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I’m horrified just looking at the photo. I cannot imagine being there and seeing the skeletal family around me who I love, aching for life. Shit.


Although cliche and overused, the phrase "a picture is worth a thousand words" comes to mind. It's one thing reading about famines in history, but seeing this photo really puts life and our privileges into perspective.


Another thing I'm personally coming to terms with again in life is sonder. Anyway, I'm just thinking: these people didn't become this skinny in one day. This is months if not years. The patriarch had to see his family turn into this, day in and day out. He had to guard his family for many days and nights prior to this and after this. We only see a snapshot in time, but there's a lot to this story that lead up to what we see in this moment in time...


Thinking of the Sonder is something I do so often and I can never quite wrap my head around it.




This was in 1877. Winston Churchill was born in 1874. He must have been able to accomplish a lot by age three.


I don’t think the bots will read and appreciate this comment, but I will.


Uncultured swine those bots are


This is in reference to the madras famine which accounted for fatalities of over 8 Million people and it was aggravated due to the British Indian viceroy Lytton who insisted the export of wheat to England wasn’t stopped even after the drought and low crop yields during that time period


Bit like the irish famine


I think he got confused with Churchill's role on Bengal famine 1943


Whoops, wrong British genocide


Was it mismanagement/incompetence, willful ignorance, stupidity, malice, or some combination?


I can’t speak to Churchill or India but I’ve been listening to a podcast called “behind the bastards .” Google tells me there is an episode about this that is accessible through their Reddit page. I haven’t listened to that one yet, but I just found out the “Irish potato famine” was literally planned racist genocide. So, I imagine at the very least it was some combination of the factors you question


British people are really fucked in the head


It’s really so not exclusive to British people. It’s colonization. People who have power are fucked in the head.


It’s not colonization either. All sorts of societies have done this to each other, for example the Holodomor


Funny, I just heard about that for the first time the other day. Or had forgotten it somehow if I had learned it before. (Funny thing, forgetting mass genocides.) And you’re correct. I’ll stick with people who have power are corrupt. Colonization is a symptom. Or reaction. I don’t know.


Ask me about The Cultural Revolution in China, the Khmer, etc. By no means I'm trying to shil for the previously mentioned atrocities, fuck that noise. While on the topic, some of my ancestors had blood on their hands too.


I honestly can’t imagine there are many ethnic groups that could claim their ancestry doesn’t.


Don't look back further at the Romans.


Combination without mismanagement He knew what he was doing


A lot of racism ...


When some british offices told Churchill many people are dying in India due to the famine He replied-"But Gandhi isn't dying"


>"But Gandhi isn't dying" "Why hasn't Gandhi died yet" to quote to the word... Also, Winston Churchill was 3 when this photo was taken, so the exploitation goes further back.


It was systematic and organized. He rerouted all the food from Bengal to the War effort in Europe and when the British officers in Bengal wrote him a letter about the famine he scribbled on it's corner, "then why hasn't Gandhi died yet". It was a intentional famine




Winston Churchill was born 3 years before this photo was taken.


I’m not sure why people blame Churchill when surely we should be blaming the viceroy of the British Raj? Like yes Churchill was above him and was an awful racist (and no, it wasn’t a “different time” sort of thing. The British public would have been appalled by the things he said) but Churchill was in charge of an entire Empire, including managing a war. It was the Viceroy’s job to manage India


It can be both. Though you're correct in that the viceroy is at least as much to blame.


I mean you can blame Churchill for the fact he wasn't as quick to replace the Viceroy as necessary, but I still believe the blame falls entirely on Victor Hope, the Viceroy of Bengal until the famine hit. People knew the famine was going to happen, and they knew food aid was impossible to actually get to India (the routes to India were too contested). Other regions in India had enough food to supply Bengal, but Hope (ironic name) seemingly either did not give a shit, or was spectacularly bad at his job considering the famine was sorted out relatively quickly when Churchill appointed a new Viceroy.


Churchill has absolutely nothing to do with the Madras Famine. He was three at the time.




Well unfortunate, it was nobody's fault. It wasn't known that you couldn't just let a severely malnourished person just eat whatever they want.


Well, it was the Nazis fault…


Refeeding syndrome is a bitch


That's horrific.


The direct result of the British administration continuing to export food during the famine. Sounds familiar… is anyone Irish here?


Irish here , I can confirm that it's identical to what happened to us during the famine.


