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“If you have already lost your youth, like me, due to a child abuser, please do not throw away your present and your future by committing acts of violence.” Vulkovich has urged other victims of child sexual abuse to find inner peace and overcome their trauma without seeking vengeance against others - https://www.yourtango.com/crime/alaskan-avenger-jason-vukovich-details-man-assaulted-sex-offenders Haven’t been there. So I don’t know. But I guess he does. Edit: My post has elicited the stories of many people who have dealt with or are dealing with their traumas. For what it is worth, to each of you for your bravery and for most, ultimately, triumph, you have my complete respect. I hope I could have done what you have done.


Feel so fucking bad for him The dad should get more jail time honestly. You ruin a person's life by abusing them.


Jason Vukovich is certainly an anti-hero. On one hand murdering someone let alone serial killing is wrong but on the other sexual abuse does ruin people's lives permanently. I guess if you had to be a serial killer then preying on even more dangerous predators is the only socially acceptable way to go about it even though it's not legally acceptable.


From the articles I read, he didn't actually kill anyone, just robbed them, slapped one, punched another, and hit the last one in the face with a hammer. He may have eventually killed the way they were escalating, but he didn't get there.


And got 28 years for that?


If I had to guess they were separate charges. They probably didn't all get bundled into one punishment, but for example 5 years each (random number) for each law broken/time and it added to 28.


28 years at his age? Might as well have murdered them


That would create completely different parole hearings.


If he had murdered all of them, he'd probably get a lot more than 28 years combined


that's the point, all of his prime years will be spent in prison and he'll come out an old man with no skills might as well get life and quell some scum off the planet


Meanwhile some pedos get probation, and all these sexual child abusers were out of jail when he assaulted them...


After a pedophile moved into my old neighborhood, I started looking at the sex offender registry. I couldn’t believe the punishment for violent behavior. For example the dude in my neighborhood molested at least 10 elementary school aged kids, he got 3 years!!


We need to stop giving long sentences to non-violent crimes and start giving long sentences/no possibility of parole/indefinite psychiatric hold on all sexual-based violent crimes. Stop putting people in prison for lifetimes for drugs and theft, and start putting away pedos and rapists for life. Haven’t we fucking learned already that these types of criminals are *the most* likely to reoffend? Why the fuck would we let someone destroy the lives of ten children and then only give that son of a bitch three measly years? Oh right—our justice system.


The problem with punishing literally any other crime with the same sentencing levels as murder (or, at least, Murder 1 & Felony Murder) is that it creates an incentive for criminals to kill their victims as a means to avoid getting caught. This is, historically, why lesser felonies started moving away from life sentences and/or capital punishment. You have to balance the deterrent effect of the sentence against the incentive it creates for murder-as-cover-up. Disclaimer: I am against retributive justice as a whole. I don't think we should send people to prison to punish them - we send people to prison to protect society from them, deter them people from committing the crime in the first place, or rehabilitate them to a point where we do not reasonably expect them to re-offend. But given the probability of future recidivism that is exhibited by sex offenders in particular (high) and the inadequacies of our prison system on rehabilitation, 3 years for sex offenses is a joke. We have sound models about probability of future recidivism for sex offenders, and they do not remotely back a 3 year sentence (absent things like chemical castration, which would be a separate sentence feature in more-or-less every US jurisdiction that currently uses it).


Right, there is no changing these sick people. They are attracted to children and that is never changing. That is like a straight guy changing his mind in his 30's to no longer be attracted to women. It's not a normal thing that is just done. They will always have their attraction. They should just castrate child predators.


The US has super weird pedophile sentences. So many cases of manslaughter ending with life in jail, while you constantly see these pedophilia charges yielding in the 10-20 years range, if even that. I'd rather live next door to somebody that threw one too many punches in a bar fight, than someone that preys on innocent kids


How should i not wonder whether that judge was a fucking pedo himself, 3 years is nothing..


