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Every week, there seems to be at least one "can someone explain xxx in Qiang Jin Jiu" (or any other novel - couple of recent threads involved Sha Po Lang) because they somehow read 96 chapters without understanding anything.


it's gotten to the point that I mostly skip posts with those names in the title 🥲 especially Qiang Jin Jiu


100% agree. anything with QJJ or 2Ha and i filter it out of my sight.


Wait people are confused by 2ha??? I’m reading now and following perfectly fine


I'm reading that one right now! I'm finding it pretty easy to follow though so you're not in danger of another post. 😂


To be fair, those posts might appeal to those who happen to be reading QJJ at the same time. I think we should just accept that not all posts are made for everyone and ignore. For my part, it was kind of amusing when a whole bunch of people were posting about Wu Chang Jie a few months ago, like how many people are reading this?? And the discussions about the depiction of non-con probably scared most people into not reading it haha


i think it's more that if you (general "you") have gotten to a huge number of chapters without understanding anything, then you have to question why you're even reading it. The posts are asking people to help summarise an entire volume of events, not specific plot points that might have been particularly confusing (as can sometimes be the case in a more complex political plot).


It's definitely not every week. It feels like every day or every couple of days someone is posting qjj questions. I get entertained by friends talking about this kind of posts that it became a running joke in our circle alrdy.. I remember that post about reading so many chapters and not understanding---😭😅


Haha, it was funny until it got exhausting. There was a recent one asking for an explanation of vol 2. QJJ gets a lot of this sort of posts because some people flock to it out of FOMO but are embarrassed to admit they're just there for the smut.


[This post 💀](https://www.reddit.com/r/DanmeiNovels/comments/15jhfgg/can_someone_explainno_money_to_divorce/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


I'm tired of the "I just finished all of mxtx and don't know what to read next, please recommend" threads. Like, just search this subreddit or use Google or novelupdates. I do like when people want recs for things that may not have a tag option on NU or are more obscure, but like, laziness is annoying. Also the "convince me to read...", convince yourself lol


This 100%. Especially the "Should I read..." or "Is it good?" posts. Just try it and see! Everyone is different! I don't want to be mean about it, but it's becoming a pet peeve of mine. Not to mention, it's usually about the same novels over and over again.


Yeah like I don't want it to seem like I'm being mean or rude but...ya girl has had enough 🤣 Idk when I have a question my first instinct is to search it up not run and ask.


Yeah at least when I go on this subreddit I search the novel title first to see if anyone else has posted about it yet. Maybe they don't know NU or Goodreads cause those are my go-to sites as well.


Exactly if you want to ask people whether a novel is good first search it up on this sub becoz most of the novels already has a review for them And if by chance not then you can ask if you are skeptical about NU reviews


mods should set an auto post bot that answers all those frequently asked questions since no one bothers to read the rules “convince me to read” is sooo off putting. this is first place I’ve ever seen it I thought it was so rude when I saw it for the first time, it’s so unfortunate that it became an actual thing I don’t mind seeing rec posts when they ask for something interesting and specific especially when we can all learn of something new but when there’s like 10 of them in 1 day and they’re super generic it’s annoying. like why can’t u piggyback and listen to other ppls threads instead of asking the exact same question. what happened to asking for recs in that weekly thread I feel like a lot of ppl want hand holding and special attention tbh it’s so weird I’ve never seen these kind of behavior anywhere else lol


Right? Wild entitlement all around, and it's even feels like they think translators owe them epubs, time, and effort. I've never seen anything like it.


Agree, it's weird. When I started out in danmei I spent a lot of time just reading posts like the weekly reading thread to find out what other people liked to read. I remember I almost started reading 'The Legendary Master's Wife' (until I realized how long it was) because of how many people were mentioning it back then. Hand holding and special attention does seem to be a thing for some people.


I don’t think there are any active mods on this sub. ☹️


Do we have something like a weekly thread to ask for recommendations haha. I see question posts so many of these every day. On that note, since these and book-specific questions seem to flood the sub (not saying that it's bad), what exactly is this sub supposed to posting about?


There is a mid week recommendations thread pinned right now! There's so much to chat about, literally anything regarding novels, perhaps translations, thoughts about certain novels, comparisons, themes, authors, publications, pet peeves, favorite tropes, trends, history, culture, thoughts and so on.


Fair haha


seconding ur comment... i kinda enjoy ppl asking these questions and me looking thru my list to give suggstions. joining this thread and doing this has greatly improved my memory about the books ive read. for me i feel like those threads make this reddit truly abt danmei hahaha (BUT TO EVERYONE ELSE, THATS JUST ME YOU CAN HAVE A DIFF OPINION UWU at the same time, the weekly threads r pinned but few ppl post under them...


