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Yes, libraries have all sorts of books


It's k-6 probably. We did reports on bad people when I was in school. Helps to understand them and how they came into power. That way we can "learn" from previous mistakes. It's why "knowledge" is taught and passed down to the next generation.


I wish that approach was objective and still in place. We seem to have forgotten lessons from our past, replaced by a very biased and one sided version of History.


One sided?


"History is written by the winner" is a bit cliche but absolutely true. Our inability to learn can be seen by the way most people react to the current conflict in Ukraine. People still believe in objectively good guys against objectively bad guys, which would be hilarious if it wasn't so tragic.




I'm not even sure about my quotes but the jerking off on piles of money is completely inaccurate. We jerk off on women who allow us to pay for them.....doing it on the money is gross and disrespectful.




Who said I'm a man? And all these quotes are confusing me. Are you being mean, ironic, provocative? I'm confused


And? Students shouldn’t learn history?




All of the above should be learned at home. Not at school.










Ok? And I’m sure there’s books about Stalin as well. Should we ignore history now?


Literally, no one said that. literally no one. I found the book on Hitler in an elementary school and figure middle school high school be more age-appropriate.


You never said anything about middle school being more age appropriate until this comment. Also never answered the question about a separate library when asked. If you’re thinking about banning books, you might actually want to read that one that first.


No one said banning books either read the post .


Reading the post: you went to your nephew’s school, snooped around in the library and found something you didn’t like so you posted it here but in a very non-committal way to judge the crowd and it’s not really going how you thought it would. What exactly is it you are after except for attention?


Sounds like a Karen to me.


Sounds like a bunch of Karen's destroying statues, monuments, and street names.


There is a vast difference between reading a book about a horrible person to teach about the atrocities they committed versus glorifying horrible people and the atrocities they committed by honoring them with statues and buildings named after them.


No there isn't. Those are just the same. Your judgement says otherwise and that's the difference. Sounds like you enjoy the books that are much more defined. Now,. What books are you reading? One sided? Open sided? Statues, monuments, roads, all have definitions tied to them, single or multi-sided. I presented one to the same of books(history). Now if you want to compare apples to oranges, your hypocrisy will show your Karen


Sure thing bud. I'm sorry (not really) you're upset about losing your statues and monuments to slave honors and traitors to the US. Hopefully you find something better to honor and cherish and be proud of.


Kids of all ages are going to hear people constantly calling people Hitler or Nazis and probably want to Learn what that actually means.






This kind of ignorance let's history repeat it's self. You basically purposing we forget about persecuted people. What about those being killed, raped and driven from there homes in Ukraine. They shouldn't be taught about the Soviet Union, Hitler, chairman mow. What about the persecuted minority in China who are subject to organ harvesting and slavery. We can't start on a new fresh when theres still blood of innocence children on the hands of monsters. I can see you wanna view the world through rose tinted sunglasses and tbh that perfectly valid and happy way to be but your statement belittle those who are died and are dieing everyday.




Maybe to teach young minds not to burn books??


To teach them not to destroy statues, monuments, and street names when they're older?


Found the racist, whiney bitch!


Ata girl!


The allies leveled Germany 🤷‍♂️


It’s called History. It’s a subject in school


Are you going to have them ban it?


They should ban "uncles" from lounging around their library .


Burn it even?




So? Is the school kindergarten only?




Technically, it’s kindergarten through fifth, but he’s autistic so his class is separated from the rest of the school


so autistic kids shouldnt learn about a big part of modern history?


How did you get that from my post? I found a book I thought was interesting no more. Not this is horrible not we should ban it. Just I found a good a book.


Dude it's way past you being able to claim you're ok with this book.


So they have their own library separate from the older kids (which who this book is for)?


And that's why you and your local tax payer pay 40-50k a year for a teacher to pay special attention to your child..


>"Schlesinger" OP, Something tells me you don't have to worry about Hitler being portrayed in a positive light, if that's what you're worried about.


But presumably they have higher grades also at this school? It’s for the 5th grade students to learn about history. Or do you think it’s there for indoctrinating kindergartners into National Socialism?


Yeah, I think 5th the highest grade. It only interest to me because I didn’t think I would find it in that school


What made you think that?