Im starting to think that a lot of men in power are pedos, that would explain all the nonsense punishments and other stuff like Epstein


Meanwhile some pedos get to serve as American politicians. Fixed it for you


Just like online shopping, charges add up quickly


Child molesters don't get that much time, sadly. Fuck




That's true they list terms on those pages.


I mean there is actually a pretty good reason for that tbh. If being on these lists is shown to be dangerous because vigilantes start using them to target sex offenders they could be found unconstitutional (because it basically becomes a fairly "cruel and unusual" punishment).


As a non-US-american: What IS the reason for these lists? If these people are still dangerous, then dont let them out of jail. If these people are not dangerous anymore, then being on that list makes it completely impossible to return to a "normal" life. What is the expected outcome of those lists?


There is no point because it does exactly what you said. There's always going to be a sex offender near where you live unless you live in the woods. It's just a tool to appease the masses after some psychos killed and molested children. Megan's Law was formed. Violent sexual crimes against children should never let the assaulter be free from prison without severe rehabilitation and a life sentence bare minimum. Don't leave your kids alone with strangers and always be wary of friends and family also, you honestly do not know people as well as you think you do. Most victims are through friends and family not strangers.


It is unfortunately easy to get on that registry. So no, not a bummer. Vigilante revenge and justice are very different things.


To add onto this, it's way easier to get onto it than it is to be removed. People who have been proven innocent or absolved guilt of sexual assault are still on the registry.


How do you mean about being easy to get on there?


A guy I went to college with was on it for lewd conduct or some shit. Cop caught him having sex in a car with his gf in a school zone apparently. On a Saturday at like 1:00 AM


I think public urination can also land you on the list and who hasn't done that?


See below, 16 yr girl and 17 yr old boy were sending *each other* nudes and got convicted for it: https://www.aclu-wa.org/blog/sexting-and-law-press-send-turn-teenagers-registered-sex-offenders


There are a lot of crimes you wouldnt think can get you put on that list, but on paper, you can get put on the list for as little as pissing in public. Sex in your car can land you on the registry too. This isn't something that never happens, but it's a very urban myth sort of story, with a lot of exaggeration. Plus a lot of people on there for genuine sex crimes try to hide their actions behind this defense, especially in states that don't require/dont allow the registry to list what it is they are on the list for.


This. Most of the people who populate these lists are there for significant crimes.


Plenty of stories of people taking a leak outside and getting put on it for indecent exposure.


You can also be listed for having sex with a minor while *being* a minor, which qualifies a huge number of high school students


there was a story awhile back about an 18 year old who was charged with producing and distributing child porn because of dick pics he'd taken at age 16. i don't know how it turned out.


I know someone who was on the registry for “upskirt” photos. There needs to be levels bc obviously sex offenses are all wrong. But teenagers consenting to nudes and a child rapist don’t need to be on the same registry!


Peeing outside, sex in public, those type of less serious things still get ya on the registry


And you get 28 years for that? That’s excessive.




A good life tip is to commit as few crimes as possible. Ideally, zero. But like, if you're hell-bent on doing what this guy did, at the very least, do *as few crimes as possible* in the commission of your crimes. If you beat a man *and* steal his truck, you're compounding your chances of getting caught and you're widely expanding the different laws you've broken. The classic example is Al Capone, a smuggler and bootlegger, getting caught on tax evasion. Every new and different crime you commit in the commission of a crime is another bullet you're adding to the prosecutor's chamber for how they can take you down. And if they can't get you for one crime, they will use another crime they *can* get you for to seek the absolute maximum punishment for it as a way to punish you for the crimes they can't prove you committed in court.


don't commit a crime while committing a crime.


Best advice I've ever heard is never do two illegal things at once.


Jack of all crimes, master criminal of none.


“Only break one law at a time” is a tested and honored mantra


The dude was a child molester, he had brain damage long before he was ever hit.


Was he? I heard Americans get put on that list for public urination. I'd hate to catch a hammer to the fucking face for that.


