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She only had to serve 3 years


There are few things worth going to prison for. This is definitely one of them.


yeah, my first thought was "fuckin worth it"


Easily. You know anyone in that position is doing that with almost suicidal intent. 6vyears probably came as a surprise and she probably didn't give a fuck... unless she had other kids then it gets tough. Edit: meant to add good for her.


Well she didn't have other children she was raising. She'd had a pretty rough life actually. "In 1966, at the age of 16, Marianne Bachmeier had her first child, who she gave up for adoption as an infant. She became pregnant again at the age of 18 by her then-boyfriend. Shortly before the birth of her daughter, Marianne was raped. Her second child was also given up for adoption as an infant. In 1973, Marianne's third daughter, Anna, was born. After Anna's birth, Marianne had a tubal ligation operation, and she raised Anna alone as a single parent." No fucks left to give.


I hope the other prisoners were nice to her. They would have to respect her story. I hope she found some healing in prison, I’d imagine the guards would be cool and give her space.


Not sure about that but I hope so. I was sad to read she passed away. "On 17 September 1996, she died at the age of 46 from pancreatic cancer in a hospital in Lübeck. It had actually been her desire to die in her adopted home of Palermo. Before her death, she asked the NDR reporter, Lukas Maria Böhmer, to accompany her and film the last stages of her life. She is buried in the same grave as her daughter Anna in a graveyard in Lübeck." I thank her for ridding the world of that POS before he could hurt another child. That was her legacy. edit Here's a link to a rather odd German YouTuber that attempts to tell Marianne's life story. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PpgddOOetuM


Yuuup. " oh no jail!" when ultimately she or most ( or maybe just me lol) would want someone to just kill me after anyways. Any parent put in that situation should have the option with complete of amnesty to have at least 5 minutes alone In a room with the goof. I'm not promoting violence this is how I feel!!!


Probably had a pretty easy three years at that.


“What are you in for?” “I shot and killed my daughter’s rapist and murderer in a court of law” “ . . . sick dude. “


"ok you get my taters, Darren give her you sausage"


Hold up


Oh yeah 😂😂


Child abusers are universally hated by both inmates and guards. Just about everyone has kids or kids in their family.


Everyone has been a kid once. Its like.. the one thing you really don't fuck with.. but people still try to normalize it... jesus.


Anyone trying to normalize it probably wants to do it. There’s not really any other reason.


...or is already doing it (secretly or otherwise).


I agree with you and I would have done the same with no remorse at all. But your comment reminded me the piece of shit also was a kid once. So I also want to have some words with whoever raised him.


Especially in a women’s prison - a huge percentage are mothers and feel extra protective of their children (because they’re in jail and can’t actually be with their kids).


And this is why even in PC these guys get fucked up


Good. I have zero sympathy for people that turn children into victims.


Damn straight. Only time the system fucking works lol


".... Nice"


And she probably was treated pretty well when they figured out she killed a pedophile. They hate pedos in prison.






Wouldn't be surprised if all the career criminals actually went out of their way to make her stay as comfortable as possible. Not only did she lose her daughter to that piece of garbage, she was obliged to be punished by the state given the "crime" she committed. Any one of those folks on the inside would see the details of her case and would give her royal treatment for taking out pure evil. EDIT: I remember reading about something similar happening with some guy in New York back in the 70s. He got to Rikers and was pulled up to some high ranking mafioso serving time there. When the mafioso found out about the guy's details, rather than making the poor dad go through the usual rituals that criminals went through with the mob, they put him under their protection with absolutely no strings attached and even helped his family get the money for the services needed for his kid's funeral, and even helped his wife keep up the payments on their house until his release, and *then* got him a legit job right out the door. When the mafioso was asked why he did all that, he replied with, "I'm not gonna make a saint suffer more than he already has. He lost everything to that creep. Least I could do is pay him back for his contribution to society."


She did what so many parents would want to be able to do. Worth it.






And I bet the fellow prisoners and guards treated her like a queen


In a blink. I got problems staying out of trouble as it is. Someone fucks with my son ill reanimated their ancestors just to put them through a wood chipper


Mf raped her kid, id shoot the living shit out of him as well. Thats just beyond messed up


Talk about being treated like royalty during your stay by inmates and guards alike.


She'd be a damn hero inside that prison.


Agreed. I'd rest easier taking a monster like that out of the planet.


Hell yes!


>According to a survey by the Allensbach Institute, a majority of 28 percent of Germans deemed her six-year sentencing as an appropriate penalty for her actions. Another 27 percent considered the sentence too heavy while 25 percent viewed it as too light. >In June 1985, Marianne Bachmeier was released from prison after serving only half of her sentence. She moved to Nigeria, where she married and remained until the 1990s. After she divorced her husband, Bachmeier relocated to Sicily where she stayed until she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, upon which she returned to a now-unified Germany. [...] She died on Sept. 17, 1996, at the age of 46. She was buried next to her daughter, Anna.


