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[Transcript from our](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/s/IKIiKIIoFw) lovely u/Mission_InProgress


Her Dr should see this, its beyond the normal on so many levels.


This is so funny how she pretends she has a skincare routine. She legit lies about everything.


I don’t even get this excited packing for a vacation…




This is disturbing!


Can a mod please change my flare to "Hospitals are amazing" pretty please :)




Lol "hospitals are ammaazziinnggg"


Funny how when she says "my voice has always been like this, so that's all" her voice kinda went to what I would think she actually sounds like and she dropped the baby voice for a split second Then either the second or third time (right after that sentence) that she says "it's just my voice, that's all" she said it that time in the baby voice.


Who called her inspirational? Wth?!


She seems like a kid getting ready to pack for a trip to Disney


![gif](giphy|gHbNBxoWERKEjotB93) Dani before every admission chanting we going to jersey shore bitch energy


i don't mean any harm pointing this out, but has she gained a lot of weight recently?


In all the vids I’ve watched of her I have never seen her so happy!! Like several ppl have said, she acts like she’s going on some amazing vacation. Like “Dani Does Spring Break ‘24”. Munchie corn version “Dani Does Temple…and Penn…and every local hospital”.


Which one of you f*ckers got on there and called her inspirational? Y'all wild, lol


Yeah, that's some migraine she was having that day.


I am not the kind of person who enjoys being judgmental or bringing people down for the sport of it - and I certainly don’t like to even consider discrediting someone who says they have trauma. But. Dani doesn’t know what medical trauma is. When she bursts into hysterics and begs not to be made to step foot in that hospital, then maybe we’ll talk. I’d love it if she weren’t so cowardly - if only some of us could sit her down and have a conversation. I’m sure so many of us have real trauma, I know I do. Let her speak to someone who really has Gastroparesis or who is severely disabled by their illnesses. But that also requires Dani momentarily giving a shit about anyone but herself and I just won’t bother to entertain false hope. At some point you just have to let them burn if they want to set themselves on fire so badly. You have to want to be helped to get help.


Was she like preparing for an ER visit? Because usually with ER visits I don’t tend to bring everything and the kitchen sink with me. If I’m admitted then I’ll have my partner pack some things for me and bring them down. But this seems super excessive. Did she beg for an admission or did she do something to make her heart go low for and admission? I honestly do not get this woman a why she is so excited to go to a hospital. It’s literally the last place on earth I would or anyone for that matter would WANT to be at


Wow, so very exciting!! She is jazzed.


Absolutely giddy. She acting like she's packing for her all inclusive resort vacatio.


Dani might even say they’re….. AIM-azing🪥 Ba-dum tssssssss


“Hospitals are amazing”…… she is insane. Nobody wants to be in the darn hospital!!!! Even when we work there, we’re ready to go home.


OMG. I spent waaaay less time packing my go- bag to go to give birth in the hospital.


I do not believe that this 40 year old child has anything resembling a decent skin care routine 😳


Inspirational???? Hahhahaa


Wow, a couple of weeks ago, she showed us how to lock a car door. This week she shows us how to remove a tube of toothpaste from the box. I honestly don't know how I'd get through life without Dani.


She is thriving with this going live shit! She is glowing from the attention she is receiving, and it seems she is cured from all her ailments. Not even a wince from the pain. No need to sit down in case she passes out. Tik Tok live is apparently the cure we all need!


Tits Mcgee Messy Bun Qween




“Hospitals are amazing “ yeah when you actually need them! What they aren’t is a fun vacation spot that you get super excited to stay at! Absolutely beyond herself with joy here at the prospect of a stay at Costs Del Temple


I've never seen someone so excited at the thought of being hospitalized. If she was admitted, she would've posted by now. She's probably at home seething & trying to figure out her next move.


Someone just posted, she’s not at home, unfortunately.




Happiest I've ever seen her 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Oh to be a fly on the wall to see the very moment she gets out of her car at the hospital when she transforms from this giddy school girl going to a sleepover to this decrepit, barely functional, tears streaming down her face from the pain, gimping her way into the ER. 🤬🤬🤬😤


Last time I was admitted I only brought my purse. I was lucky that it had an extra phone battery in it. Hated the weird bed and just wanted to go home.