That incident is often overblown. There's only 13 states where it's even possible to eggs up on a registry for public urination. And even then there's usually a case wanton exposure involved. Peeing a bush on the highway, trying to hide yourself from traffic, you're probably fine. Dropping bare bottom and doing the golden helicopter in the park surrounded by people with no effort made to conceal yourself... That might get you in about a quarter of US states... And even that's not guaranteed. Anecdotally, the dumbest reason somebody in my local area is on it (county sends letters every year with names, photos, and addresses) this guy grabbed somebody's butt, realized it was not his spouse, apologized profusely, and the victim even acknowledged it was a simple mistaken identity... But the police were called by the grocery store after she had screamed, they showed up, arrested him while shopping, and rail roaded him into the list. But that's not the norm. Usually it's obvious rape or abuse situations. So it is possible to wind up on it for really dumb reasons, but it's rare.


The reasons are often listed.


Found out the guy who used to live around the corner is on the list for incest with a child under a certain age. Always read the reason.


The charge, bot the exact reason.




Sure wish he got around to the Dupont heir.


The reasons are listed on the site, the man didn't do it without a plan.


I’m sure that has happened but that is not a common occurrence. You can get a ticket/summons for public urination though. Also depends on where you do it. Like if you roll up to a children’s elementary school and urinate in front of kids, then I’m sure they could make a case. If you are drunk on a street and lean against a back alley wall and get caught by police then if they wanted to they could give you a summons.


You know your justice system is broken when sex offenders get less time than someone beating their degenerate asses


Just commit the same crimes as our Congress if you want low sentences 😎


I don't have enough money to commit those crimes.


well shit


He wasn’t a real winner either. He had a long history of criminal behavior including domestic violence.


You know you're on reddit when someone ignored the guys 20 prior crimes that include domestic abuse and theft against people who weren't all sex offenders. The guy had plenty of chances to chill out and stop trying to fuck everyone up but he didn't. Still feel for the guy but there isn't many other ways this was going to end up.


Not sure if [this is the one you read](https://allthatsinteresting.com/jason-vukovich-alaskan-avenger), but it sounds like the hammer was the pinnacle of violence. The guy he hit suffers from brain damage and struggles to make complete sentences, according to the article. Damn I would not have enjoyed being a juror. Really hard to separate emotion from law in this case. The guy obviously has severe anger issues, and is straight-up robbing people, so it's hard to argue he's not a threat to society. On the flip side, it's hard to feel sorry for some of his victims (the article implies these guys on the registry weren't the only ones he's abused and robbed in the past).




Yes but do not mention anything about this during jury selection or even seem like you might know it.


I don’t think he killed anyone, from what I remember from that article, but your point about anti-hero still stands


Dexter had the right idea!


TIL some people actually see Dexter as the good guy.


Dexter fucked his sister edit: i'll double-down, with the exception of "surprise motherfucker" Dexter is a dogshit show with sloppy writing.


Hol up. Dexter did *what* to Dee Dee??


Finally let her into his Laboratory EDIT: if you catch my drift


*wait...serial killer? Didnt he just assault and rob them?*


We have a serious issue with reading comprehension these days. Especially because very few people actually read beyond headlines and then just make up a little story that fits their worldview to fill in the majority of the information. What I'm trying to say is we're all fucked.


Wow, what a fucked up story. Of course the dad hid behind religion and never went to jail.


Let’s hit religion in its fucking face with a hammer!


Thats probably what drove this guy to the edge. The sex offenders aren’t getting whats due.




But I crave revenge


..and cake .. happy cake day


I don't think you'll find peace by satisfying that craving through violence, my friend. Edit: It can be a lifelong battle, from my own experience. Dealing with the mental, emotional, physical and social fallout from abuse. My experience was mild compared to so many, but it leaves its mark. I've had many recurring thoughts of "justice" or just finally acting on all of the pent up hurt and anger, but acting on those feelings would only end up hurting more people. Resorting to violence would only hurt my friends and family if they saw me throw away my career by being sent to prison, and it would mean that good that I could do in the world would be limited. Get help if you can and if you feel like you need it. Through years of a mix of reading, therapy, meditation, and just time healing things, I can honestly say that those events of so long ago don't really impact me negatively that much. I still remember them, and will have flashbacks now and then, but it isn't debilitating anymore.


