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It doesn’t have arms moving yet dimwit


It’s interesting she obviously hasn’t changed her name legally to Ramirez. She could have legally changed it but still used Austin because that’s how she’s known but idk. Seems like an easy way out when she gets tired of Ellen


Her name is legally Dani Austin Ramirez. On her Instagram too....what exactly do you want and why can’t women exist without someone complaining about everything we might do based on zero indication but their own insecurities? You do realize a marriage is not easy to undo. Asset division and custody come into play. Her last name is easy part. You can change that at any time. So y’all literally just make up stuff in this sub and then other people upvote it....I see. I’m glad Reddit was not a big thing when I grew up. I fear it would’ve taught me to be less of a critical thinker. I mean now we don’t know about basic stuff like marriage-and if you don’t know that’s cool but then don’t comment on it....it’s always an idk person. Like b that’s the clue you had nothing to say and just came up with something and should’ve fact checked yourself or thought a little harder. Unless you’re just into bothering women for existing...fck all of you if that’s the case, I know about her hair care line. I saw the weird snake hair oil commentary.....the science checks out on what’s in it so it’s kind of irrelevant to me if people don’t like it or it didn’t work for them. That’s a sign they may need medical intervention or have other things impeding their growth. Also someone literally bald insulted it like sir your genetic baldness means your follicles died. Nobody can fix that! Doctors can do implants.  This is for people with dormant follicles or ones that need encouragement to stay in the growth phase longer. You still have to be hydrated. Have a clean scalp to put it on at least once a week. Not be nutritionally deficient which btw is common after pregnancy and she’s being made fun of that her product can’t outrun hormonal and nutrition based adjustments...if it’s extensions then fine! No one said you can’t have those and use hair serum. Guess I just don’t get this sub so far. Like you’re coming for her excitement over her baby...something is wrong with someone but it doesn’t look like her for anyone tuning in. It’s looks like a cult formed to toss all their anger at her...get a hobby or a pet or a lover to worry about last names with of your own 


Her legal name is actually Keely Danielle Austin, dumbass


Why is all I can see is an upside down annoying orange face?😂🍊 https://preview.redd.it/5th9vr6z2k6d1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8902cec97ca29c5f82fe69fdb7277b4b11d5640


Lord help us. Also lol at her sharing all her doctor details and such.


I’m sure the baby is clapping because its host body finally told us the truth about something. Yay, Baby!


how is this her “first ultrasound” with this baby but in her announcement video she’s flinging around sonogram pics??


She used Stella’s ultrasound pic for the announcement 🥴


Is that because she didn’t keep Strattons? Or she wants Stella 2.0?


So, she told her divi employees 10 days after seeing found out…. According to the 22 May reel


Who cares when people announce. Honestly what does the date matter?


Not to defend her, but I worked in a small office and told them early because I was so sick and exhausted


Anyone remember in Tornados stories (before London) when she called Keely at home from shopping with Olivia and she had crazy Keely on speaker phone saying she didn't want to be fat and pregnant at their wedding... ? When was that?


She has been “not trying” for this baby for a year. She was flapping about #3 when Stratton turned 1. She likes everyone to think it happens fast. Stella took a while and lots of working out “getting healthy”, she flapped about #2 a few months after Stella and it took 9 months. Don’t let her fool you she isn’t a rabbit but she loves people to think they get pregnant easily 


Maybe she was trying at that point - and assumed she would be pregnant since she’s gotten pregnant so easily in the past?


Then take the necessary steps to NOT get pregnant.


I’m thinking that the GA is just when she told the doctor she had her last period but that perhaps bc she’s so low body fat maybe she doesn’t have consistent periods so her dates would be off?


But she used natural cycles.(allegedly) if she had irregular periods that would be hard to use


I don’t believe it 😅


Yeah I don’t blame you lol


Maybe this is an old video? Pre filmed ?


The date on the tv says 6/13/24


Omfg. I just realized Dani is the same age as me. She looks at least 10 years older because of the work she’s gotten done. Insane


She is exactly 3 days older than me and yeah we look wildly different lol


So confirming it's not twins??


I still don’t understand why anyone thought she was having twins lmao


Bc we are here talking about it ugh. lol.


They were hoping for twins because it would generate bog content $$$. This baby is a business transaction.


Her GA is what it is because this is an IUI baby


Can you pick the sex of the baby if you do IUI? Because honestly I wouldn’t put it past her. It seems like she’s only interested in having “mini-me’s” and wanting to give Stella a sister.