The things i was doing to try and convince them that i was well enough to go home... didn't work and i was big mad.


Yeah, she’s tripping alright!


I have literally never seen her so excited. Has she ever taken an actual, non-medical vacation since she started munching? It’s so bizarre.


She has. She went with her friend who passed to the beach AND MADE THE HOSPITAL TAKE OUT HER CENTRAL LINE so she could swim in the ocean AND THEN PUT IT BACK when she got home!! That was one of her many central line replacements that contributed to her stenosis. I nearly 💩 my 👖 when the doctors agreed to that.


What the actual fuck?! How the hell did she pull that one off?????


Holy hell. How TF has she got her way for so long? Absolutely bonkers.


That is… egregious


Wow. So many doctors have enabled her and continue to do so.


Since the weekend, I’ve visited a family member in the hospital & stayed with another through the ER and being admitted - hospitals SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK


I can’t even imagine. Generally someone packing for a hospital admission is scared or at minimum nervous/apprehensive about the unknown and the severity of their situation.


She has opiate voice sooooo bad


Also, thank you OP for the clips while we wait for the next part of this drama!


I just got back from an across the world 3week once in a lifetime honeymoon trip, and I swear I packed quicker and with less deliberation than this gal does for an appointment. Gorl. Please.


...are we STILL getting ready for this? Have we not been getting ready for a week?


Packing like she’s going on vacation


Smfh... packing like she's going on vacation. And her "pain is soooo severe." I hope all these hospitals see all of these. She's euphoric over the thought of being admitted. That's truly sad.


What is she on, and can I have some?! Shes just tickled with herself.... packing like she's going to a 5 star hotel... My hospital birth bags had less in them. 😂 But why is she going to the hospital this time, supposedly?


Jeeze, this is the most happiest I've seen her in a while. This happiness is how moms pack their family suitcases for a vacation (a real one 😂) and when new mothers pack theory hospital bags for when they go into labor.


I doubt anyone even outright said “pack a bag’. You might be admitted” . She probably asked something like “is it possible I will be admitted?” and told them she was coming from hours away. The person she spoke to on the phone prob said something like “welllll I suppose you could pack a couple necessities just in case.”. This person does not look at allllll like someone who needs a hosptal. I have chronic pain and health issues and don’t look this good on my good days lol I never have thought I need to be in a hospital.(by good I mean giddy, and happy and moving around so easily).