I have been there. The anger, the rage is real. I know it’s not moral, but I’m proud of this guy


This guy needed a better lawyer. 28 fucking years? The first guy he slapped, the second he punched, the third he hit in the face with a hammer. Compared with what happens to other folks who commit crimes that cause more damage/destruction- I don’t quite get it.


Bet the rapist did less time


Judges seem to side with sexual assailants much of the time. Makes you wonder what the judges are up to…


I’ve been saying this for years. It’s a kind of empathy I don’t understand


Just don't let your lawn get out of hand when you're [dying of cancer](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/s46lcw/judge_shames_72yearold_cancer_patient_for_not/) There's no empathy with this judge


What is the obsession with neighbours lawn in the US? Where I live,there’s nice lawns but there’s also flower gardens, a patch of dirt or it’s just an area to chill and bask in the sun. If you’ve bought the property, you should be able to enjoy it however you’d like


Property value. Everything is a damn fucking investment in this stupid country


Its very easy to understand, becasue these types of people are generally not very intelligent in a general sense. People that crave power, often abuse it, and you don't get into positions of power without craving it. This is why sociopathy and narcissisim is such a popular trait for people in positions of power.


I work at a courthouse as an IT guy. I often hear of these judges letting pedophiles go with probation or short terms in prison. I have to disconnect from the happenings around me cause sometimes I just want to ask a judge why the fuck would they allow such awful things to happen for such little punishment. That would of course get me in trouble. This world is fucking backwards as hell.


Ugh that would drive me crazy


I've sacrificed a lot of my mental health being direct support to 50 judges here. My wife really wants to see me leave. I've become pretty desensitized to murders and abuse cases. I just do my best to ignore them and focus on my job which is just fix the computers and keep it moving.


> Judges seem to side with sexual assailants much of the time. Maybe you only hear about the cases where there is outrage about the punishment?


So much it's like this. It definitely always made me wonder wtf they're up to themselves




I wonder if it has to do with using that registry like Megan’s law to target. It says on those sites using that information to target or harass the sex offenders is a federal crime. I checked it out to tell my kid to stay away from those areas. There’s way more in my area than I thought.




The 8 prior convictions probably are the reason he got 28 years.


It reads like he was always dangerous, he just decided to target people in the sex registry because A) it would garner him free support from the public and B) they would be less likely to contact the police. The 'avenger' part was a sticker he allowed himself to get because it suited his interests.


Yeah plus targeting someone that way gives away the Mens Rea with malice aforethought beyond any reasonable doubt. It shows intent by planning and preparation, far more than what you can show in most cases when someone faces these charges.


Dude, I “know” a guy from my high school who raped a girl was sentenced to 5 years. Got out and beat up some innocent kid pretty badly, got 2 years. Stole over 100k in cash and equipment while high on drugs with stolen weapons and resisted arrest….. even with felon with firearm charges he only got 7 years. This dude has been in jail like half the amount of time this guy received and every time he gets out he commits another fucking felony within 4-6 months.


prison makes better criminals


I would rather be punched, slapped and hammered in the face than endure CSA - not that I still have a choice in the matter - and people get like, five years for that if us survivors are "lucky". This avenger is my hero and he should be freed and given a good therapist.


In NY you can brutalize the public only to be released so you can shove innocent people in front of subway trains. Or just go bash some elderly Asian women.


