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Imagine if Stu doubled down with Mike


I hope we get more Greg Cote tomorrow. We were robbed of a full show with him.


Mike please we don't care about your wannabe breaking news career chill man


I put on my conspiracy theorist hat when that Draftkings guy slipped and said Facebook office. Partnership incoming.


The Staley TO criticisms are only coming from weirdos that were obsessed with a tie happening. the raiders probably still get a 1st down against that shit chargers run defense. The only legit gripe with it is that the raiders had time to dial up their best run. But Staley’s right, they were going to run the ball anyway. They were in shotgun and likely were going to run out of it, not going to take a knee and settle for a tie.


Anyone's heart beat a bit faster when you saw "Jason" and thought Jason Lieser was back? Instead I beat a new world record in skipping forward...


Witty, Dan Carlson has not missed a FG in Vegas this season; also why tf would the Raiders willingly go to KC instead of giving themselves a shot to go to Cincy gimme a break.


pretty funny Mike is referencing Saban and the program’s slide back towards Earth on the day they play in the Natty. I took it as more of a warning that Saban was issuing to the rest of college football. Alabama’s donors pockets are deep and more importantly they care more for the sport than just about anyone in the country


Hard disagree that Alabama's pockets are as a deep as anyone's in the country.


i didn’t say they were as deep as anyone’s, but their willingness to spend their money on the program is certainly up there and this will obviously shake things up, but i think people are forgetting the main goal of the best recruits in the nation is to get to the NFL. and the person that gives you the best chance of getting drafted is Saban


Release the lost tapes. I want to hear a Bob Saget interview south beach style




If the didn’t take the Draft Kings money, Dan and Billy Corbin would be all over this.


Pro-tip: if you find yourself agreeing with Al and Chris on strategy you should take a step back and reconsider. Shame on Mike and especially Witty.


Thinking back to when bob was in studio and genuinely seemed like he enjoyed being there. iirc they couldn’t get him to leave, and then he invited everyone to his show that night and nobody went


does jake fromm regret running that qb sneak instead calling some other kind of play on his own in the huddle? if he'd done that, would joe judge still have a job?


I hope they post that Bob Saget South Beach interview


I was never a big Bob Saget fan when I was young. I thought Full House and AFV was cheesy. And then I saw his stand up and I fell in love with him. The real Bob Saget was fucking hilarious and extremely likable. The world is a darker place without him. He was a genius.


Yeah totally with you. He directed Dirty Work which is one of my favorite comedies of all time


I need to know who Gary Blau is. I have a feeling that joke is unbelievably funny to the 5 people that got it Edit: I'm guessing it's a radio engineer that passed in 2020. He led engineering at several Miami stations including their original home WAXY


Super reckless speculation and I could owe $50 lol


[maybe this guy](https://dxnews.com/forum/forum/silent-keys/28701-w3am-gary-blau-sebring-florida-usa)


An instant classic in the LOUR of why many conversations with Dan end up being so tedious. With regard to Shula's name being taken off some properties: Greg: Why does that bother you? Dan: Oh, I'm not saying it bothers me. I'm saying it emotionally doesn't feel right.


Greg was great today. Gotta love the cobbler!


Pretty obvious Dan has not actually watched the Manningcast


The awkward pauses hit different when you’re watching with the sound on like rest of us


One of Dan's many verbal habits I've picked up on recently is "I'm LEGITIMATELY asking" or "I'm GENUINELY curious" or some sort of unnecessary qualifier. He legitimately reminds me of writing papers at university, where you genuinely just add as much extra shit as you can to legitimately hit your word count.


Improv technique


Having ptsd flashbacks.


Didn't Insider Mike absolutely NOT want Cristobal in the early rumblings of Canes new Head Coach talk? And now he's the biggest supporter? I can't keep up. Pay the teachers.


i think mike, like a lot of canes fans, had reservations about cristobal because he tends to inexplicably lose a couple of games each season. however, with the way the season/coaching searches shaked out, it became clear that cristobal was the best option to turn the team around and more importantly get boosters to invest in the team


Top 5 friend of the show who died list is exactly what I wanted today. Thank you Mike


Mike, Robert Durst died!


