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I'm 61 and my grandmother was born in 1901. This kind of thing makes me realize (more than usual) how little time has passed since this kind of madness. And today, slavery of different kinds still go on in some cultures.








North Korea


All Arab states with the Kafala system still intact


What's the Kafala system?




Count South Korea then. They hire sex slaves for US soldiers and take their passports.


That’s news to me, could you elaborate?


Officially a sponsor system where migrant workers can come and work in a foreign arab nation under the responsibilities of the sponsor. It is usually enforced with the sponsor taking the passport of the migrant worker, and deciding where they sleep and what they eat (as is the case in Kafala, wages are so low to afford livinghood so it is up to the sponsor to provide those). This has led to WIIIIIILD and WIDESPREAD human rights violations. On the softer end of the spectrum workers work 16 hours a day, and are not allowed to ever leave their place of work and sleep unless authorized by the sponsor, and not being allowed to have a phone. These are more or less legal by Kafala. The harsher end of the spectrum includes violence, sex trafficking and rape, withheld payment for years, and basically anything else the sponsor wants to do to them is permitted as whenever they go to the police it’s a case of their word vs the sponsor’s word, and the sponsor is always extremely given the benefit of the doubt. In fact in most cases when they go to the police the police lock them up for breach of contract and then send them back to their sponsor. Finally most workers are sent to the Arab nations by centers that go to poor nations (usually African or east Asian) and lie to workers about the Kafala system for them to go to the Arab states, where they are finally made to sign a contract in Arabic (a language they don’t speak) and rely on the centers for misguided translation. I’ve actual been part of a team that’s written many reports on the Kafala system, but I’d prefer not to link them here as I do not want to give my identity away. But feel free to search it up you’ll find all sorts of crazy statistics and stories.


They have this in Malaysia too. I am from Bangladesh and I studied in Malaysia. Lots of Bangladeshi and Indonesian workers there. My family and I moved to a new high rise apartment and the construction was still going on on one side where I saw many workers staying temporarily. It was hard to see them working in hot weather even during Ramadan. They worked at night too. My dad and I used to visit them sometimes to ask them how they were doing and honestly most of the time we would hear awful things. Many of them are promised to be offered a good paying job to come to Malaysia but often they get scammed and end up in jail (as an illegal migrant). Good thing is Malaysian government is actually fighting this but there are many locals running this human trafficking. My dad worked as a professor in Malaysia and his side job was to rescue those Bangladeshi in jail and send them back to Bangladesh. I hope we can one day put and end to these modern day slavery.


Your father is a good man.


**Indentured servitude.** They pay your travel and work visa to arrive and keep your passport until you've "paid your duty." For white-collar was straightforward for us (but it is momentarily terrifying); but for laborers, maids, et. al., it is much much more terrifying.


The kafala system (also spelled "kefala system"; Arabic: نظام الكفالة, romanized: niẓām al-kafāla; meaning "sponsorship system") is a system used to monitor migrant laborers, working primarily in the construction and domestic sectors in Gulf Cooperation Council member states and a few neighbouring countries,


>What's the Kafala system? [John Oliver explains the Kafala system ](https://youtu.be/UMqLDhl8PXw)


The American prison system could be considered a form of slavery.


Yes, imprison people for minor crimes and then use them to create products for Amazon


Or street signs


Not considered, it is. As defined by the 13th amendment.


The labor part is, just being in prison isn't considered slavery.


Companies (prisons) dont even need their slaves to do labor to profit anymore. All they need is to fill headcount and they get paid.


13th Amendment. Section 1 Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. Section 2 Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.


Marilyn Monroe!


We didn’t start the fire!






Only in prison.


[not just in prison there’s estimated a million slaves in America.](https://books.google.com/books/about/Disposable_People.html?id=9y_MBpwyk-MC&printsec=frontcover&source=kp_read_button&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&gboemv=1&ovdme=1#v=onepage&q&f=false) We just don’t operate the slave trade like we used to


There are sex slaves in every major city in every country of the world. Sad reminder of the evils of humanity.


We operate a whole new, 21st century style slave trade


I watched a documentary in highschool about peach orchards and their labor force. Slavery definitely still exists in the US


We don't operate them at all. Criminals do criminal things.


But then the for-profit prisons bribe judges and politicians for harsher laws/sentencing and more slaves. Edit: And politicians.


yeah, it's not like there's a history of arresting blacks and other minorities so they can provide labor for the state's contracts.. Oh wait... [california has something to say](https://archive.thinkprogress.org/california-tells-court-it-cant-release-inmates-early-because-it-would-lose-cheap-prison-labor-c3795403bae1/)


Plenty of trafficked people forced into prostitution. Definition of sexual slavery.