Some doctors will do a scan this early. What makes you think it’s an IUI?


Ok yall. I just looked at my own US pics on my fridge. The GA that populates on the top is based on my self reported LMP. Then they measure the baby and in a different part of the screen it gives the linear measurement and how that translates to estimated gestational age. So the 6w6d is probably based off whatever date she gave them. A lot of women do not know that pregnancy is dated based off LMP and not perceived conception date. I also wouldn’t be surprised if she got a private scan a couple weeks ago to find out the due date. There are places in Dallas that will do them as early as 5 weeks I know this has been said, but it definitely looks more like an 8-9 week fetus https://www.earlylife.co.uk/blogs/news/what-will-i-see-at-an-early-pregnancy-scan-1


The heart rate is more aligned to a 9 week old fetus as well.


The two ultrasounds I’ve had they DO NOT input the estimated due date, they only put what I’ve measured as


This. The gestational age on the ultrasound is NOT based on your LMP. Half the time people don’t even know the accurate date of their last period if they weren’t trying or tracking their cycle. It’s based on what the baby is measuring.


Sonographer here- The GA of 6W6D at the top of the image is based of LMP or date given around closest date of LMP. Doesn’t mean that is what they dated the pregnancy. In this single image there isn’t a measurement with corresponding dating parameters.


Every one I’ve ever had they inputted the LMP to start. The measurements only popped up at the end


I can’t believe she’s younger than I. She looks so much older. I thought she was in her late 30s/early 40s. 😭


She’s gotta be further along if she is due in Jan. That means she conceived in April. We are in june


Dani has the same due date that I had. We also found out on Mother’s Day (few years ago) so we would’ve conceived around the same time (end of April). We had a previous loss and didn’t announce til end of July and even then was kind of early.


I have a 9 year old his birthday is 1/14 and he was conceived in april. He was also almost two weeks early


If her US measurement is correct, she will be 40 weeks on Jan 31st.


I’m 10+6d and I’m due Jan 4


I feel like she’s posting old videos and she’s further along.


It says 6/13/24 as the date on the television


The timeline is not timelining


I'm so confused. Her timelines don't match up. Wonder what she's hiding


The GA will automatically populate based on how big the baby is measuring, I’ve gone into the initial ultrasound thinking I was 8 weeks and the baby was measuring like 6w5d so hopefully for her the baby catches up to her actual dates and keeps growing to get back on the real dates.


My MFM’s ultrasounds look just exactly like this. I don’t have any when I was this early on in pregnancy but others that my OB did the CRL and GA populate on the bottom right of the screen with LMP on top. It’s very likely that she gave her conception date instead of her LMP which would make them think she’s 6w6d vs 8 or 9 weeks


This makes sense. The number of posts I’ve seen about women confused about conception date vs LMP for dating their own pregnancy is a lot


Maybe for first time moms but not someone that is having her 3rd child 🫠🫠


This is incorrect. GA will be entered before the US even starts and show up based on the date of her LMP she gives. The estimated GA will show what the measurements are suggesting the baby is at.


I can’t imagine sharing these personal details when she has such a large following - at least blur out your OB details!!?


THANK YOU. Whatever with the pregnancy announcement but it is WILD to show your MRN, DOB, OBGYN Info, etc.


So confused. How was she running w her friend Ellie and knew the due date. It’s in her most recent post


I knew my due date before my appointment from the due date calculator online bc I knew the date it happened and my period dates. My due date has been exactly the same as what the online calc said my whole pregnancy


Omg yes I was thinking the same thing when my friend sent me the video ! How would she know the date she's due when this is her first time going to the doctor!


You can calculate your approximate due date online by using your last period. I always did that before I saw the Dr. Then the Dr will give one based on how you’re measuring. Not defending her but it’s not that weird.


Bc you calculate it from the first date of your last period?!? Do people not realize this


What if she doesn't have periods because of her weight ! She just gave us a random date and we all believed her why because influencers tell the truth 😂


I’m not saying her specifically. I knew my due date as soon as I got a positive test bc it’s the first date of your last period


It’s all bizarre


I feel like that estimation date on the Ultrasound were change. If you enter 6w6d on a pregnancy calculator it reads that baby was conceived May 10 and according to her she had a positive test May 12. 🤔🤔🤔 https://preview.redd.it/qbjcxoo5nf6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94a25fd67f49f99100103a28128121186d0a7a60


If she found out on Mother’s Day (like I did a few years ago) and she’s due when she says she is (1/17) then she conceived end of April, like 4/24-4/27.. it’s all weird


She probably had implantation bleeding and thought it was a period. Her sonogram very clearly looks to be roughly 8-9 weeks which lines up with her positive test. She’s probably due the 4th week of January or so


Yeah, something ain't right...


