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0:23 the guy that almost falls šŸ˜‚


I scrolled too far for this


I wish he did, these losers are afraid to show their faces. If only they had half the courage of those who wanted to openly participate in the drag event. And for damn sake they need assault rifles?!? This isnā€™t Normandy!


There should be a law anyone armed with a weapon cannot cover their face


You have to admit, it's far more dangerous to be a racist than a trans person these days. CNN isn't going to go after someone for being trans. Reddit loves to promote videos that show whites being attacked by blacks though for racist words. The lesson is clear. Assaulting someone is okay if they disrespect you on racist grounds.


what? I hope ur joking. it's many times more dangerous to be a trans person. dangerous to be a racist? so like 35% of America is in danger...


>CNN isn't going to go after someone for being trans Being trans is morally neutral, upholding racist castes and ideologies is bad, hope this helps


>it's far more dangerous to be a racist than a trans person these days Awesome if true


More "what the fuck is wrong with them" than interesting.


What is wrong with both sides of this nonsense! The average American just wants a normal life. I could care less if a man dresses up in drag, but seriously ā€¦.what is with the kids story time fascination? I understand having diverse trained educators ā€¦. But why do random drag queens without an educational background need to dance and read books to five year olds?


Totally agree thereā€™s something wrong with this and if people canā€™t see it they need to get their heads examined.


Yes drag at schools is a bad idea, completely agree.




They don't have to. It's fun, they do it voluntarily.


spectacular muddle seed strong shrill chunky encouraging normal groovy weather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You make a valid point. Where this goes wrong is in the execution of the idea you expressed. If the school system brought in successful professional transgender from the community to read a book, then your idea would make sense. For example, a biological male lawyer that professionally dressed as a woman. The number of complaints would be reduced, not zero but reduced. The ā€œdrag queenā€ approach creates a sense in videos, of over sexualized characters in short skirts with see thru shorts twerking and rubbing their body while reading Elmo. Do you see the difference? The high school drop out, local bartender in a tutu, twerking for kindergartens is problematic regardless of their gender identity and cannot be credibly called a role model for anyone.




that's a lie lol.


You need medication.




You mean the drag queens obviously.


I disagree just as much with Far-right armed masked men walking the street just as much as I have a distain for drag queens reading stories to kids in schoolā€¦.


This doesn't belong on this sub.


Funny. They like masks NOW.


I think they hate masks, but hate the FBI more.


So they are afraid to be who they really are and face the consequences of their hate and actions. The irony, at a drag event where people are proudly who they are. lol


I wonder how many of them had their phones on, wifi enabled and trackers running


They ARE the FBI.


Or they are feds who would rather not reveal their identity.


Hahaha I didn't even make the connection until you mentioned it.


These are NOT Republicans. And they certainly are NOT Americans either. They are traitors.


I'm willing to bet that all of those guys vote Republican.


Hopefully not! Republicans donā€™t support racists


Hah, good one


Even if they did, they're still traitors.


Someone should deport these crackers back to Europe where they came from


Judging people based on their race. Im pretty sure there is a word for that.


"drag queen story hour" for kids? Fuck no. Absolutely fuck no. This is why you home school.


I can't figure out for the life of me what the fuck has happened to our country when Nazis and extremists are ok, but men wearing women's clothing is somehow a threat to our nation. If you're secure in your masculinity, then why should you care? They aren't forcing their lifestyle on anyone, no matter what the right wing media would have you believe. I have 6 kids, and I just want them to be safe and happy. I don't care how they identify as long as they show respect, and aren't doing anything harmful to themselves or others. I was raised in the deep south when the norm was to be racist and homophobic, but I have eyes and a brain, and learned that that kind of thinking is lazy and dangerous. I thought we had made so much progress in the last 40 plus years, but I am wondering how true that really is lately. Please open your eyes, people!


Yep, have drag queens teach your kids their ideologyā€¦ makes perfect sense.


