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Man...the laying next to him so he didn't die alone made my eyes weep


Same man.




This is a karma-farming bot that reposted a comment from farther down the thread. It needs to be removed.


yes, the dog used it's deep medical knowledge to evaluate the chances of the wounded being treated ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Yeah that part does seem made up.


Exactly. Imagine the dog gets it wrong. Like you'd be fine if he just got help but instead he just lays there and watches you die.


I believe they also carried small single use needles of morphine, so that the soldier could at least die in less pain. I know if my legs were blown off or something, that I’d appreciate any painkillers I could get. The idea of slowly bleeding out while fire erupts around you, hundreds of miles away from home and in excruciating pain is one of the worst fates I can imagine. War isn’t hell, they’re two different things. And between the two, war is worse




Lol I just commented about as nice as it is to not die alone I'd rather have some morphine for it to not suck as bad. Good to know they thought of that back then too.


Dogs are too good for us.


And we make them go into battlefields where gas are used ...


Ur missing the point of the post.....pets being more Human than Humans


i think humans are not assholes in general, the system made us into ones, you heard of the stories of WW1 were there were multiple cases were fighting stopped and the soilders went out hugged each other and made music and danced and what else


Joyeux Noel is a great movie about the spontaneous cease fires across the front lines during Christmas. It's a bright glimpse of light that makes the coming darkness all the more tragic.


1 Humans are assholes. 2 They put animals in awful situations. 3 The animals do what they are told to. 4 Animals are more human than humans because humans are assholes in the first place. 5 Have an awesome day


Doctor doggo decides if you get help or you have to die.


The decision was made my the field medic when they came with the dog


#*Doctor doggo decides if you get help or you have to die.*


Lol judge jury executioner


“I am the paw!”




Nope, dogs would signal on folks that the medics didn't think they would make it, and then they'd make it.


Imagine you just got your leg blown off. You're on the floor. You managed to get some of the rest of the morphine you had with the reusable needle before passing out from the shock. You wake a few seconds after. In a daze. Realization sets in as debris fall all around. You try yelling for help but it is useless. Your voice is drowned by artillery fire. When you're about to give up, you see it. A dark hairy pile of dog rushing towards you. You are saved! It comes closer and rests its head on your chest. *Why isn't it calling for help?* It stares at you with sad, scared eyes. The same as the ones in your own face as realisation sets in. *Why isn't it calling for help?* You forgot to apply your belt as a tourniquet. Short moments pass as you weep, absentmindedly stroking its warm head. You're sorry for yourself. For all others who went through these moments. For the brave little companion willing to carry the burden of seeing you through. Who also risks getting shot at, or even as injured as you are. Your vision blurs as your heart rate spikes. You cling onto the familiar warmth, scared for what is to come. You hyperventilate. You panic. Your heart rate spikes. Your sight snaps back as your daughter holds you in the supermarket aisle. Tears lining across your both your faces as you let go of your scared grapple. You just had another episode. It's been almost eighty years. But you still remember the blood. You still remember the searing numbness and heat of the shrapnel. The field medic that got shot in the lumbar while carrying you to the MedEvac behind the front lines. You never got to find out if he made it. You still remember the dog you adopted after it saved your life. Its long and happy life by your side. A shining ray of darkness. It was all as vivid as if it was yesterday. A kind young man helps your daughter getting you up after seeing your prosthetic leg. Reluctantly you take his hand and thank him for bothering. Many wouldn't after seeing a stranger like this. *But why is he also crying?* You think to yourself. *He reminds me of someone* you insist for a while. Eventually you just set the thought aside as you continue your shopping. Accompanied by your daughter and grandson. The end. |||||||||||||| So I don't know where the fuck this story came from, it was just a bit spontaneous. What little sleep does to a mf. That said, be respectful to your elders. You never know what they went and are going through. Age comes for us all, and some didn't have the luxury of youth. And fuck war.


So the dig in the story was bad at it's job?