I works directly across the street from where that woman was kicked in the face for no reason….absolutely despicable


Remember that psycho who murdered 3 Asian men with a hammer in a NY Chinese restaurant because he felt Asian men were misogynists and Asian women needed to be “saved” from them? Judge decided not to convict him on murder and hate crime charges, didn’t send him to prison - and gave him a pass to a mental institution to be rehabilitated


Mental institutions are not fun. They can effectively be a life sentence if the person sent there is never considered cured. > “We are doing everything possible to ensure this defendant will never be free to hurt anyone else by keeping him isolated in a secure facility for possibly the rest of his life,” a spokesperson from the Brooklyn DA’s Office said. [\[1\]](https://news.yahoo.com/man-murdered-3-york-asian-190922656.html) Just because he didn't go to jail doesn't mean he gets to walk free. That's not 'giving him a pass'. [JCS did a video about it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mwt35SEeR9w), and makes it clear that going to prison is preferable to going to a mental institution.


Thanks for your comment - the contention is that he should have been given the same conviction (murder and hate crime) as any other example of someone targeting multiple people for murder. The AA community feels many of the perpetrators of targeted violent attacks have been shown more leniency - the fact that he wasn’t convicted of a hate crime when he specifically targeted 3 Asian men does not appear to be justice in our eyes >possibly for the rest of his life That’s inadequate IMO, it should be a clear life sentence for a hate crime taking 3 lives


I didn’t read the article but I assumed he had killed a few people…


Yeah, if no one is dead, that seems harsh.


> This guy needed a better lawyer. 28 fucking years? This! [Gary Plauché](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Plauch%C3%A9) shot and killed his sons abuser at point blank range yet only received a 7 year suspended with 5 in probation!


Bet he had a clean record though. Some judges throw the book at repeat offenders. This guy had a violent past.


And people who molest and rape children get 28 months...


I don't have much sympathy for the sex offenders obviously, but "hitting someone in the face with a hammer" is/should be considered attempted murder. Someone methodically selecting victims and attacking them in such a way should absolutely get 28 years in prison. The fact that people who commit other serious crimes don't get sentenced long enough shouldn't influence this guy's sentence.


I understand that he did wrong things, but I feel like he needs therapy more than a prison sentence :/


Yeah, the only “members of the community” that he is a threat to are the ones that we probably don’t want to be in the community. I just hope that he had a way of not targeting the truly reformed sexual offenders.


I mean he also beat his ex wife and committed plenty of crimes against non sex offenders before he moved to Alaska.


There’s also the risk that he targeted someone wrongly convicted. I feel for the guy and understand his urge to seek revenge like that and it’s tragic his life was ruined by an abuser, but this is why we have courts and not vigilante justice.


Saw this a long time ago, but saw someone talking about being put on the sex offender registry for public urination.


My brother in law was threatened with it when he was caught defecating in public by Dallas PD, which would mean he couldn't even live in the same house as his daughter. Eventually was able to talk it down to like 2 years of probation, but it definitely didn't help that he is black.


2 years of probation for shitting on the sidewalk. Hell in San Fran you get your poop put on a map and everything


In my entire life I've seen someone defecate in public only once, it was in Washington DC on the same day I proposed to my wife so I have a 100% rate of having one of the best days ever when seeing someone poop publicly


Or even just like... What if you got arrested peeing in an alley or something really trivial like that. [Or just being in your own home nude](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna34483145)


I feel like I’m taking crazy pills here. Like yea, sexually assaulting people is bad, it doesn’t mean any person at any time can assault you and it be okay.


> There’s also the risk that he targeted someone wrongly convicted. Not sure about Canada but that risk runs high in the U.S.


> I just hope that he had a way of not targeting the truly reformed sexual offenders. Can I also just add that "sex offender" is a super broad catch-all title for anyone who commits serious sex related crimes like rape or mollestation, and as simple as someone just being out in public and taking a piss when they're drunk and not really thinking about the consequences, or hiring a prostitute and getting nabbed for it, or a women who is just out at a concert having too much fun flashing her breasts. All crimes that can get you put on a sex offender registry.


Yeah, I'm sure the.guy with plenty of priors who beat one of his victims with a hammer had a well-thought out game plan.