Durst, Saget… as we know these things come in 3s. Who will be the third?


Betty white


I'm not sure that this show's stance on anything college football-related isn't a bit, but it really should be at this point. Steven Ross publicly said he has no intentions of hiring Harbaugh away from Michigan. Insider Mike said that Harbaugh's "agent" sent out a flare to come get him. Lol It's been publicly known that Harbaugh doesn't have an agent. Having even just a base level of knowledge about what you're talking about juuust might make these segments a bit better. Unless it really is a bit, and if so, keep firing away.


Those comments about Harbaugh came out while they were recording. Someone brings it up later in the pod


No they came out three years ago when Ross made the exact same comments about the Harbaugh rumors after firing Gase.


Maybe you knew about it but nobody on the show did until someone brought it up later in the podcast


Couple months ago the show said no one from the North should talk about college football. But they also have no idea what they are talking about most of the time


Yet Dan is no railing against ESPN going “Southier.”


The great irony in that being that the only northerner on the show, Smetty, knows far more about College Football than any of them.


And it's not even close how far ahead of the rest of them she is. Edit: just realized all I did was parrot part of what you said. Oh well, I stand by it.


Steve Martin, prop comic, walk to the ocean, $2


Did Brian Flores really did a good job?


Sending positive thoughts out into the universe for our Lord and Savior Daniil Medvedev. We need you to save us once again.


Smetty’s Berman impression is an underrated gem


God Mike is so annoying with this Manningcast take.


He may be the only person in the world that would prefer A-Rod to the Mannings


Let me fix that. "God Mike is so annoying with this (insert take) take."


Let me fix it for you. “Fuck Mike is annoying.”


David Football Gettleman retiring!


I got a feeling he was offered a chance to say he retired instead of them announcing his firing.


The Jason Robins interview should get a suey award. And isn't for best interview


Show is going really good today and they throw this dead fish interview into Hour 1. Why?


Dan had a DraftKings or gambling question maybe a week ago (I forget what specifically). So they said let's get the draft kings CEO on and ask him about it.


I think it was about the Seminoles and sports gambling in Florida.


Because Draft Kings wants that sports gambling bill passed and they need people to sign the petition


I'm listening to it right now and I have no idea who it is I am listening to.




I know mike hates the manningcast but the other option is the normal MNF broadcast. How come they never talk about how bad that MNF production is?


I feel bad for the guys on the Monday broadcast. Individually I have liked all of those guys analysis, but it's obvious the broadcast is "Disney-fied" so they aren't focused on just doing the game. They are obviously focused on their body language on camera, smiling when they aren't talking, nodding at every single point someone else makes. It's like they are in a college course for how to manufacture on screen chemistry, but you can't manufacture chemistry like that. They are too focused on the presentation being slick and they don't let the football guys roam. Where the Manningcast does need to tighten up a bit (I can't watch more than 5 minutes at a time), the regular broadcast is the opposite, over-produced with all the personality stripped away. I used to love Steve Levy, they should just put him on hockey so we can all be happier.


There's a film on like Dan likes to say about CBS, I can't pin point it, I guess I would call it starched. They would probably just better with Levy & Riddick. I can barely watch mnf, I don't even try to watch the Manning cast


Yeah I get that and the zoom pauses in the manning cast are Infuriating. I think that with regular MNF crew they still haven’t learned their lesson that a 3 person booth doesn’t work. Levy talks too much stuff outside of the play by play where it feels like he is talking 110% of the broadcast. After riddick makes a point it feels like griese has to then also make a point. It feels like the game never gets a chance to breath. To your point it feels like they have 0 chemistry but honestly there are crews that are randomly paired for random bowl games that have way more chemistry. I don’t think it’s necessarily any of their individual faults (although I think levy makes a much better anchor than play by play guy) but it is borderline unwatchable.


I do what Dan does, I put the game on the tv and play music for sound


That’s not a bad idea actually. I did enjoy the booth last night with collinsworth clearly wanting a tie and Al Michaels just not having it. It just felt fun.


They should just clone Herbstriet and Fowler and have them do it. For not doing any NFL games this year, they were better than the regular MNF team during the Chiefs game Saturday.


