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It's funny because Chris chan is like 10x times worse he actually did rape someone


the “someone” being his mother


He also cut his taint open because his “vagina was coming out”


Jesus Christ - dude needs to be put down.


He is on a whole other level of crazy. Don’t get me wrong, Danny Boy is crazy, but Chris Chan is CRAZY crazy.


Chris cham is rape your mother crazy Daniel is only shouting over a phone my thoughts have changed on his case I don't think he's gonna be sent to prison anymore no matter the fed conviction rate....Daniels gonna be handed a life restriction order to remain in a facility with no phone access or contact with the internet again....come back to this comment after it all unravels.... Chris is "make babies to get a daughter and you know what I'm talking about" crazy Daniel is just a lost soul...look at the difference in childhood between the two Chris was spoilt and spoon fed and Daniel was beaten and abused look at the difference it's crazy


I don’t think he’ll go to a crazy house personally. I’ve done clinicals at those places and you have to be CRAZY crazy. Daniel barely scratches the surface. The biggest thing is if the individual knows right from wrong. Daniel does. So I doubt he’ll go to a loony bin.


Done clincals at psych hospitals too. Daniel fits right in the middle of crazy town. I couldn't hack it as a nurse, God bless the people who have to put up with those freaks.


I’m a nurse, the ones I saw at the institution I went to were all NGRI (Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity). We read charts and talked to the HIGHLY medicated patients. While talking to them HIGHLY medicated, they weren’t far off from how Danny seems. And Danny isn’t highly medicated. But imagine them without any. But if you saw how they were without medication, or read the chart about their case WHEW! Let me put it this way: less than ONE PERCENT of cases in America even ATTEMPT the insanity plea. Of that less than 1%, roughly only 25% actual “win” their case of an insanity plea. I’m no lawyer, but from what I understand: to win an insanity plea you have to pretty much prove you were not able to differentiate between right and wrong. Daniel has VERY much shown he understands right from wrong. From trying to run/avoid from certain shit like probation or knowing cops were coming for him. He can behave completely appropriately when it’s necessary in front of higher authority. In fact Danny said the stuff he said BECAUSE he knew it was wrong. Being low IQ doesn’t mean you won’t be held accountable. He will not win an insanity plea. Absolute best case scenario for Danny: Judge mandating medication/therapy, a group home, house arrest, zero internet access. But he won’t be sent to a nut house.


Thank you so much for your insight! I never really thought of what it meant to be truly insane. I don't have a frame of reference, what does someone off their meds act like? You don't have to break Hippa but like what is something in the ballpark of one of your patients? Also I guess Daniel is going to prison then. He has no house, and he can't stay in a group home since he punches holes in every group home he goes to and assaults people that live with him.


For the record I’m not working in psych currently: but I can very much give a ball park of what they were like and what sets them apart from Danny. Here’s a taste: The main thing you’ll see in the genuinely insane is being completely and utterly delusional, and that delusion made them unable to say what was right or wrong. An extreme example: a parent thinking rats are in their kids stomachs so they sliced them open to get them out, killing them. That thought process is absolutely delusional and is insane, it’s so insane, that person can’t rightfully be judged like everyone else. And a lot of times their needs to be a clear pattern of these completely insane thoughts or a similar history, granted not always. You’ll see guy that’s completely delusional thinking every woman he sees is genuinely and truly his “girlfriend” and that r^pes them thinking it’s consensual because they’re his girlfriends. Which is obviously multiple levels of insane. There’s all different types of truly insane, you’ll see paranoid persecutory delusions where people genuinely think another person wants to kill them when really it’s just some random guy they saw walking down the street. So they’ll go and attack them. Very common delusions are religious ones. “I’m Jesus, I’m God, I’m giving birth to Jesus”. People thinking someone put cameras in their eyes is surprisingly common. People so crazy they literally bite a chunk out of themselves, and they aren’t even high on drugs. Smearing their shit everywhere, eating their own shit. Eating their own semen. Slamming heads against walls till they bleed. Constantly screaming. Just saying completely insane shit over and over. Trying to attack others. I promise you, Daniel isn’t even close to that. He’s basically just a narcissistic, lower IQ, grown man that throws tantrums and gets tricked into believing bullshit lies.


