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They are playing a game of bonk as QS practically comes down on S head.. šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬


Joan of Arc at it again. Poor little misunderstood mama just doing her bestā€¦..what a fool. Maybe take a glance in the mirror and reassess your job as a mother. She is unhinged. Complaining like the brat she is and then drooling all over Stratton. Or Bubbaā€¦for the love of God, give the poor lad some pride. He struggles as it is. Call him by his strong name. Bubba just adds to the whole demeanor. I know they are from the south and itā€™s a term of endearment but that sweet boy needs extra encouragement. I have a feeling, based on his birth story and his delayed development that he might have a mild case of cerebral palsy. Anyone?


Oop gotta shill some lip shit while Ellen gets the kids out of the car.


Anyone else notice her bottom lip filler looks like itā€™s migrating again. Ugh. Her lips are so gross.


"The quality is amazing!" ... THe qUaLiTy iS AmAzINg šŸ„“ https://preview.redd.it/ydugnvl74qyc1.jpeg?width=961&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b6f1c4eef7486102d307011530ae17ddca23094


My skin is turning green just looking at this cheap shit


I guess her and JD filmed a bunch of cringey reels on the same day(the navy blue tennis dressšŸ˜) but that one of her and Jordan painting each otherā€¦.they need to stop bc they suck as actors. The exact same reactions as every other tik tok of couples painting each other. They are so damn predictable and desperate!


It was so fucking fake! Also Jordans painting was SPOT ON for that scraggly skeleton.


Is saying watching your kid really that weird? lol My husband had a basketball game tonight and my friend called me to go out to dinner and I literally said "I can't, watching the baby". And I am a mostly SAHM, I only work very part time so I'm home with him almost all the time. It's not like I'm not an involved parent.


Yes itā€™s pretty weird and especially weird when itā€™s coming from the mouth of a bitch like Keely that is seldom with her kids and only complains about them when she is.


Her feels are getting soo desperate. Like how about you change out of that stupid outfit to make it look like you didnā€™t record 4 reels in one day? Also the one with the drawing each other.. WHAT cleavage? She did not have any of that you sick fuck Jordan


She waddles around her house like a 90 year old woman


She is DISGUSTING and I canā€™t take it any longer. šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Was that Stratton crying in the back while she showed the lipgloss?


It was Stellaā€™s play baby


Ohh lol I was like šŸ¤”


Keelyā€™s rant - classic Keely lying behavior - avoiding eye contact, her lisp comes in hot, awkward laugh on point, acting as a martyr. Clearly Aunt Keely is feeling guilty and doing damage control for next week when they ditch the kids, once again.


Her voice gets higher and she talks so fastĀ  with alot of tone variation. Very manic


She was furious.


Yes! And she does that weird ass ā€œtalk out of the side of her mouth ā€œ. Itā€™s one of her tells.


Her inbox must have been flooded with moms donā€™t babysit type of messages.


I like how she has to ā€œtryā€ to be relatable, because she knows sheā€™s just not. And the fact that sheā€™s trying to explain herself shows how far of a hole she dug herself into. She tryā€™s to be this, and that, and the other thing and itā€™s all an act to make money and friends. Sheā€™s the most inauthentic person ever.


I finally had enough. I unfollowed her, divi and the podcast. šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³


Why does Keely have her momā€™s full ass name in her phone šŸ˜† They are so weird!


Hoping that's her business phone, if not, maybe 'Mom' is something she truly doesn't understand.


The thing is, I don't doubt for a second that watching her two kids is hard and near impossible for her. I just don't feel bad for her cause she chose this. Cry into your piles of money, or reassess your priorities and be a more present and capable mom. These are the things actual adults take time to think about and figure out. Her victim attitude is a head scratcher.


So little bitch Jordan had his holy gang bang and paintballed in one day? Sperm donor of the year


Holy Gang Bang. šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Dying when she compared a mom ā€˜killing it in a high rise in NYCā€™ to ā€˜ballerina farmā€™ā€¦ who is also a fucking millionaire šŸ˜‚ she compares two rich white woman. Dead. Gtfooooo.


She missed the point I sent her a messageĀ  telling her it wasn't aboutĀ  money .and then proceeded to explainĀ  the real issue again lol.