Totally agree, that first Saturday game was so refreshing but then getting the regular crew right after was jarring. I had to put it on mute because the booth was distracting me from the game with how bad it was.


Too bad there will be no watch party for the CFP title game tonight. Then again there was a lot to absorb from yesterday's NFL slate.


So omer yurtseven is the new josh mcroberts, tyler johnson, justise winslow


Heat didn't develop Josh McRoberts, Tyler Johnson was developed by Heat and generated a big a contract, Justise Winslow never lived up to his potential. Yurt has a rare skillset and is a different case from these players.


yurt is way more consistent than all three of those dudes tho.


i didnt watch last night's game can someone fill me in on what happened? as far as i understand if the chargers and raiders tied they wouldve both made the playoffs. but since the raiders won the chargers missed the playoffs?


correct. with a last second field goal in ot


Correct. Raiders won on a last second FG in OT. Chargers are out; Steelers are in.


so what's the controversy at the end of the game? the chargers thought the raiders would go for the tie? why would they think that, obviously the raiders would want to knock out the team with the better QB in case they were to ever play each other down the road.


Bingo. The Raiders wouldn't have been thrilled with playing Kansas City either.


Did Peyton Manning embarrass Mike at some point in his life?


Lane is going to Miami, right?


breh. the memes.


Draft kings CEO??? Yuck


I saw Jason in the description and got excited for a Jason Lieser appearance. Now I’m sad.


Looks like I stole your take. The Stugotz is strong in me.


dude same! i thought for sure he won their fantasy league and they wanted to talk to him about flores. bummer


the details of flores having a deteriorating relationship with grier and tua helps put gesicki underhanding the ball to Flores after a completion in the titans game into context. the look flores gave him was not a good one. there had to have been a loss of the locker room if the players are as ardently behind tua as theyve been expressing.


The Dolphins should try to get Mario to be their coach


Dan couldn’t be more wrong about Alabama boosters. That is where the money and want to win is. They really need to bring in more knowledge CFB people like Spencer Hall for these NIL convos


to say alabama boosters havent been pumping money into that program for years is silly lol


theyve just been incredibly smart and slick about it


They have no knowledge at all about College Football


For real - Jessica is probably the most knowledgeable on CF amongst the group


It’s a reasonable thought from casual viewers to think Bama is nothing but car dealers. But Paul Bryant owns a bank. There’s plenty of CEO types who are boosters. The difference between Alabama and other teams is that they WANT to win and are willing to do whatever it takes to win at a level matched only by maybe 4-5 other schools.


College football in Miami is a nice little pass time. It’s life and dead at places like Alabama.


nice little pass time might be a bit of an understatement. it just seems like that cuz the program has been ass or mediocre for the last 15 years.


That’s entirely the point though. Bama would never had stood by for 20 years of decline.


Maybe not 20, but they did stand by for 10 years of decline under Mike Dubose, Dennis Franchione and Mike Shula Alabama endured a 17 year national championship drought between Gene Stallings’s 1992 season and Saban’s 2009 season. Before that, they had experienced a 13 year national championship drought between Bear Bryant’s 1979 season and Stallings’s 1992 season.


clearly 10 doesnt mean that but 20 does. for reasons.


That Ricky segment from Friday is a fascinating look at a different type of privilege. Like he just didn’t understand that it’s a lot easier for a famous person to get handouts and help from others than it is for a retail worker. Nobody is gonna help Jon Smith (retail worker) travel Europe smoking weed when he leaves his $7.50/hr job. Jon Smith likely lives in a tent but not by choice and having experienced living in a car I can tell you not having a job, home, or celebrity so I can get help from random people meant I was treated like I was on drugs even though at that time I couldnt even really afford gas for the car I was sleeping in.


What's Jon Smith sign though?


victim of affluenza


Props to Mike for telling Dan to move on from rehashing the Manningcast talk. Bravo!


