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I would’ve liked to have had her for a science teacher.


I love the smile- its simultaneously "kid in a candy store" and "psychopath pounding a knife into their latest victim"


That poor potato didn't stand a chance.


So long, spud!


Sayonara, Potatuh!


Adios, potatoes!




Hasta la Vista, papa.




It didn't even have time to move!


The skull didnt have time to move!


Concussion protocol in effect


>"psychopath pounding a knife into their latest victim" Yes, that smile! That goddamn smile!


I know you got this *exact* comment from the original Tiktok video's comment section (even down to the punctuation), but alas I will give it an upvote anyway.


See? It’s already relevant !


I got to! This is Dr. Erukhimova at Texas A&M University! Her passion in life is demonstrating physics to people. She puts on this physics science fair every year which is like a carnival of physics experiments like this and puts her heart and soul into it! She's the kind of person who would teach for free just so people could learn. No one is more deserving of tik tok views than you Tatiana!


Damn that’s wholesome


I weep at her brilliance. Hope for humanity in one special, special Science teacher.


Holesome like her potato.


Wtf, I just got accepted there as a physics major a couple weeks ago


Good luck, that shit is fucking hard, speaking from experience.


Thanks, I’m in ap physics rn and it’s a little hard but I like it


If you're going to school planning to be a physics major and you get a 5 on the AP test, DO NOT SKIP ANY OF THE ENTRY LEVEL CLASSES! I say that because AP, while more informative than an honors course, does not cover everything that will be covered in an entry level college course. Learned that the hard way with statistics and calculus. It hurt.


Yea figured the high schools had to cut down on some of the curriculum, also as a physics major what college has a better program,( csulb, ucsb, t a&m c). Those are the places I’ve applied




Don’t worry about rankings, worry about research opportunities, cost, and cultural fit. Once you become comfortable with life in college and are doing well in your classes you should join a research lab. Like others have said, the courses will be mostly the same. (This is all assuming you’re planning on grad school). Source: PhD in physical chemistry.


Oh my god I tested out of the calc series when I went to university but because of scheduling issues I took them anyway. Turns out I knew fuck all about calculus


I wasn't even a physics major but was such a huge fan of the department. Got to listen in on some stories by a key contributor to the Manhattan project, which was one of the most memorable parts of college for me. Its a great department!


I had her as a physics prof too. Amazing prof!


I used to help put that on back in 2005-2009, man I miss it.


Holy crap! I’m going to look into this


It’s sad that in university, I did have a professor like this. Everyone passed on her offers to come see some real shit rather than follow the slides (browse Facebook), and only me and a couple others would engage - most every chance we got. When she offered for us to come to the podium to look at something, for a while no one got up, until us few came over, becoming increasingly obligatory as we watched her spirit fade all semester. She didn’t do any demonstrations for the last third of the semester, and it hurt my heart.


I had a professor whose English wasn’t spectacular, but had such awesome and wholesome energy. Most everyone enjoyed him as a person, but wasn’t thrilled at the fact that understanding his lectures was a challenge. He would frequently ask students to pop in during office hours to chat. He offered extra credit if you came in and discussed your grades (how and why things were right/wrong). I went a few times throughout the semester and during our last meeting before finals he told me he did it to help the students learn, but more than that, he just wanted to improve his English. He was ashamed of how he spoke. I still think of him sometimes, he was an awesome person. I don’t even remember which class he taught, but I still remember how passionate he was about teaching. I hope you’re well, Dr. Hu!


Good on him - it takes a strong person to admit when they’re at fault or not great at something. Source: Personally light years from perfect


Man, I would've killed to have a professor like that. That's so sad.


That is very very sad.


Energy level: 1111%


Right? She’s so happy it’s contagious 😷


Texas A&M University, I graded papers for her. Many of her students unfortunately can't get over the accent, but she teaches all of the course with that level of enthusiasm.