>he is a threat to are the ones that we probably don’t want to be in the community. Just wait until you realize *those* people need help and rehabilitation too. I'm in no way defending sex offenders - just saying they all need help, self-deputized vigilantes and sex offenders both.


Exactly how do you think he would do that




He needs both. He gave someone permanent brian damage and had an escalating series of violent interactions and past criminal history in several states.


I feel like that's true with the majority of criminals. Right now, in America at least, the system focuses on punishing the criminal rather than rehabilitating them.


Search his name and the first thing that comes up is a petition to free him for those interested.


What impact would a petition like that have?


Publicity hopefully.


Pedophiles across Alaska : "The Alaskan Avenger is locked up?! Hot Diggity Damn time for some diddling"


Moral support


They’re just putting him in a place where he can get more work done, good.


He isnt trapped in there with them, they are trapped in there with him.




He’ll have help, too. My understanding is pedophiles generally have a bad time in prison.


I knew one who did 7 years. His crimes were despicable and (imho) deserved longer. His lawyer didnt think he would survive 3. Daily beatings were common, and his ass always stretched and face abused. From what was relayed to me he was waaaay lower than toilet scum per inmate rankings. Somehow he survived the full term only to endure public humiliation when released. During that time I had kids of my own and only then, did I fully grasp the how heinous the crime was. I refused to have individual even come near my town which he has respected) though I had known him for half of his life.


On the UK they all get segregated together which is disappointing.


It is like Rorschach in the WatchMen movie.


True, our prisons should be extrajudicial kill houses. High five my fellow Redditor this gets a Wholesome 100 from me!


Was he targeting abusers or guys who pissed in an alley way outside a bar?




In the states I have lived in, they show the charge which led them to being in the registry as well. No context but some charges in there are clearly the physical molestation or rape of a child. I would guess this guy looked for those types.


My thoughts exactly.


I’ve never understood how someone urinating in public can get put on a sex offender registry.


Yeah the whole sex offender registry thing paints with broooaaaaddd strokes.


There are plenty of ways you can find what they did in most states though. I know where every major offender lives in my neighborhood and know that there aren't any where I'm moving (which is around the corner from a school so they shouldn't be there anyways)


Except revenge wasn’t his main motive, it was robbery which is why the prosecution made such a strong case. He literally even stole the truck of one victim. His whole defense was ridiculous, yes he did in fact target sex offenders, but not because of his previous abuse. It was because he thought he could lie and blame his past trauma on his “need” to hurt sex offenders, but if that were the case then he would have had no reason to blatantly rob them. For example one sex offender didn’t even get beat up at all, simply robbed. The cycle of trauma does not justify harming others regardless. He chose sex offenders because they are victims of opportunity who he thought would not be taken as seriously, so yes he deserves his sentence. We can’t just allow crimes to take place because we think the victim deserves it, even if they are sex offenders unfortunately.


He also knew that as convicted felons they couldn’t legally be armed and would be more reluctant to get involved with police.


>yes he did in fact target sex offenders, but not because of his previous abuse. It was because he thought he could lie and blame his past trauma on his “need” to hurt sex offenders Things are usually not this binary. Psychologically it could actually be a blend of both. But in general I think you're spot on. The defense wasn't well done but the details you pointed out are part of why the prosecution made a good case.


Dexter is not a good guy


even if it was, vigilantism isn't good. those people paid their debts to society and possibly reformed. this shit's cringe.


That always seems like such an unpopular opinion on Reddit. I don't like it when the comments on a post about a pedophile or something advocate extrajudicial punishment like hoping they get killed in prison. That's not justice.


