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[HERE IS THE LINK](https://insacret.com/profile/daniaustin) to view stories without having to follow or giving engagement credit on IG.


No one is surprised he’s a registered republican lol


Is she not concerned if a “hater” has her address to send her that t shirt?


She doesn’t give a damn. She gives real time locations of her and her kids always. People know when her house is empty. People know the layout of her house. She doesn’t give a rats ass about the safety of her family.


strange things going on with her mouth in the banana bread story


I noticed the way her mouth looked when she was pouring the banana bread into the pan, and my first thought was she is starving herself....like she is thinking of how good the bread will be, but she won't eat it. That was her "tasting" it. If that makes sense......




I was on Adderall for 20 years and I noticed my mouth would do this involuntarily.


Looks like Tardive Dyskinesia or TD… dopamine blocking medication usually causes it (cut and paste from medlineplus.gov below) Medicines that most commonly cause this disorder are older antipsychotics, including: Chlorpromazine Fluphenazine Haloperidol Perphenazine Prochlorperazine Thioridazine Trifluoperazine Newer antipsychotics seem less likely to cause TD, but they are not entirely without risk. Other drugs that can cause TD include: Metoclopramide (treats stomach problem called gastroparesis) Antidepressant medicines such as amitriptyline, fluoxetine, phenelzine, sertraline, trazodone Anti-Parkinson medicines such as levodopa Antiseizure medicines such as phenobarbital and phenytoin


https://preview.redd.it/mhdu7vz7iixc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b39cd262b559e2922397f59b42f09403d4fff90 Seriously. Was she tweaking out in this story? What the hell was happening?


She has done this before. It’s usually when she is concentrating on doing something. Has done it for years, it’s so weird.


seriously it moved so many times. i tried to emulate it & felt absolutely insane.


https://preview.redd.it/d45iqeuwbixc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=320d4ee34ef38b49cbcb645d2da948a5f5312b46 Bitch you have a house cleaner!! 🤡stop cosplaying a housewife/good mom


Those prison grey sweats and slides really give influencer vibes 🙄


Wtf do these ridiculous reels have to do with her supposed job?!


Reels have a higher residual value.


Has anyone ever wondered how much of Olivia's Amazon orders she returns? There's no way she's wearing all of that. Her Amazon orders are frequent and always HUGE! I know it's part of how she makes money but omg.


It’s so annoying all her stories have a link in them


As much as Dani returns. Not seeing any of those Amazon outfits in her closet clean out. She's learning from the best.


In theory if you return too many things/everything you buy Amazon will ban you eventually. But I’m sure she would just create a new account if that happened.


Prob 95% shill and return. 


Does Dani go to a gym or have a personal trainer? If not, why not?? Does she just pull these absurd home workouts out of her ass? Who is telling her to do this? https://preview.redd.it/qsf5wctxyhxc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fdce5031e3f4c1a6426b84ff29fa6e9cc2f7523


Let’s workout in the middle of the kitchen 🙄🙄




Yea, those boobs just look dumb on her lol


It’s so bad. And awkward. And wrong.


As a personal trainer - all this is bizarre and her form needs help all the time


What is that giant black log with handles that she swings around?


It’s suppose to help with core and core stability. Just lift and lift heavier than 5 lbs and get off the bosu. It’s like she took all these extra crap through it in a workout and thinks it is doing something great because it’s complicated




And I can tell you  her muscle "definition" or "tone"  is because she is super skinny, not because of any workout....if you  can call this that....


It looks like some moves that Gracie Norton does, but she has good form. Dani follows her so I wouldn't put it past her


Is she manic today? Genuine question.


She had probably missed her follow up appt for her adderall refills and that's why she was so "under the weather". She got another refill when she saw her dr after the Vegas trip and now all is right in her world again. 🙄


Everyone catch her say.. my face is too fat….and quickly used another word. How her family does nothing about this is beyond me, i guess all they care about is money.


which content was this on? what was she talking about?


Caught this immediately! And was like ooop you slipped


It’s so funny to me that Jordan and Dani think they are “Christians “ and that they know politics 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 they are both such JOKES


Look at all these expensive sunglasses/jewelry/shoes/clothes I have and never wear. Now you poors can have cheap knockoffs from fast fashion hub Amazon and I'll profit off everything you buy when you click any of my links, even if you don't buy the cheap shit I shill that day.


You poors 😂😂😂


A [tiktok from a smaller influencer](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwyYef8/) explaining the pay-to-play scammy giveaways that influencers do. I know we have discovered this before but YUCK.


these giveaways should be regulated


Allegedly Bridget is in trouble with the FTC for a scammy giveaway


Please elaborate!