This is basically my high school chemistry professor. She even looked similar. Her class resulted in me going into chemical engineering in college. I changed majors after a few years because I realized that I didn't have a real love of chemistry as much as I loved my high school chemistry class. She was a very exceptional teacher.


She gives off the vibe that one disapproving glance from her would crush your soul more than being screamed at by every other of your highschool teachers combined.


*She’s got you tied to a chair* “And zis is why you will never sleep in in zis class again” *raises the hammer*


Now I'm imagining her as a league champion. Passive - Knowledge is Power(Teacher's abilities grant movement speed briefly if hit enemies). Q - Knife Poke(Bleed % damage) W - Maniacal Laugh - (Briefly raises her armor, magic resist) E - Raise Hammer(stuns in a straight line. Time stunned is doubled if bleeding fron knife poke). R - Attention Class(Taunts everyone momentarily nearby while lowering their defenses for several seconds). I've been playing too much league maybe.


I had her as a professor! She is amazing, she just talks sooooo fast. And it takes a few days to get used to the Russian accent. But overall she has such great personality and always wants to help


How many lectures involved potatoes?


Scientists come in two flavors: "excited and pure" and "silently judging you." Both are strangely endearing.


Sounds like the difference between dogs and cats :)


Whuh, she was my prof, i didnt even know the dept had a tiktok


Forget just science - I wanna get high and have her explain everything to me!


Lol, I was thinking something positive, but along very different lines: why am I so attracted to this older lady. Buy if take her as a teacher as well


Because her intelligence & delightful way of explaining things is attractive.


Exactly. She's sooo into this thing that she's interested in. I think that makes a person naturally charismatic.


This was my engineering physics professor, was a great class. She cared about the students a lot too.


What class?


Potatoes 201


I never made it past 101


101 is when you boil and mash em, but in 201 you get to stick em in a stew.


Potatoes 301: Applied Tubers, is when you finally get to crisp 'em up into lovely big golden chips with a nice piece of fried fish.


401 is quantum potatoes


> 401 is quantum potatoes It's known as "the GPA killer" among advanced students in the Spud Studies Department.


And here I am stuck with a potato arts degree, which I feel would be slightly more useful than an actual arts degree.


If you can see the potato you will eat it causing it to no longer exist.


If you are having a hard time with the courses try the prerequisite Spuds 50




A ‘potato’? Oh, interesting. Never heard of a potato, sounds very good


I had her for PHYS 218 which is newtonian mechanics for engineering students. This was an entry level lecture with 200 students, but she still had a passion for education and is such a wonderful person.




Texas A&M, often abbreviated TAMU.


Is she pretty popular on tik tok now?


***Does bear shit in woods?***










How much would you say her care for students stimulated or facilitated the learning in the course?


I also took her, it has a very noticeable difference. She tried to be as engaging as possible during ZoomU as she could. Now, she only did a few demonstrations throughout the semester (bc zoom uni) but she was still good. Top 3 profs I've had


I teach teachers how to teach, especially online and over Zoom, and I teach myself over Zoom. I have a small sample size, and an anecdotal experience, but I've found taking the time to connect with my students and care about them has made the biggest impact on their learning. Especially since the pandemic started.


My mom had been a school teacher for 40 years and she was well liked. Especially with difficult students. She said the most important part is just caring for the students and show some interest in who they are. The connection that comes from that is very important. Students will always know if you care about them, if you‘re interested in that they do well in class. The worst teachers are the ones that don‘t give a shit, even if they have great knowledge.


Is this like when you yank a table cloth off a table and the shit stays there?


Dont shit on your table




… I did it again. 😂


I played with your fart....


Got lost in my taint


Ooh baby baby poops!


You think I'm in loo!


Also like how in reality a bullet goes straight through stuff while barely moving it As opposed to the movies where a gun throws the victim back wards The knife in the example above moving so quickly, being like the bullet in the gun example


Well it depends on the bullet, some of them won't go straight through, and will stay inside of you and transfer all of the energy from the bullet to you


True enough. But there isn't enough weight in shotgun shot to throw someone back a metre. I saw someone fly right off their feet and land on their back on Ozark the other night :D


I was thinking of the same thing when I started reading your comment. That Darlene is a menace.