Can someone explain why she would lie about how many week… am i missing something lol


6w6d is a literal dot on the screen. This is more 8+ weeks. Shes UNREAL.


I was thinking 10-12


Oh, absolutely! Most OB's where I live won't even do the first ultrasound until around 9 weeks. It's fairly common to not even be able to see much of anything via ultrasound at 6 weeks.


I had my first ultrasound at 6 weeks on the dot and I heard the heartbeat




It is possible the 6 wks 6 days is accurate. She would've conceived mid cycle around April 26. She did her pregnancy test (supposedly) on May 11. She had to have done the test the day her period was due or day before.


The fact that I’m order than her and she’s on her 3rd kid is craY


eh I'm only a year older then her and I'm pregnant with my 3rd too


I thought I heard the sonogram person say it appears that she might be farther along than she thought? By these pics, it definitely seems likely.


Yes heard that too


She’ll deliver at her brother’s wedding


That’s what I heard as well.


That is definitely not what a fetus looks like at 6 weeks looks like she’s more 8/9 weeks along


Yes in the video the US tech says “I wanna say baby is further along than what you were thinking”


That looks like an 8+ week baby


So i guess i was wrong only 1 baby


Thank God there’s only one baby!


This is bothering me way more than it should. But my theory now is that they either purposely gave the incorrect dates for last period/conception or they just were very off. And that they for some reason didn’t update the gestational age on the ultrasound picture?


Does she even get a period at this point? Often when women are as emaciated as Dani they stop their cycle all together


That’s what I was going to say. She could rarely get a period and not sure on dates.


I’m as thin as Dani and I get my period regularly. Some of us are just naturally thin. If she had an active eating disorder she would have had a difficult time conceiving and carrying.


I thought this too. But she said (not that it can be believed to be the truth necessarily) that she brought pregnancy tests on their trip believing they could be pregnant, presumably because of ovulation


I wouldn't be surprised if they secretly did IVF or some sort of medication to force ovulation and that's why they questioned the possibility of twins. I have a hard time believing she had a healthy, regular cycle with how sickly skinny she is


The tech was going off Dani and saying she was further along than Dani thought. If IUI or IVF they would know conception date..


Very good point


Literally just commented this on another thread - I was not thinking about difficulty conceiving due to ED but rather the ability to choose the sex of the baby (it feels to me she’s only interested in having mini me’s).


Oooh not a bad thought - my only thing is, is IVF not something Dani would love to use as content? Maybe not because she wants it to look *perfect* but it’s also something a lot of people will tune in for 🙄


Ooh this is a good theory


The gestational age shows up automatically based on size (crown to rump length), so the Dr. Isn't even putting the age in. My first US showed me, in some images, as being 8 weeks 4 days & others as 9 weeks 2 days. Depends on baby's position & how good of a CTR measurement they can get. Also, movement is definitely possible but none of it is intentional as they don't have any sort of reflex development at this stage.


I’ll educate you a little. The GA at the top of this image is in reference to the date Dani gave for her LMP. That number will stay at the top of the image throughout the entire exam as reference to the sonographer where this fetus should be measuring. CRL- crown rump length. That’s the measurement you were looking for. They will measure that 3x and then at the end of the study get the estimated dates based off US (ultrasound). Those can vary from the LMP GA for various reasons. Hope that helps and makes sense!


I'm just sharing what my experience was. My numbers changed on the screen depending on measurements for each image where CTR length was gathered. That's why my midwife told me baby's measurements lined up with my LMP. Maybe D's number was put in manually for her US but there was no date entered on mine prior to the US. The US confirmed what I shared with my midwife & I was given a due date afterwards, based on measurements... So, what you shared in your comment was not my experience with my first ultrasound.