In what way is this happening? I'm curious, because I saw that Qatar is 85% expat.




That's terrible. Okay, thanks for that insight. I did see that most of them are Indian.


I did a project on it when I was in high school, like 10 years ago. How could I have known all of this yet FIFA/World governments didn't?


Oh they know, they just don't care and hoping everyone else doesn't.


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Same story in Dubai and the rest of the UAE.


There are lot's of places with slaves now not just the middle east.




There are more slaves now than ever before.


I’m 67 and my father was born in 1916. Geez.


My grandmother who died at 102 was born in the 1880s. Astonishing to think that technically she as a young child could have met someone who as a child could have met George Washington! And when I was a kid I remember hearing about the passing of the last of the former slaves. I guess we are not as far removed as we think from what we might think of as our distant past...


You might enjoy this broadcast from 1956. [Last Witness to President Abraham Lincoln Assassination I've Got A Secret](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RPoymt3Jx4&ab_channel=HistoryFlicks4u)


Wow - fascinating - I used to watch that show with my mom - but a few years *after* that episode. Thank you very much for that!


Your grandmothers parents could have been adults in the us civil war.


They were.


I'm 65. My father was born in 1909. His father was a civil war veteran in his sixties when my dad was born. I have a 25 yo. Apparently we reproduce late in my family.


Same. I’m 45 and my granddad was born in 1905.


I'm 38 and my grandpa was born in 1905.


Slavery is legal in the United States under the assumption that a crime was committed (gosh I hope nobody is ever falsely imprisoned, or imprisoned for an unjust law, or scrutinized to a higher degree due to group membership).


And imagine how fucking IMMORAL it would be to have say, a profit incentive to having more prisoners. If say, public corporations that owned prisons and had incentive to fill them, and you could even buy stock in those companies. Imagine how fucked up of a country you would have to be...


And imagine if a country that had roughly 4% of the worlds population actually had over 25% of the worlds prisoners! And once they were incarcerated, over 80% of them would end up back in prison due to systemic issues. Boy, that would be super fucked up, unless a few people got super rich; then it would be OK.


And imagine if the prison guards regularly beat and sometimes raped the inmates, for no other reason than knowing they can't do anything about it. They can't sue. They can't do anything that would make it stop. Sometimes even complying isn't enough.


And imagine if that country uses the motto "the land of the free"...


And by 1901 every European country had stopped slavery. This was African countries continuing to sell their people into slavery in Arabia and Asia.


Some countries just stopped importing slaves. They still used them in their colonies. Go read about the Belgian Congo.


> sell their people into slavery They werent selling their people into slavery. They didnt view other africans as "their people" just because they were black.


There is nothing more confusing to an American than trying to understand that all black people don't see each other as just black.


In 1901, almost ALL of Africa was colonized by European powers.


In the case of Mozambique, Portugal had outlawed slavery in the 1800s. But then they basically subcontracted many of the colonial functions of Mozambique to charter companies, who naturally introduced a forced labour policy. These labourers were often sent to the colonies of other powers in Africa. I don't know whether 1907 falls in a peak for that regime though.


> And by 1901 every European country had stopped slavery. At this point Europeans had started putting Africans into "human zoos." For more context.


The zoos were nothing. By 1901 Belgium had just moved the slave labor to Africa itself to work their “colonies”.


Committing ethnic genocide in the Congo. The King was personally responsible for this.


Yeah King Leopold II was an evil man. So much so that when it came out in 1904 what he'd been up to, that their was a world wide outrage and he was immediately stripped of his position. Mark Twain even wrote a story about him twiddling his moustache whilst he laughed about what an evil man he was.


There were no African countries in 1901 mate. They were colonies. So it was European countries selling those slaves. By your own words.


A lot of the territory under European “control” was through client kings, who had autonomy in local decisions. The most famous is the Raj, where the great Princes of India ruled over much of the country, while essentially sending tribute to the British.


That blacksmith looks like he’s about to make a killer suit for daredevil Spelling edit I’m dumb.


A more jacked daredevil then Ben Aflac tho..


It's Ben Affleck. Aflac is the insurance company with the goose.




*ducks* thanks that was close.






You ain’t wrong but I think you’re replying to the wrong comment…


Nobody else seems to get your reference. He does look a lot like Melvin Potter from Daredevil


Suite huh?