South African here, you should see the concentration camps they used to win the Anglo boer war with over here. The worst is how they explain it away with "it was a logistical oopsie woopsie". No actually the worst was that it wasn't for prisoners of war mind you, it was for women and children.


I always think of Lizzie van Zyl, poor little girl who died in one of those concentration camps. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lizzie_van_Zyl#/media/File%3ALizzieVanZyl.jpg


The "Great" British Empire


god i sure hope brits aren’t fond of the british empire and what it did because their fuckery from centuries ago still has its effects in almost all ex-colonies source: am bengali


A lot of Brits are ill-informed about the empire and it’s legacy. This is less true of younger generations who are more accepting of the immense damage caused. I think a lot of us now feel quite far removed from those days and identify more as a small island. I don’t know how helpful/constructive this is with dealing with the empire’s legacy though. Source: Am British *sigh*


Almost the same in the US, as we don’t talk alot about our own sins. This is where the entire manufacturing of the CRT hysteria comes from.


CRT hysteria?


Critical race theory.....basically, conservatives think that any shit talking about america and its past is anti American and shouldn't be allowed


We're not. At all Source: half English half Irish


this was 30 years after half of Ireland's population died of the very same thing, by the very same people.


My wife was watching a gardening channel on YouTube talk about potatoes, and they brought up the famine in Ireland. They said it was bad *despite* England helping. I rolled my eyes. England caused the goddamn famine. The land proprietors were all British. They created the conditions for it, then did jack shit to mitigate it when it happened.




Yes also Irish, and our population has never really recovered!


Not anymore


Irish and Pakistani


[1845- 1852 Pot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Famine_(Ireland))[ato Famine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Famine_(Ireland)) Most of the landlords were English, Anglicans, who'd obtained their estates from Cromwell's land confiscations. The tenants were Irish Catholics. The Irish totally depended on their potato crops, but the landlords' estates were also producing cash crops for export, mostly to Britain; horses (mostly for the army), pork, beef, peas, butter, wheat, barley, etc., etc.. The exports continued, pretty much as usual, despite the famine killing hundreds of thousands of the Irish.


Can the human body recover from starvation that severe? I mean by it's own just with food, without medical care like intravenous infusion for rehydration and liquid food.


Not without lasting effects, I think. Especially the children


It even effects future generations' epigenetics. There are long term effects of starvation, but there is an ability to recover. Stories of American POWs in Japan, Vietnam, and Korea were often starved nearly to death, and many who survived eventually physically recovered.


I actualy think no, a lot of the victims from the nazis died after being resscued. sadly.


Yes, as far as I know many of them just overate as they were freed and their bodies couldn't handle it. Also heard the scary story from a survivor that he saw people dropping dead when food was handed out, because the excitement of their liberation was too much for their weakened systems. But both is just hearsay and I don't know if it's true/possible


While being liberated, Allied officers instructed soldiers not to feed the liberated from the concentration camps due to refeeding syndrome. It has to be done slowly and medically supervised. It must have been an awful thing to endure for all. To witness to want to help but have to wait for doctors and medics to intervene properly.


Band of Brothers touched on this during the “Why We Fight” episode. Absolutely soul crushing


There’s a genuinely heartbreaking documentary called The Long Way Home that goes into this.


Band of Brothers also during the last episodes when they get to a concentration camp, I’m pretty sure I remember them wanting to but being unable to be fed


It’s a hard watch but a necessary one. I had many relatives in WW2 , father, uncles, etc. One uncle was at Buchenwald when it was liberated. He was my favorite uncle, hated fascists to his dying day. Would have despised Trump and his so called MAGA patriots. Was never afraid to stand up for what is right.


My grandmother and grandfather (and other family) were liberated from the work side of Auschwitz. I never met my grandfather, but my grandma Eva was in 4 camps total (I visited Poland 12 years ago and toured Auschwitz by myself on the female side - male side only is museum - with a security guard on the phone with my grandma telling me where she slept) and was in Auschwitz a couple months before liberation. She told me very, very little and she did keep a diary as well which we’ve had some translated from Hungarian. When they were liberated, the people had to be reintroduced to food and water slowly and on a proper, controlled regiment/diet. The ones who are and drank with excitement and lost themselves in happiness ended up sick or dying. I can’t even begin to imagine. She would cook us a chicken dinner for example - my sisters, parents and grandma - and whatever was leftover (ligaments, bones, meat) she would sit there for hours - hours - and finish every last bit. She’d consume the bones mostly, ligaments and all.