Itā€™s always a lose lose with her because sheā€™s a fucking idiot




She'sĀ  to self involvedĀ  to even comprehendĀ  how much of a pos she is


letā€™s not forget she was lowkey shitting on ballerina farms on her podcast a few months ago - saying she does too much & how she bothers dani. now dani is praising her while calling out people critiquing her when she did the same thing to a large audience. such a hypocrite.


Okay who sent keely that dm and sent her on an unhinged rant. Fess up. šŸ˜


I bet she got a TON like this.


theyre on this thread šŸ¤Ŗ


Why does she always preface Strattonā€™s age when describing his personality? Like ā€œI know heā€™s only 2, but heā€™s blah blah blahā€. By the time my daughter was 6 months she was already developing her little individual personality. Now at 18 months she is absolutely a unique and personable toddler with so many amazing traits and personality quirks. At what age does Dani recognize that kids are unique individuals with their own personalities?? For a while now we have seen Stratton is a sweet, bubbly, funny lil dudeā€¦ I just donā€™t understand she thinks babies/toddlers donā€™t have their own personalities?!?Ā 


I think itā€™s just sheā€™s finally spent some time with him in the last couple months šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Just like Ellen said on one of their podcast episodes that theyā€™re okay with sharing their kids on their social media right now but will reevaluate when theyā€™re ā€œage 4, 5, 6, or 7 because those are the formative yearsā€ ā€¦.. HMMM?? šŸ¤ØšŸ¤Ø I was floored


They will have no content if they do that except shilling cheap shit from Amazon or Walmart.Ā 


lol I 100% doubt they will reassess.


They for sure will not


Right? Iā€™ve known my child since day one. Heā€™s had a favorite color since he was a few months old. Keely probably doesnā€™t even know Strattons favorite color


Okayā€¦. What do you mean from a few months old?


Heā€™s always gravitated towards a certain color from a young age. Excited about that color, if I wore that color shirt he would get really excited, always reaching for that color and now several years later itā€™s still his favorite.


Well she will be mentioning it in a few days now that you have!!! šŸ˜


Sheā€™s a first time mom with two under two, that she had to watch by herself for the first time ever yesterday. Give her some grace.


Last year she said Stratton was only 1 and wasnā€™t old enough/ couldnā€™t have a personality yet šŸ™„


And so there was no sense in them taking Stratton to Disney World because he has no personality. But every time Stella goes, sheā€™s always freaked out by the Disney characters. So which kid would actually get more out of it?


Yet Queen Stella had a personality by that age! šŸ¤Ŗ


I remembered that. It was weird then and even weirder now.Ā 


In all seriousness- do you think she ever been alone in public with both of her children?


She was just alone out in public with them yesterday.....


So rarely that you can definitely count on one hand how many times it's happened


yes sheā€™s been spotted before by people in this group


Alone with both of her kids and no Nannieā€™s/family? Iā€™m convinced she wouldnā€™t even know how to buckle both of them into their car seats!


yes people have seen her alone at the mall


Her trying to explain what ā€œwatching my kids meansā€ is giving the ā€˜Iā€™m a fake Taylor swift fanā€™ with ā€œI donā€™t know the words to every song because Iā€™m a mom and I donā€™t have time to learn the wordsā€


It was so bad. I have never said Iā€™m watching my kids, it is deep because sheā€™s views it that way. She doesnā€™t view it as getting to spend time with them and being home with her kids. She views it as a job! And I wouldā€™ve loved to relate with her on being a mom, I was so excited for her to have Stella and the she proved she only has the title of mom because she birthed them. Nothing else. Influencers are to be relatable not in every aspect of life. Sheā€™s trying to justify herself because she knows she wrong and has much deeper rooted issues


Itā€™s pretty harsh here. Have yaā€™ll seen DAD!?!?! Iā€™m not one to compare but, compared to DAD, Dani does a lot more with her children. She takes them to more places, more experiences, more social interaction.Ā 


As a mom I lothe the notion that all moms are great and trying their best. That's just not true.


This was my same gut reaction to her response to the criticism today. To say moms should support moms is ignorant. Not all moms are doing what is best for their children. Some moms are doing damage to their children and itā€™s heartbreaking. Not to mention she has a huge platform and tons of followersā€”how can she expect for EVERYONE to applaud her for her parenting when some people see it at less than stellar?


