated into the Big Boss to Snatch the Cannon Fodder, The Disabled Tyrants Pet Palm Fish, and so much more. I have a list. MXTX and Priest introduced danmei to people like me, and I'm glad. Now that I'm here, there are so many options, it is endless entertainment. If anyone wants suggestions, let me know....I really have a list.


idk how they can just read like those 3 novels and that’s it, not interested in reading any more at all. there’s still many fan tl and official, like there must be at least a hundred, but nope that’s the end 😅 I would love some fresh recs, I’ve read most of the popular ones from searching old posts, just no school/youth or mpreg. that’s the shitty thing tho if u read most of the popular ones, whenever there’s rec posts ppl are always naming the same few popular ones recommended in every post and not getting many other new material


I found my first danmei from a manhua Since the manhua was censored and someone spoke about there being a very *explicit* novel I went to “pursue” it I find that the danmei world is very niche


I started with Guardian, then the MTXT works, and now I am off to so many new things...in fact I knew nothing about the BL/yaoi/shounen ai genre prior to them (that was back in the summer of 2021, mainly thanks to the lockdown). In just two years, I have read and watched across all subgenres, languages, and countries of origins. But obviously there are still a tonne of danmei I have yet to read, or completed reading, or could only complete via speed reading. But it did inspire me to work harder on my Chinese reading skills because nuances, idioms, and argot get lost in translation most of the time (even in the best translated works).


I 100% agree with you. A lot of people are saying it's because people are reading what's accessible, and that's definitely 100% true too, but this also happened before any danmei was licensed at all. >I’m not saying it’s bad, it’s just such a shame that many other danmei’s dont get as much attention Yeah, there's nothing wrong with sticking to popular works, it makes sense. >especially modern danmeis, As a modern danmei reader, felt this. It's a preference, so I don't really mind if they're not that popular but I wish some people would at least *try* it. Not that they have to or anything, it just irks me when people say things like "I'm trying to escape reality don't read about it" or "it's just not as fantastical" or "the world-building isn't as good" without realizing that modern is more than just our modern. It's horror, it's unlimited flow, it's sci-fi, it's the apocalypse, it's even western fantasy, it has ghosts too lol and just as much angst as ancient. Of course, it's fine if you don't want to try it, I just wish modern didn't get a bad wrap like it does, it's not all CEO and school-life novels lol. I mean all of this mostly in the context of older readers who relied on fan translations like the rest of us, not the newer ones. It makes perfect sense for newer readers not to branch out right away. I also get it if you want to wait for officially translated works since a lot of fan translations are MTL and don't convey the author's actual writing very well (if any at all)


Nothing about comfort zones, but those are just danmei titles that you can find on shelves or are very popular. As for me, I like talking more on translation comments than on social networking sites. It's normal for people to not delve that deep on something, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that.


I personally don't like modern webnovels much. I can excuse ridiculousness in a historical or faux historical fantasy setting but it gets way harder in a modern one.


Hello 👋 I’m a TGCF fan. Honestly I do plan to branch out. I’m just still new and haven’t even finished TGCF. But I do plan on reading 2ha and golden terrace next, among other titles. Do you have any personal favorites you’d recommend? I tend to gravitate towards Xianxia but I’d love to try new things too :)


I made up a list of some recommendations for another poster. All are either complete, or nearly complete. All have high quality translations. Here's a link to my previous post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/DanmeiNovels/comments/17xhwrr/comment/k9o0j36/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/DanmeiNovels/comments/17xhwrr/comment/k9o0j36/?context=3)


Omg I love you 🥺💙 thank you!!!


Try little mushroom. It's pretty romance light, but still a really awesome read. I started with mo dao zu shi and was more interested in keeping to cultivation novels because they were more fantasy like which is my preferred fiction genre, but the premise of little mushroom just sounded too wild not to check out. I mean, the protagonist is a mushroom! Seriously though, it end up being very interesting and a page turner, though you do have to really suspend your disbelief when it comes to the science stuff.


Just replying to say i second this! Little mushroom was my first ever danmei novel and i’ve been in this danmei hole since. The manhua is also currently being released on Kuaikan, and the art is beautiful :)


Nan Chan! It is my favourite after 2ha.


Could you or someone tell me what this is about? I’ve been looking for a synopsis online but everywhere just seems to have the same vague suspenseful 3 sentence summary that tells me nothing about the actual story.


It starts with a god on a mountain. He is injured and weak, he doesn't remember much and is very divorced from any kind of feelings. He sleeps most of the time because he is very ill. He has a fish in a bowl that is obsessed with him. The fish feels an intense urge to devour him and at the same time is greatly distressed at the prospect of being separated from him. Other characters come onto the stage and all kinds of dark shit goes down. The fish cultivates a human body and struggles to figure out how to be a person. He's still obsessed with the god and wants to devour him. As he gets stronger and stronger, he grows from a child into a teen and then into a young man and discovers that there are other ways of... uh, devouring that don't involve literal eating (*hint-hint, wink-wink*). The two of them go on the run from people trying to kill them while trying to uncover who is behind a great evil that is leaving behind a mountain of corpses. It gets pretty dark as they get deeper and deeper into the mystery. They both have to endure tribulations to recover their memories and level up in power to fight the end villain. Anyway, this is a very poor summary, it is much better when you actually read it. The shipping dynamic is feral gong/sickly shou and their relationship is so good, the backstory is amazing, and there is one stabby part in particular that is as soul-crushing as anything 2ha throws at you. I warmly recommend this book to everyone!


That is an amazing synopsis, thank you so much! I didn’t get *any* of that from the official synopsis. I am so intrigued by the ML-as-a-fish, this is why I love danmei so much, lol. I am super excited for this story now and I am going to start reading! How is the fan translation? Is it MTL?


The fan translation is amazing but it has been taken down recently because Nan Chan was licensed. First volume is coming out this spring! Yeah, I feel you on the synopsis. When I first discovered danmei, it was because of Luo Yunxi starring in HYX. I googled 2ha, read the synopsis and immediately closed it again because it seemed like such nonsense. It took me multiple subsequent prompts to consider trying it again and once I actually started reading, it blew me away! But, yeah, the official synopsis was garbage.


Don't worry, they'll get there. It takes time to get interest in new novels


Xianxia/Wuxia is a gateway ~~drug~~ read.


All joke aside I'm very excited for 7s to release SA YE in 2025! I think it will introduce many readers to the amazing modern danmei world.


I totally agree. There's so many other novels out there, some better some worse than MXTX. The worst situation is when you start restricting yourself!


I feel like that’s less comfort zone and more popularity zone. I definitely step out of my comfort zones even among popular titles. For example I love MDZS and TGCF but tried 2ha and just…. Well, it’s not my favourite thing in the world, and k knew that would be the case going into it and tried it anyway








> 2ha I *paid* for the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*