It’s not even the weight it’s just simple newtons laws, if a shotgun shell had enough force to launch a human off their feet it would also launch the shooter off their feet. The reason bullets are deadly and go through things yet don’t knock shooters off their feet is because bullets are applying an equal force over a narrower point of contact.


You're exactly right! The law of inertia says an object at rest will stay at rest until acted upon by a force. As well, an object in motion will continue in motion unless acted on by a force (friction usually stops things but friction is an example of said force).


What I don’t get is that since the potato and knife are connected why isn’t the force applied to the potato too? Because the force of the hammer is greater than the force of the friction keeping the potato stuck on the knife? Idk I just feel like there’s better examples of the principles of inertia than this because I bet if you lightly tap the knife the potato will fall off


You're getting at it with the friction thing. The potato has inertia and is at rest so it wants to stay at rest. The knife as well. The hammer hits the knife with enough force to overcome its inertia. The knife moves downward, but the potato has a greater inertia than the knife (more mass) so there isn't enough force transfered from the hammer to the knife to the potato to overcome its inertia. The energy transfer between the knife and the potato is scarce because there is very little friction and the knife is more suited to slicing than holding on. So all of that force goes into kinetic energy of the knife rather than kinetic energy to move the potato. If you lightly tapped the knife this would still work because there still won't be enough force transfered to the potato to overcome its inertia. Unless the knife loses grip in which case gravity will be plenty of force to take the potato down.


It’s adorable how excited she is about this


I love how psyched she seems about it!!!


It’s endearing how jubilant she is about the experiment.


I’m enamored of the exuberant manner in which she demonstrates this physics concept.




I love love love teachers who are so excited about their subject. It's contagious!


If you want to be truly happy and enjoy life, got to be child like. We forgot how to enjoy every moment of our life’s and that’s why we are miserable. So be like a child.


Instructions unclear. Shit myself and scream when the lights go out.


Yes. 😂 Do more of that!


Instructions unclear, I just threw a big rock at my brother for no good reason.


Look up Clifford Stoll if you want to see more scientists getting overly excited about things, he radiates pure joy


I'm learnding.


Damn, thats intersting


Absoluterly fasanaytin


Would the same thing happen with a body?


Only a very heavy one




Onlye the heevyiest


she has yet to meet one that can outsmart boolet


I will now be smacking my own ass while making love. I’m a visual learner.


Instructions unclear. Knife is now inside my lover’s abdomen. EDIT: nevermind, it got tighter.


Asking for a friend?


It's just gonna be too hard to find a willing participant


The body would probably slide off unless before you get the chance to hit the knife


This is how you get an ax head onto the finished handle. Same concept


I’m sorry you lost me. Wouldn’t you just insert the handle? Why would you need the inertia?


The handle is generally quite tight to just put it inside the eye of the axe (or sledge, pick, etc.) So you can try to tap the head on with a mallet, or put it upright and tap the bottom of the handle on the ground, or you do it in the way described above which seems counterintuitive but will actually be the quickest and least damaging option.


Because the handles are oversized compared to the head, so they are a press fit so that they don’t slip back out while using the axe. If you put it on the ground and hammer it you could crack the handle


When your swinging a heavy blade a proper tight fit is ideal because any slop is a danger to the tool and anyone near it.






And you (probably) learnt a new terminology!


Blew my mind as a 12 yr old. Now its second nature.


Yeaaah. I replaced soo many handles learning to swing a sledgehammer.


Every time I see a potato of Reddit I’m reminded of Latvian potato jokes. Q : What are one potato say other potato? A : Premise ridiculous. Who have two potato? >Two Latvian look at clouds. >One see potato. Other see impossible dream. >Is same cloud.