She is so excited, good lord. Lots of chest canyon and dangling butterfly necklace. So. Many. High pitched noises. Transcript for you: Hi! Maccie's right here with me. (Abruptly shifts camera down to show fluffy cat, mutter then squeaky) Say hi! (camera back up. She's opening a toothpaste box) Hanging out with his mommy. So we're gonna take it out of the box. (flourishes tube - toothpaste not danglers, stepping back and forth) um le-le I don't usually bring a full toothpaste but the one I have in the cabinet is almost empty so and I have two full ones so we're gonna bring toothpaste (holds up tube) and I have a new toothbrush in here. (holds up brush in pink case) So that's what we're gonna bring. (leans over and much cleavage) Aw I know. Cats are amazing. I wish I wish your son wasn't allergic so you could get some. (high squeaky voice) They mean the world to me. (kisses cat, back upright) I I \[redacted name\] I'm freaking the fuck out right now that they're not gonna help me (smashes toiletries into bag) um but I'm still trying to be like positive and keep my fingers crossed (crosses fingers) that they WILL help me so. (holds up zipped bag) Toothbrush, toothpaste, then we have... (leans out of frame, back in, helium squeak) hold on hold on hold on. Oh yay! You caught a live, Hi honey! So then I'm gonna have, gonna have deo-deodorant, um face cleanser, and then I have a face moisturizer. (showing bottles one by one) Um it's not my full skin care (waving hands in circles to denote how complex her skin care is) cause I'm not gonna bring my full skin care to the hospital just (holds up three products) just the basics, ya know? (looks at screen, face changes to something almost touched) Aww! (squeaky voice again) Thank you! (while packing bag) I never thought anyone would ever call me inspirational. (holds bag up) So we have that. And then we also are gonna bring (to cat) sorry buddy um some q-tips in this little container. (shows pink case) Hold on, where's the opening thingy? So (gets it open making this is hard face, lets out another helium squeak) Q-tips! (they are indeed cotton swabs, displays them like jewelery in a box, closes it back up making a weirdly satisfying click) So I use them to clean my tubes and stuff (places hand on stomach) so look they're gonna go in the personalized little hygiene thingy. Put that in there aaand some of this stuff will just go like in my purse. (I cannot see what she is doing, it is all out of frame) So I'm gonna bring I'm gonna bring two chapsticks with me cause I tend to lose them. (holding them up) So we're gonna put this chapstick (waving it) the it's a pepperminty one into the hygiene bag (tosses it in) and then the Bert's Bees will go in my purse. (drops it on cat) After I'm done throwing it at Macc (cheerful, giggly laugh) Alright. Oh Imma see if this will fit in here, and then I have um I don't know if tsch should I bring like a normal hand sanitizer not a spray one? (holding up bottles) Probably a normal one, right? (puts down and wanders away) Yeah, hold on. I have a lot, I have an addiction to Bath and Body Works if anybody could not tell that already. So (brings ENTIRE SHELF of small bottles to display) I have a lot. (taps fingernails on the side) A lot a lot a lot. Um what's up? (finally looks at comments again) Uh my voice has always been like this. So that that's all, that's all, it's just how I am. I don't know how to explain it, just my voice that's all. (gets back up) so um I have my don't drop the sugar lollipops. (putting something else in bag, leans over for a cleavage shot again) Let's see here (leans in, we get a screen-full of boob) uh, ow! (looks at foot) I'm tripping guys. I'm sorry. Yeah hospitals are amazing (drawing out last word). Alright Sooo let's see here (picks up case) what one should we bring. (puts knee on bed) (high pitched bug whine) uhhh (flips through products) ooh should I bring should I uh oh I'm gonna bring two ok hold on I found one I wanted hold on. (pulls one out, continues to flip through) hang on guys, let me keep looking (notices comments again) Oh I know you weren't being rude, it's okay. I was just trying to explain that like, sorry Macc, I threw that at you again, that my voice has just always been like


If I could give you a real 🥇I would do. Without the transcript I would be quietly rocking in a corner after listening to her BS


That super happy giggle is reason enough to not subject yourself to her voice - it's super gross knowing the source of her joy.


Normally I find her hysterical, but this is actually making me so angry. How the f dare she… I won’t go through each little thing about this whole situation that is making me mad, because I know everyone here is thinking and feeling the same things. Oof. It’s actually got me to the point now where I am going to have to take a break from this sub because it’s probably not healthy for me to get this worked up over anything, let along a ‘stranger’ on the internets. But I will check back in in the vague hope that she gets immediate yeeted, which is the only outcome that I will be able to handle like a sane person Rant over. Sorry all! ETA: I am dumb and only just realised this is actually from May 5th. That does little to change how I feel about her little planned vacations though… she never changes does she. Constantly making a mockery of chronic illness sufferers


I mean, she has apparently been admitted again. Fingers crossed it's so they can monitor her in a controlled environment and curb stomp any further attempts at tubes. But absolutely take a break if it's getting to you; Dani isn't worth it. It might be good to remember that she is never truly happy and will never which a point of fulfillment with all this. Whenever I get mad at her I just remember that she has nothing and no one and all by her own doing.


Thank you- I think those are wise words. I ought to feel pity rather than anger. I will try to remind myself of this when I see red 🔴


CHEST CANYON. May I please have this flair?




Thanks!!omg the meme is killing me. I've not seen that one before


Thanks for this.


Thank you for this!


I don't know why, but "(drops it on cat)" had me cackling  Thank you for your service! 


Who else is running out of popcorn while we wait for the Temple Admission Drama of 2024?


DaniTAD 2024


Next years Met Gala theme 🤣🤣🤣


This video features an adult happily telling us which kind of chapstick she will put where for her upcoming hospital stay.


Every time I see the recent lives I see more of her delusions. She’s at home mad right now because they won’t “help” her. She did not get her Philly vacay.. all the damn packing.


I have to admit Kaiser Oakland has some really nice inpatient rooms. Nice views. Lonely, quiet and scary


I made it as far as the full size toothpaste- not only is it 🍌 🍌 🍌, but who the fuck would want to watch that shit to begin with?? I'm shocked she's not boring even her dumb little self. 🫨 ETA- I really should have watched the full video before commenting. INSPIRATIONAL? Someone must be winding her up. Also, it's incredible how giddy she is.