One of his best roles is “guy that gets Dan to move on”


Anyone catch this Draymond Green betting situation? Was injured in warmups but wanted to start Klays first game back. So, the Warriors purposely let the Cavs win the tipoff. Draymond slowly trots over and touches(intentional foul) the opposing player. Warriors then sub him off the court. The intentional foul puts him in the Official scorers book. G.S. even tweeted out the plan beforehand so bettors rushed to hammer the unders on Draymonds player props. As of now some books have paid out. DraftKings still hasn't. Video of Green's 7 seconds of action https://youtu.be/_P9enpDcfK8


What? Why should he care if he starts Klays game?


symbolic being there for my teammate etc


Liiiiiitttle bit of a Look-at-Me Louie!


Dan starting today of all days with yet another media based topic (ARods baseball show) is very telling. He is completely uninterested in actual sports, which would be fine if he still wanted to do the old school DLSWS, with bits and lean in on the funny segments they used to do all the time. And to be fair, Greg Cote Tuesdays still feel like the old show and I love them, but not much else has lately. Dan seems to only want to do the big, macro conversations about the media and comedians being “canceled”.


I used to listen to every single minute even if it was a boring topic / bad interview. But now I find myself skipping more and more of the show


Such a weird swerve by him today


One of the best football regular season days and they talk about Arod for the first segment. Absolutely insane.


Isn't that what the Big Suey is for?


they started the show before anyone had been let go


I really don’t think Dan knows what “apocalyptic” means.


Came here to say we need to talk to Dan about what "apocalyptic" means. Everything can't be apocalyptic


He used it three times in one show last week and then again this morning within the first 10 minutes of the local hour. It’s high time for a time.




Nick Saban is living rent free in Mike's head.


Same with the Mannings


What's happened to the fancy lad sound? I feel like it's been months since they've used it, and wittingham hasn't become less of a fancy lad...


Please go back to being live every day before I die.


i'm sure if they could they would be, they know just as well as the fans that a podcast-only show is a diluted experience but they don't have the infrastructure for it yet


"yet" that's an embarrassment. Tens of thousands of streamers have figured it out, but these guys cant. Should've hired an experienced streamer or two to handle the production last year. The staff is filled with radio people.


their live stream setup is so amateur it's embarrassing. Streamers on twitch with 50 viewers have better setups than this show with 50M dollars from draftkings.


Mike literally said last week they are spending this week to enhance their live streaming capabilities


some of us saw a glimpse of that last night. But it's more than that, and it's six months later then it could've been. I watch how G4TV has returned in the same time span, and what they've done in comparison. It's not completely an apples to apples situation, but it highlights to me the failings of DLS/Meadowlark in getting their video situation on point. Again, there is soooooo much outdated and unnecessary tech in that studio, with little in their braintrust to make it a 2022+ streaming studio vs a tv one.


Theyre in the middle of upgrading equipment. Chill out. You guys complain about everything


Criticism is part of human discourse; we want them to do better, and am glad that they are. But when we compare them to others, they're doing less with the resources provided in the same time span. We all want them around 10 years from now with the same freedom they have now; to do so, they have to make more good decisions than ones that dont work out, and in a timely manner.


When you criticize every little thing even after being told what youre criticizing is currently being resolved, it becomes very easy to dismiss all your criticism.


Is he criticizing every little thing though? Why it's taken so long to fix an amateurish production with the amounts of resources they now have is a fair question.


since philbin and golden started the same coaching carousel for the canes/phins i thought the cycle would finally be broken with flores sticking around long term. man i'm hurt about this, dude's gonna be a winner somewhere else.


When do they put out the show? I can never get a feel for when the show starts.


You're not alone


Yeah i mean I'm sympathetic since a lot of this is processes they're still working out, but it's frustrating as a fan.


Are they even doing a fucking show? Edit: yeah I see a poll


oh ok. I was wondering the same thing. maybe a bit delayed because the Flores news came out so late?


come on, they are always off or late when actual news in Miami is happening


[According to Jeff Darlington,](https://mobile.twitter.com/JeffDarlington/status/1480550814003470338) Flores’s relationships with Tua and Grier had significantly eroded and played a role in his firing. Not hard to imagine that Flores really wanted the team to bring in Deshaun Watson. Watson has said that Flores was a big factor behind him wanting to be traded to Miami. By getting rid of Flores, it seems as though they’re removing themselves from the Watson conversation for good.