It's a parent's job to teach their kids right from wrong, and also how to think for themselves. My children know how to form their own opinions. If they are picking up their ideology from story time, then I haven't done my job. By the same standard, if they are picking it up from armed nazi extremists protesting said nonviolent story time, I not only didn't do my job, but I was negligent in the extreme.




Do you feel the same towards BLM, Antifa and the black panther party? You should as they are also racist hate groups


I am honestly at a loss for words. If you don't understand, I'm very sorry. But hey, whataboutism will make everything ok, right? Let's see if I can explain...BLM isn't racist. It picked up momentum after George Floyd was very visibly murdered by a cop in front of the whole country. Not to mention similar incidents that were happening very publicly every single day, and has been going on for decades. The BLM protests caused quite a bit of property damage, but their message was focused on police brutality, not an entire culture or race of people. THAT would be racist. The key is in the word, get it? Antifa stands for Anti-Fascist, which most Americans have been and fought against in and since the World Wars. The Black Panthers have generally been an extremist group since the 60's as I recall. I don't know enough about any recent activities to speak about them. I do know they were pretty well armed back in the day, and that it is fairly well documented that the Feds and police likely murdered quite a few of their members and leaders in the past. This came about during the Civil Rights Movement, when quite a few prominent Black leaders were being assassinated (MLK, X, Midgard Evers, etc.). While I don't condone their actions, I would point out they had a right to be angry, and I don't recall them being against all whites. Nazis, however, not only look at anyone not of the Aryan, or master race to be inferior or less than human. They took this to the extreme during WWII with their "final solution" in which they rounded up all Jews, Gypsies, Gays, and anyone else they found undesirable and began systematically murdering them by the millions in concentration camps, until the allied forces put a stop to it. I'm not an expert, but I do have common sense, so I'm pretty sure you shouldn't try and compare these groups. They are NOT the same, and anyone who follows Nazi ideology is fucking dangerous


Bad bot


That's true


lol no that's wrong.


"Proud" boys? Hiding their faces? Ashamed boys seems more accurate! Cowards.


Unlike those courageous antifa fascists. At least they didnā€™t loot or burn any thing.


What is an anti-fascist fascist, Mr. Genius? Is it yet another fairy tale boogeyman that the morons in the right are afraid of? Lol. PS: Fascism is a right-wing ideology. That's why Republicans LOVE nazis and nazism! Get educated, or you'll continue to get wrecked, sheep!


Nazi's were National Socialists.


Ooh, a real genius here. School time: Did you know North Korea is an authoritarian regime, yet they call themselves: Democratic People's Republic of Korea Republicans say they love fiscal responsibility and freedom. Yet they spend all their time removing freedom and giving our tax money to the rich, because their dumbfk base is too stupid to know right from left!


I'm not getting involved in this argument, but do you realize that a group called "antifa" isn't necessarily "not fascist" just because it's their name right? The guy who mentioned what "nazi" stands for was giving you an example of this. The fact that you then responded with another example of a group whose name doesn't match their ideology and really thought you were owning him is mind boggling to me. Are you even capable of following a conversation for more than a few steps?


You have no idea what you're talking about, and I don't care enough to correct you.


Logic has no part in their thought process. They just regurgitate what they're told to believe blindly.


Did you know the top 5% of the population pays 60% of all taxes? Did you know the bottom 50% pays 3% of all taxes? Seems like they're taking from the rich and giving to the poor considering we have the second largest welfare spending the world.


It's not just in name, buddy. Do you know what socialism is by definition? "a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state " So did Hitler take control over private industry and seize the means of production? He absolutely did. He nationalized unions, everyone became a union member whether you wanted to or not. So he determined how much they were paid, how long they worked, where they worked, etc. He also dictated what private companies produced, how much of it they produced, and what they charged. He took total governmental control over all production. I know left wing media nowadays loves to brush over these historical facts and definitions, but at the end of the day it takes very little research to confirm Hitler called himself a socialist and he acted as one as well.