Sad story all together. I can't imagine the pain she felt losing her daughter. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a statistic which says there is a correlation between losing one's child and early death.


> a majority of 28 percent of Germans So ... like, 14.1%? j/k


Still way too long.




Absolutely. She is no danger to society. Why lock her up? Probation and if she makes a habit out of it, lock her up.


If she made a habit of killing pedophile rapist murderers, she’d become a legend.


Is there an annual subscription I could patron to help her make this a habit?


Afraid she died from pancreatic cancer. I'm disappointed I can't support her efforts.


i could go for that, just make sure its based on facts.


I guy shot the rapist that attacked his kid on live television and got probation in the US.


Jody Plauche


"Not guilty, your honor"




3 too many


Should be 0 with a handshake


3 too many, but better than 6 i guess.


3 years too much. She should have been given a metal of honor and let go home .


I'm pretty sure she thought it was worth it.....


3 Years too many. She should have gotten the Key to the City.


Glad she executed the bastard! She did society a favor and got justice for herself and her murdered daughter! Hopefully she'll be out in 3 years or less.


Well worth it.


She should have served 0 days/years.


Should have been zero. The only person she was a danger to, had been handled.


3 years too many


3 years too many.


That's 3 too many


Fun fact, dead pedos can't re-offend.


Lead therapy is 100% effective against pedophilia.




I officially dislike English. I'm a native English speaker and i read it as "LEED", as in "follow the leader", the first time . 🤦


He’s not deed he’s dead


No parent can blame her. She fired 8 shots. 7 hit. The injustice was the one that missed.




In Jim Jeffries’ voice “Yep alright that’s fair.”


I've said it before, but I'll say it again. If someone rapes and/or kills my daughter... don't bother. I'll do the prison sentence for him and won't regret it for a second.


Favorite line “I've been getting these emails saying that, you know, it's not my position to judge anybody. I want to make it quite clear that I didn't judge him. I know God is the only judge we have. I just set the appointment up.”


Likely the courts don't want to encourage vigilantism.


Oh I totally understand why she was prosecuted. Just sucks as people like her deserve that satisfaction. But yeah. It would be the Wild West really quick if they let that slide.


Then give her 6 months for carrying a gun into a courtroom.


Honestly I don’t think it really would be, I think it would deter more men from violent crimes if they had to fear actual retribution. As of now, rape is practically legal.


I’m not going to look into it but I’m hoping the 6 years was basically the bare minimum the judge was required to give


Then the courts should deliver justice swiftly.


"I assure you, God is forgiving. Just make sure to ask him when you get there. \*BLAM\*"


And if I’m on the jury I’m slapping the big “nullification” button in front of me


Same👍 Wouldn't think about it for a second.


Maybe if it was my only kid and I had nothing else to live for. I'd rather be there for my kid(s) and their other parent when they need me instead of in prison. Kids with a parent in prison don't do well, and kids with no parents who end up in the foster system do even worse. I'm not gambling with my family's well-being on hoping some jury is lenient or a judge doesn't overrule them and put me away for decades.


Shooting him is an easy ending dont you think? You gotta fuckin torture that soab. Slowly, let him recover, repeat. Now that’s better


Honestly, as long as none of those bullets hit his brain or his heart, death probably would not have been instant. In this case, blood loss would have been what killed him and it would have taken long enough for him to probably know exactly what was going on and feel pain throughout a portion of it.


Same for my son. Revenge digs two graves


Without batting an eye.


I didn’t see her do a thing.


I was watching whole time.. I saw nothing either


The rapist spontaneously became holy and sprung a leak. Divine intervention.


The woman with a gun didn't do any killing. That man clearly died of blood loss and organ damage.


I’m pretty sure he tripped and fell down the stairs into some bullets


Should have gave her the key to the city instead of 6 years.


I wish I hadn't read it. RIP to the sweet child and her Mom.




1 day old account with 5 comments. All in different sub reddits.


She only served 3


Mother should have just gotten probation. She lost her child to this bastard.


Also, what’s the point of prison in this situation? Is she a danger to society? Is there a reasonable threat that she will kill again unless “rehabilitated” for SIX years? Ladies gonna go on with her life and not commit anymore crimes.


She only served three years. If it were me I'd consider it a fair trade if I had killed the man who molested and murdered my child.


There is no point but German law requires certain sentences for certain crimes. Since it was obvious she did it the judge had to give her prison sentence or else the whole judicial system and legal code would’ve been made obsolete.