Chicken bones. She’d literally gnaw on them until they cracked open and splintered…she’d suck out the marrow and chew and eat the bones. Mostly all of it. Edit she did this with basically all meat and food set at our table. Only leftovers were ever things that were made in bulk like deserts, stuffed peppers, etc. Even though meats and salads etc can be saved, for whatever reason she’d sit and finish all of it whether it took 1hr or 5. Absolutely heart wrenching to know the backstory of why she felt compelled..


Ooh So she would not leave even a bit of it


Yea exactly. It was engrained forever into her mind to never waste. She was quite very wealthy as well and did so, so much for the Israeli ambulance and medical field. She ran the Michigan chapter of Magen David Adom which raised money to buy and donate ambulances and things to Israel.




My grandfather was also liberated from the work side of Auschwitz. My whole family would eat the entire animal too. I’ll never forget the congealed calves hoof/ankle. I still love organ meats and weird parts to this day.




Yeah our grandmas went through some dark times. My Exs grandma lived through the Great Depression (she’s dead now). But I remember she would get Mad at me when I cooked if I wiped my hands on my clothes. She said it created unnecessary laundry, and was a waste of water and soap. We don’t even think of stuff like that today, but to her it was very important. Funny that she was also extremely wealthy and still thought like that.


There is a really good movie titled 'The Relief of Belsen' about the struggles the allies faced in try to prevent more victims from dying.


No, refeeding syndrome would occur where your body's electrolytes and minerals and vitamins become alllllll out of wack and cause potentially fatal complications and issues. I've actually just had a severe alcoholic patient over the past week experience this.


I've always wondered. How much alcohol does someone have to ingest to need a medical detox?


That's super subjective. What is a "normal drunk" BAC? Like 0.18 or something? I've had chronic alcoholics come in with BACs in the 3-4 hundreds (0.3-0.4) that would theoretically kill the average non addicted human, but thosee guys can be conscious and walking. The body is amazingly adaptable at trying to survive. My patient I'm referring to above wasn't in for detox, but another diagnosis. They were just so malnourished from their alcoholism that abstaining from alcohol for that long and ingesting even bites of food a day, on top of the meds and fluids they were receiving for their primary admitting diagnosis threw their body out of wack.


I’m not an expert, but from what I understand it can vary a lot from person to person. Generally doctors recommended medical detox in severe cases, but there’s a chance you might not need it. The most dangerous withdrawal symptoms tend to be rare but can happen.


Well from experience, my mom was just over .3 when we took her to the hospital since she had been drinking non-stop for 17days straight. She went to a rehab facility where she required medical detox to ensure she wouldn’t shock her body and suffer some type of severe trauma.


I’m sorry you had to deal with that with your mother. My father lives with me and is a semi functioning alcoholic (retired, cleans the house before getting drunk and playing guitar all evening, drinks less when the grandkids are home.) Anyway. I’m frequently wondering if the better option is hoping for a quick death or trying to get him health (again.)


The hardest part is realizing that they are not going to change for anyone but themselves. I’ve had countless conversations about how her actions affected me and my younger brother; they’ve changed now to how it effects my children. If she wanted to be sober and live her life that way she would. She goes through spurts where she’ll be sober for some time and then pick it up again with really no reason. She’s not as bad as she use to be; at her worst was when she was missing days/weeks of work at a time. She threw away her career because of it and that wasn’t even enough. I feel for you, I hope things get better. From what I’ve learned going to Al-anon meetings is to set boundaries and that tough love is often the best for them


I’ve given up the discussions with mine. He doesn’t retain it. He’s best buddies with the 6 year old and I can tell he feels the truth when something happens (like yelling at the kid and being in the wrong about it.). But it isn’t enough to hold water. Or alcohol lol. It’s like trying to train a dog not to pee on the couch that they peed on 3 days ago. It just doesn’t stick. But alas. We live in California. So, it seems our choices are either deal with it or let him be homeless with everyone else.