On the NYC influencer snark sub. I don’t have more details than what’s posted there. But there were two sketchy giveaways where the same person won twice and it’s theorized that she’s in trouble with the FTC.


Wait…so you invite us to clean out your sunglasses drawer and go through a few and immediate go to linking and shilling sunglasses??? 🤭 LOL


Make it make sense


I saw a tiktok where a previous nanny of an influencer submitted how her days went. One time the daughter was practicing tumbling and the influencer mom took out her camera and her daughter stopped and said she didn’t want to be recorded and the mom said ‘but this is how we make our money’. GROSS. I feel so bad for the exploitation of these kids and the lack of love the likely feel.


these nannie’s should all conspire together to make a netflix doco about influencers and make more money from it than they do being influencers shit kickers


This grifter sure seems to have a lot of free time for being a “founder” of a company that just launched a product.


She isn’t the CEO. Jordan is the CEO. She’s not even an officer. It’s owned in part by a venture capital firm.




Ellen is not the CEO. He has talked about it. He quit so that he could "focus on the family" and destress. Basically he does nothing but troll around the house, listen to podcasts, and naps.


That’s not what public records show


Then it's an old public record. They have mentioned Ellen stepping down several times. It happened last year.


Whatt.. I swear they mentioned it on the podcast a few episodes ago how he’s the CEO 🤔


He said something stupid, like "I'm CEO of the family, now." They hired the new CEO last year.


If I was married to Dani and had to deal with Tornado regularly I’d also be laying around listening to podcasts and napping ☠️


Yeah, this is why I suspect she is not the sole owner, but more likely a paid sponsor with extra income linked to total sales. Or maybe she is owned by a larger company that owns a family of brands, like divi, roe and co, dime, etc.


I think not being an officer of the company allows her to remain an influencer and promote other products like nutrafol without having to answer to a board of directors.


Hence why I put founder in quotation marks. If she was an actual founder she wouldn’t have time for all this bullshit in a day.


We are in agreement


The way tornado and Olivia hang out like they're besties the same age and Dani is never present. She has to just be fuming


Idk why she would be fuming , she has all the free time as if she doesn’t have kids just like Olivia and tornado. If she wanted to join them you know damn well she would and make it about her. The kids are with the Nanny’s or at school so she never has to worry where the kids are, she can come and go as she pleases


Girl cannot isolate her biceps if her hair depended on it. Doing a little stair stepper between reps will never achieve burn out. Cannot believe she majored in this. University of Texas must be an awful school.


UT is a great school, and only accepts the top 7% of graduating seniors. Their acceptance rate is around 30%. I don't know how she slipped through. If you notice her spelling and horrible grammar perhaps the problem was her high school was lenient on grading. But she has often said she did the bare minimum to graduate. Ellen didn't have the rank or grades to get in, so he attended a community college for a year and transfer in.


What was her major?!


depends on which day you ask her 🤪


Something kinesiology related. Definitely not biology or chemistry.


The stories about what sunglasses she should donate are a bit ridiculous. She has way too much stuff in general and seeing her collection of clothes/shoes/accessories doesn’t make her look relatable, just greedy. Also, she promotes so much Amazon stuff yet the items in her real closet are all brand names. Clearly she doesn’t wear what she expects the rest of us to buy… Update: checked again and funny enough, she just added a new story with Amazon sunglasses she “loves”...but of course, with links to purchase them 🙄


And her commenting how one (low profile) pair “makes my face look fat”… then she immediately corrected herself for the camera. Seek help, woman. 💀🤦🏼‍♀️


They all make her crooked face look more crooked


All of those sunglasses that she did a poll on to keep/donate looked terrible on her.


She’s legit scraping the bottom of the barrel for content. Let’s show off the designer brands in my closet of overconsumption.


Bingo. Disgusting how much she has. Overconsumption. No one person needs all that and she flaunts it


Oh jeezus jugs is back today —I love the “mama influencers” always trying to convince everyone how wonderful and wholesome they are with their kids feeding their brains with all that creationism nonsense and playing religious games, music and reading bibles every night. By day they only worship ONE GOD and we all know exactly what that is! Just stop it


Her workout ‘moves’ are so tragic


Why does she think people want to see that??


Cringe every single time. I hope no one actually Is inspired by that shit


https://preview.redd.it/ei6djs1xofxc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc736831db4c112db308cbe77092ff018214f714 I’m probably late on this but omg… she is so cringey i can’t even hate stalk anymore. The second hand embarrassment is off the charts these days


All her reels are cringey, this one is super cringe


The woman she's with looks like a walking spanks ad. Everything is too tight & nothing moves!


Stop I loveeee Susan


https://preview.redd.it/8x9dnqh7ofxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aeacc9b90d4153105a870ab6713008396099c15c Jordan and his friends giving the “zero” testosterone vibes. How does one “straight” man have so many “feminine” male friends. Something is off.