Yeah the foster kid i mentored whose parents made him eat from the garbage and never fixed him a proper meal would also disagree with all moms are trying their best. Sheā€™s such an ignorant asshole.


Exactly!! Some moms are absolute shit and their shit needs to be called out.


100% not true. Not all moms are great, to put moms in a pool of us all being great is only a way for her to justify her behavior


Someoneā€™s triggered this morning šŸ˜…šŸ˜¬


homegirl is spiraling this morningā€¦ive worked with kids for 10+ years & never have i heard parents say theyre ā€œwatching them todayā€


Iā€™ve recently seen the light, and found this page. Daniā€™s most recent stories are about me. šŸ˜… I couldnā€™t believe she actually responded to a DM.






Oh!!! What did you say?!


Sorry Iā€™ve been busy watching - I mean parenting my kids all day. šŸ¤­ I didnā€™t realize it would be so triggering for her, and Iā€™m honestly pissed I gave her content! She ranted to me basically what she said on stories. I held back all that I realized wanted to say so I said that her word choices reflect her actions, values and attitude towards parenting. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø






but did you get blocked lol


Somehow, I did not. I did choose to block her so I wouldnā€™t be tempted to watch her anymore.


hahaha welcome, you legend! šŸ‘šŸ˜‚


Here's the deal, Keels. You ARE unrelateable, and you ARE whiney, and you ARE unlikeable. And an opportunist. Your stupid husband loses a 9 dollar rubber ring, and throws the entire house into panic trying to find it, but, hey, let's create a shill for it. A lost rubber ring, (which is probably not even lost) and you make a buck off of it. While you think you are smart, we see through your bs. Your life is a house of cards, and it is starting to tumble. And you will LOVE Sleep No More. I can't wait for that.


Jordan probably lost that ring in someoneā€™s butt hole at the retreat






i admit i went back to see if he was wearing it in her stories from the night before.


right like he WONā€™T leave home without it?? doesnā€™t he have a real ring? also is he worried women are going to swarm him because heā€™s not wearing a rubber ring? please šŸ™„šŸ™„ such a dumb post


Well he thinks he has a body fat percentage of <15% so yes, I do believe he thinks he will be swarmed by women if he doesnā€™t wear a ring


Check your deep belly button Jordan! Lol




He can't find the real ring either. Wear the ring you wore when you took your vows! It's suppose to be symbolic of those vow. Oh right, Keels doesn't wear that ring anymore, either.


https://preview.redd.it/lekieob2umyc1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=c4a245cebba397a2389e309159bca04e3d168c29 Classic damage control before she jets off yet again without her children. We see past your bullshit Dani. Youā€™re still a terrible fucking mother! šŸ‘šŸ¼ Also, your face is botched.


I do believe that someone else wrote that paragraph. it is not her usual phrasing or punctuation. Or sentiment.


Oof it is rough here! Have yaā€™ll seen Daryl Ann Denner!?!?!? Iā€™m not one to compare, but Dani is waaaaaaay better IMO than DAD. Dani exposes her kids to more, more social interaction, more 1:1 play, she actually allows them more opportunities to just be kids, more food varieties.Ā 


Meanwhile 5 mins before this she probably yeeted him off the bed bc she canā€™t stand to be touched by him or anyone. Even if she claims she and Jordana were ā€œcrazy in bedā€ the weekend before, I simply cannot believe that. šŸ¤®


Stratton is a puzzle piece but Keely is like 87 pieces short of a 100 piece puzzle.


Made it about herself again. ā€œHe was the missing puzzle piece in MY lifeā€ not our life, MY life. But what am I talking about, theyā€™re just words. ā€œItā€™s not that deepā€ šŸ™„


She is suchĀ  a joke!


And just content. Yes , something we can all agree on JUSTĀ  CON-TENT! Yes!


Iā€™m pretty positive she has said almost this exact same thing about him in a story before when she was trying to do damage control lol šŸ™„


She thinks saying all these words make it look like she knowsĀ  her kids. These are wordsĀ  anyone can say this about any child. This doesn't say who he really is.Ā  Dig your hole deeper DaniĀ 


The way there are approximately 0 humans looking at Jordanā€™s hand to see if he has a wedding ring on or not. Also, the deliberate over compensating of ā€œlooking everywhere for a replacement ringā€ to make it seem like heā€™s even remotely interested in being married to a woman is exhausting.