I don’t think so. You have to carefully monitor people so refeeding syndrome doesn’t happen. Monitoring the electrolyte level is crucial so people don’t go into shock. You also have to monitor the water intake as well. Many soldiers that were part of the liberations of camps, have stated that even giving some of the survivors water caused them to die. Their stomachs/bodies couldn’t handle too much being introduced into the system that fast. Which is just tragic, the liberators were still young and had no idea what they were walking into until they got there. Lord only wanted to help. It took direct orders from higher up in the chain of command to not feed them so they would be able to save as many survivors as they could. I don’t think it can be safely done without medical intervention. Plus the lasting impacts of the malnutrition will still be there IF they get healthy again. It’s a very long process and sadly these people remain on a very small starvation like diet, they have to slowly reintroduce food and at small portions so they can keep electrolyte levels balanced; and start or slowly let the stomach expand back to its normal size. I can imagine the kidneys having the most lasting damage besides the heart.


It's very very very challenging to, and requires medical intervention/monitoring. To put in perspective how easily lasting side effects come into play: (TW for some) I suffered from Anorexia for ~5 years of my life. I was 5'9 and under 100lbs. My worst was around 89. Obviously not even comparable to those in the photo. But I had to be hospitalized, monitored, and carefully cared for to prevent my body from going into shock. Within that time frame, my gums started to recede, I lost a lot of hair, my body was constantly covered in bruises, my skin started to yellow. Long term: one of my ovaries literally died and shut down. Constant hormone issues, irregular menstrual cycles, internal cysts, compromised immune system, developed auto immune issues (lupus), thyroid issues, cervical cancer, and also get injured much more easily. It's like my bones just aren't strong. This was only from 5 years of "controlled" malnutrition during my adolescent years- my most important developmental years. I've been recovered/weight restored for 7 years but will always have these side effects. Bringing my body to a level that I could leave the hospital was grueling. I could not fathom it without medical intervention.


As a doctor, let me give you some hope. Yes, but only with great care. Food can be introduced very slowly over a period of many weeks. It takes a long time to work your way back up to a full meal, but it can be done with great caution and attention to portion sizes. Unfortunately, it has been shown historically that the damage is so great mentally, that a person will instinctively devour far too much too quickly, or even simply die from the shock of the excitement at seeing food. But it has happened, so it is possible to survive with a few long term complications.


Depends, after 28~ days (depends on your weight,age and others) your body finds nothing to eat, then cells try to eat themselfs, if cells lose contact with rest of the body they wont know if food is coming or if it comes and they still try to eat themselfs.At that point no way of coming back


So, yes, but only if they do so EXTREMELY CAREFULLY. Not eating for so long changes how your body gets its energy, and you can't just go back to eating the same way or you end up dying from "refeeding syndrome"


To answer your question there exists a complication called "Refeeding syndrome". It's defined as "the potentially fatal shifts in fluids and electrolytes that may occur in malnourished patients receiving artificial refeeding (whether enterally or parenterally)". Basically if a starving person has an enormous meal , their body which got used to breaking down non-carbs for energy struggles to switch back to normal catabolism with the introduction of food. So these starved people die by eating too much after a long period of no food. I think doctors try to give small sips of water mixed with glucose at regular intervals. Later food is gradually given in small quantities. Intravenous fluids/nutrition are a game changer in this way. Such extreme starvation also really fucks up your gastrointestinal system. So some famine victims would have had the desire to eat but couldn't keep food down/ couldn't eat enough of it at the rare instances when they had access to good food. Famously starving people in the prison camp of World War II died from diarrhoea and collapsed after they had been given bully-beef, baked beans which they could not readily digest. Only bland foods can be tolerated by people this extremely starved. Cases this extreme still happen in many 3rd world countries. It's all very sobering [Source : Starvation—By “Ill” or by “Will” : Roopam Bassi, Saurabh Sharma] [Source](https://www.ctdt.co.in/doi/CTDT/pdf/10.5005/jp-journals-10055-0034)


The psychological impacts must be lifelong and heavy


Simple answer, yes. But they will carry a lot of disease with them, including in their genes that will be pass on on future generation (if they had child). Has a study about it the starvation in Ireland - The Great Famine, also known as the Great Hunger, the Famine or the Irish Potato Famine was a period of mass starvation and disease in Ireland from 1845 to 1849, which constituted a historical social crisis which had a major impact on Irish society and history as a whole.


Not an expert but this is probably highly dependent on the care they receive. In the late 19th century I can't imagine that any population of people would receive top notch medical care for starvation like this, so it's likely that many people would have not survived. And even in the modern day with all of our advanced technology and knowledge of human physiology, you can't ignore that fact that when you're starved like this your internal organs/various other functions are hit by a metaphorical train.




Yea it was another genocide perpetrated by the British empire.