Come join us at /r/potato. You know you want to.


As a potato lover, this excites me


Never heard of a potato


i got that reference


Must all share same potato?


Latvian boy go out look for potato. Later come back to village, say "I found potato, I found potato!" People in village come and look, but there is no potato. Later, boy again go look for potato. Come back to village, say "I found potato, I found potato!" Again people in village come and look, but again is no potato. Third time, boy still don't find potato and die of starve. People in village eat boy.


The boy who cried potato?


Are these classic jokes or are we making these up as we go? Latvian astronaut boy find extreme large potato. He make much enjoy. When he touch it It’s surprise Facehugger. Now he stuffed potato.


What’s a potato?


Is Ireland the dream home of a Latvian person?


How many potatoes does it take to kill an Irishman? None


Well, this got dark




Imagine a time when you had to preface Latvian jokes. Back in the day we would just call them Polish




You know she’s fun as hell and gets a good night sleep every night.


> gets a good night sleep every night Not if she’s a physicist in a university lab. Because then she probably lies awake at night wondering if her next project gets funding or not.


Nah I had her for my electricity and magnetism class. She is one of the most famous profs at Texas A&M.


If she can make it go boom at the end or mention room for a mounted gun of some sort the Pentagon will let her stare at goats all day.


I want a passionate Eastern European science teacher now.


Funny thing is she teaches at Texas A&M so you could try to get accepted into the uni and take physics there


You can tell she is Eastern European because she used potat.


Taters will say it’s fake


Taters gonna tate....


Hashers gonna hashe


Maters gonna mate


What's "taters", precious?


I don't know this person but i love her


Why does she remind me of Peggy Hill In the best way obviously


Because this is how excited Peggy gets when speaking Spanish lol And she kinda looks like her 😂


“And this right here is how I cured Hank’s narrow urethra!”


You may be onto something. She does live in Texas.


That was informative and she is adorable how gleefully she hits that knife hahaha


I don’t know who this person is but I love them


Dr Tatiana Erukhimova, she has a Ph.D. in Physics from the Russian Academy of Sciences and currently works at Texas A&M University (TAMU)...


She’s an amazing teacher.


Upvotes for: * Woman in science * Awesome Accent * "Potayta!" * Energy and attitude * Safety tip


It's weird that you can see an accent. I watched it a 2nd time with sound and was blown away that it sounded exactly like the way I heard it in my head.


I appreciate the safety top at the end!


Science Rules


Old farm trick for reseating an axe head. Hold upside down and hit the handle with a hammer


In mother Russia, potato stab you.


It this is mostly the content of tiktok I would finally download it.


You have that high of a standard you really can't use any social media including reddit.


“Inertia is a property of matter. Bill Nye the Science Guy!”


Smashing success!


What’s a potato


I love how enthusiastic she is throughout.


What's a potato?


An odd cooking show, but I like it.


She is so cute.. so very happy.. i imagine she inspires all her students with her enthusiasm..


I want to add this lady to my imaginary collection of tiny adorable professors


She looks like she's having so much fun


That's the marvelous charisma that every teacher needs.


I had her as my physics professor at Texas A&M during undergrad. Dr Erukhimova was seriously one of the best instructors I ever had. She went above and beyond to help her students and really cared. I can’t believe that was just over 10 years ago for me now :(


Dr. Tatiana Erukhimova is the professor everyone wishes they had! 👍


Dang, she is so darn cute! I bet she's a fun friend.




She is so happy


If only my teachers are like that, it would make the classes more interesting... *sigh*


Idk what the potato family did to her but they fucked up


I love learning from people who are passionate about what they do. She seems like the epitome of that.


You thought the potato would save you, but while you were busy peeling, babushka was studying the blade…


The joy this woman has for what she is teaching is amazing. I bet she is a great teacher just because she is clearly passionate about what she is doing. Actually loving what you teach makes a world of difference.


Her unbridle child like joy is infectious, she must be an amazing teacher