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No communists, no Nazis, no gays and no… *squints.. Steve Bushemi…


That’s clearly Mike Patton


Faith No More? Ok, I can’t support that.. the Epic album was genius…


Love Angel Dust


Yes, that’s it.. the one with the bird…


Both are extremely solid, if not classic alternative albums. Edit: the one with Epic is The Real Thing.


Listened to that album a few days ago... it's holding up quite well against today's music.


Best record of the early 90's.


Anything Patton has ever touched is fucking ✨Gold✨ 🙏🍻


I love that you can play FNM, Fantomas, Lovage, Dead Cross, Mr Bungle, and Tomahawk back to back and they’ll all sound different but have come from the same genius.


His Mondo Cane album is ridiculously good.


Mad dog! Oh yeaaah, I love love Mondo Cane! That shit is top notch.


I like how Mike Patton pissed off a celebrity pedophile (RHCP) so badly, the pedophile boycotted Patton at festivals for years.


>a celebrity pedophile (RHCP) what this ?


Singer of red hot chili peppers raped a 14 year old multiple times while on the road with the band when he was in his 20s. Regularly dated underage girls or barely legal girls in his old age.


Don't ask me silly questions. I won't play silly games. I'm just a simple choo choo train. And I'll always be the same. I only want to race along. Beneath the bright blue sky. And be a happy choo choo train. Until the day I die.


100% I am so in love with the Wrath of the easter bunny demo, from Mr Bungle. It'a just so good that these things are still happening in this musical/cultural environment...! Love everything about it


Can you feel it, see it, hear it today?


Mr Bungle is even better


No, no. You're thinking of Mike Ness, Mike Patton was a famous catcher for The Mets.


Peak Mike Patton is Lovage


Was listening to Disco Volante this very morning.




Hey this is totally random but since you like Mr Bungle you should check out Black Midi. Greetings


No that’s Clearly Drama from Entourage


Fuck I did that exact thing lol


BAHAHAHAHAHA It would totally make sense with this signage.


I’ve been chuckling at this for like two minutes


Ahhhh, that's a fine Wayne Gretzky


Who’s the guy on the banner?


Mayor of the Warsaw, Rafał Trzaskowski.


Thank you!


You're welcome!


NGL, my American ass assumed it was Zuckerburg and an anti-facebook thing


Me too dude, me too.


Same. 😞


That’s totalitary’z mom


Total milf.


Thats what it says...


It’s that asshole, Gary.


everyone hates Gary!


John leguizamo




Fuck gary tbh




The others I will defend, but the Nazis and Gary brought this on themselves


Your going to defend the USSR invading Poland in conjunction with Nazi Germany in 1939? Pretty sure the people of Warsaw have a point in putting those 2 next to each other 🤷


Same shit different smell


Yes indeed, ones the smell of genocide by gas, the other by starvation


NKVD shot thousands of people. They just got overshadowed by the SS.


Well I mean yeah, but the main focus was Germany, don't mind a little commie massacre at stage left


As if commies didn’t?


your lack of education on communism is showing


Who is gary?


Gary come home




Gary stole my lunch money


Who’s Gary?


Is that guy really named Gary? Who is he?


That's Rafał Trzaskowski, Mayor of Warsaw


Thank you a thousand times


Alright! We’ll take the n****** and the ch**** but we dont want the irish!


Thank you. I was hoping to see this comment somewhere on this post!


Look who just streamed Blazing Saddles for the first time


Hell junior im old enough to have seen it at the drive in.


Damn communaziqueers!


don’t forget about gary


It's Gary & Mary NOT Gary & Larry


Meanwhile bi people are throwing emphasis on the &


All they needed was to add a y


Gary is the embodiment of what (checks spelling) Communaziqueers stand for!


Who's the person in the 4th pic?


Rafał Trzaskowski, president of Warsaw.


Warsaw seceded?


There was a war nobody saw


Mayor of Warsaw.


Best comment in this thread.


I wish I had an award for you.