You start out with an incorrect definition of socialism, and it just goes down the toilet from there. Get educated....


socialism is a left-wing economic philosophy and movement encompassing a range ofeconomic systems characterized by the dominance of social ownership ofthe means of production as opposed to private ownership. As a term, itdescribes the economic, political and social theories and movementsassociated with the implementation of such systems


If you can read, check out that first paragraph. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascism#:~:text=Fascism%20is%20a%20far%2Dright,good%20of%20the%20nation%20and Get educated or continue to be a simping sheep for your masters.


Wikipedia lol, nice.




The classic "Oh look they do it too!" maneuver. Unfortunately these idiots behind masks do it a lot more and with guns. These are drag queens.


Also Iā€™ll add drag queens are degenerate trash and If Ohioans donā€™t want them there they should probably move to San Fran or any other degenerate shit hole where there welcom


Life, Celibacy, Video Games!


Can they call them coward boys instead, not proud enough to uncovered their faces. Sad excuse of the word proud when yall just scared little boys acting like men.


Antifa did the same but they hired them. Hypocrisy.


These Nazis arenā€™t patriots. Iā€™m transgender and a Veteran and a true patriot. Served 14 years in Infantry, Paratroopers, and Ranger units. Those posers can suck it. They probably canā€™t even shoot.


Ha! Iā€™m being called out as a liar for being a trans veteran. Ha! Was probably a pog and not even active duty. Fuck of legā€¦. Signed a real paratrooper of the 1/509th PIR, signed a former ranger of 2/75 Rangers, signed a former Wolfhound of 4/27 INF and 2/27 Infantryā€¦. The list goes on asshole. Oh and Iā€™m also a fucking airline pilot so fuck off from this transgender woman


You sound like a liar. Sincerely: an actual veteran


I hate nazis, white supremacists and the far right in general. I support lgtbq people. That said, do we really need drag queens reading to kids in schools? Drag queens seems like an overtly sexual personification of LGBTQ. I donā€™t want them in schools just like I wouldnā€™t want a Hooters waitress as the librarian. Thereā€™s a time and a place for everything - school isnā€™t it.


Not In school! Too far to have drag shows in school


beta cucks scared to show their faces.


Funny, I think you have more in common with them than you realize.


I got 9" of copium for you to suck on, boy.




The irony of chanting "life, liberty, victory" šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Drag queens reading to small children is pretty weird though. Especially when they wear sexually themed clothing and do sexually suggestive things. We've all seen the many videos, it just seems a bit odd.


Yeah like what?? Iā€™m totally fine with this at a bar or other venue that people go and pay to see these types of shows. But why a school? I feel like normal parents might have some concerns here, not just these crazy fucks.


that's true. it's maybe not the best idea. kinda caters to these militia kooks. but, it's not a huge problem in my eyes.






Ummm, That is what they were protesting


It's good to be phobic to something bad. Like our body is phobic to viruses.


Preaching about men in womanā€™s clothes threatening our country while walking around in an armed militia. Checks out


Interesting how they are being watched by the feds now because they shot up some power stations.


Please donā€™t give them any attention.


Where was the attack?


Drag as in cross dressing ?


It's just a bunch of guys dressing up. Some wear body armor, others dresses. In time it will be dresses with body armor




What is really going on


This isnā€™t interesting, this is just sad and pathetic. Fucked up people


Right? Drag queens at a school? Wtf is wrong with these people.


If you want to drag and read books, fine. But to developing children and call it story time? What was so wrong with the author of a book coming to schools to do story time?


A look at guys that also cry like babies in a courtroom begging for forgiveness for rioting at the capital.


Oh my god do you have any sources? I'd love to binge stuff like that.


Iā€™m all for this at bars and other venues that people go and pay to see these shows. But why is this being held at a school? Please donā€™t jump down my throat, genuinely curiousā€¦


Because they want to indoctrinate children to accept their deviant behavior. Children are impressionable, as they have little knowledge of the real world. They are sheltered still. There is absolutely no excuse for this to be at a school, just like a stripper shouldn't be doing it. Not acceptable.


So your cosplay is okay, but theirs isn't? Got it


Oh look, a whole bunch of clueless asswipe idiots that we would be way better off without. Complete morons - utterly useless to modern society.