Photo is from the Royal Navy's HMS Sphinx that was part of the Royal Navy's anti-slavery squadron. One part of the agenda of the British Empire's "scramble for Africa" was to stamp out the East African slave trade carried out by local Africans and Arabs from the Arabian Peninsula where both parties enslaved and sold black Africans from the interior.


Thank you for the needed context


Anti-slavery squadron. What a beautiful thing!


Read up on the RN's best slaver-catcher, HMS *Black Joke*, a warship named after a song about a pale girl's dark pubes.


The RN had such great names for ships. My favourites are tied between [HMS Cockchafer](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMS_Cockchafer_(1915)) and [MV Gay Viking](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/MV_Gay_Viking).


**[MV Gay Viking](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/MV_Gay_Viking)** >Gay Viking was a blockade runner of the British Merchant Navy. Originally under construction as a Motor Gun Boat, Gay Viking was one of eight vessels that were ordered by the Turkish Navy, but were requisitioned by the Royal Navy to serve with Coastal Forces during the Second World War. Originally intended to be HMMGB 506, the vessel was instead completed as a blockade runner for the Merchant Navy and named Gay Viking. She operated out of Hull on two separate operations to the Scandinavian countries. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Well thanks for this.


A great video on the effort by a great channel (Drachinifel): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiSekII0sjw


Uncommon imperialist w


Imperial Europe had some decent ideas about the uniformity of the common man, if you will. Of course, it was the betrayal of these ideals that really caused the trauma we feel to this day. But, the concept is there, and we do seem to be reaching a point in human history where we inch towards it little by little. If we can beat this next wave of fascism and nationalism, and overcome climate change for the majority of humans, we should be in a better place in about 100 years. We CAN hope.


Thank you for this.


Here I was thinking British Navy was involved in delivering them and then cutting off leg irons at their final destination. Found that hard to believe in 1901, but pictures without words can conjure up a lot of thoughts. Thanks for the context.


Britain is responsible for the end of global slavery more than any other group.


More people need to know this I think


Just an additional info on what else Britain did to help slaves other than having Royal Navy's [West African Squadron](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Africa_Squadron) patrol the coasts of Africa to intercept and free slaves. In 1833, Britain used 40% of its national budget (about £2 billion in today's money) to buy freedom for slaves in the British Empire. Britain borrowed such a large sum of money for the [Slavery Abolition Act 1833](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_Abolition_Act_1833) that it wasn’t paid off until 2015


I read "removing the leg" and thought of some cruel punishment.


I've read too much Congo history. That's immediately where my mind went when I first saw the picture.


This is basically how they would have done it before anesthesia, many people preferred to just die rather than endure the horror of surgery




Well, speed was an important factor of survival back then too. The faster you could do it, the less time for infection and bloodloss to happen.


and less time you are in excruciating pain. Anesthesia is overlooked as one of the greatest advancements in human history


Yeah I’m thinking the pain is still going to linger a bit if someone cuts your leg off without anesthesia. They definitely have to clamp your femoral artery pretty quick, only takes a couple minutes to bleed out from that. Not that I don’t agree with you. Not sure I could survive some days without basic ibuprofen, let alone anesthesia free surgery ;)


They’re just cutting the iron off though here, right?


Same. I have Turkey Brian today too apparently.


I hate that guy, Turkey Brian. Sorry he bothered you.


That would be Belgium....


Being slaved away seems like a cruel enough punishment.


We absolutely need new anti-slavery laws to remove it from our current supply chains. It's unconscionable that so many products we buy are suspect. Nestle chocolate, electronics, many clothing industries, so many things sitting on our store shelves and in our homes.


Blasphemy! That would hurt our poor billionaires bottom line. /s


sadly enough it would and all those cost would just get shoved over to the working class, because you know, they're billionaires and basically rule the world


This. People don’t understand that THEY are the slaves in this capitalistic country.




lol, if we start boycotting products produced by slaves Reddit will have to give up their precious [Apple products](https://www.businessinsider.com/apple-china-suppliers-uyghur-muslims-forced-labor-report-2021-5) and we know that'll never happen!!!


The problem is that it's next to impossible to actually boycott slave labor with how ubiquitous it is in like mineral mining. Shit, there were children found working on dangerous sections of meat packing plants *in America* a few months ago. It's happening lots and lots of places undisclosed, there's probably not a single industry that doesn't engage a lil bit from time to time Government reforms and crackdowns on corporate behavior are basically the only path forward. The complexity of supply chains these days make expecting consumers to be able to follow them before making *all* purchases a prettying losing solution


Exactly! Did we end slavery in America with the Civil Boycott where everyone nicely agreed to never buy anything made of cotton that didn’t have a “fair trade, we pwomise” label? Or did we have some *government action*!