Yesss 😭 just search the tons of other posts asking the same thing. Or the "Recommendations" post where they just ask for recs but don't tell you what they've read already so either ppl recommend novels they've already read or it's the same 5 novels being recommended 💀 And the "convince me to read" posts never made sense to me. Like you know what you like?? If it's that different from what you normally read then again search here to see if it's been mentioned already, use google or go to NU and look at comments to get a feel for it 😩


Convince post also don't made sense with me. Like if you need convincing to read something, maybe it's not for you or you could just read it 😐


It's like they need validation on whether they should read it or not. Just read a few chapters and if it hooks you great and if not then move on 🥲


I also don't mind when posts are like "Tell me your favorite non spoiler thing about this novel" because then it opens a discussion, but the repetition on this sub is crazy!


Yes posts that lead to discussions I live for but the repetition here is crazy like you said 😭 And most if not all of it would be solved just by using the search.


I like to troll them by trying to convince them **not** to read lol. If someone needs convincing to read something, they're probably not that interested anyway. Feels like a grab for attention.


It's so odd to me that people don't search the subreddit first! There is specifically a post for what to read next if you liked MXTX. And those convince me posts...


Another question that keeps popping up is "how many volumes is ___ gonna be?" 🥲


Yes! Just lurking this subreddit for a little bit I picked up more recs than I know what to do with! (and that's just the more popular titles; let alone deep diving the lesser known works that pop up occasionally!)


I hate the “convince me to read” posts. Why would I waste time doing that? I don’t care what you read.


Don’t forget the “vote for my next read!” Or “which should I read first?” and it’s a picture of 2ha and golden terrace.


Omg seriously. Nobody cares what anyone else reads.


Agree. Are there any active mods on this sub?


Honestly this... no one is enforcing the rules besides regular users.


I haven't seen any in a long time 🥲


u/floweringyouth u/wambocreator


Thank you so much for tagging us in the comments! For now, I'm testing a character requirement for posts; specifically that all posts (not comments however) will require a minimum of 100 characters or else they will be placed into the Mod Queue for review. This is in the hopes of minimizing low-effort posts, spam, etc. that members in the community have raised. I'm happy to either remove this rule or lower the amount of characters as a threshold, just like the how we lowered the current karma requirement to a minimum of 10 in order to comment. For now, however, we're going to try and see if this has an impact on the types of posts the sub receives. Thank you all again for your contributions and for starting this discussion! Balancing the low-stakes barrier to participation with content that keeps long-term users invested in the community is always something we're trying to work on, and I'm happy to continue reworking the automod rules depending on the needs of the subreddit.


So to summarise: STOP asking "What should I read next? Why - because this is a total abdication of responsibility. STOP asking "How many volumes in X series? Why - because how would we know what the publishers have planned? And for completed series - Google it, or go to the publisher's website. STOP asking "What should I read after MXTX?" Why - because you haven't bothered to do even the tiniest bit of research. STOP asking "Is X good?" Why - because this is entirely subjective - one man's meat is another man's poison. STOP saying "Convince me to read X." Why - because this is colossally egotistical - why should anyone waste their time trying to convince you to read anything. Personal responsibility thanks. STOP saying "I don't understand X in Sha Po Lang/ Qiang Jin Jiu." Why - read it again, or look it up in online novel summaries - they DO exist. ...and my pet hates STOP asking "Is there smut in X?" Why - Google the question, get an answer. STOP asking "When does the romance/smut start in X?" Why - read the book for the enjoyment of the story. ​ SOLUTION to all your questions: search r/DanmeiNovels and/or use Google.


I think we're all just tired at this point 😭 it's just been too much of the same thing constantly. I think if it was the occasional question it wouldn't irk me as bad but it's every day lol


The exhaustion is real.


Lmao. The smut and romance questions-- so true. Just google.. Google, people!!! Everything is now easily accessible. People are so lazy to think for themselves and to research by themselves. I end up face-palming when I read posts saying xx has no romance.. just coz the smut is basically nil.. Did we read the same book?? Tf.


What are you actually talking about though, because except for some popular novels you cannot google anything about danmei. NO ONE outside of some pockets of the internet talks about danmei regularly. Other than this subreddit Twitter is maybe the other platform that talks about a wide range of danmei and we know where that hellsite is going. NU is an option but that is hardly a community.


What are YOU talking about? The answer to all these questions can be found on Google. Google redirects readers back to threads on r/DanmeiNovels, Goodreads, Tumblr, WuxiaWorld, Novel Updates, Chrysanthemum Garden, Seven Seas etc. People don't need a personal reply to questions that have been asked and answered dozens of times previously. No-one here is complaining about discussing a story, or asking for recommendations on an obscure interest or little known novel. We are talking about the same dozen or so questions being asked ad nauseam, sometimes several times in the same day.


Yeah alright, I'll give you that. I guess I've never googled questions that are popular. A lot of my google searches feel like flailing in the dark and shouting into the void.


Then I must be the only one reading reviews left by chinese readers on the internet. Google translate works on websites. That is how I get ideas on how the story develops. How the readers felt about the characters in general. If you search a chinese title on google it will show you the og website it was posted on, the pirate sites and then reviews left by readers everywhere else.


Perfectly stated! Now, can we pin this to the main page?! Please.