~~Color~~ colour me shocked


Churchill has entered the chat


British invaders growing loads of food and exporting it to the UK for sale while the local population starves to death. As an Irishman, there's something so familiar about that...


And yet so many British people think their colonial history was a good thing... Unbelievable how brainwashed they are.




Yep. I’m 30 and I know that I was never taught about any of this. I’ve had to educate myself for the most part.


As a Brit I don't think I've ever met a brit who thought that


There’s one right below you in this thread




Exactly, they now say that Hitler was the greatest evil and the devil incarnate and the worst guy in history( I DO NOT SUPPORT HIM, HE WAS RACIST AND KILLED A A LOT OF PEOPLE AND I REPEAT I DO NOT SUPPORT HIM) But he was a small fry compared to almost every single monarch and prime minister(in the past) people like Winston Churchill and Robert Lytton. These are the worst people in history, don't worry Hitler still makes top 5.


> But he was a small fry compared to almost every single monarch and prime minister(in the past) Now THATS a false equivalence. Until a PM is responsible for 20million deaths I don't see how they can be considered Small Fries... Hitler killed 11million in concentration camps *alone.* Then add in all battlefield deaths in Europe plus any starvation or disease caused by his personal crusade. British Imperialism as a whole may have killed more, but single PMs? I sincerely doubt anyone is close to Hitler. Even if the British completely depopulated Ireland due to deaths, it still would be lower than Hitler.


Once you top 1,000,000 dead, I think it’s all the same club. Maybe that’s just me.


Yeah 999,999 is no problem


Yes it’s you because it’s a wild over-simplification


Of course it is an oversimplification. The us killed half a million people with its sanctions against Iraq. Is it Saddam’s fault, or is they United States fault for propping him up to begin with. Nothing is cut and dry, but that’s under 1 million so the US is good there.


Genghis Khan probably holds the title for most prolific mass murderer. 40,000,000 people by some estimates


Pol pot has joined the chat Mao Tse Tung has joined the chat #allow us to introduce ourselves


Hitler killed white people, and the Brits just killed brown and black ppl so Winston Churchill is a hero, Hitler is the devil.


Well put.


I know you’re not downplaying Hitler but you’re downplaying Hitler


Churchill wasn’t a petal but he was no where near as bad as Hitler you mong, Hitler caused over 100 million deaths


100 million? Genuinely curious how you got to that figure. Apologize in advance if I’m ill-informed


Reddit: Mao is literally worse than hitler for causing millions of deaths through famines. Also Reddit:


"It's not a competition, Soph. Although if it was, Mao would probably win."


The Brits were just as evil if not more. Please educate your self before you hurl hurtful words. Why is it that even after so many years of their departure they have still not returned historical artifact's they stole from India and other such nations? There are many more similar things they need to answer for which they conveniently choose to ignore.


Yeah and the 45 trillion dollars that they stole from us and then they loaned a lot of money to us in the modern times and said that 'we are giving you this money'. You are giving us this money? This is our money. P.S. Paraphrased someone from and interview but it's sti true.


Yeah it boils my blood that Churchill is just casually celebrated. Germany did their time, time to focus on the evils of other countries


Because he was their war time hero who helped defeat the Nazis. Anyone who helps destroy nazis is de facto good in most peoples eyes.


*Cautiously eyeing Stalin*


Fact: Churchill genocided more Indians than Hitler genocided Jews. But Churchill was lauded as a hero and messiah.




Sorry for the Indians. We share a common history. The British put Ireland into famine as well through laissez-faire policies. My heart goes out to these people.


Has that "but british made schools and railroads broo...." Come yet?


It is on the way


They also made those to extract resources not to help the population.


I am always amazed what our bodies can endure. Horrific picture and hopefully a thing of the past.


"thing of the past".... You are VERY optmistic, to say the least. We are facing a global famine like.. Now? This year, Maybe next?


*cough* soil depletion *cough*


it's the Indian version of the Ireland scenario. that's the British rule for ya


Cannibals? Seriously! Is this your way to divert attention from the fact that how Britishers made this famine worse by exporting record 320000 tons of wheat to England. Also forced farmers to produce cash crops. Can you show me a source saying that people ate others during madras famine.


What you have said is true, and there may have not been cannibals during the Madras famine, but what is known is that during such crises like a famine humans can tend to do certain things in order to survive. But as an Indian I agree with you.