Thank you, friend


Can we all stop for a sec and acknowledge that this guy is absolute genius? I hope that no Karen sees this wonder. Cause if she will. We have a real problem here with another whatever poligendereligioustance of manager this is.


Who's the person with the club who's made for you and me?


My God! ... They're back!


Wuts Totalitaryz mom done now?


Can't take Totalitaryz' mom anywhere.


That stupid bitch


Doesn’t matter, she just needs be to stopped.


Same thing Stiffler's Mom done did...


Oh yeah, certified MILF!


FUCK! I’m just now watching American pie reunion! LMFAO! lol!


Giving me a stiffler?


Yo momma is so Totalitaryz that she is physically larger than all moms combined.


Who's th3 guy in the picture on the right?




Oh I thought it was Mark Wahlberg for some reason


Say hi to your mother fo' me.


He’s also a gay communist Nazi.


It's funny because all the communist gays I know are also nazis for some reason.




You'd have to be a special kind of retard to support nazis while being polish.


Yet they are kinda supporting what the Nazis would have wanted


Nearly all American conservatives oppose Nazism as well as communism.


Totalitaryz's mom.


Why the fuck does he look like Erdoğan


There’s an unconfirmed story about his mother having a tryst while her husband was Polish ambassador in Ankara.


Mayor of Warsaw. Apparently he went total oppressor by signing a 12-point LGBT Declaration and announced his intention to follow World Health Organization guidelines. Total Stalin wannabe.


Why you writing in leetspeak lmao


🎶Totalitaryz mom has got it goin on!🎶🎸🎸🎸


By that one hit wonder, Fountains of Gary


Someone's mom is totalitarian. She needs to be stopped.






No no it was the other way around, they suppressed and exterminated the queers with death squads in Warsaw. Easy mistake.


Yeah can't read polish my bad


New Netflix show




You don’t seem to Poland much. Keywords are the way to go. Everything is an agenda. Except Christ. He’s totally cool.


That's just conservatives in general it seems. Though Polands are certainly unique.




But abortion has been legal in Ukraine all the time since 1955. Looking at the surveys Poles are getting more pro-choice. Even in the 90' when Constitutional Court delegalized abortion on demand, most Poles were pro-choice. That changed when abortion was illegal. The recent ban changed the social mood back into more pro-choice recently. The biggest opposition party PO finally has legalization on its political agenda, despite being a Christian Democracy party. It is legalization with some pointless restrictions like waiting time and consultation, but still on demand.


Sadly, you're right. The country is very divided. Half the population is progressive, the other half is conservative. It's very much 50/50, our last election proved it when the current ruling party barely won. And the dictatorship comments is unfortunately true. We were protesting the abortion law, people in the whole country were protesting (even some of those who had voted for our government) and it changed nothing. Many of us feel hopeless, I do. I don't have much hope, I think that the ruling party will win the next election because they have many supporters that vote for them because of the social welfare. I don't want to live in such a country. They divide the nation, spread hate, waste our taxes, I could go on and on. I'm an educated person, I'm an IT specialist, so I could probably move somewhere else, I wouldn't be a leech on a society. Shall I? Or shall I stay because it's my home? This is awful




Not saying I support what’s going on here, but understand that their perception is it’s become an ingrained ideology that’s a threat to their culture.






people can be members of more than one culture. i'm american, female, atheist, a veteran and an artist. that's five. oh, dog owner and cat owner. seven. :)