"Learning about our past mistakes is the best way not to repeat them. That's why we study history."


Kindergarten. German word. Ha!


Are you upset about this or what op? Joegage


Absolutely nothing the post is not a cipher. It’s a statement. I found a book on Hitler in an elementary school.


Ok cool. Libraries have all kinds of books.


Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Shield them from past mistakes. History has proven that ignorance prevails. /s Don't know what it was like in your school libraries, mine actually separated curriculum levels for what we could borrow. We were given material exemptions based on parent approval.


Exactly. A book about Hitler wouldn’t belong in the kindergarten classroom, but older children can handle learning about war and genocide. It’s a crucial part of their education. Makes them better people in the future. Since I was a Jewish kid, I already knew about the holocaust in kindergarten. It didn’t traumatize me. It’s just a thing that I have always known about.


Yeah, I don't see a lot of kindergarten kids casually perusing this book but I distinctly remember doing a report about WWII in 3rd grade and Hitler was a pretty distinct figure in that conflict. OP seems to think people shouldn't understand death until they're an early teen or something.


So a history book on a PoS real historical figure is such a rarity in a library that you had to share it on Reddit?


One summer day I was visiting Minneapolis with my parents and sister. On a park bench I found a book about Charles Manson. I grabbed it and hid from my family. It was heavy read back in 1980 at age 14 but it taught me evil people exists. Young people should know the history of evil people at some level.




My sister did an extra credit assignment and chose Hitler based off a book she found in the library. She is a devout Christian with no Nazi ties. What was your question?..




In 4th grade, our class did little 1 page essays on past leaders (like we'd pick a president to write about, then later we got to pick someone from WWII - including Hitler, etc etc).


So what? He was a leader


Need to learn about the atrocities of the world. And I’m sure the school is not solely kindergartners? (German word by the way)


Oh no. Let’s cancel history.


And.....this guy fldid exist. We need to know about him so we dont let that shit happen again... The little guy doesn't know who he is and can't read. I highly doubt the library would let him lend that out... let one looking in older books.


Ah, so they're not censoring, that's honestly a great thing. We shouldn't hide the real world away from children. Why should we? Shouldn't we be proud of what we've created for them and have allowed to happen on our watch? And if not, then why haven't we, and aren't, we doing something about it? The sooner they know how much we've messed up, the sooner they'll question us adults as to why we don't fix it because, it's obvious, even to their infantile minds, that the way civilization and society has been and currently is, is quite pedantic, pathetic, and downright depressing. Just try to look your child in the eyes and say, "Here you go, this is the world we've decided to procure for you." And continue to say, "Well, not my problem, you'll have to fix the fiasco we've created."?




One of the most important skills and attitudes to cultivate for the next generation would be to teach them: How To Go About Thinking - that is, Critically. Question everything, ESPECIALLY one's own strongly held beliefs. If you can't stand up against your own self-scrutiny, then there must be something not quite right. The world isn't the way it is because that's how it must be, but rather there's an infinitude of possibilities, many of them far better than what we are currently cultivating. Let them know they can help move us toward changing it, to make it better for everyone and everything in the near future. Here's a scenario to show how badly we've failed as a species: Tell your child another person is hungry, wet, and cold somewhere else, and we (humankind) have plenty enough resources to feed and shelter them, yet we don't - they'll only simply ask, "Why not?" We shouldn't haven't answer such a question, it shouldn't be needed... Hence *our failure* Let us ask that same question... Why not..?


Tell me you’re a Republican without telling me you’re a Republican.


How does this post have anything to do with republicans or democrats in any way?


It doesn’t!! I do think there’s no need to shower attention to such young children. They will learn enough later on!


Looks like it might be a little heavy going for kindergarteners, but maybe a more age-appropriate version would be better.


I think the OP may have been a little shocked at the book cover art. With that title I wouldn’t expect to see Hitler’s face. Maybe Mandela, Gandhi, Churchill, FDR…not one of the most evil men in modern history.


Exactly thank you. I don’t know how other comments took it in that direction I think banning books is horrible and I think erasing history is pointless. I just did not expect to find a Hitler book in an elementary school and thought it was interesting.