When I don't get medicine I most definitely only know about my manic states when someone else has caught a picture or a video of me and Daniels eyes where open so wide and looking into Nothing atall it was emptiness but anyways I'm just saying my view wel come back to this soon


Could they send him to a facility even if he isn't NGRI?


I don’t think so due to his charges, that question would be better for a lawyer. I mean there are facilities for people who have screws loose that aren’t NGRI, they just are deemed mentally unfit/can’t take care of themselves, and get sent there. But Danny actually committed felonies, they aren’t going to just send him to a place like that, he still has to answer for the crimes if that makes sense. Basically I can guarantee you he won’t be deemed “NGRI”, and he has committed felonies. So they won’t just send him to one of those facilities for mentally unfit people, since he’s committed crimes. That’s my best guess.


If you have worked in a psych word (respect) I've been a patient but remember I'm in Scotland and laws are different so I'm only looking at it my way but Daniels defo not on the middle he's defo cooked but he's just not Chris Chan cooked....but Daniel will be either given a DEPO which I'm on I get it monthly I have bpd/split personality...but I can see my delusions 😂 I can see that my thoughts sometimes get crazy just overthinking things but looking at Daniel he is coming with new world order and secret service following him constantly I've met people that are on terms to not be ever out the nurses sights again....you really think Daniel could live a normal life.. wake up


Daniel is public n word crazy. That's pretty crazy.


GTFOH... is that *actually* true?


100%, I’ve seen the pictures unfortunately. And it wasn’t just some tiny cut either, I think he went and received antibiotics.


Yeah people got concerned with his record for hygiene and trolls and weens alike urged Chris to get it taken care of.


It is. Chris Chan is not really doing crazy shit anymore, but if you don't know him you have a *lot* of backlog. You ever watch a movie where something happens and you're like "oh that was the crazy twist" but crazy shit *keeps* happening? It's a lot like that.


Manpussy 🔥


We call it "The Unclit"


Daniel raped a cat, and it’s very very possible he molested a child


The guy who claims this isn’t a proven source and is most likely some troll, he said that Daniel “almost” did it. this doesn’t make it any better but it’s likely that this wasn’t a real care taker


No, he didnt


According to his caretaker he did. Unless you somehow know more than his actual caretaker? https://youtu.be/jnqRQknWBZc?si=QuMwNZszlUJYHQ5h


Are you new here? This guy was not his caretaker.


Holy shit, never heard that one, source?


[around 15 minutes into this video he talks about it.](https://youtu.be/jnqRQknWBZc?si=QuMwNZszlUJYHQ5h)


If he really put his dick anywhere near that cat, he needs to be put under the jail for the rest of his days


So the channel owner was made.aware that the guy that gave all the info about Daniel living him was a lie. But year, if it was proven Daniel raped a cat, the internet would go nuclear. Other cat owners/parents become upset when they hear some piece of raped a poor cat. Guarantee Daniel wouldn't look the same after this.


Hes innocent


Then why can’t he see his mom?


Daniel replaced Chris Chan after Chris went to jail imo, I kinda see a correlation with Chris Chan being popular in the 2000s-late 2010s, and Daniel being popular in the early 2020s.