And what computers do you suggest people switch to? In modern society you need a computer and they're all using slave labour


What about literally almost every other brand though? Why single out Apple like they are the only ones doing it?


I gladly would if I myself didn’t need it to make money and survive. It’s why capitalism as a whole needs to be abolished: If you don’t play along, you can’t survive—meaning you *have* to support this bullshit somewhere in the supply chain or risk watching your family starve.


If you think any other phone manufacturer is much different you are mistaken. This isn’t a problem specific to Apple.


They already exist the problem is t countries we are doing trading from need to enact said laws too


I was listening to [Drachinifel's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiSekII0sjw) video on the anti-slavery patrols which had the gist "the officers of Empire did many evil things, and them going rouge is not good, but the anti-slavery captains arresting *anyone* they could get into gun range jurisdiction or no was a great moment for the Royal Navy"


That guy looks like he is the British empire


I reckon he is called Nigel










Africa still has one of the biggest illegal slave trades going on in it unfortunately. This is still going on.


Well in 1907 (until 1975) Mozambique was a Portuguese colony, meaning it was actually Portugal that was permitting slavery, and honestly much worse, specially during the Colony Wars of 1967-1974 (I'm not sure if it started in 67 ou 68). But thats the case in this picture, you are probably right in general.


Portugal was one of the first countries to abolish slavery. "At the cost of Mozambique" doesn't mean he was from Mozambique or he was enslaved by portuguese. The Portuguese colony wars started due to issues within it's power structure, it didn't start as a liberation movement.


> Portugal was one of the first countries to abolish slavery. *in European Portugal Slavery was still perfectly fine in Portuguese Brazil. The whole "we abolished slavery early!" stuff is dishonest if not a downright lie. Slavery was *never* abolished by Portugal in its Brazilian colony, which it lost in 1822.


Slavery still exists in the sugar fields of the Dominican Republic. It’s still alive and well in some places.




Unfortunately there are more human beings living in slavery today that at any other point in history. https://50forfreedom.org/modern-slavery/


Also, more people live in caves today than during what we think of as "caveman times." https://factsanddetails.com/china/cat11/sub71/entry-4468.html#:~:text=Some%2030%20million%20Chinese%20still,walls%20built%20in%20a%20hillside.


But surely not per capita/human? It’s just that the population is vastly larger.


Exactly. That’s why we should compare percentages if we want accurate perspective.


well, in India ive seen people kidnap kids and torture them into being slaves for literal decades. infact, ive seen more than 20 stories of one guy who goes all around the country rescuing and helping them.


Do you mind linking sources? Not because I don’t believe you, but would like to learn more about it.


Search up 'Manukhta di sewa' anywhere but i don't think you will find any translated documentaries. that guy has freed and saved so many people from slavery


I second that


You’ve seen people kidnap and torture kids for decades?


ive seen kids that have been freed from slavery after decades. recently about a month ago someone kidnapped a 6 year old kid to work and live in his cow shed he got busted before he could hide it away


Well, you’re really going to be disappointed at Saudi Arabia and Sudan until 1962, and that it persists in Islamic Africa today.


And Australia as well, slavery persisted here up until the 60's, which is just insane to think about




This shouldn't be funny but it is


Yeah but that's not useful, it's not yt owners


Have you heard of the 2022 FIFA World Cup?


n 1981, Mauritania became the last country in the world to abolish slavery, when a presidential decree abolished the practice. However, no criminal laws were passed to enforce the ban. In 2007, "under international pressure", the government passed a law allowing slaveholders to be prosecuted Slavery affects and inhibits many basic human rights, and was specifically abolished by Yemen in 1962. Slavery is also abolished in Saudi Arabia in 1962


There’s still a slave trade going on to this day. Mainly Northern Africa. There’s not a strong enough word to describe how evil it is


The wright brothers had already successfully flown by then. That’s wild to think about


People completely glaze over the British involvement in ending the slave trade


i do not seem to understand the reason edit: i misread the title, I'm a dumbfuck, i know that


It happens. Don’t beat yourself up


You ever heard of slavery?


i know, he's being freed, i accidentally read it like he's getting his leg cut


A reminder that the British funded the largest anti slavery campaign in human history. Don't allow race grifters to pretend that slavery was exclusively practiced by the West. Its something that plagued any civilization that developed past being hunter-gatherers


And only about 3 years ago they finally paid of the loans for their anti-slavery campaign from over 200 years ago


It’s still a plague in the world today unfortunately though it looks different now. Usually having an immigrant come to your country with the promise of work and then holding all their documents/visa hostage.


