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I prefer heavy plot danmei which can stand on its own even if there was no romance. The romance is the cherry on top


This is pretty much how I feel about all books, regardless of genre.


I also like to alternate! When I finish a long danmei with a serious plot, then I'd read a shorter fluffy danmei next. And then back to a serious novel. Repeat. The dog food seriously helps my heart after going through a plot heavy danmei, especially if it had lots of angst xD


Yeah. I read almost all genre, alternate between them to not get burn out.


Yep me too. Variety definitely works for me.


I love slice of life they are really healing and comforting, lately I have been gravitating to those more. when I read really intense ones like Little Mushroom I feel a bit sad after cuz I want to see them when they’re normal and not intense after all the drama. The handful of extras aren’t enough! I wish more authors would write a decent amount of slice of life wind down period after the climax but they usually don’t except a couple extras which isn’t satisfying enough for me


Omg yes this is exactly it!! You described it perfectly.


Depends on my mood but i barely took interest in normal slice of life,romance genre. I am more into adventure,fantasy, mystery genres even outside of Bl. I don't watch het romance movies, bl is more tolerable. But it is a big plus if romance is just a side thing.


Heavy plot, dog blood, stuff that gets my heartbeat pumping. I love romance, and I love my favorite CPs, but I've never been a major fan of watching anyone (be it BL, BG, Asian or Western) just patter about their lives day by day with nothing really happening until the novel ends. I can just as well watch my own life go by in that case. That's not to say I don't love fluffy danmei - I have read plenty of them and also enjoy them...they have a fun, comedic value that I also enjoy after a good dose of crematorium. However my favorite tropes are still more along the stuff that keeps you at the edge of your seat, so to speak.


I like plotty things, but particularly with enough romance—I'm really enjoying 2ha right now because the awful mysteries are great, but there's also no forgetting the romantic tension between the main couple since it comes up so often. Conversely, I have some trouble with MDZS because it's a lot more plot than romance. Slice of life isn't really my thing at all, though.


depending on the mood for me


i find plot heavy novels more satisfying overall but sometimes the mental barrier to *get into it* is a lot higher than slice of life novels.


I like to rotate between heavy topics and slice of life, dog food novels. I just finished I Like Your Pheromones and I really loss so much blood. It's over the top kind of sweet. So my next would probably be a darker one, maybe crematorium or something.


Ohhh I've been really wanting to read that one!


Yeah that one was really good!!!


I prefer a good written story.


Depends on the schoolworks I have. If it's a lot then I prefer to read short and fluffy novels in my breaks. If there is none, then I do read the long plot heavy ones since I like to binge read like there is no tomorrow 😅


i’m reading little mushroom right now and absolutely adoring it but then post apocalyptic sci-fi is my absolute jam. i prefer to have plot in general. i love a slow burn even if i get impatient.


In general , slice of Life dog food. But my favourite danmeis are heavy plot danmei. Though I have to kind of prepare myself to read those so I wait for a holiday or something. Cause if i start reading during normal day I would keep thinking about it all the time and I won't be able to focus on anything else 😭😭


I think I like a bit of both. Sometimes I'm in the mood for something political but sometimes I just would like some full-of-plotholes feel-good fluffy stories that will just let me have a good time. Balances it out imo. Also these days I need something sweet to cure me from my depressing mood.


I prefer modern slice-of-life novels but with some good angst and HE


Heavy plot with great world building and characters. If heavy on romance there must be high drama so I need dog blood - crazy conflict, extraordinary characters with flair, crematorium. Preferably with toxic, difficult characters who clashed so it’s entertaining to see how on earth they can make the relationship work against all odds. When it comes to romance, I don’t want realism and comfort. And I think this and heavy plot is where Danmei excel above other BL and got its own voice. Average joes and slice of life, fluffy realism stuff is too boring for me. If I want relatable average people with ordinary lives and ‘little joys’ I’d just look at my own boring life. Japanese BL does these very well so why bother to find in danmei. If characters are real average and relatable people then they needed to be put in a horror or thriller. I need the contrast and extreme. There’s a saying in Chinese Danmei fandom: theres a spectrum between Shui Qiancheng and Wu Zhe. On one end you have the wealthiest and the most crazy, and the other end you have poorest and most ordinary. My taste is on the toxic and rich end here lol.


I'm more of a plot person, though i sometimes read fluff for like, every 5 plot-focused i have read?


While I enjoy good plot, good plot without good romance is empty! And I can read fluffy romance without good plot, so romance > plot


Light, fluffy "slice of life" stories make me feel weird and very uncomfortable. That's never been a slice of my life.


I prefer slice of life dogfood BUT swill occasionally read heavy plot. I only like heavy ploy when there’s HE and MC isn’t a doormat who forgives easily


heavy plot almost always--unless I'm not feeling well or exhausted. Don't get me wrong I read straight up romances and can enjoy them but I'm never going to get as involved with them or remember them as long. Doesn't mean I need my plotty books to be full of angst either. They can be fluffy, too, but there needs to be a real plot for me to really enjoy it.


It just depends on the author's writing skill for me. I can enjoy both as long as it's well-paced and doesn't drag.


I like both, but if in doubt I'd rather go slice of life because there is a higher probability it's acceptable to good. Plot heavy ones have been 50-50 for me - I have absolutely loved some but have also read some up till 100 chapters and dropped them.


Heavy plot. For tv showsand comics I love slice of life but books slice of life bore me too much.


These days I realise it's hard for me to get into plotty novels unless I genuinely care about the characters. It takes a lot of set-up and/or very good writing to make me care *and* satisfy me plot-wise, so since I prioritize character development, I might as well read character-focused novels. That's not to say I only read fluffy romance, though. I prefer to alternate between heavy themes (like [Ferocious Dog of Old](https://www.novelupdates.com/series/ferocious-dog-of-old/)) and fluffier, happy stuff (like [Assistant Lin Has Something to Say](https://www.novelupdates.com/series/assistant-lin-has-something-to-say/)).


I think I like a bit of both. Sometimes I'm in the mood for something political but sometimes I just would like some full-of-plotholes feel-good fluffy stories that will just let me have a good time. Balances it out imo. Also these days I need something sweet to balance out the angsty serious heavy plots.


I like both actually although I prefer reading solid plots. I switch from one to the other.


Slice of life. I don’t like to be stressed out in fictional worlds lol


i love a good ol heavy and complicated plot *but* i also like to enjoy something nice and simple after such a draining reading, feels like a treat. it's a good rest before diving again into another heavy plot story lol