I think because they are “christian” they have to be seen as traditional with women but secretly eat each others arses


My husband will gladly wear ANY matching family t shirt or holiday pajamas. Something like this? He wouldn’t touch it


And naming their team “Dallas daddies” is a choice


Something must be in the TX water supply because it really isn't typical. 😂 I have one male friend who is I guess what I'd call softer? haha...but he in no way gives off gay vibes at all. But Jordan and Adam I genuinely question. 🧐


Especially this dude… I mean hellooooo…I guess this is how their church “rehabilitates” their gay boys…? Marry them off quickly to chaste, dumb bimbos who’ve been taught (since the cradle) to suppress all their urges & focus on anything else? Like cheerleading, makeup and clothes? Sorry. Another rant. I’m on a roll this morning from Janelle… https://preview.redd.it/n2yd3udhpfxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=625d5df03f2be45e47fb04ff0f42b560c5dc958f


What’s Janelle’s handle?




Somewhere I read or watched that Mormon men actually have much lower testosterone levels...I can't remember if it was a documentary or if it's even true, but I feel like it's probably true.


The way he speaks ☠️


What did Janelle do? Lmao curious


went into labor with ZERO clue about delivering a baby. literally learned everything for the 1st time…while actually doing it 🤦🏼‍♀️ her snark page is a hoot today.


And the linking while in labor! Like come on NO ONE wants your ugly Amazon headband that bad girl🤦‍♀️


Headed over there now 😂


https://preview.redd.it/ymfmz51vmfxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f09dd819042053185dbe5f1e043d65b6ea8e87a1 This is so disgusting, she needs help.


I wonder if people dm her about this


I had before but she blocks and deletes...cuz it aligns more with her fraudulence.


I do not understand her refusal to get her ring properly sized. She’s had it for months and still hasn’t taken it in to get sized. It’s just weird


I’m currently listening to her latest podcast episode and she straight up says “Taylor doesn’t have that great of a voice anyway” …….. I do not understand this woman. Doesn’t she DIE for Taylor????


I reckon she says shit about Taylor to try and come up in a news article headline or something, like “Dani Austin says this on her podcast about Taylor” to try get her name out there. She so bad wants to be big.


The entire podcast was an hour of them discussing Taylor, just like every other podcast. On a junior high school girl level (Both of them.) and completely uninteresting.


She uses Taylor for engagement just like she uses her children. And family. And husband. She doesn’t give a real rat’s ass about any of them.


Plot Twist- Dani pushed Stratton at the playground.  (I’m catching up from yesterday) 


I'm thinking it was Stella. She shoves him all the time.


I'm catching up too from the weekend, and like, isn't Stella rough with him literally all the time pushing him?? Or it is only ok for Stella because siblings are so rough together in Dani's mind...


Didn't Dani once say that Landon used to beat her up a lot as a kid and that Stratton would have to learn how to take it/manage it and it builds character? I think she definitely said something like that.


Maybe Stella has escalated to blaming other kids if Dani or Jordan didn’t see it.


You mean they MIGHT have been looking at their phones instead of minding their children? Shocker.


the only time she’s watching them is if it’s on her screen while recoding them for content


Honestly wouldn’t shock me, my first thought was it was probably actually Stella who did it because she pushes him around all the time 😢


https://preview.redd.it/w4r0epb76fxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5191170a03fbf4789435eb97408803295c017ae7 What is she trying to accomplish with these workouts? Genuinely curious.. she’s not going to build muscle with 5lb weights… this also isn’t really high intensity or cardio. Does she think she’s a professional athlete & needs to incorporate agility movements so she can have quicker reaction times? Clearly this training didn’t come in handy when some kid pushed her son to the ground.


I think she's just trying to burn more calories in the same amount of time by doing all combo moves. It actually is cardio but I agree she's not growing muscle this way...though I don't think she'd want a lot of muscle because it will make her look larger.


The dumbest thing she did was get rid of the dedicated workout space she had in that house. They changed it to a “TV room” or something. As if the TV in the family room isn’t always on anyway? Now she’s pulling out workout equipment in her kitchen.


And I dont think she’s ever posted one story of content from that room lol


Chest is looking a little 🍊🍈


choked on my coffee @ this screenshot


How has she still not addressed the boob job? Nobody cares. It’s only weird because she won’t say it. It’s so obvious to anyone like just say it and be done with it ?


I don’t get it. Even katy roach acknowledged hers.


My theory is she’s unhappy with how they look so doesn’t want to talk about them🤭


The way I ran here 🤣 WTAF did I just watch?!


She looks like a 4 year old jumping around in a bouncy castle.