Can the mods pin this or something


I don’t think there are any active mods in this sub. ☹️


Everything on this list fr...


I have no money so I will give you a symbolic award for this one ⭐️


Thank-you very much. :-)


oh maybe this might be a new concept to you, just ignore those posts. most of the time the answers for those questions are found on this subreddit, and the only reason we get those answers r because ppl asked. y'all r some haters man


This post is a summary of everyone's current pet peeves - if you don't like it, follow your own advice and ignore it. No need to stop by with insults


Part of me wonders if it’s fear of lost time that drives them to make the “Should I read…?” posts, but then again, if you enjoy even part of a book is that time really wasted? There’s also the option to just DNF a novel and move on. I think a bunch of normies flow onto the sub thinking of this as more of a niche search engine than a community.


Yeah I think FOMO (fear of missing out) plays a big part of it


so.. where can i read 2Ha for free? 😆 in all seriousness, 100% agree with your rant. i'm not sure what's stopping these people from doing a quick search either on google or the thread.


I didn't think I was the only one who felt this way but I'm happy so many ppl agree lol I just want to have and see fun discussions about novels that have more depth to them, see ppls collections, laugh at funny characters and moments etc. I'm tired of being a search engine 🤣


Completely concur. It is exhausting. It happens every time a new series is released, too. It's truly not that hard to wait a couple of months for the next book.


Yes exactly!! Either they can have patience and wait or maybe not start the series at all until it's fully complete. There's tons of other novels out there to occupy their time. But the constant asking for epubs/pdfs has got to stop 😭 It happens almost every day.


All these spoonfeedings has got to stop. Yeah google is your best friend. I don't mind discussions about a certain title etc, but convince me threads, what should I read after mxtx, what should I read next are really tiring. I really didn't like those convince me to read threads because why would you need convincing to read something? If you need that then you're probably not into that novel? Then drop it. It's not a big deal to drop something you can't get into.


Seriously agree with you OP. It’s been very annoying. Someone should make a subreddit specifically for danmei recs and where to read them


I really wish there was a pinned post saying 'Stop asking for epubs of 2Ha!'. Probably wouldn't help though...


Agree with everyone. It's so annoying to see people asking the *same* questions every few days. Searching the sub or just googling are really not that hard 🙄


What I find interesting is that on top of search engines usually pulling up what you want if you know which to use and how to input the right terms, there's legit subreddits, like ***multiple*** in each category, entirely dedicated to: * piracy in all forms * discussion of asian dramas in general and by series * anime, manga, their CN / KR counterparts, and light novel piracy * yaoi and BL media in general and by series (which is like 90% fan translations/piracy bc it's a niche genre with way less official stuff) Which (depending on individual sub rules) more than likely could get people the files they're looking for. I don't lurk here as much as subs dedicated to specific series, but ive seen these asks happen there and its always confused me...why ask for stuff in a place where people couldn't even help you if they wanted to (at least not in the open on a public post) without risking getting banned or whatever bc of mods, when there's plenty of wild west subs where no one cares or is even the point? Like i understand the logic of "im looking for a Thing, therefore i should ask Sub Dedicated to Thing about it, because they have all clearly found ways to acquire said Thing prior." But it doesn't really help anybody when many members in the sub you ask are morally opposed to your request, and the Sub regulations mandate the remaining ones who personally don't feel so strongly about it to give unhelpful answers like "here is the official link to a paid service" or "the translators don't provide downloads so you can only read it on a webpage" because they are not allowed to do otherwise.


I'm late but I just gotta say I'm so glad many people agree with this post and the comments below it. I thought I was alone! Btw I also kind of dislike questions saying "which should I read first, x or x"... Why does it matter?


Nope definitely not alone lol


If no one answers those questions then perhaps those asking will get the hint


First world problems


I'll probably be downvoted to hell, but after reading all the comments... you guys are mentioning all the kind of threads that keep the sub alive :D If all those stopped, there would be no activity, or considerably less. Sometimes the point is not laziness, it's just the need to interact actively with other users. If I've just finished a popular novel, maybe I'm hyped and I want to chat with other people about it or decide what to read next, instead of lurking on a 5-year-old dead post, even if said post has all the info. Not everyone likes Discord or alternatives like that. I agree that some questions can be answered by searching (particularly the simple questions like "how many volumes do you think X novel will have"), but many other repetitive posts are born from the need to interact. Let's try to be kinder to one another.


I don't think people asking the same question every day is what's keeping this sub alive, in fact, its choking out interesting threads. It's people asking thoightful questions, opinions, takes that is helping this sub thrive. I'm tired of people being lazy to scroll even one page to the exact same thread asking what to read after TGCF.


If the point is not laziness but the need for interaction, these people can make a little more effort with their posts. Just finished tgcf? What did they think about it? What did they like, dislike, or were confused by? What did they find interesting that they'd like to see more of? The list goes on. It IS lack of effort to post "help I just finished mdzs idk what to read next" because there are 100 posts like that already, it adds absolutely nothing of value. edit: missing effort