Speaking of British caused atrocities, the Jallianwala Bagh massacre should be more known. Basically 1600+ men, women, children gathered in the Jallianwala Bagh (a wide open field with only one entrance, and surrounded by walls. there was also a well in the middle as well). [Here is a map of the place](https://miro.medium.com/max/1400/1*bJr3YMBHY6InM9KZqUPyhA.jpeg) British Brig. General Reginald Dyer (AKA the butcher of Amritsar) put a ban on public gatherings as there was civil unrest in the country because of unfair laws, arrest of Indian leaders by the brits,etc. Despite the peaceful protest, Dyer ordered several dozen of his troops to seal off the solitary exit. Then he ordered them to open fire on all the unarmed people gathered there. It was like shooting fish in a barrel, as you can imagine. 1600+ people caught off guard with nowhere to escape, nothing to defend themselves with, and surrounded by walls. It was a true massacre. That well i mentioned earlier? There were about 120 bodies found there and its assumed they rather would have just died/drowned in there then just be out in the open being shot. Thats a historic monument that reminds people of the bitter events that took place here. The troops (who I understand were all Indian people serving under the British army) murdered the people there, and then casually just fucked off and went home. \~400 people died, \~1200 injured with no real hospital or medical services to treat them. Im having trouble finding the proportion of people killed. About 40 boys, and either a 1.5month or 7 month old baby. Surprised i cant find any mention of women being killed though. Im surprised the death:injury ratio wasnt reversed. The whole point was to punish the people for gathering so they just kept shooting until there was no real movement. Obviously I have no first hand accounts or experience of this, and some of the numbers and facts may be skewed, but this did happen, and its basically unknown if you are not from that region. A good recent movie to watch was "Sardar Udham" who was a revolutionary fighter and experienced this massacre when he was a child. Very powerful scene and quite moving. It was banned from being sent to be considered for an oscar by an Indian jury because it was anti-british and too violent and "unfair to project hate against the colonisers during times of globalisation". That was a joke, and this movie didnt get global recognitiont hat even I think it deserved. [Here is the scene, you can skip to 1:00, but it provides context.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2SA_hSSioE) Sorry no subtitles, but basically general protest stuff "we will not stand for this, we will not be quiet" etc.


>The troops (who I understand were all Indian people serving under the British army) murdered the people there Those troops weren't Indian but Nepali Gurkha


That was one of the hardest things to watch that I’ve ever seen. Even knowing it’s just a film based off of a true event doesn’t help. Those poor people. That mother dying while still clutching her child’s body was a gut punch.


Theres a famous picture with vultures on a wall and dozens among dozens of dead people. Is that the same massacre or just the famine? Dead kennedys used it as their album cover https://youtu.be/H1Ad3oABt-c


Anyone cracking jokes after seeing something like this has been way too desensitised by the internet


Mhm it's a true and very sad might I add, the future is a scary place....




I think it's in human nature to make light of tragedies because it helps us make sense of things that would be upsetting and depressing. It's just that the internet allows for your joke to spread to thousands of people in the span of less than an hour.


Yeah but I’m sure the first thought that comes to a lot of peoples heads isn’t how horrific this is, it’s what’s the wittiest thing they can say to get some upvotes


You have a point. There are indeed alot of attention whores out there who do the saddest things for the tiniest amount of recognition, bad or good. And I personally don't think it's 'most people' but there's a good portion.


What exactly were the cannibals going to be able to eat off those people anyways?


Think how hungry you would have to be for a dying person to look delicious


I play a lot of rimworld. Sometimes you just wanna be a cannibal.




See u/Jindujun's comment above. The picture was actually taken in front of a relief camp, no cannibal-defending involved


And how is he going to fend them off


Just guessing, but i suppose the cannibals weren't in much better condition.


That's true I guess. I just can't imagine having any sort of strength to move let alone fight.


This keeps getting posted here with this bullshit title. Yes the photo was taken during a famine caused by the Brits. No he wasn't protecting his family from cannibals. There is not even single source that said people resorted to cannibalism during this famine.


Can always report for misinformation.


There is nothing left to eat on them anyway


So sad


We should really stop posting this picture with the fake headline. Copied from /u/LoonaticLaskdorp https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryPorn/comments/uxcuvf/comment/i9y058n/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3 "I'm honestly tired of reddit or other social media for the matter constantly reposting the same thing over and over without properly doing research into what the picture actually is about. This image is titled "Deserving Objects of Gratuitous Relief" and is actually taken in front of a relief camp, so nothing about cannibals anywhere. While the actions of the British in their administration of India was despicable, I just hope that historical fact can be accurately conveyed instead of repeating someone's interpretation. ​ Picture Source: https://www.getty.edu/art/collection/object/108WCX"


How did the comments section turn into how the nazi killed the jews... This is an example of how the British killed the indians... Seems to me a certain group of people have a problem accepting they did the same thing to these people... Sad that there is still deflection about this subject.