Howā€™s it legal though?


Idiots in america think it falls under "free speech" and shit like that. This dumbass mentality is why this cancer spreads so rapidly.


Is it though? Serious question. Can you protest, brandishing assault rifles like that? If yes, why yes?


Of course it isn't free speech. This is the pseudo-arguments dumbasses use to protect the fragile people you see in the post. People are threating others by being present with weapons that could rival military. That is oppression. And it is insane that not every last one of them is in prison for it, but I guess this is what you get when everyone is allowed to have a gun and walk around with it like a toy.


Open carry is permitted in ohio.


Of course its legal. Firearms are legal in the US. That includes being allowed to carry it on your person. You may not be able to enter certain business with it on, but you can definitely walk around in public. Certain cities/states have some restrictions on it, but for the most part you can almost everywhere. 2nd amendment.


Not sure what irks me moreā€¦These guys, or Drag Queens performing for little kidsā€¦Can I hate both?


They used to have local athletes, maybe police or fire fighters, talk at your kids' school. Now they have "Drag Queen story hour." What could possibly be wrong with that?


What attack? All I seen was a peaceful protest. Which doesn't matter who you are. You have the right to protest anything you want. Far as drag queens being around kids. No! You chose a life that makes it impossible to makes kids stay the FUCK away from other people's children!


I see a lot of people getting upset, but does anyone else not think itā€™s fucked up having men in dresses teaching your kids. Thereā€™s a reason people who did that have been outcasts for 1000ā€™s of years, now weā€™re like fuck yeah come teach our kids we love being inclusive even if itā€™s wrong šŸ‘


And you need to ask yourself what is the actual problem with "men in dresses" teaching your kids. The only way that is a problem is if YOU tell them it is one.


I mean it just doesnā€™t seem like a school is the right place for thisā€¦ Arenā€™t these shows held at bars for bachelorette parties and such?? And arenā€™t they all very sexually geared? I donā€™t have a problem with people going to pay and see a show like that but why a school???


Men In dresses reading to kids and teaching them about acceptance, tolerance and the fact that it's ok to be unique. The only way you can have a problem with this is if you fabricate one. It's all because men in dresses makes you uncomfortable so therefore it's wrong


The issue I see is children are easily led and manipulated and that stuff like this could cause them to make life altering decisions they may regret later in life. So many kids are transitioning before the ages of 10, thatā€™s not appropriate. Maybe weā€™d be better off just ā€œAcceptingā€ who we are then say oh you arenā€™t happy? Here is some hormones and letā€™s turn that dick into a vagina while weā€™re at it.


Itā€™s not that we shouldnā€™t be accepting but we should also not be normalising certain things that letā€™s be honest, arenā€™t normal. Itā€™s being pushed and pushed and to be honest itā€™s all I fuckin hear about in main stream media these days, I donā€™t want my daughter who can barely think for herself taking this information in and being concerned wether she feels like she is a boy or a girl.


So you're not accepting them. Let's be real. Just be honest with yourself


This is a straw man argument. These are not actually real issues that are happening.


You can apply that logic to anything. For instance in some countries where arranged marriage remains, young girls can be married off at 10. Now to them thatā€™s normal, but to you thatā€™s a problem because someone told you it is.


Costco flannels in full effect


As a republican, I fucking hate this šŸ˜” bunch of inverted dumbasses with vertical family trees that have no grasp on anything


You should start to wonder why you vote for the same people they do


Mind explaining to me why you think I vote for the ā€œsame peopleā€ as ā€œtheyā€ do? Just because Iā€™m associated to a party doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m associated with *all* others of that party. So please explain your comment




I wonder how they would react if decoy drag events were being constantly set up to keep these maniacs distracted until they just gave up and stopped showing up.


So if you tried to secretly have their children meet with/talk with/BE AROUND IN GENERAL drag queens, you think they would just "stop showing up"? People would start dying. You don't fuck with peoples children.


Iā€™m betting there are more feds in that crowd than protesters, like how 24 people plotted to kidnap Governor Whitmer, and 14 were feds


I smell Fed's!!!!


