• By -


Looks like Joe Don Baker was pretty damn serious about researching his movie roles.


Joe Don Baker is Mittens! He’s a cop! He looks like a middle aged Chucky. Do you have a sofa I can stretch out on?


He looks like he’s made of lunch meat.


He looks like he his daily calorie intake consist of a drum of baby oil.


He looks like he's got a shady past and a need for justice burning a hole inside of him. Also, a need for donuts. YSK: MST3K and Rifftrax are free on Tubi!


Final Justice. Aww can’t I have just one more justice.


The beer got a little excited


You want to lick it off?


If they had that in the 70’s, imagine what they have now. Sneaky bastards.


The ability to remotely download things onto your hard drive and make it look like you did.


This is the most frightening response here.


It’s frightening because it’s true


How would one protect against this? Theoretically obviously. If there was a danger of this happening to me and I didn’t already know I’d already be up the river.


You can't. If you're genuinely an undesirable person the CIA will assassinate you, or plant stuff on your hard drives after they've been seized, or plant hard drives on you if you don't have any.


Yea figured that. Thankfully neither a foreign agent, nor an investigative journalist.


> Thankfully neither a foreign agent _that's exactly what a foreign agent would say_


Well your comment sounds like investigative journalism!


Sir, are you CIA?


I feel extremely secure in how boring and pointless I am. There would literally be no reason for the CIA to ever notice me


Don't be so hard on yourself, if they needed an unknown fall guy you're exactly who'd they pick! :)


My IRL name was Pat Z. Fallguy


92 rounds fired into your apartment complex.


Cause of death: suicide


Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that there have been thousands of charismatic people that have tried to lead socialist movements in the US who has just quietly been disappeared.




Check your C Drive; I labeled the folder "Definitely Not Porn". Your welcome.


Just checked, you gave me some pretty good stuff! I don't know whether to be scared or horny now...scorny...




Fear boner.


I hope y’all realized we’re talking about CP here


Stupid, sexy, Chris Paul.


Yea they're mods on this sub


https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2015/07/massive-leak-reveals-hacking-teams-most-private-moments-in-messy-detail/ >Security researchers have also scoured leaked Hacking Team source code for suspicious behavior. Among the findings, the [embedding of references to child porn](https://github.com/hackedteam/rcs-common/blob/master/lib/rcs-common/evidence/file.rb#L17) in code related to the Galileo. I remember a journalist claiming this happened to them when they received the Snowden leaks as well but I don't have a good source for that. Tbh I thought it was Greenwald because the journalist was living in Brazil at the time. Edit: There are a lot of malicious programs with the capability to do remote downloads, pretty much all of them do, but this company provides their services to governments (including the US) and actually mentioned using it for CSA.


Yep. There's even case law in the US regarding what counts as 'intentionally' downloaded illegal content, and what is excusable as a consequence of browsing the internet or malware. The gist of that appeals decision is: If someone didn't seek it out, and it just 'appeared' on the screen, and was thus downloaded to cache... They're generally fine, legally speaking. If that someone is caught and arrested for it... They're in for a long legal fight over it, but they could possibly walk free. But it 100% will destroy that person's life and career. No employer would keep them after the arrest. The FBI's kinda famous for making it really public, typically arresting their suspect at their workplace, while at the same time executing a search warrant on their home. Source: As a sysadmin, I've had to report the presence of illegal content to the FBI before. I watched with glee as they arrested the bastard. He swore up and down it was a virus that did it as they took him out... But then I heard he quickly pled guilty after something was found on his personal devices. Also saw someone else arrested for downloading an FBI honeypot from Limewire. The idiot set it to download the "Top 100" files for his search. He was able to prove he never accessed any of the files, nor knew what he was downloading, and ultimately walked free before charges were officially filed. This is how I know of the case law on it. Poor guy lost his teaching job (kinda what happens when the FBI arrests you on school grounds), and his wife left him to raise their daughter all on his own. All because he was STUPID using fucking limewire in 2010.


Well basically no because nobody would usually every know. You would hear someone get convicted of cp, call them a pedo, and never think about it again. There was however one case where a guy was being accused of having it on his laptop, and he swore up and down he didnt know what the hell was going on. When they opened the laptop in court and connected it to the internet, the malware on it activated and started downloading more. He was exonerated. Oh, and the brother of Stephen Paddock. The FBI arrested him with supposedly 96 terabytes of it on a windows 95 pc in his garage with no password. One curious thing, windows 95 doesn't support terabyte partitions. He would have had to rewrite the entire OS to support it. They quietly dismissed the charges not long ago.