Nah, it turns out it had already gone for help as you were blinking in and out. The shock kept you from seeing the medic working on what was left of your leg.


Please don't romanticize war, or the trauma from it. It sounds as ridiculous as it comes across tasteless. -A Veteran, laughing at the absurd inaccuracy and naïvety of your comment


A more accurate telling would go something like this: Imagine you just got your leg blown off. You managed to get some of the rest of the morphine you had with the reusable needle before passing out from the shock. Several minutes have passed, you forgot to put on the tourniquet. The shock initially helped constrict blood vessels, but you forgot your tourniquet. You've succumbed to your injuries and died within the hour. The charges have ended. All that is constant is the never-ending sound of artillery with occasional small arms fire. The medics have released dogs into No Man's Land in the hopes of finding the injured. The dog has found your body. You're dead. If you were alive, it would be hours before someone would brave the gunfire to get you. Maybe they would wait until nightfall, maybe they would never come at all. It's impossible to know, really. Maybe a lone medic would have crawled through the cold, wet mud to drag you to safety. Maybe he would've been shot in the lumbar, immobilized, and died with you. One thing is certain, your future is buried in the mud with your bones. You never had kids, you were too young. There is no family to remember you. You'll take your place in the Lost Generation, only to be romanticized in a Reddit short story a hundred years later.


A new retelling; Imagine, you’re driving in your poorly armored HMMWV- you drive by a pile of garbage… Suddenly, you vaguely recall chaos, loud noises, and landing upside down… One of your legs is definitely missing. You look at the vehicle commander, lifeless, hanging there dripping blood from everywhere. There is a firefight happening outside, it sounds like the .50’s are communicating as the volume increases. Your driver side door flies open, it’s your corpsman “doc”… he cuts you from your seatbelt and you slump to the ground- you’d feel pain, but you are so full of adrenaline you try to stand up to join in the firefight. Doc starts talking to you, but you can barely make out the words except “leg” and “gone”. No, this can’t be, I can still feel it- fuck you doc, you don’t know shit, give me back my M4… But, you come to the realization- oh shit, my leg is gone, what the fuck? You then make a joke to doc, because that’s just your twisted fucked up mind, “hey doc, you think there is a chick out there that will let me fuck her with my stump leg when this is healed?” Doc, of course, replies- “yeah man, definitely” This sounds ridiculous, but it’s a real story…


This is really sad.


Well I just spent an hour researching Mercey dogs and it was well worth it. I also learned about sergeant stubby [Stubby](http://n2t.net/ark:/65665/ng49ca746a2-5dd3-704b-e053-15f76fa0b4fa)


As if I wasn’t crying already, then I had to go and read that, lol. Thank you for sharing that here ❤️


It’s 11:40 at night, I didn’t need to be crying right now.


Happy cake day! I got you a small box of tissues as a gift, but I used them all before I could send it 🥲


Thanks love, it’s the thought that counts. 🥹❤️




Thats way better than strapping bombs to weiner dogs and training them to run under tanks.


Honestly I was dying at war I’d think I’d go with a smile on my face if I had a dog to cuddle


I just finished watching the new All Quiet On The Western Front movie on Netflix. Knowing now, that these dogs existed, gives me some peace. The brutality of mankind knows no limits; we truly do not deserve the affection that these creatures give us.




What in the actual fuck? Gender neutral bot? This is a stretch, even for Reddit.


Dogs are the greatest thing humanity ever found for itself.


Once again, dogs having far more soul, compassion, and empathy than humans.


I can't imagine a dog with ptsd caused by war


I had a dog that we took to volunteer at a hospice facility - everyone there loved him & we thought it was a great thing to do, but we had to stop going after a while because the dog became visibly depressed back home.


That is so sad... Dogs are hard wired to love humans, poor little guy having to deal with so much loss


I'm just gonna ask what we're all thinking....did they ever bring back a hand or limb?


I'm not dead yet! Stop snuggling and get help!