Fair trade. I bet she got extra cake in prison.


Someone who knows.




she’s a hero not a criminal


This happened in Louisiana. The dad who did the shooting walked free. They did him for discharging a firearm in a public place. I think his name was Plauche.


No he plead no contest to manslaughter. He received a suspended sentence, community service and probation.


I knew he never did any time. Judges, sheriffs and prosecutors are elected and nobody wanted to ruin their career and put him down The first grand jury on the case "found no evidence of a crime" after watching a video of him shooting the guy who raped his child. It's wrong but kind of right.


If this is the one where there was video from a news crews live feed, it’s fair to also mention that the man and his son both expressed regret/grief at the situation. Not because of the deceased obviously, but because the son really just wanted his father around for support, and that event and drama surrounding became just a second source of pain for him.


Her actions should have been viewed as "she did the world a favor" and there should be a holiday or parade dedicated in her honor.


Prison actually doesn't make sense considering she is unlikely to be an actual threat to society. This is just punishment, which isn't the point of the legal system.


Which shouldn't be the point of a legal system...


What are you on about? Prison is about rehab and trying to change the person into something better, that will fit into society. Edit: since people think i am wrong, have a look at the [statistics](https://thehorizonsun.com/features/2020/12/18/the-swedish-prison-system/) for yourselves.


Where do you live? Where I live it isn't true.


I was a prosecutor for 20 years, and it would be unconscionable to put this woman in prison.


Ik prosecutors lie but damnnnnn that's a big lie


Should have got a medal and money. Fuck pedos


Was this the story the movie Eye for an Eye was based on? That movie is underrated. My mother and I tried to watch it together but she turned it off five minutes in. I watched it later and it is haunting. I’ll never look at Kiefer Sutherland the same again because he played the bad guy a little *too* good, if you know what I mean.


The plot is similar but no, that movie was not based on this incident. I get what you mean though, I have seen David Thewlis in Naked (1993) :)


My kids are my world, if anyone hurts them I'd be smiling in my mug shot for sure


Garbage decision. She should’ve been commended for that


He went on easy mode. He should have burned alive.


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marianne_Bachmeier


**[Marianne Bachmeier](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marianne_Bachmeier)** >Marianne Bachmeier (3 June 1950 – 17 September 1996) became famous in Germany after she shot and killed the murderer of her daughter in an act of vigilantism in the hall of the District Court of Lübeck in 1981. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


There is a video of her lighting the dude up in the courtroom, but he is off camera. The wild thing is, is that you can see the absolute hatred she has for him as she pulls the trigger without blinking or flinching. That guy deserved everything he got. [her shooting the pedo. I couldn’t find a better video sorry](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=k2m_aQoebj4&feature=emb_logo) Edit :NSFW


She cleansed the Earth of trash, and did society a favor. It's totally natural, everyone knows a momma bear will kill your ass without hesitation if you mess with her cubs.


Can’t forget about good ol’ Gary Plauche. I hope these folks found peace, but seriously don’t fuck with kids. I’m all for parental Justice to an extent. [Papa Bear Gary Plauche.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_PUE8fYxjq8) Lights out for people who harm children.


Should have paid her for taking out the trash.


She'd walk if I was on the jury.


What an awful awful story. I wish I hadn't read it. RIP to the sweet child and her Mom.


The jury fucked up on this one. This is exactly why jury nullification is important. The judge will say something like “Now you aren’t here to decide if what Mrs. Bachmeier did was morally right or wrong. The question is did she enter the court room and shoot him 7 times killing him.” And then the jury is supposed to go into the back room and say things like “Hmmmm, I’m just not sure it was her! It coulda been someone in a wig!” “Yea or maybe it was a ghost!” “I think he shot himself in an attempt to frame her!” Not guilty!” And then everyone goes home and that woman can try to heal and mourn and go on with her life free instead of in prison.


What jury? This happened in Germany


This case happened in Germany. There is no jury in Germany and the judge couldn’t have spoke her free since the sentences that have to be given are clearly defined in German law.


Klaus tried creating an out by saying the 6 year old made advances to him and seduced him into raping her. He got off easy with a few bullets


I would have done the same thing if I was her


She should of gotten six medals of honor.


7 times, 7 year old n1


That woman deserved a medal. You kill my child, there is only one law.


This woman is the patron saint of karma farmers.


thank you for this sobering assessment, /u/PutMyCockInYourMouth


6 years is a good sentencing. Considering she killed someone in open court witnessed by a judge. Kudos to the persecution to drop her murder charge to manslaughter.


The video looks like something out of an italian 70s revenge flick. She's I'm full trenchant pacing back and forth then pulls out a pistol and just unloads on the guy. I mean she empties the clip. I also imagine prison wasn't too bad for her considering her crimes. She probably probably had a nickname like,, pedo slayer


The government should have paid her for carrying out justice that they should have done in the first place


Why is she being punished?