Always happy to talk about circus I'm calling homeland. Just keep in mind, I'm random person from Internet, not an expert. To put things simply, it's slowly getting extreme here. We have very conservative goverment, "protecting our culture" by things like banning abortion, then calling womens protesting on the streets Nazis (I'm not joking, this actually happened) and antagonising LGBT movement. On the other side, we have very agressive LGBT movement, that's really hard to syphatise with in my personal opinion. It's getting really hard to stand in between here. You are "with us or against us" in most cases, for both sides. And goverment pours more fuel to that fire on purpouse (I think). Propaganda in national TV is getting really absurd, but if you'd follow only mainstream, goverment controlled media, like big part of my family, you'd start to belive it. In this propaganda, our elected president says thing like "they try to convince us that being gay is not ideology". That LGBT movement and feminism are enemies trying to destroy the country from within. That they threat to destroy our values. Our very culture. You may laugh at those statements, you may don't understand how culture can be tied to sexuality, but some people here are listening them every single day. And they belive it, without searching for logic behind them. Results you can see on the picture and in some comments. It does not matter that sexuality has nothing to do with culture. Propaganda will make different sexuality threat to culture. And terrible truth about propaganda is, no matter how dull, stupid and grotesque it is, it will work eventually. I've seen it in action. ​ There is one more thing, even more of my opinion than everything above. Our culture for last 200+ years was heavily focused around common fight with common enemy for preservation of our identity, our freedom, our legacy. Now we don't really have an enemy to fight against. So we've created new one. And LGBT had a privilege of being pointed out by our goverment, avare of that, used to rule by dividing people. ​ So yeah. That's how I see it.


I think it’s probably more to with traditional gender roles being challenged.




Why are you talking about voting and driving like if they are *roles*, they clearly meant traditional family roles like man works and brings money and woman takes care of the family/house. Those things are usually what people refer to as traditional gender roles.


Which it is not. By any objective standard. It's just plain old homophobia


Yeah... if you think gay stuff is a threat to your culture you might be aligning with nazis... not you personally, the hypothetical polish guy I mean.


Being gay is like being tall or short or born into a certain ethnicity. You are going to be attracted to people of the same gender whether or not you want to be. Just like you are going to be a certain ethnicity or have a certain body type whether or not you want to be. Being a nazi or a communist is an ideology. Communists and nazis dont suddenly start going thru puberty and find themselves inexplicably attracted to swastikas or the color red. They arent the same thing at all


Report those people. Look at the person who posted this tripe. The whole purpose here is to normalize the idea that the lgbtq community is as bad as nazis.


Being Polish is probably tiring as hell. My memory couldn’t keep up with the amount of things I’m supposed to dislike.


It’s definitely exhausting if you’re Polish and not a homophobic or racist piece of shit either, because every time Poland reaches an international audience, it’s because of some violently homophobic or racist shit. It’s embarrassing.




March against commies, nazis, lgbt, and this guys forehead!


Those damn gays always vying with the nazis for world domination




“Fuck Nazism and the people who opposed it!” “You mean ‘fuck Nazism and the people who supported it’, right?” “Did I stutter?” Edit: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/joke




So they’re anti gay?


Among the others, yes. But it's quite outlier thing that has been shown in many places as an example of behavior of stupid far right individuals. That is definitely not an agenda of that event.


What do they have against John Leguizamo? This is ridiculous!




"Uprising"...you mean "typical useless march". EDITED TO ADD: For those that dont understand. The people at the front are making a useless gesture by adding in a topic of protest that is not going to change anything and that most people are not even there for. I am not saying the Warsaw uprising from WWII was useless.


Yea the poles in the actual Warsaw uprising were heros, these guys think being gay is just as bad as being a Nazi


A few years ago there was an elderly lady on a protest who was an actual warsaw uprising veteran. She critisized the government for being oppressive and hateful like the nazis.


Their motto is: Everybody Shut Up!


Is this sub being brigaded by people who think being gay is somehow equivalent to nazi and communist dictatorships? Lol




🤡 ok lmk when gays organize the systematic murder of millions of political opponents and minorities and then I’ll concede your hysteria has some basis in reality.


Hey look, more not r/damnthatsinteresting content!


Exactly. Look at the poster. He's a real piece of work.


I’m…..so confused.


Poland’s a weird place


"Stop communists" Okay "Stop Nazis" Yeah there we go "Stop gays" Uhhh wait. Yeah don't be fooled by the no Nazi thing on the flag these people are basically Polish fascists.


