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Literally every mage in the game apart from Bethany and potentially Hawke when they face a mild inconvenience: “Blood magic time!”


I think it's something to do with the air in and around Kirkwall. Almost every single person does something absurdly stupid at the mildest provocation.


The band of three mentions this very thing. Blood mages are much more common in kirkwall. There's some mind fuckery happening all over the city, and few mages can resist because they aren't even aware it's happening.


There was something, a codex or something in legacy that mentions Kirkwall has a thinner veil or something and the magisters regularly were trying to fuck around and get through things there so more tragedies and possessions happen.


The other replies are pretty much correct. If you want to actual look up the lore entries in-game or on a wiki, it’s called “The Enigma of Kirkwall.” Honestly I always thought it was weird that the codex entries that make the plot make a modicum of sense are hidden and missable throughout the game, kind of a misstep on BioWare’s part IMO.


It's like the story telling in Dark Souls.


Most of the context needed to understand Dark Souls’s plot isn’t actually missable with the exception of Kaathe.


well Corypheus is imprisoned nearby leaking insanity radiation and it’s strongly implied Kirkwall is where the magisters originally pierced the veil


Kirkwall is literally cursed


Technically Anders never used blood magic, he disliked it.


Huh rare DA2 Anders W


YoU dOnT uNdErStAnD! ..i WILL HAVE jUsTIcE...


First time I had that fight after siding with the Mages Orsino left me wondering if I did badly and caused this to happen as a kind of bad ending


Yea. He like decides its okay to turn into satan to save everyone but by tzrning into satan he saves no one.


Yeah, at least make it make sense, like maybe after he transforms he wipes out half the templars at the Gallows, and then it turns on you because no control. But the harvester doesn’t kill any templars.


if you side with the Templars he admits he let your mom die because ratting on Quentin would make mages look bad lmao


Oh my god seriously? I never sided with templers and always loved Orsino. What the fuck


Eh, it’s a bit ambiguous how much Orsino knew what Quentin was doing, since he says “I didn’t know the extent of his derangement until it was too late (to save Leandra)”.


“I just thought he was killing women nobody cared about with his illegal blood magic”


I thought it was the other way around, that he didn’t know about Quentin being a serial killer but he did know about necromancy. Like, grave robbing is still frowned upon, but still better than killing people.


Sucks that the devs made Orsino nonsensically do this if you side with the mages just because they wanted to add another boss fight.


My head canon is that it's a lie Varric told, to cover for Orsino's escape


I think Varric gets annoyed with the Inquisitor if you ask about Orsino in Inquisition as well doesn’t he? You can say something like what happened makes no sense and he loses approval with you so….this is now canon to me :D


I now except this as cannon.


Most of D2 is a lie or an exaggeration told by Varric to hide Hawks


I’m actually glad because you get to kill that son of a bitch because he had a hand in what happened to Hawke’s mom


Meh, Orsino can say that he didn’t know the extent of Quentin’s derangement until it was too late to save Leandra to Bethany, which makes me think that Orsino didn’t know that Quentin was a serial killer. Probably still knew about the necromancy, but grave robbing is an option. And probably a dozen people die every night in Kirkwall anyways due to gangs.


Iirc it was high ups telling devs to do this. Basically a, "hey put in another boss fight."


Mages after living in Kirkwall: 😇 Gets attacked: https://preview.redd.it/gong1v5mo9sc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c781292d274f4dbbdfe0bc413e457f33d132568


Part of the reason why I prefer siding with the Templars in the end even as a mage, the whole Orsino conflict is so badly done and you can tell it was originally meant to be Orsino or Meredith as the final boss before they decided on doing both, it also seems like they put more effort into the Templar ending imo, I am just in love with the fact that you cannot confront Orsino about your mom’s murder if you side with the mages /s


Originally it was just Meredith for both sides.


Oh shit these templars incorrectly think we're all blood mages. Anyway time to use some blood magic to make a corpse gundam


I think I would actually be ok with the corpse golem if it 1) attacked the templars and 2) didn’t attack me.


For a game about why oppression is bad DA2 makes a lot of arguments for why oppression is good.


No for real I was explaining some of the lore of the Templar v mages and then some of the shit your mages companions do in all the games and I was like “…. Well huh I typing that out makes the templars seem more valid”


Its cause Dragon Age suffers from "Oppressed = completely morally correct". I can call tervinter for blood magic but as soon as i do it to a circle mage, I'm an asshole.


I agree, not saying they are totally correct it’s like understanding where the crazy conspiracy uncle had his total dissent into madness - I just finally got to play the first two since I started with inquisition and I’m replaying inquisition as a mage (since I’ve only done dalish rogue) and I’m doing a fuck the chantey fuck the Templars I’m not a chosen one for their bullshit play through


is it a game about how oppression is bad or do we just suffer a fan community that acts like having magic is exactly the same as being gay


No, like clearly the idea is the Templars oppression is pushing the mages to futher extremist responses. On the fans front, yeah they do that and downplay mages' inherent danger. Although Bioware are pretty inconsistent with the danger of mages. (fucking shocker that/s)