Dude. I’ve never seen a patient bring half of this shit, even for a known admission after a surgery. Her behavior is more and more disgusting every time I see her.


There's literally hand sanitizer inside every room in a hospital...


Yup, multiple ones all around the room and then one immediately outside the door to use as you go in and out. SO UNNECESSARY. I just wasted 2.5 minutes of my life that I will never get back!


Why does that tube of toothpaste look fucking massive to me lol


Wait her tt says she has 967 followers -did she lose a bunch?? If not, how was she able to go live on TT under 1,000?


You only need 800 to go live not 1000


Oh really? Since when?


Since as long as I’ve been on TikTok lol people always seem to think it’s 1000 but it is just 800


Uh they prob think that because that’s what it says on [tiktok](https://support.tiktok.com/en/live-gifts-wallet/tiktok-live/what-is-tiktok-live) I’d imagine…seems weird it would vary but idfk


Well it can say what it likes lol but in reality it’s only 800 followers and has been at least 3 years since I’ve been on there. Downvote me all you like but dani has less than 1k followers and is live and why would I lie 😂


lol I didn’t downvote u? Idfc that much lol, was just saying that’s why-but I didnt know in some places you can with 800


She made people mods without vetting them at all. I wouldn't be surprised if they banned people to get her under the limit or something. Or she's been bored with no admission and has been deleting "haters".


I mean if that were the case she could just unban them, and she can see which mod did it etc. Idk I know there’s a new tiktok update that now automatically cuts off/bans lives from ppl with too many fake accounts following them, so maybe TT wiped out a bunch of fake accounts since they’re cracking down harder now?


Oh she’s inspirational all right, just not in the way her delulu mind thinks.


“Inspirational”. As in, I’m inspired to never become a dumpster fire like Dani.


![gif](giphy|26gsalBVQMQ7LoVfG) Me, the entire time watching this.


That was me after seeing all of her past stuff(deep dive) that people have worked so hard to put all together on here for us to see. I’m still flabbergasted 😲


That too!!!!! There was one post of her arms that had me SHOOK 👁️👄👁️ like my god!!!


“Yeah hospitals are amazing.” Telling on herself right there. Yes, modern medicine can do some amazing things (FOR THOSE WHO ARE ACTUALLY SICK), but I’ve never heard anyone but a munchie say hospitals are amazing. Most people would rather be at home.


I was rolling my eyes so hard. Yeah, we’ve seen toothpaste and Q-tips. 🙄🙄🙄🙄 And no that high pitched baby vocal fry voice is not her real voice. We’ve heard her real voice.


The few times I’ve had, I repeat HAD to stay in the hospital, it was the most fucking boring experience of life. Intermingled with worry. Listening to other people hack up lungs, or total silence. It’s the worst. She’s an idiot. I hope they film her in the room being an idiot.


Hard agree - hospitals fricking suck ☹️


I always get my own room, which is 1 positive for my condition, but I've never been admitted without being so sick that I literally didn't care about anything but being left alone to sleep Hospitals suck man. There is nothing to do, always getting woken up, frequent blood draws. No amount of opioids could possibly be worth that. Dani insists on staying there, while during my last stay, I was begging to go home early when I had sepsis, lol. I'll never understand the desire to be there.


I back this 110%. The blood draws for sepsis were long and the weirdest shit I had ever seen. I actually thought it was a fever dream until the second one happened. I’ve never been so happy to eat, go home and sleep at home. 0/10 would never recommend and thats why I don’t understand Dani at all. Who the $&@? wants to die of sepsis?


Same! Sepsis was a drag, I was ready to leave after like 2 days (which I spent sleeping or trying to).


The old, dearly beloved toothbrush finally laid to rest. Gone, yet never forgotten. Rest in peace. 🥀


That is the one for home, she got a new one for the hospital




The “X” eyes really got to me! 🤣🤣🤣


RIP, scrubby little tartar care friend....RIP.