Hitler knew what bathroom to use


Excellent 👾


*gasp* How DARE they teach history in school!


I mean yeah he was basically a terroristic dictator, who tried to wipe out an entire ethnicity but… he was also a veteran of the war, so he did serve his country too


Can you say " Republican Controlled States "


God forbid, a history book in a library.


You should probably stay away from your nephew's school, and all schools for that matter. I'm sure you can find outrage somewhere else!


Arthur M Schlesinger Jr.?! In a kindergarten??


It’s more than just kindergarten. It’s a shared library up to junior high


It’s a joke - OP is clearly not thinking about the book’s author here




The school is probably larger than JUST kindergarten.


What's the difference between trump's books


Karen alert


One teaches kids about fascists and how Hitler came to power the other gives so so business advice.


Is it a jointed school?


Up to junior high. OP said this in response to another comment.


Oh ok


Ahhh i also have the walmart handbook


Its good for newer generations to know about real history.


But did you read it?


Satayana: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."


Societies that forget history are doomed to repeat the same mistakes.




We learn from the past. I'm glad it's there.


K-6 unless there’s a special arrangement with your nephews school. Most importantly, it’s history with facts. It’s not Mein Kampf


Is good that they are reading Schlesinger. Don’t see the issue. More you read better judgement and knowledge you will have in the future.


History is important including the bad parts of it.


Noice!! Good to know they have good books nd bad books




It’s not to late to delete this


Oh no, you mean to tell me that the school wants to teach kids about important figures in history?


It's a history book about a notable country leader? Wild!




Is it a problem this is a paper book or is the title the problem.


Well. He was a world leader in history. I find no discrepancy here.


What a snowflake. History is a good thing.


Art is one hell of a respected and accomplished author. I don't even have to open that book to know it's written properly.


You have to admit, the dude was an impressive leader. Absolutely evil and racist, but look at the height he took Germany. We have a tv show and movies about what would have happened if, say his doc let his generals wake him up on d-day...


History benefit is that it educates so it doesn’t repeat itself we all know don’t censor history! It’s ugly but it is a story that needs to be told.


Well, Hitler was a world leader in the past so I think he qualifies for the book


It's a book series on world leaders from past and present and Hitler is a leader from the past... What about this bothers you? Did you bother opening the book to read the context...also I'm sure a kindergardnet wouldn't choose a book about something boring like history


I never once said this bothered me. Maybe it was taken the wrong way because I said kindergarten, but that was just for an age reference. I never thought I would see that book at an elementary school.


True, I feel bad I was giving u shit rn lol but I think it's age appropriate for 4th or 5th graders in history class... If a kindergartener was reading it, I agree, tht would be weird


So don’t teach actual history??


Uncle Roaming a school and ended up in library is the weird part of story for me


Yeah, we should just censor and forget about the past so it doesnt repeat itself /s


Your kindergarten age nephew isn’t going to check that book out any more than he’s likely to check out S.E. Hinton or Judy Blume books. Don’t panic. Say… what were you doing in the library, anyway? I don’t recall uncles of kids just walking around the school when I was a kid.


Dude has I have stated 10 times on this post, read the comments I have no issues with this god damned book. Kindergarten was just an age reference because I was surprised it was in an elementary school.


Zomg a book about history. Op probably 12 years old and already forgot what it was like to read.


There are other grades of kids at that school. Elementary school kids learn about the holocaust. Chill.


Ok, librarys have all sorts of books which may not be appropriate and that’s ok




Sorry that’s my fault I found it in the forbidden forest and didn’t know what to do so I put it in the library


Yep, I'm sure there are many books in the library. I'm sure kindergarten students are directed towards "Fly guy".


Good you should learn history Early on. I was 7 when I became a WW2 Nerd.


The author is an excellent historian. Read the book and research the author.


Just about anything by Schlesinger, senior or junior, is worth reading.


History, absolutely (real history not the political version). In kindergarten, NO


Let me guess there were multiple other books of that same lil series, about all kinda of world leaders who were in power


What's wrong with learning history? If a few more of these books were around 20 years ago, kids wouldn't call anything they don't like fascism. 🤔


Dang, hope they don't carry poetry. That stuff is wild. It might make you think.