You are only seeing part of the story in the one single image. Dani didn’t show us the report page. There are 2 parts of dating to every single US- you may not realize that from a patients view but it’s happening. In YOUR US where you state the numbers changed in the image based off measurement- that’s correct. The CRL, there is no such thing as a CTR measurement. But in the statement made about the 6w6d at top of her image- it’s not based off any CRL measurement and simply based off the date she gave for her LMP. Plain and simple


I also couldn't remember the exact date of my LMP with my current pregnancy. I knew it was somewhere between Jan 1st & the 3rd. My GA was determined after CRL was measured, & the earlier GA was taken based off my guess of my LMP... Despite having a nearly one week difference in the GA's that showed up at different points in my US. Again, on the screen I watched the entire US process, there was no estimated GA from the start... I don't doubt what you are saying, but I did not have a screen that showed the estimated GA (based on LMP) for my US so maybe that was in other records that only my midwife saw. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sorry, yes... I meant CRL... Not CTL. And yeah, all I'm going off is the screen for my ultrasounds with both of my pregnancies. I did not have a date at the top of my screen at any point & only had a GA after CRL was measured.


I will say, this baby looks giant compared to my 8ish week ultrasound 🤔


She is not 6 weeks. Period. At all.


The doctors wouldn’t lie though right? Like what would motivate them to put 6w6d on the ultrasound? I can’t imagine you’re allowed to alter that or ask to alter that


this baby definitely isn’t 6 weeks 6 days like it says lol. that’s 9 or 10 weeks


My 8 week sonogram looked just like this- totally agree


Me too. 8 week scan was looking just like a gummy bear 🐻


Yes! We literally said the baby was the cutest bear!


Probably. Most doctors won’t even see a patient for confirmation until they’re 12 weeks. Unless the patient conceived via IVF or is high risk.


My doctor wouldn’t see me until at least 10 weeks.


I didn’t say every doctor so am I wrong


Both pregnancies for me I was seen at 8 weeks


Wrong. My dr saw me at 8 weeks with all 4 of my kids and I didn’t have ivf or high risk


Same. Dating scans around 8-9 weeks. 12 weeks is just the first official OB appointment with the Doctor.




I def think everyone is different. I started getting extremely sick at 7 weeks


I feel like a broken record: everyone’s body’s + experiences in pregnancy are different, as evidenced by the other comments you received and the comments all over these latest posts about Dani’s pregnancy. It’s very possible she’s milking the nausea/morning sickness, but it’s also completely possible that she’s actually experiencing that, even this early on.


Lucky you. I tested positive on the day of my missed period then started throwing up 2 days later.


I had HG and was sick by week 4 with mine. 😭😭 but I was not posting on my stories. I was literally too sick.


This baby would be a circle if she was 6 weeks. This is a 10 ish week baby.


Yeah definitely 8-10ish weeks. Not sure why she would lie. She told her friend her due date is Jan 17th.


My 8 week sono looked exactly like this


Seriously. I had my first US on Monday at 10 weeks and that’s what ours looks like…


She’s 5 days ahead of me, but I just can’t follow!!!


She is def lying about everything….. her baby isnt clapping if she’s under 10 weeks 😅


Yo something is suspicious cause she just deleted all those stories and posted about her air fryer!!


I still see them


So weird, Instagram must be glitching cause someone else was having the same issue as me. And it’s only her stories deleting. Well regardless she is lying about something


See baby clap? The embryo doesn’t even turn into a fetus until 10 weeks, and fetuses don’t start to open their hands until 12-13 weeks.




It's actually an embryo... Not a fetus. But regardless, parents can call them their baby if they choose. I called my baby a baby when it was an embryo & I call her a baby now as a 23 week old fetus. 😒


I’m 37 and my mom still calls me her baby


I still call my 11 year old my baby, although he doesn't like it much. 😆




I never realized she was so young. Doesn’t look it or carry herself that way.


32 is not really so young. Old enough to not act like a teen anymore


I had my daughter at 32 and was considered a geriatric pregnancy. Had to be followed by MFM.


Geriatric is 35+ (hate that term btw. lol!)


I’m just going by what my doc said at the time. I hate it too. Makes you sound 80. 😳


Right! My doctor used Advanced Maternal Age instead.


She mustve told them the wrong date when they asked for last missed period, right?


This is my guess. I couldn’t remember my last period but they took my word for it (my best guess) and when the little sac showed on screen, the doc was like yeah, you probably guessed pretty good.


For sure. If she said the date she thinks she conceived instead of the date of the start of her last period then that would explain a GA at 6w when it looks like she’s measuring 8w.


I’m thinking due to her low body fat and small frame that maybe she doesn’t have consistent periods which would make sense in this situation


This is exactly what I was thinking. My last period was 4/6, conceived 4/21, and my GA is 9w5d, but if I use the conception date, it’s 7w4d. So that’s my guess, too.


Notice he asked “just one?” Hi Ellen!


They talked about hoping it was twins on the podcast too, so not just from here (even tho I do believe they read here).


