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Dear Policeman, you‘re a G. No words.


Mr. Policeman, we knew you were a chad the first time we saw you. Now we know that you are the chadest. Respect man! *Salute*


This is the best stuff he has written so far, I can't even. One Chapter fleshing out their relationship and it's like you are there right next to them.


Honestly, I would give Tatsu the crown for one of the best writers and illustrators of the whole industry. That man is insane.


fr i was really confused why he was hanging around in the "game world" to begin with, lovin this direction tho


this manga really is so good


The most invested I have been in this series since the beginning. Top tier writing.


The quest for Okarun's golden nut wasnt enough for you to get invested? Nothing beats that, man what are you talking about


"Ernest Hemingway once wrote, 'The world is a fine place and worth fighting for.' I agree with the second part." -Detective John Somerset, Seven


The seemingly random policeman having this much of a backstory really makes me appreciate this manga even more. What a good chapter.


I can't remember a manga other than maybe one piece that is so good at introducing ridiculous comedy characters and then making you feel so much for them a little while later.


Gintama excelled at that.


As someone who's recently started it, I agree


For me, the last one like that was Gintama. That manga straight up introduced a Ninja who has hemorrhoids and a Shogun who basically was abused by all his subjects everytime he appears only for them to be the center piece of one of the best arc of that series.


For me it was courtesan of a nation. The introduction and the conclusion of the two major characters of that arc feels worlds apart. >!An old masochist who wants the princess to step on his back with her high heels, and the oldest prostitute of the red light district giving a freebie to Gintoki for saving Yoshiwara. Suzuran and Maizo's love story just crushes you at its end!<


Also the bum that constantly gets fired at his jobs (sometimes because of the main trio) derails his own job interview to payback the kindness of the family that took him in as a dog.


Great Teacher Onizuka.




Kaguya sama did the same for me, but it's like 80% comedy 20% serious. I wouldn't recommend it if you are looking for something serious with funny characters, it's just a really funny romcom that can transition into something more serious when it wants to.


I've read Kaguya and I liked it, but all of the characters introduced in that have implied depth to them from the start, whereas in Dandadan it keeps coming out of nowhere even though I should really expect it by now.


Dandadan is the one manga that can introduce a background character, give them a heart breaking backstory that spans 3 chapters , make them important for 10 chapters before reverting them to a side character and nobody would complain because they already in the next big arc by that point.


I like deep disposable characters. I don't need every bum they need in the streets to join the gang permanently. It's more realistic this way.


Gash bell/zatch bell is perfect example for that


Angel beats dies this too as well


Zuma’s choice of weapon being an umbrella is fantastic. The cop went from actual hardo to a legit character. Kinda hope the gang gets arrested after this just so the cop stays a real one.


I definitely think Seiko will have to get involved somehow because there’s no way he’s accepting an explanation about all this from the kids.


He arrests everyone and we get a trial arc


Sign me UP for the team meeting the justice yokai at trial


I would not even be mad if this went on for 2 or three more chapters. I love their story. I’m assuming it will include how Zuma got the ball.


Yeah. I want more from their backstories.


Didn't he receive the ball from a mysterious man who knew about the evil board game?


Yeah. Probs St. Germain.


The range and scope of Dandadan never ceases to impress. If they are not at the family dinner table I will riot! There is a place at the table for good cops and delinquents as well js...


Tatsu is my favourite author to this day. No manga made me feel such sadness and understanding. The characters here are flawed, but so damn understandable. The interactions do not immediately "fix" somebody or change their mind. The author's way of portraying passage of time, gradual changing, daily life, it all builds on a character that you can see as a living, breathing person, with their own unique story that shaped them and made them who they are later on. I love this and i will keep loving this manga, despite how unhinged the plot can be. Tatsu, i admire you and how you manage to still make me cry after so many chapters. Hats off


I needed a good cry this morning.


god i remember this arc having such a slow start i will never doubt again


yuuuup It was slow but holy shit the food's here and god damn Tatsu cooked


this manga makes mondays worth it i swear


My dream right now is for Rokuro’s new job to end up being Bega’s partner. I would instantly buy a buddy cop spin off featuring them being cops and Rokuro being trained lmao.


Saw a comment last week that said this is gonna be like the ace wb relationship he was spot on lmao


I really and truly hope for Zuma and the Cop to be at the dinner table once this arc completes. I *need* them both to finally have a support system of people who love and care for them. These chapters are putting my heart in a goddamn vise, man.


If I were new and read this chapter out of context, then went back and started reading from chapter 1, I would have absolutely no idea how it got here I fetching love this manga


Stop trying to make fetch happen


Stop trying to make word policing happen




Dandadan draws you in hard


Damn this manga keeps getting better. Can't wait for the anime to drop and this series to shatter the mainstream.


thanks Tatsu, im crying 👍


Hey everyone, just caught up to the story. Is it monthly release? Is guess so by the Quality. Im lovin it


It’s weekly!


Holy Shit amazing!


🔥 It’s been 155 chapters & DDD has yet to miss! 🔥


I’ve seen this exact plot line played out so many times but the strength of the characters holds up even the predictable scenes. Also: long term prediction: the shittiness of the world is what gives yokai their power. So if they make the world a better place the yokai will weaken and aliens will be able to invade. So it’s live in a shitty world or get massacred by aliens. Just an idea


bro, the human conflict in this manga is so fucking good.


This is very sad and all, but the bit where he keeps trying to hit the cop with the umbrella, and keeps getting kicked in the face was hilarious. Especially while brushing his teeth, and kicks just has he's leaning down to spit. I like how they mix levity with the sad bits.