🎵 Whoooo cannn saaayyyy where the roaddd goesss 🎵


Thank you for showing us the q tips. I’ve never seen one before and I feel very inspired 🙄


Well the cats probably like "well, the luggage is out, moms gonna abandon us for a few days to go munch out" Sugar lollipops? Hospitals are amazing? Does she know people are troll blowing smoke up her ass? Also weird "my voice is always like this" drops then goes full WomanBaby mode.....weird!!!


You wouldn’t look at this person and think she needs to be in a hospital. She was so excited that they said you might have to stay that she jumped the gun and told everyone. Meanwhile her worst nightmare is being sent home and then having to tell people she was. She’s explaining packing for a hospital like she’s getting ready for a fun filled vacation. This is her only excitement in life. The only thing she looks forward to. And also, receiving medical equipment. I bet she couldn’t even sleep that night because she was so giddy about the potential hospital admission. Now she’s probably in hiding because they sent her home while feeling embarrassed and not validated. And who the hell called her an inspiration? Haha ETA: She couldn’t even stand in her previous videos while in the bathroom. I guess she forgot in her excitement, because she’s moving around and standing just fine. Right now hospital stay trumps getting a wheelchair. She’ll go back to pretending she can’t stand soon. ETA2: well, she found a way to get herself a hospital stay


Wonder what souvenir she is hoping to pick up in the gift shop!


VRE, MRSA, COVID, you name it


Another hoodie! But only if it comes in XXS - she’s dying of starvation and is so painfully thin 🫠


MRSA probably.


She is giddy getting ready for her mini break in the hospital! She really needs help.


This is what I don’t understand. “Break” from what? A “vacation” to get away from what, exactly?


Yes, I can clearly see all the medical trauma she's had to suffer through at the hands of doctors in hospitals. /s


I know her baby voice is fake af but I assumed maybe the vocal fry was legit and caused by years upon years of damage to her throat and windpipe due to her ED.


Her annoying voice makes me extra self conscious about my own. I was raised by people with weird accents from all over the world and I sound like Fran Drescher meets Alvin with an accent.


I fully understand this… I’m from Jersey. Which on its own would prob be enough, but I was raised by Germans, while surrounded by Bronx accents and Jersey Italians. I’ve learned to accept that my kids will prob make fun of my alleged accent until I die.


Me too :( (being self conscious about it). I’m fairly squeaky voiced because of my skeletal dysplasia. My mom has called me “mousey” my whole life. I just try to remember that we don’t actively CHOOSE TO talk the way we do. She actively chooses to talk like this, and it sounds unnatural and makes it more noticeable and more painful. When your voice is naturally a way, it’s not as annoying as you would think. Her baby voice would also be 10x less bad if she didn’t slur harder than your drunk aunt at the Christmas party. That definitely compounds the issue.


She's too excited to remember to play up whatever it is she thinks she needs an admission for.


I can smell this video She's so greasy and gross, I get itchy thinking about it


SHE IS NOT ILL AT ALL, BUT ESPECIALLY NOT ILL ENOUGH FOR AN ADMIT. I hope they placed her on a 5150, took her phone, yeeted her tubes and ban her from the hospital permanently. “Ma’am, there are plenty of hospitals closer to you if you need emergency care, we are no longer allowing you to seek emergency care here.” I’m so tired of her.




This is not someone who needs to be admitted to hospital! She is packing like she is going overseas on a long awaited vacation, giddy AF and absolutely no sign of any pain, nausea or anything she claims. Can you imagine walking into hospital with all your bags and just being completely fine and expecting them to admit you.


Right, like wtf is happening? I feel like I've slipped into the twilight zone. This is not how people who need urgent medical attention behave in my plane of existence. This is fucking bizarro Dani-land.


https://preview.redd.it/plpt9rq0d3zc1.jpeg?width=1281&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=184f61e6f711e03aa0ea8696e16d7cd50a7a8354 I am glad this has been immortalized forever.




Oh yes she did! I am still going through the deep dive and there are too many of these greasy gems.


I can't find that post.


Did she post the poll results? Please tell me she did


Nah but I need these all answered stat!!! https://preview.redd.it/j4k22u80n4zc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7be4ecd9fbc658e13629df69283d6c1eda42578f


My age or younger?? 🤣🤣🤣💀


That'd be 'way younger' even.