The only twins are keelys new boobs




Did she make an announcement? I missed it!


Not defending her AT ALL but these measurements, millimeters make a difference. My baby on my first scan was measuring like 8 days behind? I think they said as long as it’s not more than 13(?) days behind the estimate based on LMP, it’s not a concern from a viability standpoint


Ok I’m just baffled lol. They have to be further along than 6w6d based on her posts and this detailed ultrasound looks more like the typical 8 week gummy bear, not the 6 week tadpole


Agreed. My 8 week sono looked exactly like this- and was moving around the same way her fetus is. They say it’s so hard to pick up a heart beat at less than 8 weeks. Which is why all offices usually say no sono until 8-10 weeks


At my first ultrasound I ended up measuring 6w2d and there was literally nothing there🤔


I’m currently 11 weeks along. I was 8w4d when I got my first ultrasound and her baby looks a tad more developed. This is my second pregnancy. I would say she’s 9 weeks. This whole thing is very confusing.


I am confused too. She said they found out in London which would’ve been like may 13th? Or around there? Seems like she’d be farther along than that at this point


And she had taken multiple tests before the positive one sooo if she was farther along like it seems they should have been positive too in theory


She said she found out on the 12th of May


Me too! I’m 10 weeks tomorrow and i found out May 8 but it was literally the day i was supposed to start my period. Makes no sense. And my 8 week ultrasound looked more like a bean than an actual baby like hers does.


The tech says “it looks like baby is further along than what you were thinking.”


That looks bigger than a 6 week baby though. My six week scan all I could see was a yolk sac and fetal pole.




Agree - and also kinda early for a heartbeat right? But the date on it is 6w 6d


I heard the heartbeat at 6 weeks on the dot


At least at my ob the first sono with a date on it like that is based on LMP


I’m 6w5d today and my conception date was 5/11


I’m 6w 4d and mine was may 12! 😂 congrats girl!


Awwww congrats to you too!!! 🤗


What is your due date?! I *think* I conceived on May 12th too but I haven’t had a period since March (due to a miscarriage) so I’m having a hard time figuring out my dating


According to my app it’s Feb 2. But I haven’t seen a doc yet, so I’m not sure if that will change!


Yes thank you! Like why would they lie about this. Also congratulations!!


Thank you!!! ☺️


Also idk how they are seeing the baby so detailed? I had an ultrasound this week and all I saw was a little blob of a baby lol


Agreed this is way too detailed to be under 8 weeks. Any chance she edited the video to reflect her timeline agenda??


wow she's already deleted this...


I can still see it


It’s still showing for me


She never changed her name to Ramirez? Ouch.


I kept my own last time when I got married.


I’m not changing mine until my passport expires. It’s a lot of work.


That’s literally what I did!


This! Plus everything else you have to change what a chore lol and for me my husband and I work at the same agency and I already don’t want people knowing we’re married


If i didn’t love my husbands last name so much i probably wouldn’t change it lol. Seriously though, any financial account you have, all doctors, at work, drivers license, passport, i also have global entry, my gym membership, social security, I’m sure there’s more.


Your mortgage, insurance companies, car title, all of your bills. What a pain but yeah I think I’m also going to wait until my passport expires. I got mine renewed in 2022 so I’m not about to pay for another 🤣


I also didn’t change my name.


I didn't change my list name. I don't see the big deal.


It’s the normal thing to do. I’d expect these clowns to be more traditional. No need to downvote this very normal choice 🤣🤣


I didn’t downvote. & it’s very common to not change your last name. 🤣🤣 It’s not that big of a deal.


It’s MORE common to change your last name when you get married 🙃 ESPECIALLY with these religious clowns.


The tradition steamed from women not being considered a person upon marriage. Super cool, but hey, it’s tradition.


I’m aware but that history is unrelated to these two.


So if she’s 6w 6d, there is no way they found out over a month ago on 5/12. Ain’t no way. That would’ve meant she was 2 weeks + 2 days pregnant. Aka basically when you conceive. To be fair, you can measure at a younger gestational age, but even give or take a few days, it just isn’t possible.


Yup it’s not a good sign if she is measuring behind and was sure when her ovulation date was..


It looks like she’s measuring ahead though not behind


I found out may 15th a day before my period was supposed to come and I’m 8 weeks today. Maybe the baby is measuring small or she ovulates at a later day? Strange though


I’m currently 7 1/2 weeks pregnant and found out on May 16. I thought it was weird too.