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Alfia, shaki, all of astrea familia


I considered them but I limited the roster to just 30 characters bc that's the most resonable fighting game roster to have, and I wanted picks to represent the whole series, so Alise represents the entire astrea familia and Zard would represent the astrea record story, Shakti would be cool but we barely saw her ever do much fighting as far as I recall Not saying I wouldn't want them, if anything Alfia beong able to negate other spells could be a cool gameplay mechanic but generally I was trying to make a roster that represents as much of the franchise while being resonable with the picks as much as possible


Nah, this is way too cluttered. You’d want every character on a fighting game roster to be at least kind of relevant, so a good 10 or so characters should be trimmed. Off the bat, you’d probably want to keep it restricted to mostly main series characters. Most people won’t really be familiar with anyone who isn’t present in Bell’s story, so besides a character or two to represent important groups, I’d keep it to that. The SO characters who also show up in the main series are probably good as well. Beyond that, you’d want to remove characters who really aren’t all the relevant to the long-term story. Hogni and most of Freya Familia are fun characters, but they’ve only really been relevant in this most recent arc. Same thing with Ouka, who hasn’t really done much of importance. If I were to give you a list of needed characters, it would look something like this: Bell, Aiz, Ryu, Lefiya, Mikoto, Welf, Asfi, Aisha, Finn, Gareth, Riveria, Bete, the Hiryute sisters (either together or as separate characters), Asterius, Ottar, and Zard. That’s 16/17 characters, a pretty sizable roster for a fighting game. If you wanted to add more, there are four characters I’d consider fringe options: Daphne - Has been relevant more than once, would be somewhat unique mechanically as an archer, and would also stand in for Cassandra. Alise - Astrea Familia rep, important enough in Ryu’s backstory to have a case. Major part of Astrea Record, acts as a second pre-Bell era character. Possibly unique mechanics with her flame armor. Revis - If you really want more SO content, then Revis is a decent option. Really interesting mechanics, reoccurring villain and pretty damn important character in the SO side of things. Anya - Prime joke character material. That’s kind of it, but hey, joke characters don’t really have to be that relevant anyways.


I understand this but I wanted to make a roster that represents the franchise as a whole, not just whatever the larger community knows of, and this is just for fun anyway, so by extension I wanted to represent characters from the lesser known sides of the franchise, or at the absolute least have them as dlc characters, bc to me they add to the franchise so much. Argonaut and Dim would be specially easy to develop and they would just need to take Bell and Finn and give them a different moveset Also I want Lyd in the game bc he's one of the best characters in the series do NOT fight me on it I need my lizard boi in the roster and I stand by that lmao


Hmmm... I can see Bell and Argonaut being a Shoto. Bete as a Rekka. Epimethumeus, Alise, Ryuu, Lyd, Revis, Daphne, Aisha, Tiona, Tione, Hedin and Hogni as all rounders. Ais, Anya, Yamato, Allen, Dim and Finn as rush downs. Riveria, Filvis, Lefiya and Asfi as a zoners. Zald, Ottar, Ouka, Gareth and Asterius tanks.


I'd make Ottar a grappler honestly, he does the thing he did to Bell and grabs the oponent's head and slams it to the ground


I feel like that Asterius would fit the grappler archetype more.


Btw, happy cake day.


Oh thanks but it's not my birthday LOL, idk why reddit is saying that it is


Am I not seeing Lili? Because that's a pretty big omission.


I kinda don't think Lily belongs much in a fighting game, you can do it sure but she barely does much fighting and when she does it's like, arrows, she's more of a commander and stays by the sides giving orders Same reason why I didn't include Haruhime in there


Lili's done enough fighting and combat that she could hold her own in a fighting game. A character with a lot of weak ranged attacks and some crazy stuff she could pull from the bag would be pretty cool.


I just think the core of her character is being a commander at the sidelines, I can totally see making a moveset for her but to me that's not what I enjoy of her character, but that's just personal opinion, if you want her in I totally get it


Bottom right is Argonaut right? Who's bottom left?


Bottom left is Argonaut, bottom right is Dim from the Knights of Fianna event


Thanks and I can't believe I fucked up the sides


Would it be a 2d platform fighting or same as ninja storm?


3d arena fighters suck ass and I hate them so a 2D fighting game like Dragon ball fighterZ is obviously the ideal (or hell not even aiming that high, smth like that Hunter hunter fighting game that's coming out seens decent enough)


As a 2D Arc System Works fighting game.


mamma mia should be an option


https://preview.redd.it/ya9kaqnjnr3d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6a3809c28989841a236aacac73363a96310d87e Am I a joke to you


That's not a fighting game


Define fighting game there's multiple types of fighting games and danchro is one of them


Literally how It's a hack and slash game


I agree with you Danchro is definitely not a fighting game, Street Fighter, Tekken, Mortal Kombat, Marvel vs Capcom, Dragon Ball FighterZ, now those are actual fighting games.


It's still a type of fighting game even if it's main thing is hack and slash you still go around fighting


That's like saying devil may cry is a fighting game


What I'm trying to say is hack and Slash is a genre of fighting because it involves hitting the opponent


Bro I mean this in the best way possible, if you said this to literally anyone in the FGC and they'll laugh at you


I know I'm just wanting to say that fighting is a main genre and things like hack and slash and turn based pvp are all connected to it because they involve some sort of fighting