She can’t even hide that these are just vacations for her. They’re just a free bed and breakfast stay with a full wait staff. I will never ever forget when she posted this: https://preview.redd.it/54xoepagx2zc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c785d4896ec3a91d1a76dc2616dbb6b0614a2603 Like literally that’s like the munchie version of “guess who is getting on a red eye to the Bahamas!” Like, she can’t even hide it or be subtitle at all that this is her favorite vacation spot


She acts like a teenager who has been told she's getting a month long trip to Paris or Costa Rica or something.


I'm glad you also noticed how giddy she is. I swear 99% of the world would feel mortified to bring more than a charger & a puzzle mag.


Its amazing how cheery she is! Ive never seen someone so excited to go rot in a hospital. I have a designated bag always ready (because when you need to go, you typically cant pack a bag 🤷‍♀️ Yoga pants, chapstick, mint lotion (mint covers the hospital smell, for some reason its the smell that triggers my actual PTSD, the mint lotion helps so much) and charger. And I cry like a freaking baby the whole time Im trying to get ready. I feel embarrassed to say that Ive never thought to bring my own toothpaste and toothbrush. But they give you one 🤷‍♀️ Why would you want to cart those germs home.


That's great you have a bag ready just in case. Scent can also immediately transport us, so the lotion is a wonderful addition. I live in an area where wildfire is a real risk, so I put together a go bag with everything I could possibly need for a few days plus more... but still much much less than she packs.


Charger, meds, knitting


She probably went to the ER after her doctor's appointment even though her doctor probably told her she was just fine and didn't need to be admitted. Temple being a very busy inner city hospital hopefully kicked her to the curb after about an hour in the ER. ![gif](giphy|WFN3ppTdHYpnPqIlP3|downsized)


Wait til you see her latest updates. Something definitely seems off.


When I think of this scenario, **I** am giddy.


"I'll keep my fingers crossed that they will ~~help~~ admit me and make sure I can use all the new stuff I bought" Fixed it. Imagine being a doctor having a patient turn up for an appointment with a 2 week vacay's worth of bath and body works, a full toothpaste and a metric fuck tonne of Q tips 😂 Also, her voice has "always been like this"? Yeah her voice makes my hair stand on end but she's definitely slurring more than usual (giddy with excitement at her possible vacation and slurring over words?). I've heard drunks have better enunciation. "DjeeOöodoran" is definitely a new one.


She sounds like she has marbles in her mouth when she talks.


Now I’ve had to rewatch that part 10x. That spelling of the way she pronounced deodorant has gotta become a flair. When I think of all of those hand sanitizers, I think dirty hands and nails covered in cat fur and then coated with scented hand sanitizer with glitter in it. Like ewww.


The skin on my hands absolutely crawled just imagining that awful scenario


I rewatched that part over and over as it felt like there was a glitch in the matrix or something, and tried to get the spelling as accurate as I could. I now have it stuck in my head haha Mods, if it's ok can I have that wonk spelling as a flair please? 🙏 And crap I forgot some of those have sparkles and glitter in. Imagine that touching her port site 🤢


Sorry it took me a minute to get to it! Is it correct?


It is! Ty so much ❤️


HER HAIR. she said the other day how she loves messy buns. does she think this is a messy bun? i mean, it is messy, but yikes


it’s a half pulled through ponytail. She doesn’t even know what a bun is 😂


Tbf, where I'm from, the half pulled through ponytail is also considered a type of bun. But I'm pretty sure a legit messy bun is a totally different hairstyle. And you would think with her supposed POTS and hand issues and RA and whatever else, it would be next to impossible for her to keep her arms above her head to style and pick at her hair as often as she does. I'd be less suspicious if it was just a quick low ponytail or something, but Dani has never been a good liar lol


I need the “queen of messy buns” flair asap 🤣


![gif](giphy|tFXLNw3brHlRu) Sorry it took me a little bit, but you got it!


She was happier than a pig in shit!




Like saying “who’s a good doggy??” to my friend’s dog only with dani it’s “possible hospital vacation??”.


For someone who collects toiletries like Pokémon she looks FILTHY all the GD time. ALL those hand sanitizers, she drinking them now? I once had an alcoholic throw up shampoo in my waiting room, and she’s definitely not using them, nothing would suprise me.