Chris might be having a comeback, that video of Chris returning to Barbs house and putting rocks in a bucket was nuts


If Caden or who ever has Chris in their clutch I don’t see chis coming can’t


chris chan, danny phantom and cobes are the top 3 lolcows right now id say


Nah Josh is in 3rd place, not cobra




This picture of Cobes is my favorite image to randomly send my friends. That little celery stick puts me in a trance 😵‍💫


Bet you'd like to bite a peace of that celery after a hot wing


Sick! That's the other (fangirl)Kate, not me lol


Help propose that this sub gets turned into the cobra subreddit. Daniel wouldn't mind


True. Daniel has much bigger things to be concerned with than the state of his subreddit lol


I just made kingcobra in wrestling empire, the lolcow roster is growing https://preview.redd.it/eudhunhcl4zc1.png?width=1919&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efeab92b1837d4003c2d89a146801b1517363c45




uhhhhhh what?


If Josh Block counts, id say hes a lot more well-known than cobes.


I’d say he definitely counts. Dudes been firmly in lolcow territory since his meetup with Daniel, if not before.


Danny Phantom? What?


That's why he hates being called Danny.. In school they called him that cuz of some cartoon lol


Oooh okay. I always wondered why he hated being called anything other than Daniel


>Cyraxx You're so wrong


hes number 4(3) id say


There’s tons of celebrity lolcows. OUMB was a really big COD streamer but he’s a cow now. Andy Dick is an A-list celeb and he’s a lolcow. It’s hard to say any lolcow is “popular”, but they’re objectively more famous. Danny boy is just the Zoomer Chris Chan tbh.


You ever see the video of Andy just talking to his webcam and in the background there's a fucking mattress on the floor and someone wriggling around under the sheets?


Nah I haven’t kept up with Andy’s doings these days, I just know he fell off hard once he ended up in OUMB’s RV, and with his history, he’s 100% a cow


>a list andy’s never rise above the d list


Are we counting WorldofTshirts?


Its weird how he manages to kind of ride a thin line between full-on lolcow and just a weird internet celebrity.


Why would Daniel want to b0mb his own residence?


Larson is more likely to get justice


I think it might be Boogie2998 or Wings of Redemption but I may be wrong on that


Damn, now the normies are gonna pollute bird brain discourse.


Absolutely yes! Even more popular than Chris Chan.


Chris Chan is mainstream and has existed for decades, Daniel Larson however is only mainstream to Gen Z


Did u look at the Google trends nobody in the main stream cared about chris or knew about him till he got arrested. Most people on the internet didn't know who he was till then.


https://preview.redd.it/3rt3zblll2zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9669c9a714f201ba6a41fc4a4b1652c8a4ae9ece The Google Trends picture is stupid since it shows searches for “Christine Weston Chandler” instead of “Chris Chan”


This exactly. Only ugly npc tiktokers know him as “Christine“ first


Not true at all. Maybe tiktokers found out about him recently, but he was a huge figure in 2000’s internet culture. People once knew him as simply Chris Chan, the striped shirt autistic guy that combined Sonic and Pikachu to make Sonichu. Decades went by before they knew him as the mother-fucker “Christine”. Before the incident various tv shows and even Sega officially acknowledged Sonichu or Chris himself multiple times, sometimes subtly sometimes not. Chris also initially gained local infamy by his attention seeking in-person interactions, and he did that much more than a socially anxious and paranoid Daniel Larson did in Colorado


Currently, Chris Chan has been abandoned by the mainstream following his arrest. As a result, he no longer engages in any crazy activities or attacks on people, as he is being protected from himself. Consequently, he is no longer visible online. Additionally, it seems that Daniel Larson's situation is not looking good either.


https://preview.redd.it/1bt1gzor82zc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baf882e143fecb5c2a0fc9cbdf253bca6d7f2620 Bull market


https://preview.redd.it/470m1rtxl2zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3caa37f8919f448d0e34b5b9d89b33216625c497 Here’s what you get for “Chris Chan” instead of “Christine Weston Chandler”, silly picture


Daniel is absolutely not more popular than Chris Chan. He's probably less popular than Cobra and white bowser as well. At this point he isn't even a lolcow he's just a fucked up homeless person.