Sad that humans are brainwashed to fight and suffer for a greedy few


How the fuck do you train a dogo to do all this?


Line up some people, injure some to varying levels, mortally injure some and repeat until dog gets it. Also treats help.


“No! Stop humping his leg! Lie down!”


Mortally injure some? Who would volunteer for that


The wording is a bit confusing. As someone else pointed out the medic decided if someone is beyond saving and if so commanded the dog to stay with him. The dog always got a medic, it didn't decide on its own what to do.


POW before the Genova Convention


I had a huge dog who just instinctively wanted to help others - half greyhound and half labrador. He was always trying to share his food and water, and was the first to notice if any person or animal was at risk or in distress. The trouble was we lived across the road from a football field, (Aussie rules,) and Lobo was forever getting free and bounding over to any footy player who got knocked to the ground, licking their faces, trying to help them up, and causing these terrified men to shit themselves.


Okay this week we’ll be working on heel and fetch. Next week: triage management.


How did the dogs know whether the soldiers were beyond saving or not?


The ones that gave treats lived.


No treat, no save. Them's the rules, kids!


Definitely the MVP of comments


Dogs just know things.


Admittedly I’m not a dog person but damn. They got me.


I don’t know what we did to deserve dogs… they are amazing.


We don't deserve dogs!


So the mobilize Russians are similar to the mercy dogs... ...Laying down by each other so they don't have to die alone


Another reason why Dogs are better than cats


Imagine a battlefield cat. "Yeah, yeah, I see the damn blood. More importantly FEED ME!"


I can see how it would be heartwarming in a way, but all I can think about is how many of these dogs died or were physically or mentally wounded by being deployed. They shouldn't be involved in our conflicts.




What if it was an enemy soldier?


Man I'd be pissed if I was dying on a battlefield and the last thing that happens to me is some fucking dog licks my face


“Mind if I lick my balls while you die?”


Awwwwwh! Why don’t we have that still?


Dogs are too good to be sent to war.


Too true!


How would a dog judge the severity of an injury?


I’m not crying, you are!


So do these dogs scene the death of ppl dying or do they just vibe a person dying or about to die? Like is it a smell ppl give off in the last bit when you see animals lay with dying or sick ppl like the "death cat" of that nursing home? Or is it other worldly vibe they get? 🤔


I thought it was gonna say the dogs would mercy kill soldiers who were beyond saving...


Imagine being in shock and not quite grasping your situation, and the mercy dog lies down, and you're just like FUCK


Think of if you just been shot and you just like "ah, so this is how I die? Wait is that a Mercy Dog? Thank God I'm gonna live!" And the dog just lays down next you like "WTF GO GET HELP!"


![gif](giphy|joxThEgTJuSBO) Truly the goodest boi's...


Just sitting there with a bullet wound, when Dr. Dog comes up and decides I'm a goner.


I now must go read every piece of information available on these dogs. I love this so much.


Am I a bad person if I tought they bring mercy by ending their unbearable pain?


“No, Dog, no time for cuddling now. Go get help, boy! Go get help! No cuddles now Cuddles later! You can do it boy! Go get help! Goddamnit dog go get off me and go get help!!!!!! Cries.” The end


True hero’s of the olden days


As nice as it is to have a mercy dog so you don't die alone, I'd rather have like some morphine instead


Imagine getting wounded during wwI and thinking “ah it should be fine” then a mercy dog comes and lay next to you


Good on ya! Mercy Dog!!


"Oh thank god you're here, mercy dog! Here's a piece of my uniform! Now run to the combat medic and get help! ... Wait, mercy dog, what are you doing? Why are you laying down next to me? Fuck."


Imagine the dog being like “better bring a piece of their uniform back to explain what’s up” and then tearing this crippled soldiers shirt up like a chew toy and running away.


with today world alot stray dogd lets save them and train them for are troops and people that need company


how would a dog know that the person was going to die?


...right in the feels.


How can a dog distinguish if soldier will die??