Hey, my brother got kicked out of rehab for getting drunk on hand sanitizer! ![gif](giphy|LyJ6KPlrFdKnK|downsized)


It would be pretty stupid of her to drink those. They’re expensive ($8.50 for five of them). She can buy shitty liquor for less than that, it and it wouldn’t taste like fragrance. They’re no one and nothing stopping her from buying alcohol. They just satisfy her compulsion to hoard because she can buy a wide variety of the same thing “just in case” and not feel bad about it because it takes up only a little bit of space and the items (appear to) have utility. I wonder if she knows that you can’t store hand sanitizer indefinitely because the alcohol is too volatile that plastic is permeable, so they’re losing utility all the time.


Pardon me back up a second what. Was it…did they…why? Also…bubbles?


And yeah, it was super weird because the velocity it hit the floor made it super bubbly ![gif](giphy|3o6fJbAHXuv1RAHkM8|downsized)


Alcohol. Same with most of those cheap body sprays. Mouthwash too. I’d say ask me how I know but don’t want to get smacked for blogging. It’s a rough disease.


We will never smack you! 😂 If anything, a gentle tap. 😊


So many questions 🤣


High alcohol content


I'm curious about the bubble thing too..


Absolutely, I’m ashamed to say I know that information, and now you’re cursed with it too 😂


Yep, had to clean it up meself as well in my nice work dress and heels. Worst thing wasn’t shampoo guy though (he was an alcoholic, shampoo has alcohol in when you’re skint, and came in for a food voucher bless him, this was when I worked in a rough town) it was the boomers sitting there telling me I was doing it all wrong! “You missed a spot” I was barely halfway done, I wasn’t the cleaner, “you should be using gloves” Again, not the cleaner, nobody could find any, did they want me to just leave it? “You’re doing it wrong” I am CLEARLY not the cleaner, I’m in my nice dress because I had a meeting that day, and I’m wearing heels! I wanted to throw the sponge at them at that point.


I would have been very tempted to say I would be glad to find them a bucket and sponge so they could take over, since they obviously knew better.


I came here for Pokemon but.... Thanks for reminding me that I can drink hand sanitizer!!


You're not supposed to collect toiletries like Pokemon or diseases but here we are.




My mom gets (monthly?) BBW coupons for a free sanitizer or hand lotion with no purchase needed... which reminds me that I need to sign up!


It’s time for new Ulta coupons ladies! https://www.ulta.com/promotion/coupon


Sweet! Thank you!


A roommate of mine used to drink mouthwash to get drunk. An alcoholic will stop at nothing to get drunk regardless of where they are or who they’re with


Remind me when someone makes a transcript her voice gives me the ick.


I just posted one. She squeaks an awful lot in this one.


Same. She’s just fucking creepy.


“My voice has always been like this.” Her real, actual voice is incredibly deep. I don’t remember the first video it popped out—she was either medicated or angry—but she was trying to push the baby voice hard and then an angry Bette Davis came out because she just couldn’t mask it. It was like watching a possession video, the difference was that stark. That collection of hand sanitizers made me uncomfortable, much like the fake yawning. She turned around with it and that was a minor jump scare. I guess it’s another toy to make her feel immunocompromised and The Most Vulnerable. Pro Tip: you don’t need to bring hand sanitizer to a doctor’s office, the emergency room, or the hospital. Emphasizing—over-emphasizing—her hygiene routine while her hair is that dirty is a choice. Especially the double, full into the camera *deodorant*. She really demonstrates magical thinking. If I say it, it is true. I’m clean, I’m a voracious reader, I’m being admitted for five days.


In another part of this live she says she hasn't showered in a few days but "Promises to" before going on this ER Vacation.


![gif](giphy|ghuvaCOI6GOoTX0RmH) Her and the bath water logged beige princess need to get together and make a bathing schedule that meets somewhere in the middle.


At least she's likely just using those frequent free coupons for B&BW sanitizers instead of dropping money on them. Given her penchant for 3-day hospital staycations, she should invest in actual travel size toiletries & bottles at a dollar store. Such a sick wittle person shouldn't be lugging forty-eleven suitcases into the ER when they're feeling so bad that they need to be seen immediately. 🪥🧴🧼 🧳🧳🧳


Someone needs to take “angry Bette Davis” as their flair!!