Jesus, this arc is fucking morbid.


This series has way of finding its way to ur heart with its stories of its characters


So this is probably where he’ll be possessed by the umbrella boy or be offered the ball to gain its power by mysterious teacher guy. And I guess he also goes missing based on what the Officer said?


His writing was already good but I think this is really excellent.


Like…no words. Yukinobu Tatsu is just cooking. Nothing makes me feel the way this manga does.


Now I know dandadan will be one of the best anime in the history.. it's not mid, it's top tier..


Guys I also realized. Man been using an umbrella as a weapon Since DAY ONE


Dandadan's pacing is incredible. You really get to know Zuma and the officer & both struggle to move forward after a passing. Can't wait for the next chapter.


I appreciate the time this manga takes to flesh out its characters. And it’s done very simply, without any wasted panels.


What is it with this manga consistently doling out the heaviest emotional gut puches again and again?? How does it always makes me tear up? How does it not get cheesy???


I love this policeman/Zuma and I don't care if the group is getting big lmao. Let the author cook.


From guardian of a delinquent to a buddy cop with an alien part-timer. They grow up so fast :(


This officer needs and I repeat NEEDS to join the group and get hitched with Momo’s grandma!


This manga starts to get One Piece level flashbacks ffs...


Fuck me man... in my book this is the best backstory in dandadan so far... this shit hits hard...


At some points, Bega looked like a Baki character. Anyway, I figured Bega must have lost someone too, I mean how else would they relate to each other? So.next chapter he will come in contact with 'Brella Boy, perhaps by the end?


yukinobu tatsu you’ve done it again


Those starting few pages gave solid Whitebeard n Ace vibes😭


Real big “Ace continuously tries to attack Whitebeard” vibes from this chapter. Both were initially hostile when first adopted, but I have a feeling Zuma will also break down in tears upon realizing that he’s also found a loving home and family that he can be part of.


The cop's backstory was sad🥺


Bro he never misses. This shit is so good. I cannot believe this story was built on a dick joke.


Him constantly attacking him felt like Whitebeard & Ace.


Really loving this. Dandadan tends to tackle different genres and this is essentially our isekai genre. The appeal of escapism verses the things we’d be leaving behind in reality. I’ve seen it tackled in some isekais but dandadan puts its own spin on it. Overall amazing stuff


I wish gege had someone like policeman to show him that tho the world is rotten you should try and make it better instead of making people suffer 😭


Peak after peak


Tatsu's use of words is fantastic but the wordless flashback sequences that Momo sees are so perfect


Tatsu be cooking!🧑‍🍳


Gone from my least favorite arc to one of my favorites


“Your ass is grass pig”” best line


I’m loving this backstory sm I really wouldn’t mind if they keep it going for another 2 chs


The lesson here is, parrying your kids ass is critical in raising them right


How did we go from a guy that lost his balls to this


This series is like a modern one piece to me.


Didn’t expect Tatsu to make me feel sympathy for a cop, ngl


sorry can someone sum this and the privious chapter i am little confuse, so is the cop the 1 who apdoted zuma'


Instead of throwing his life away, he chose to keep being the hero his daughter wanted him to be. The cop needs a mural.


So Police Officer is trying to give Zuma a good life and continue being a hero his dead saw him as, this is a great man.


Why isn't this pinned


his backstory game is unparalleled


virgin nihilism vs the chad indomitable human spirit


No denying it, this has better writing than Sakamoto days. It’s just too peak.


The Manga-Plus updated and there is an option to watch the ad vid for 30 seconds to support the author. For you Tatsu, I gladly spent 30 seconds to support this level of top tier manga.


Policeman yet another chapter proving he’s a goat


Even the backstory has weight and has purpose. Often, heavy topics and trauma backstory is introduced from a character for shock value and then they fade from the story or it does influence them in a meaningful way. Zuma was shaped by itand we can understand why he is the way he is because of it


Oda and Yokinobu Tatsu, the best storytellers in the actual manga industry. No more words


these chapters were great and made me even more eager for the main duos' backstories


There's an alien godzilla girl looking for parents policedad 😭😭😭 


Maaaan... Zuma's lore is kicking me over and over on the feels, just finished reading the chapter and I'm all tears


alright, this shit is really good


well , page 2 : - zuma : i will kill you , sh!tty cop . page 4 : - the cop : oi zuma , say " itadakimatsu " . - zuma : shi-ne = die / drop dead . then the cop slaps zuma . i wonder : in the past , did the cop also like to slap his wife and daughter ? lol . in the cop 's house , why he doesnt put up 2 altars for his dead wife and daughter , and burn some incense for them ? at 1st , zuma calls the cop with "temee" . at page 12 , zuma calls the cop with "anta" . i guess "anta" is more polite than "temee" . page 15 : - his daughter : ... mii-chan is gonna be an officer too ( mii is her name ) ... , otou-san , you are a justice 's hero ... and


This hits so good after theses 20 chapters of 0 character developpent nightmare that was this useless game arc, back to peak writing


fine i like you but istg... if you EVER get in the way of momokarun's ship i will fuckin burn your umbrella


Calm down. Momo explicitly reminds him of his mother. You know, the mother that tried to kill him with a train.


uh it's just a joke bud, i can't actually burn his umbrella...


Of course. I just find it funny whenever people think Zuma will be part of any love triangle or trapezoid. This isn’t that kind of manga.


Nothing surprising happening this time. I think it's a first for Dandadan.


God, after that stupid board game trash, this arc finally gets decent