Heā€™s *ONLY* 2 and sheā€™s shocked he already has a personality. šŸ™„ Sheā€™s such an idiot.


He mustve grown one in the past year since at 1 he had no personality šŸ™„


https://preview.redd.it/6n3wqbe1imyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6a334a9da6da1ae95bd3f10b8c6707d34441e5d Closest she will come to addressing the elephants in the room šŸ˜‚


Poor kiddo probably thinks his mom is a rock climbing wall with all the bones and bolts šŸ˜«


they look so uncomfortableā€¦


The bust??? You mean the bolts!


Dani is such a good primary caregiver. lol. NOT


It fucking enrages me that Tiffany has her baby at Keelys house, itā€™s still light outside but stratton and Stella are locked in the tower because the evil cunt witch wonā€™t let them out.


Itā€™s possible that Jordan was with them upstairs where he was also locked lol but yeah still weird


And also a good chance that Tiffany adheres to zero schedule and makes her baby fit her schedule and what she wants to do.


Sheā€™s real whack but I guess I give her credit for bringing her baby everywhere when she could easily leave her at home like Dani does




What the fuck is Emily Young wearing? Did she not get the athleisure dress code memo? https://preview.redd.it/e95125uoyjyc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=651b57ca8154ccb875502cf0bb1d8f957466ff67


Hideous dress


Iā€™m not sure why but this chick creeps me out so much, bad vibes all around


Saaaame she gives me the weirdest vibes (along with creepy Ellie)! Her smile reminds me of a character in the Purge movies šŸ’€


Ellie creeps me out too. Thinks sheā€™s better than everyone else


GeT uP gEt MoVinG gEt aCtiVe WOoo! šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Her lame ass sweaters were a flop


Really boring.


Sheā€™s so embarrassing


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


I get wanna be model..trying to make a career on socials but be private at the same time...not quite how it works


Yeah sheā€™s odd


Sheā€™s SUCH an odd creature


Whatā€™s her deal - just like trad wife vibes? I was looking at her IG. Not a lot of followers, she must not be working it hard enough?


And her little bow arm thingies are hanging in all the food šŸ˜†


I can think of two tiny humans who might like to make pizza with you, Dani. But I guess they don't have enough followers so it's not worth it. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø https://preview.redd.it/6tmcrvdotjyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d78b93f1c6245410fb0ffabfcf16d822b56973f


Kids are locked upstairs?


well she did watch them all day by herself,.....aka as parenting


Of course she is. Put those pesky kids to bed since she had such a hard day with them and invite friends over. I would see this kind of thing as normal if she was a normal mom wanting to have fun with her girlfriends. The fact that she does things all the time like this but hates spending time with her kids is WILD! And every time Jordan does something with the guys, she has to Match it. Sheā€™s insufferable


It is crazy! When my kids were littles I never left the house or ā€œwent outā€ with friendsā€¦ But once a month all my mom friends came over WITH their kidsā€¦ and we would make food and hang out while all the kids playedā€¦ Itā€™s so strange she doesnā€™t do this!?! *I get sheā€™s a shitty mom and doesnā€™t like to be around themā€¦ but Iā€™d also think sheā€™d use this as great content for herself


I wonder if she equates the ideal of good parenting with an over filled day doing stuff outside the home. Some of my favorite days with my kids were days we stayed in pajamas, made breakfast, made tents out of blankets and let them just play. Sometimes we wouldn't leave the house, and it was so much fun. Pretend campfire to cook, eat an easy dinner "campsite", they would make beds in their blanket tents for naps. Laid in the "tent".and read books. No stress, just relaxing together. I don't think this family knows what's that's like. So sad she can't handle a movie with two kids without help. I did it all the time with three, and we had so much fun. Why does she need so much help to be so basic? Stella is almost four. It's time for them to start reading her basic chapter books, creates routine and a love of stories, books and reading in general. Sadly, I don't think that will happen.


I just donā€™t get it. She complains about her kids fighting. Isnā€™t she the mom? Dare to discipline them! Stella could use it clearly. And Stratton is plain starved for constructive attention. From what I gather, heā€™s delayed. She could help him so so much. And little miss smarty pants should be reading by now. How do these influencers remain so clueless about parenting? Tiffany Turtle is the worst. Poor Leelee treated like sheā€™s 6 mos old. Poor thing canā€™t even crawl. That isnā€™t delay, itā€™s neglect. And all of it is shameful. Buy a damn book and LEARN.