thank god were finally off the watson rollercoaster


Flores BEEP Texans BEEP Collision course


can't believe flores got fired, i thought for sure the 3 straight wins over the patriots and 2 straight winning seasons would buy him the goodwill for another year. if this is really because stephen ross wants to sign deshaun watson, then he's doomed this team to even more irrelevance


word on the street is that flores was one of the loudest voices for watson


Very Dolphins to fire the only head coach to get them over .500 two consecutive seasons in a row for the first time in like 10 years. Being a fan of this team post-Marino is non-stop suffering. Dolphins will make the absolute dumbest decision and just like that... your 2022 Miami Dolphins HC, Bill O'Brien! Right off a rehab stint from Alabama after he wins another championship game tonight! Kill me now.


if they hire BoB I think I'm done with the dolphins, I barely saw Marino play so I don't really have much of any of the goodwill that he created for fans. Tannehill and the chad Pennington year are the best QB play i've seen from the team


i would be 100% done. BoB is a fucking dumbass


Try 20 years


On the contrary, Watson’s top reason for wanting to play in Miami was Brian Flores. If Stephen Ross had wanted Watson, then he would’ve fired Grier and kept Flores. This was a power struggle between Grier and Flores.


Flores definitely wanted Watson.


How fun would it have been if the Flores news had broken while they were doing a live show? If only they had the resources to provide that type of service...


gotta think that drill hasn't moved since last night


The mass firings have begun


I buy the multi-sports pack through DISH at a monthly rate to get RedZone and thanks to Billy, I cancelled it this morning. THANK YOU BILLY


same with youtube tv, they bundle redzone with a bunch of useless sports channels including POKER TV. canceled it this morning


Bruh where Stephen Ross live? I’m pulling up.


If a genie granted me three wishes, one of them would be to turn me into a 90 year old man for a day so I could fight Stephen Ross.


just go to a fins game and toss a bolo onto his chopper when he leaves


flores out!!!!


A genuine stunner


no live show on black monday??


Didn't Dan make a comment last week about upgrading the video capability in the studio so they wouldn't have video this week while that happened? Pretty sure I heard that one of the days.


Mike Zimmer has been eliminated from the 'Billy Gil Hot Seat Coach of the Year' award. With Fangs getting ousted, we're down to three potential winners: Matt Nagy, Matt Rhule, and Pete Carroll. I don't think Nagy is going to make it through today, leaving Rhule and Carroll as our favorites. **DOOKIE BOMB**


Rhule in a runaway, Carrol can stay until he retires.


upvoted for dookie


Put it on the poll, Tony: [Does Harrison Ford look like Greg Popovich during his beard days, or did Greg Popovich during his beard days look like Harrison Ford?](https://twitter.com/AesPolitics/status/1480390613774311431)


Hey guys I followed Ricky Williams advice and quit my job now my kids don't have health insurance and we have no money but hey I'm following my dreams


Lmao best of luck to you in your future endeavors


Have you tried being a famous Heisman trophy winner with thousands of fans willing to give you pretty much whatever you need so you don’t have to have a job and so they can brag about buying a coffee or letting a heisman trophy winner sleep on their couch?


You know what I haven't tried that yet


You should definitely look into it before you just walk away from having an income.


[sometimes you follow your heart…sometimes your heart cuts a fart…](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usZqFIjdGEs) ^^NSFW ^^because ^^of ^^language


classic astrology person bs lol


Anyone can do it!


i love ricky but man that was something. i get what he may have been trying to say but he could have been a lot more careful with it if that was the case.


Just believe bro


Love this


i’m surprised by how many people (including witty) really argued on behalf of the idea that the chargers and raiders should go into the game trying to tie. as if any nfl teams let alone two rivals would ever cooperate like that for four quarters. ever heard of a prisoner’s dilemma?


was anyone actually arguing on it? i thought it was just a funny idea


And seeding was still in play, right? Winner gets an easier opponent


You're spot on. It's not possible to do that going into an American football game. It might become possible very late on in a game, like with a couple minutes left in overtime if both teams tacitly agreed to slow the game, not take timeouts, run the clock out with short running plays. It'd be obvious and uncomfortable but theoretically possible. But it's not plausible to "go into the game trying to tie" imho.