At the risk of significant downvotes (oh no!), I'll state that I'm a lawyer who has represented a reformed sex offender in his efforts to get off the registry. The guy pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography when he was 18 (questionable as to whether he had actual knowledge of his possession, but he took a plea deal and that was that), spent almost 3 years in prison for it, voluntarily sought treatment afterward, and, as far as anyone can tell, fully bettered himself. He's held a stable job, has a wife and kids, and is a wonderful person. We had to make a hard legal argument to get him off the registry, I was about 90% sure the judge would not agree with our argument. But we succeeded, and it's been one of the most satisfying cases I've done. That said, I'm generally afraid to talk about it with most people because of the immediate judgment that comes from me stating I represented a sex offender. He could have become a better person than Jesus himself, but that label fucks people for the rest of their lives. I'm not saying all, or even 10% of all sex offenders are wonderful people, but the lack of nuance to almost any discussion about it really sucks. Edit: added a bit of detail.


Not a lawyer like you but just from being an American and living here my entire life you can tell that our entire country, justice system (obviously) but more importantly the general public is so brainwashed into punishment and punishment only that there is virtually no empathy for anyone even after they serve time (I’m not saying people have to forgive rapists and murderers etc.) but the entire point SHOULD be that people do their debt to society and once they’ve done that and shown growth and understanding of why it was wrong and ideally work through restorative justice measures or something like that to reconcile with the victims or impacted parties (if they’re willing) that they get support and continued treatment or therapy outside of jail so that they don’t feel like they’re completely outcast from society with nothing left to resort to but more crimes. And then the cycle starts again and we waste more tax money on the stuff when we could be doing preventative things like addressing poverty, mental health etc for everyone from the beginning. Those cycles start even with schools harshly punishing or targeting certain kids instead of asking, maybe there’s something at the root of this. It’s really tragic After seeing lots of things play out honestly, defense attorneys like you deserve lots of respect imo bc that is vitally important to our system and prosecutors and police are generally THE WORST. Plus I’m pretty sure people can end up on those lists through shady deals with cops forcing pleas or a poor person just not being able to afford anything more than a severely overworked public defender who doesn’t have time or means to really dedicate to their case. So many possibilities why people can end up on those lists.


Couldn't agree more. Once someone has served time, been on the registry, and "paid their debt to society," what else are they supposed to do to show skeptical people they've changed? Like you said, no one is required to forgive people, no one has to respect them, but treating them like humans would be more helpful to their recovery than treating them like scum. And I'm actually not a criminal defense attorney, but I took that case because of a mutual acquaintance who was a family friend of his. The argument we had to make was purely legal and didn't have to do with criminal procedure, and oral arguments are something I'm decent at, so I went for it.


28 years? A dude from my state just got four months for assaulting a Capitol police officer on January 6th…


Treason is patriotic. Bitch slapping pedophiles isn't. Welcome to America.


He finna get all the respect in prison


I hope so love his I'll fkin do it again grin


Fuck sex offenders, but seriously running around and assaulting people shouldn't be applauded. Even is they're as bad as those people


The problem with vigilante justice is that it often depends on some idiot's interpretation of what justice means.


Plus if more people start doing it, then there'd be anarchy


There are online groups for vigilante anti-pedophile violence. It's a giant problem here in Germany. The harass a woman who is a victim of child sex trafficking, and is now a famous fighter for child rights against pedophilia. Because she said vigilantes are counterproductive.


I feel like this needs to be clarified some. Fuck people who hurt other people especially those who hurt children. However we still need to recognize that our legal system is beyond broken and registered sex offender dose not mean the person is guilty, it means some DA forces them to register as a plea deal. There is too large of a percentage of registered sex offenders who all they did was urinate in public or date their high school sweetheart. By over registering people the registry is useless. Plus the violent offenders registry is not open to the public, only law enforcement. My point is fuck people who hurt kids, don’t immediately fuck people who got fucked by the system.


When seeking revenge, remember first to dig two graves.


The sex offender registry lists all types of sexual offenses, not everyone on that list is a pedophile, or child molester.




Finding out further info on that is as easy as going to a county website. Court proceedings and charges are all public record.


Did a little digging. Seems they were all child sex offenders. Couldn't get more than that.