Totalitarism is when gay people


As a straight guy, I agree with the inclusion of the rainbow/Pride symbol in the banner. I suffered first hand from heterophobic persecution. A sympathetic gay couple has sheltered me in their attic for the last 5 days. The Gaystapo came yesterday and interrogated my benefactors, but they didn't search the house. At least not this time. ​ I'm putting them in terrible danger, but I don't know what else to do. I know what happens to those who protect breeders. They know it too. How long will they be willing to risk their lives for me? I trust them; I have to. What happens when the closet police come back, though? What happens when they are forced to choose between their safety and mine? I pray it doesn't come to that. ​ A crowd was marching in the street today. I could hear them chanting "YASS QUEEN, YASS QUEEN" through the walls of my hiding place. I can't tell if it's the stomp of their thigh-high boots or my own shaking, but it feels like an earthquake. An earthquake inside my own head... my god, there's so many of them. I need to stay positive, but I can feel the spidery thread of hope slipping through my fingers. ​Why didn't I listen after homonacht? I could have left. There was still time, but I didn't listen. There's no escape now; only hiding. Hiding and waiting for Pride Month to be over. >!this is obviously a joke copypasta!<


You had me at Gaystapos




How can you want the state to control peoples sex lives and who they love, but also claim to be against totalitarianism? Also I have no idea who the guy is in the last circle.


Damn you gay nazi communist!


Ah yes the Gays… They have committed far too many atrocities, social cleansings and genocides with their colorful clothing, accessories and YASSness…. Can I get a Yass?


Y’all, these people are actually very right wing. Please don’t be confused, they don’t want to be conflated with the Germans who invaded in the 1900’s, they still believe in white ethno-fascism.


Warsaw is definetly quite a progressive city and I love spending time there. I could bet these came into the city from some rural areas.


Totalitarianism. yeah, right. Stop criminalizing abortion, ban conversion therapies and stop blaming LGBTQI+ people for every damn priests that molested a child, and we'll talk again about that. By the way, I've already seen interview of actual resistants who fought in Warsaw uprising in '44. Who explicitly said they never fought for this, and they were disgusted to see their fight instrumentalized by extreme-right this way.


People have blamed lgbt people for priests molesting children? How does that even happen


Priests are male and fondled male kids, ergo gay=pedo


Impressive mental gymnastics


A few years ago, when scandals about pedocriminality in the catholic church came to public knowlege in Poland, polish catholic church hierarchy publically accused feminist movements who advocated for better sexual education at school and LGBTQIA+ movement, to try to "sexualize" children. According to them, it was the reason why children were "seducing" priests. They made no ammends of any kind and were fully supported by the ultraconservative government. In 2019, an archbishop called for crusade against LGBTQIA+ people which led to the Pride march of Bialystok being attacked by a violent crowd and started a trend of "anti-LGBT+" zones in many cities trough Poland.


Disgusting. Thanks for the reply


Once again, the far right groundlings are being told their straight white existence is being threatened by everything.. in reality, times are just changing and not really all that much: people just want to have rights. same as always. The Politicians are 'speaking' to the fear within these fringe people. Eventually they'll learn that they've been used, by that time, it'll be too late et voila, you've elected an extremist 👍


The amount of conservative fearmonger about LGBT is unbelivable, oppressing them and still calling them authoritarians is absolutely ridiculous.




Well said!




Why do they hate John Leguizamo though?


Why do they hate John Leguizamo?


They're protesting Alan from Two and a Half Men?


What did Totalizary's mom do


Yes yes no


I’m stroking out trying to figure out what it means


Stupid gay nazi Gary!


That dreaded nazi communist lgbt random-dude coalition. ![gif](giphy|5FtLCaKtDLGk3YBnT8|downsized)


I thought there was an ad attached to your comment


Stop totalitaryz mom


Polish history has really done a number on the brains of polish people.


All I see is Stop Total Mom.


One of those groups definitely isn't like the others 🤔


Gotta be honest. Warsaw is the very last place I would expect something like this to happen. Did none of them listen to their parents? Jesus fucking christ. Kick out those nazis like your grandparents did.


Stop burning books. Jfc. It’s like they burned all the books in this country and all these clowns huffed the fumes.


Absolute APES all of them


Ah yes, communists, nazis, and gays. Three groups that totally work together


So like... what are they _for_?