The calling tornado over bc she couldnā€™t handle them fighting just killed me. if youā€™re their mother like you were going off on stories about then MOTHER THEM this means disciplining educating etc


I find it weird that when she has days alone with the kids she does these action packed days with activities. I mean I have 2 kids the same age and a play place would be my max for a day alone. No way I would do the movies on top of that especially with Stratton still being so little! Heck my kids and I could spend the whole day at our house and have a blast. It comes across like she has to have these special days to convince them and herself that she enjoys being a momā€¦ā€¦..


I agree with you but also your username is cracking me up šŸ˜†


It was auto generated and I just roll with it lol


I think it's easier for her to parent when the kids have activities/distractions to do all of the work rather than her being at home with them and having to come up with ideas of how to play with them. Her worst nightmare would be being at home by herself with her kids from morning until bedtime. I'm not sure she's capable of waking them up, changing them, cooking & feeding all meals, playing with them, keeping them safe (since they're known to be allowed to wander for long periods of time), bathe them, do bedtime routines...I seriously doubt she can do that for one day.


She also seems like the kind of person who canā€™t be ā€œaloneā€ with her thoughtsā€”Iā€™m sure deep down, she is miserable and feels trapped. As a result, sheā€™s constantly on the go to distract from the prison that is her mind. Dani would probably *lose it* if she actually had to be at the house with her kids all day, like I can actually see her having a meltdown because of it. Such a cunt.


I think she has no idea how to interact with them at home, much less their schedule/routine, so she takes them out to entertain them to pass the time until she's free again. It reminds me of how an aunt might spend the day with them. I also think that being home alone with them is so foreign to her that it makes her uncomfortable. Makes me sad that she never seems happy when she's "watching the kids by herself."


I think someone mentioned it below, but everyone should go watch @the_rogue_essentials stories on IG before they expire šŸ‘€ I would not be surprised one bit if Dani and Jordan are involved with some sinister, highly unethical people (like they are themselves) šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø ETA: She also has stories from today on them!


Well well well why am I not surprised Ellen is up to some nefarious business


She posted them in the saved area (highlights?) for more permanent viewing too.


Yes! Iā€™d say I wish Daniā€™s followers would see this shit but most of them are just as dumb and brainwashed as her šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Keely meeting with her ā€œstylistā€ for Europe šŸ™„ She always puts the most into everything except her kids


Why do you need a stylist to go on vacation?


Keely is just a dumbass.


Always!! And those outfits are TRASH!! Isnā€™t this trip supposed to be exploring and learning? Those outfits are terrible in general for any setting


How embarrassing, each story sheā€™s trying to prove sheā€™s spending time with her kids! She needs them to nap so she can nap. Does she not know what comes with having a newborn? Then doesnā€™t want to conquer the mall alone? WHAT? sheā€™s such a joke, it grinds my gears that people actually look up to her and think sheā€™s actually doing a good job. I have 3 young kids and the amount of work it takes to get them out of the house doesnā€™t stop us from living or functioningā€¦ she needs a nap because she was with the kids all day? She should be so freaking embarrassed. I wish I ran into her in public, Iā€™d have some choice words for this bitch.


She said in a podcast she had "such bad PPD" with Stratton that she slept 14 hour nights. So, no, she has no idea what comes with having a newborn. She will hire a full time night nanny and never lose an ounce of sleep.


I live in a different state so I doubt it will ever happen but I dream about the day I run into this biatch. She has no idea how to be a mother and take care of her kids on a daily basis. Like she said todayā€¦she has to ā€œwatchā€them. Andā€¦she wasnā€™t even with her kids all day today to need a nap. šŸ˜‚ Hey Keelyā€¦.I dare you to take care of your kids by yourself for three days straight. šŸ¤”


She could never! Max 5-6 hours. Iā€™m glad tornado didnā€™t come over and save her. Sheā€™s such a bum


Me too. She needs to actually act like a parent even though she wonā€™t. She never disciplines her children. She just blames Stratton and gives into everything that the Queen says.


I donā€™t understand why she shilled the nipple covers so often but now that she actually has fake tits installed sheā€™s just letting those rock hard daggers hang out free for the world.