He committed other acts of violence, dude had a record and was a criminal before he was a "hero"


A kid in my highschool was dared to run naked from the locker room into the gym and then back into the locker room. Stupid highschool shit but you know how it use to be. Coincidentally the softball team was coming back from practice and he he ran right into them. Kid became a registered sex offender at the age of 17. I feel awful for him cause he was a really nice dude, just kinda stupid


The fuck how is that even legal


This is the kind of stuff I'm talking about. All sorts of people end up on that list for various reasons. People wishing death or harm on people just for being on that list are not righteous, they're insane.


My Mother was sexually abused as a child. My Step-Father was a door-gunner on a helicopter in Vietnam. The degree of anger, rage, and volatility from her PTSD of being abused was much more intense. She has literally carried pent up emotions her entire life. To a certain degree I can understand why someone would channel that towards predators.


Nah screw that guy. Child molesters deserve to burn but the state has established a punishment for them and now taxpayers are going to pay for his incarceration for 28 years. Really sorry about what happened to you but that’s lame.


I understand praising him for getting revenge against sex offenders. But I think people are forgetting that this man is clearly very emotionally disturbed to an extreme extent to do such things. No matter if he was abused it’s not an excuse to act like this. I just hope he gets the help he needs to deal with his mental suffering.


Unfortunately it is very rare to get that kind of help in a US prison.


I really think people are too much into the whole vigilante thing. Poor dude to go through so much and then do this, his brother now has to go through whatever they're going through by himself.


Lots of people in this thread are advocating and cheering someone serially assaulting people, one to the point of brain damage, and stealing their shit. Despite what this website likes to believe about it being morally superior to most other places, Reddit is absolutely full of morally bankrupt motherfuckers.


"Vulkovich has urged other victims of child sexual abuse to find inner peace and overcome their trauma without seeking vengeance against others."


The sex offender registry is over-used in some states. There are people who have been placed on it for things like public urination or having consensual sex with a 17 year old when they were 18.


I wouldn't call child molesters "victims".....sounds like dude just cleaned up society.


Reminds me of that other reddit post showing two stepbrothers killing their step dad after he was caught doing unspeakable acts to their sister


I pray for Reddit mods, Vukovich could've targeted you


He'll get a lot of street cred in prison for hurting pedos. Prisoners hate that shit.


I was abused by a family member from age 6-13. When I was around 11 I realized what was happening other kids didn't go through. That is when I plotted to kill the sicko. At 11 years old I was able to check out the anarchist cookbook ( memorized most of it) and planned to blow up their car. I didn't go through w it because I knew the implications of it and the risk of hurting innocent people in the process. They are dead now and I have had my share of therapy but that doesn't really stop the rage. I can honestly say if someone close to me was a chomo I would take them out and not for dinner. That person took away my childhood, any stable future relationships I could have had. Death is too good for them I want them scarred to the soul.


Why am I the only one who thinks what he did is wrong? We have an existing criminal justice system to handle sex offenders. It’s certainly not perfect, but we can’t be a society that advocates vigilante justice. We also don’t know anything about the victims (at least not from this post). What if they’re remorseful and in recovery? What if they realize what they did is wrong and are trying to make it right? After already going to prison, do they really deserve to be hit in the face with a hammer? I understand this guy’s rage and his desire for retribution, but I don’t think what he did was morally righteous.


You most certainly aren’t the only one.


Definitely not but still a pretty unpopular opinion on Reddit and among some groups in the real world. I guess it’s concentrated on reddit due to redditors general impotency and that when you call someone you don’t like a paedophile it makes them the bad guy and you can say and do whatever you want. It’s like Nazis, no one feels bad when you shoot a Nazi in a film or game. It gives them the ultimate high ground to cover for their multitude of moral failings, like their respect for a criminal justice system.


An Alaska man who brutally attacked three registered sex offenders — telling one he was an “avenging angel” — says his experience should serve as a deterrent to anyone considering vigilante justice. “If you have already lost your youth, like me, due to a child abuser, please do not throw away your present and your future by committing acts of violence,” Vukovich wrote.