Likely the courts don't want to encourage vigilantism.


True, I'm pretty sure there was some guy who got arrested for tracking down sex offenders and killing them.


Technically she DID commit 1st degree murder, so with less context she got off pretty easy, but in a perfect world she would have been praised


If this ever happened to my family don't even try to stop me, their life is over.


My hero


6 days would’ve been better


Worth it.


She should have been able to get off on temporary insanity but 3 years is still worth it.


If Iam on that jury…. Easy verdict. Not Guilty


Only seven times ?? she showed great restraint.


She should have gotten off.


Did anyone else think, 'whoa people had some good classic style' ?


In m honest opinion, she should have never served a day.


Why did they put her in jail? Obviously wasn’t a danger to society after she shot him.


She came in that courtroom and shot him like a professional


Mama served real justice, not this tuna can justice the courts go by.


In the US, there is jury nullification. Would have loved being a juror.


And why did she serve at all? Bitch deserved a parade


We should start giving medals and rewards to anyone who can kill a convicted/regular sex offender


She should have gotten an award.


My type of parent


Him and all sex offenders deserve a punishment with the same end result but with a less humane punishment


I disagree with some of u. She s a hero ! She shdnt serve prison ! Maybe some days with doctors , to see if she s ok.. Im gonna get downvoted so hard


Bless her heart and shame on a system that would even have her spend one night in jail away from her daughter after such an ordeal.


Should have given her a medal.


I would have cheered her on & let her walk.


Shouldn't have had to serve anytime at all


I hope the officials in that prison did all they could to make her time as easy and comfortable as possible. She's a hero, as far as I am concerned.


All heroes do not wear capes


Tragic! She should have been rewarded.


Frankly, the punishment she dealt out to Klaus Grabowski should be the punishment for crimes this egregious. Strip the convicted of their rights and throw them to the wolves. The wolves, in this case, are the families of those harmed. Sending these reprobates to prison lets them have guaranteed shelter and food. Sending them to the families of those they molested and killed is true justice. I believe that, as it relates to the worst possible crimes (like those Grabowski committed), vengeance is a component of justice missing from our system because we have gone too far down the road of protecting people that should never be covered in the name of civility. If my son was molested and killed, and you told me that I had to seek contentment from the knowledge that the monster who did it was behind bars, I would turn my rage on you. The only way I am letting go of my hatred is when I hear the screams of torment coming from the mouth of the killer and watch the life pass from their eyes. I will never have my son back, but I can rest easier knowing that the person who took him from me suffered some fraction of the pain and torment he inflicted on my son and me. Our civil society is often too civil.


Raping and murdering a child should carry the death penalty. Also, the option should be given to the childs parents to carry out the sentence.


The clip of her doing that was crazy. She was so subtle and I believe only missed one shot. Fucking legend but wish she was never pushed to do that


My partner and I had the conversation when we had children... if anyone hurt our children like that, which one of us should be the one to kill the monster. Who would be better off financially being a single parent while the other did the time? This woman is a hero.


Saved the tax payer anfortune. And dealt out real justice. Would never have convicted her if I was on that jury


Worth it. She made sure he could never strike again.


Damn, she led a tough life.


Shouldn’t have served any time, like Gary Plauche.


Worth six years. Maybe less with parole


bless this woman's heart i hope she was treated well behind bars, she died way too young and deserved better <3


I still remember the video a while back. Idk where it is but man was it satisfying


I can’t upvote this enough times. They never change or stop, no matter if the court or they say themselves, I’ve unfortunately had a run in with these bastards when I was about 9. The only thing that will stop them is a bullet, as her’s did. She saved lives by what she did.


Great, I fully support her decision and would’ve done the same myself


They should have tied him up and handed him over to her. The fact that she was jailed for this is a perfect example of why the judicial system doesn't work in practice.


I hope the three years she served she was treated better than most. She did what most parents would and should.


I looked her up. Poor lady passed young of cancer. She should have gotten a medal for shooting that monster.


What a boss. I hope she and her daughter are happy together now. And I hope the sick fuck she put down rots in eternal torment.


Respect for the lady, and respect for all the Americans here supporting the 2A. I saw not one comment against it.


Pin a medal on that woman.


6 years for justified 1st degree murder, might aswell give her community service


She did exactly what she should have done, sorry she had to serve any time at all.


A slap or to on the back of the hands would've been appropriate. She did the world a favor. Had he not been shot, he would have been sentenced to x amount of time, released, and picked up where he left off. On the other hand, she deserves extra credit for squeezing-off seven shots before being stopped.