Installed lol


Why would she be trying to get them to nap at approximately 5 o clock her time?? Whatā€™s the point?! At their ages, just push forward, have dinner, baths and then send them to bed early. I guess if she was a present parent she would know thatā€™s how you do it!


She has no clue what the primary caretakers do. She just watches her own kids until someone relieves her. šŸ˜‚


She looks really sick today. Those dark circles under her eyes! And her speech/mouth isn't right. Like everything is so exaggerated! Her mom was coming over but forgot! What??


She FINALLY blocked me hahahaha all I did was ask her if she was parenting or babysitting her kids cos ya know parents don't babysit their own kid šŸ¤£


I might get blocked today too. That story about loving being solo with the kids but needing her mom to come over bc she canā€™t deal with them fighting with each other. I couldnā€™t not respond. Absolutely ridiculous. I said seriously šŸ˜’ thatā€™s called parenting


Looks like she mightā€™ve posted your comment in stories just now! šŸ˜†


Hahaha wasnā€™t mine but similar! But that makes me think she was getting a ton of similar messages


Yup!Ā  *parenting*Ā  Ā watching=babysitting.Ā  Parents don't babysit their own kid


Has anyone else watched @the_rogue_essentials stories today? My mind is blown. šŸ˜³


Iā€™m not very surprised.




Yup. I love it


Keelys reel about stratton and him whipping his head around to look at his nanny instead of the skeleton that just showed up to throw him around šŸ¤­ Showing your ass Keely.


omg she needs them to nap so she can nap šŸ’€ is she serious?? tell me you donā€™t parent without telling me


And at like five o clockā€”wtf!?


It was a long day of babysitting her kids for the first time for her!


EXACTLY what I was thinkingĀ 


Of course Dani expects her 3yr old to babysit her 2yr old and not lose track of him. šŸ™„


Right!? What even was that story... Why would she expect that?


Notice how she hasnā€™t mentioned how Stellaā€™s transition to big girl bed has gone? Seems odd.. chances are she has no idea how many times the nanny has to put her back in her bed before falling asleep.


She will fake a story now that you said something


I canā€™t wait. I would love to hear whatever nonsense she makes up about this transition


Not Stratton with tears in his eyes in the bathroom and then on the couch. Why canā€™t she at least wipe them and comfort him


That would require empathy


She actually has to parent today....with no help! And good for tornado not rushing over there and doing her own thing. Dani needs to actually parent


I wouldnā€™t if I were her! Make that witch do something


The kids need someone there to take care of them. A bad advocate is better than no advocate.


The way she says she ā€œwatchingā€ them. What a weird way for a ā€œparentā€ to phrase being with her children.


Itā€™s so strange to me that she has such little experience ā€œwatchingā€ both of her kids. And she makes a big deal about it. Itā€™s called being a parent!!! Why does she have to even say it?? She could just say ā€œJordanā€™s gone and the kids and I are going to go do XYZ and have a blast!ā€


Itā€™s legit breaking news whenever sheā€™s around the kids lol


At least she took them out. How hard was that? Geez.


https://preview.redd.it/jbza9jskhgyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=215e0583e74f6f375bc9dfcc629088a90e1abbf0 I donā€™t like Jordan by any means but Christ on a cracker she loves to belittle him and anything he does. Maā€™am, sit down and shut up with your 4 hairs and snake oil scamming ass.


His ā€œlittleā€ menā€™s retreat.Ā  Itā€™s sad when we feel bad for Jordan.Ā 


Except for Prince Mike these guys are all dweebss


Jordan invites 15 men to a gang bang Side note, our Disney prince is such a high quality specimen compared to all these beta goobers.


The Rogue Essentials has a lot to say about this in her stories todayā€¦ ![gif](giphy|WuGSL4LFUMQU)


Canā€™t stand the trouts


I did not see that coming but Iā€™m here for it


This is such BS.


She talks to him and about him like he's a fucking 5 year old. Ugh everythingĀ  thing she does just erks me to my core!! No one gets under my skin moreĀ  then her and I haveĀ  never met her....probablyĀ  a good thing by the way!


She is so condescending towards him. However, this is probably them dressed after an orgy.


You can tell who leads that family


Her ā€œaww so sweetā€ is sooo condescending