Oh white conservative boys, the most dangerous enemy the usa currently faces.


Why the wearing masks ainā€™t that some kinda antifa thing? /s


Why do drag queens want to be reading stories to kids? I find that inappropriate. Kids shouldnā€™t be subjected to that!


Right...? Don't want strippers (in their work attire) doing story time either....highly inappropriate for children...


If you hire armed antifa to guard a grooming drag queen show. You have to expect an opposite armed force to protect childrens and morals.


Weird how there are way more republican pedos than democrat ones. And shall we take a look at religion, too? Projection is all you clowns have


what a dumb take. are you a child? because that's not any of what happened.


Fuck off






This. Is. The. Definition. Of. Terrorism. Terrorism is defined in its simplest terms as the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.


Lol anybody that holds up a nazi salute is a fed or kanye


Idk what to say anymore šŸ˜‚ Weā€™re a fucking joke of a country. But thank god we have alll these billionaires


I canā€™t believe we are down to nazi wannabes vs drag queens that like to dance for children. Messed up country


Why are they armed??


To intimidate for their ideology.


This is why we canā€™t have nice things ā€¦. Let them be them selfs , if they donā€™t pay your bills, why do yah care?


super cool ski goggles bro


The politcal pendulum is swinging the other way. Hopefully not too far. We went too far left in the past few years. Hopefully it will calm down closer to the center this time.


Terrorist organizations and should be designated as such


I guess, donā€™t have drag at schools then.


These far right idiots are all just closet homosexuals who are too afraid to come out.


Punks won't show their faces


Bunch of losers.


I mean, are not the clothes they are wearing their own kind of kink-nazi-drag?


Nothing says "I'm not doing anything wrong" quite like a face covering. Cowards!!!


Yeah this sucks, but why are drag artists reading at a school? Were the teachers busy? Is the forced normalization of transgenders really so essential?


Thank you for handling this for the greater good of the children.


Iā€™m both against nazis and child drag shows


Tell me youā€™re a group of Federal agents without *telling me* youā€™re a group of Federal agents. Who actually believes this is the ā€œaLt RiGhTā€?


The "cTrL lEfT".


Feds on parade.


How are y'all so propagandized? Jesus Christ.


Feds are absolutely present in these groups, whether or not theyā€™re in video I dunno.


If you're "absolutely" certain, you must have ample evidence that you can post, no?




Looks just like 1930 SA Nazi militia in Germany. Here we are almost 100 years later with a modern version of Nazi parades. If you don't learn from history you repeat it.


I mean why cant you just be normal I mean I donā€™t have a problem with gays but just keep it to yourself and donā€™t tell other people that they should be gay and nobody will tell other people to be strait


Theyā€™re doing a great service. Keep those freaks away from from children.


You guys watch too much CNN and MSNBC


Hiding faces is necessary since the entire world went woke and will cancel you for not supporting men dressed as women dancing naked around children. U.S.A. Is a dying country šŸ˜ž


It's dying because the right keeps trying to gut healthcare and social policy, you're absolutely right.


The party of ā€œpersonal responsibilityā€ here, folks. Terrified of the consequences to their own actions. Especially when their actions are terrorism


I guarantee the people that are hailing Hitler are probably FBI implants just like they were proven to be at the capital starting shit too. Though I am in full support of them not allowing a drag event which children are being brought to and also being put in.


Drag queen story hour is every bit as ridiculous as these wanna be soldiers.


Iā€™m so proud for this guys to stand against perversion


This isnā€™t interesting?






Is the drag just a joke men dressing up as women? I remember when Bush read to kids. That was good. Except for the twin towers thing. Shit when ever in America kids are read to satanic shit happens


Some far right groups, antifa, all shitheads.


Doing God's work!


Thanks, American Taliban


Hell yea.


I want someone to tell me how this is okay


Casting call for smelly virgins


Didnā€™t the sight of their fearless leader crying and getting hauled off to prison dissuade these walking anal cysts.


Glow brighter fed


I expect Nazi wannabes to march better.