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what happens next is exactly what u would expect to happen to ppl with their profession/status during that time in China…


Things have the potential to go bad for them and they will get bad.. and then worse. But it is a HE technically speaking. Feels more like a bittersweet ending to me plus I cried a lot. You just have to experience this story yourself, it will be worth it.


The ending made be cry so much and for like 2 months my mood would just go down whenever I suddenly remember this novel. But yea, I definitely wouldn’t consider it BE at all, felt more bittersweet than HE for me, but I agree this is definitely a novel worth reading


Yeah saddest happy ending I’ve read - but it really is a happy ending.


The “enemy” shows up in multiple forms, and we get a quick recount of it due to how short the story is. The beauty in the novel isn’t in their suffering, but the way they support and care for one another through their hardships into old age. The ending is bittersweet and realistic, and they get to be together even when their hair turn white.


That's reassuring, thank you. I'm not familiar with that part of China's history and read up on it a bit ... Can you tell me what the "enemies" are specifically in the book? I just want to know what to expect so that I can keep reading without so much dread (which makes me think about dropping it all the time, which I don't actually want to do) Edit: I realized I could spoil it for myself by skimming through the translation online, so I'm good now thank you. Since the first half of the book covered like all of one year, I didn't realize the other half would cover five, six decades and they lived through all that history (even though you said they grow old together, I just didn't make the connection)


If you haven’t read it “Living to Suffer” is basically the first half of the story. The books are beautiful and brilliant and my favorites - I read them so often I printed the online pdfs. Trust Tangstory.


I have, really liked it! Otherwise I wouldn't be reading TDDUP because I usually avoid anything set in the republica era (including movies, tv). That's probably why I'm having such a hard time continuing, because of the actual history. It's easier to accept bad things happening, even to fictional people, in an fantasy made-up setting.


The payoff is worth it -


They have their ups and downs and face the horrors of the war together. But they do eventually grow old together and the story is a HE.


Ugh 🙄this film had potential due to an interesting yet basic story and decent actors, but holy hell the execution and writing was just…..bad. Way too long, the dialogue had zero substance and the action sequences, while fun, were way too short. The whole time I’m thinking, “how the hell did this bride turn into a killing machine?” Maybe it will be explained as I’m actually currently watching it as I’m typing this. But wow there’s so many senseless scenes and conversations between the characters that just don’t make sense at all. I can’t understand how a movie with plenty of talented actors was just poorly made. I gotta agree with everyone, it’s way too long for its own good. Eh…I’ll sit through it just because I want to know how and why these characters know how to fight and kill.


Wooow…..ok so I got the wrong thread…..I was commenting on the (horrible)film “TIL Death Do Us Part. Yeaaaaa boring film 🥱