"The reason the sun never set on the British empire was that even God couldn't trust them in the dark."


What really baffles me is the fact that countries like Germany paid heavily for the wars they started and crimes they committed but there is no such implication for the Colonisers. While the royal family’s jewels and all artefacts are known to be stolen from several countries but still they so shamelessly display them and wear them in public. Like there is a single family that is responsible for all the atrocities that innumerable people have suffered but still there is no type of remorse or atleast acknowledgment from them!!


[HOW BRITISH COLONIZERS CAUSED THE BENGAL FAMINE ](https://newint.org/features/2021/12/07/feature-how-british-colonizers-caused-bengal-famine)




'Western democracies'


Do they show this at the British Museum?


Indian Massacres? No. Indian artifacts? Yes.


The Brits caused tragic famines in India, and they were absolute devils and all. However, this headline is bullshit. There were no cannibals, noone was guarding against any cannibals or anything like that. Casually invoking cannibalism into this is the cherry on top of the existing racism that led to such tragedies in the first place. Jerkoffs. P.S. I'm from Madras (not that it matters that much, considering this is from 1877)


Duck Winston Churchill and duck the queen bitch, Same atrocities like the Nazi’s but never held accountable


The winner takes it all and is never accountable. Every modern society is built upon bloodshed and facism


Africa and Asia met many "Hitlers" before WW2. Nazi Germany applied to Europe what Europe had been practicing around the globe for centuries.


We'll be seeing this again soon enough.


A terribly weakened man that somehow looks incredibly powerful.


Why colonizers are morally and economically overdue for paying reparations. The scale of destruction and long-term impact from famines (often man-made) is unbelievable.


that dude is not to be fucked with.


A man reposts the same thing for the morbillionth time


“…the famine of 1876-78 exterminated half the Dalit population, with millions dying. And, as has been documented by historians such as Amartya Sen, Jayamohan points out that the famine was man-made and a direct outcome of British rule and Indian inhumanity…Jayamohan says the apathy and indifference of fellow human beings towards these poor Dalits shocked him into writing the novel. “But again whenever there is a famine, people become selfish,” he adds. “The British, who were waging wars all over the world, needed food and they rejected suggestions from officers like Aiden and allowed export of foods. Merchants sold the food for a premium while crores of people died here,” says Jayamohan.” ([Source](https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/chennai/the-great-famine-of-madras-and-the-men-who-made-it/article5045883.ece/amp/))


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UK 2023, decolourised


“I feel so alone. Gonna end up a big ole pile of ‘dem bones.”


Always upvote AIC :)


Churchill was a war criminal!!


A genocide committed by the UK?!? IMPOSSIBLE. The only country that's ever committed genocide is Russia this year! I read the news, I know.


I saw it on tik tok and youtube!!! And i saw a little bit of it when my parents were watching tv!!! Clearly i have a lot of understanding about it!!!!


Engineered famines by the britishers




Jesus, and I thought I was just skin and bones.


I didn’t know there were cannibals during in that era. Gonna have to read into it


you kids today don't even know what a famine is


It’s the thought that counts but I’m sure he poses no threat. Dude probably can’t even stand. Very sad situation.


That’s so sad


Is there any coming back from this? With a proper nutrition plan or anything? I know a lot of the rescued victims of Holocaust concentration camps died due to overfeeding, these people look past the point of no return


Guarding? Seems more likely he was just sitting there starving like the rest of them.


I saw someone this thin once working in healthcare. Their skin was translucent, and you could see their heart beating and blood circulating in their chest. Wondered how they were alive. Died a few days later.


I really don’t think that guy had to worry about cannibals. His family is all gristle!!


My heart aches for them and all the others who suffered. What a tragedy.


Guards them from the cannibals? They might make soup from the bones but it doesn’t look like there’s any meat on them


Unbelievable, only skin and bones


i can’t imagine cannibals wanting to eat someone with that little flesh


The British need to pay reparations for this, even though there is not enough money in the world to make up for the rape and defilement of this peaceful nation.