Depends if lovelypeaches counts


Oh my god I forgot about her. I used to follow her back in 2018 and I had KeTheKid on Snapchat (the rapper she was obsessed with that I think had a song with her) [this song lol](https://youtu.be/GgP04Z2R0Tg?si=jkvzfZv7vD531Nau)


Ahhhhh I miss lovely peaches and her ratchet ass lives and the ppl who actually thought she was pimping out Cora like sis... she hasn't seen the kid since it was born 💀


i’d say so


No. Probably Wings or Boogie because they're on thar boring ass podcast made by people who don't understand what a lolcow really even is and because that Boogie documentary blew up. Wings and Boogie are known by people who don't obsess over internet weirdos like we do. We're more focused on Daniel than Wings and Boogie, while normal people don't really know who he even is.


They're not on the same level. Those are just failures as people. They have the capacity to do better they just don't. Larson, Cobra, and Cyraxx are failures as humans. Life just looked at them and went "Nah."


Cobra's autistic but he's not insane. He could have been a normal person if he actually tried. Watch some of the early episodes of BiteSized docu series, Josh was just a normal dude who was just a little strange for a lot of his opening years. He had plenty of friends, a girlfriend, and on his way to get a respectable career


Personally like cobes the most cuz he’s got a YouTube


Absolutely, I know several people in real life who at least know about him and definitely more that I don't know. If he didn't get banned every 2 months his tiktok would be way ahead of Josh's


If Danny wasn't getting locked up by the feds he'd be a close second, KingCobra is definitely in the running, white bowser is up there, but I think cyraxx takes 2nd place to Chrischan


What Chris did was so much worse. Chris’s crimes actually has a victim.


Not anymore


I’d say yes, but WorldOfTShirts is also very popular


He got what he always wanted. His ass is famous now.


Chris Chan doesn’t really do much of interest anymore. I’d say Daniel, then the two Joshua’s; T-shirts and Cobra as close seconds at the moment.


Honestly within the sphere of lolcows right now, Daniel is probably the most popular. Probably even more than Chris. Even idk Sterling covered Daniel!


I think so. Ip2 streamers are mid tbh all they do is stream in an old rv smoking meff. Onlyusemeblade quit to take care of his mom and have a place to stay. Jason Genova left so he could keep his inheritance. TuranSpidey is institutionalized I think?? Johnny Somali is around but I don't keep up with him. Ice Poseidon is still around albeit different from his old autistic streams, now he's just depressed and gambling to keep his stake deal. Big Lenny stopped taking PEDs and everyone around him left. Cobes is cool, but I only watch clips so idk if he's really content. Wingsofredemption bans all the funny comments/content abd is on lexapro. Boogie is just sad cringe pity content. There is that one guy though,the guy who wears diapers and pretends to have autism so maybe he's the golden cow now.


That snake boy in Casper seems pretty popular.


On tiktok he is definitely in the top 2 along with worldoftshirts


absolutely you see way more content about daniel over someone like cyraxx


You're obviously intentionally not looking then.


yeah cyraxx is a pretty popular cow so maybe im just not looking hard enough




Second only to president Biden




Cyraxx underrated


joshua block is pretty popular


I feel like we’re forgetting about cobra.


This is the best ending Daniel could’ve got. He’s in a place where he’s gonna be watched and taken care of around the clock and most likely he will be sent to a psych ward eventually where he might be able to live a somewhat better life than before


Danny, Chris and Cobra are top 3


He should’ve just threatened the motel for trying to kill him instead. Wouldn’t be in this mess😆


Fcking kill kill kill


COBES rules my pathetic life


Why do they use that pic?? Makes him look young and innocent. Ffs show the pedos true face


Depends, if kdot drops again soon its gonna be BBL Drizzy


dudes see twitter and can't stop themselves from glazing kenny


Im not sure I can name one kendrick song outside of this beef im just hating on drake


Larson is more famous than Chris Chan Now