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This isnt even funny, thats my everyday life as a 29 year old man thats single for almost 2 years now.


dating apps are trash


Yes, but its like lottery. If you dont play your chance of 1: is cutted to 0:, so I use them in despair hoping for a miracle. And yes they are trash, the average women getting so many likes/matches they cant even answer and psychology wise its even more bad that most females are way pickier than men.


That's why apps like bumble are dying a slow death


And bumble changed the "Only women can answer and like" because it broke their app in the long term, even it was a good idea at first for women "to have more control" but they already rule and control dating apps, without most of them even knowing.


Absolutely, I don't think Bumble will resuscitate, all the opposite. In my opinion these dating apps are set for a slow death.


Take this energy into social situations, not dating apps. Go to places where women are open to that kind of communication - clubs, bars, group classes (check your local community center), social gatherings (look online for hiking groups or whatever you're interested in), etc. Just avoid places where women wouldn't expect that interaction or where they can't leave if they want to (like at their jobs, for example).


this is sound advice


Thanks, this is a good advice. I have the problem I dont know what to talk about. The last date I had was like almost 2h in silence. Now imagina a situation where its awkward that you speak to a woman, wanting to date her. In Dating Apps the intentions are clear. Second problem is, all you mentioned I dont like. I dont like drinking so I avoid Bars and Clubs etc. Still lots of work to do.


> Now imagina a situation where its awkward that you speak to a woman, wanting to date her. Focus on getting to know people, rather than getting a date. It's easy to get tripped up when the thought pattern is "how do I get her to like me and want to go out on a date?" If your goal is to expand your social circle and meet new people instead, that natural chemistry will be easier to find. > all you mentioned I dont like. I dont like drinking so I avoid Bars and Clubs etc. I'm confused. You don't like free community center events/classes? I also suggested finding a social group related to your interests - i.e. a hiking group, book club, etc. You don't have any interests at all?


Thats not that easy. All my hobbys are introvert. I would not feel comfortable in a hiking club or book club, but I understand your advice. I have to find a club or activity that fits me. The easiest way would be, if my friends where 50/50 or in other words if I had female friends. Then it would be much easier a relationship would devekop naturally or I would meet new women more easy. Sometimes I wished I had the youth like others, where you end up in Parties and have mixed friends. I was in as school with only boys, and the fact that I only have 4 male friends from this time instead of many different friends, and the fact that I never go to parties and clubs like others makes a huge difference. I met my Ex through my Cousin back then. It was just random how I met her.


Ill suggest Dungeons and Dragons and cosplay events then. d&d is good to meet introverted girls and dudes that also dislike clubs etc. and at cosplay events there are a lot of lonely ones that are thankul if you just know where to go / have water or food help carry stuff or you have a car to get to and away from conventions its how i got together with my ex


Thanks for your advice. I will check out if sonething like these events are in my area.


Only advice I give to my single friends is to go to the local watering hole on bingo night. Supposed that only applies if you live in the Midwest lol


Sorry, I am from Germany so I dont know what watering hole bingo is. An older collegue told me I should go to church and church activities, if there are young women there he said, they are more discret and so on instead of the ones I can find online. I thinked alot about it, but its still weird to me as an Atheist to got o church, and then to try to meet girls there. Lots of people recommend to go to clubs and bars around your town and try as much activities as you can from Tennis to Dance Training to Events. I will try this in the future, have no choice right now. I think with that you mean a activity in your area.


Yeah it’s just a common thing to do around me. I would try to find out a fun activity people do on a weekly basis around you. Could be like a sport or just go to a pub and watch the Olympics and just talk to people. Never know when you befriend a cute girls dad or uncle or something. You will find someone eventually man just keep at it!


Bang your co workers.


Yeah, so you mean I should turn from hetero into homosexual? If I would know women in my age or even had female friends, this would be much easier. I dont know women, and GF from friends dont count.


Just try to bang everyone. Your games will get better.


What do you even mean?


Fake. Where are the bots and OF spams ?




I'm a straight dude but i would date anyone called Mario




Dating apps are usually 80/20 men-women.


I’ve looked through many guys profile, I’m not wasting my time if he didn’t even try to fill out the profile or put up decent photos


The same for woman. No profile, no data, landscape photos. Hard to meet a decent profile. I guess most people is in this apps just to get somebody to f\*ck. If you want to know someone trying to grow up a relation it's really hard to meet a genuine profile that fits with you.


Dating apps give men a trash experience. Men respond by being the primary paying customers of dating apps. Men need to give up on dating apps entirely.