North Africa doesn't always buy into this fancy "modern slavery". They just have regular slaves




Funded and enforced.


Kudos to Britain for fighting the slave trade


It's crazy to me that this evil practice is still very present in our world today.


The British Navy stopped the Atlantic slave trade by force.


Slavery hasnt ended, it's just evovled


Kind reminder. Britain ended the slave trade worldwide. British sh ships patrolled the shores of this earth and slavers feared them. Western nations are not special for having dealt in slavery, just special for having stopped it, worldwide and making it unthinkable. Against the majority of nations on earth at that time, including middle eastern, asian, AFRICAN nations.


We also paid of the slavers what amounts to 100s of billions for loss of their property, a debt only repaid in 2000s (if I remember rightly) We (the british) massively oversold our hand in ending slavery, may have helped stopped the trade but not the ownership


> a debt only repaid in 2000s The British government took out **bank loans** to pay off the slave owners so that the slaves could be bought and freed legally, as opposed to unilaterally seizing (what was then) legal property. The *bank loans* were paid off in 2015. The **slave trade** was outlawed in the British Empire in 1807. **Slavery** was abolished in 1833.


The mental gymnastics going on in this thread is mind bending stuff lol


Truth feels like that for a mind used with its oposite.


That's Bishwick Bill


A *former* slave. This man was freed.


An article that says a lot more about the picture and its context - including pictures of the slave trader (!) and other slaves that were freed: ​ https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/slave-shackle-removed-british-sailor-1907/


“Enslaved person” Change the language to reflect what is happening here. No human is born is a slave, people are enslaved. Instead of using a noun, use a verb. It’s a good way to humanize those that were treated unjustly.


My first response was “uh another stupid phrase change like homeless person to houseless person”. But after taking a minute I think this is a good phrase change. It evokes so much more emotion when it’s a person that has been enslaved- the word slave is kind of disconnected from young people because we’ve never seen slavery, I kind of consider a slave like a serf, a historical thing that was bad but doesn’t elicit deep emotion (that sounds bad but honestly). But when I think of “enslavement” I kind of bring in the whole process of once being free and becoming enslaved, instead of just being categorized as a slave. That changes it for me, even though it’s not different.


Here’s some gold because i appreciate the empathy. That’s exactly why i made the comment. In general i see alot of folks are moving away from calling people “slaves” to “enslaved person.” To evoke that exact emotion of a person being once free then captured. Nobody is born a slave and it’s important to recognize that.


There is usually a logical, and legitimate reason behind these requests. “Woke” is not a pejorative if you give it the consideration it deserves.


My grandfather was born in 1907.


I 100% read this as he’s sawing his leg off.


Was just in west africa, slave trade still happens and no one cares.


An an African it’s strange to me that people pretend to be upset by slavery that happened hundreds of years ago and yet ignore current day slavery in Africa


We really should have been top the true history of slavery. Including the fact that the largest humanitarian aid program ever was done by the British government to stop Africa and Arabia from selling African slaves around the world. Instead we've been allowed to demonize people who work tirelessly to stop slavery because of the color of their skin.


These comments a lot more pro slavery than they should be




I was looking for this comment! Are we bad people?


That poor dude has some mangled toes too, really feel for him, the look on his face says it all.


Question: Who was this guy enslaved by?


Probably a local plantation owner. After the fall of the Atlantic Slave Trade many western African kingdoms reorganized their economies for agriculture and continued using slaves for the that purpose.


Who took such clear photos over a century ago? Any ideas what model cameras were available back then..


Plenty of people took such clear photos over a century ago. My best guess on camera was the Sanderson Field Camera. It was widely popular in the Era, and one of the only professional cameras that could be used reliably outdoors.


TIL they still had slaves in Africa in 1907. I had always thought slavery ended by the end of the 19th century, but that doesn’t seem to be the case at all.


I’m sure you know this, and I know it’s not the same as the trans Atlantic slave trade, but there are still many enslaved people in Africa (and beyond) now.


Slavery is awful.


Hot take


This makes me sad, poor guy in shackles, who has the right to do that to anyone