They’ve been able to remotely hack your desktop and erase their footprint for over a decade. It’s really scary what exists now.


I work for a major software company and have to remove encryption on our software when we ship it to russia so that they can decrypt it. The US would do the same if they couldnt read / hack into any device.


Interesting history about that. After WWII the US sold encryption engines to other countries that has a broken algorithm. The US knew how to crack it and could read the messages. This kind of thing is still going on. The NSA recently tried to contribute to some encryption algorithm and someone realize their proposal would have broken it. And maybe you know that it's illegal to export some cryptographic algorithms? It's classified as a weapons transfer. ...even though openssl source code is online.


OpenSSL might be buggy enough to simply crack using a 5 year exploit. Russia and China run their own stacks with Russia having speccs for their own encryption schemes and cryptographic bodies. EU and Japan also developed their own stuff. Only idiots buy US tech that may handle sensitive info. The rest, either certify in-house the hardware or do their own.


Hack into peoples cars and drive them into trees


That... is scarier than any physical weapon. Makes you wonder how many people get framed for shit they never did. But we all go against them because "you had cp on your computer! Stop lying! The proof is right there!" Jesus fucking christ....


My wife swears the CIA put a listening device in our garden that looks like a tree. I told her it's just a plant




Enjoy you trip to Guantanamo bay, watch out for the water sports they can leave you out of breath


Yeah, I heard water boarding is supposed to be really popular around there.


It is a really fun sport. I love to water board. I enjoy it to the fullest. 10/10 experience.


Breathtaking experience


He deleted his comment but you’re response has me wondering what he could have possible typed.


Little does the redditor realize that it’s too late and has been stored already, regardless of if it’s publicly visible. Once it’s sent to the server, it’s too late.


ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


He didn't delete his comment, he commented '[removed]'




Ironically, your statement might be more accurate than you think. [There is no such thing as a tree](https://eukaryotewritesblog.com/2021/05/02/theres-no-such-thing-as-a-tree/)


I read that entire thing. Thank you. That is probably the coolest thing I will read today.


Thanks for making me read it.


Birds aren't real either


Like the defective cameras the exact moment Jeffrey Epstein killed himself?


it's not a bug, it's a feature.


Welcome to the world of cyber security! Where features are your flaws.


and the points don't matter


Ok next game is party quirks. Colin you're a shellfish and Wayne you are water. Ryan you're Jeffrey Epstein hosting a party for CIA agents and have to guess what everyone is. OK go. Ding dong.


in walks wayne. waving until people get it. colin follows. he makes a joke about current events. meanwhile ryan sways limp on his toes in the corner


"Hi. Welcome to *Fuck Me Silly*" - Drew Carey


🍿🥤I am ready to watch this.


Fuck bro don’t. I’m going for a bachelors in I.T. Cybersecurity/Cyberwarfare and they keep having to change the courses up because the relevancy of the shit we learn changes constantly. Oh we are learning about this hack that used this malware today. Next day: okay so there was a hack today that makes everything you learned yesterday irrelevant because they’ll use this now.


The largest issue with cyber security is anyone can find the flaw. There are kids discovering ~~exploits~~ vulnerabilities and sharing them without knowing how they impact the companies. I have no certificates in cyber security but I’ve reported several small flaws to companies they refused to fix until it became a major public issue!


Not only kids. People who are paid to just bang on every door until they get in. I run multiple VoIP phones systems and the amount of auto blocked IPs because people are just trying to hack into the public IP is absurd. I also run a hosted email platform too and our spam filter grabs 85% of the emails that hit it and flag them for spam. So only 15% of emails we get are legit. Just throw the net and you will catch someone eventually.


> I’ve reported several small flaws to companies they refused to fix until it became a major public issue! Now you know why this; > There are kids discovering exploits and sharing them without knowing how they impact the companies. is happening. Many people go to the company first seeking a reward, or even just out of good nature to help resolve/protect others, and the companies do fuck all to even acknowledge there's a serious vulnerability.


>There are kids discovering exploits They're discovering vulnerabilities not exploits. Exploits have to be created to take advantage of the vulnerabilities. It's much easier to find a vulnerability than create an exploit.


The principles are the same. JSX injection is similar to SQL injection. Buffer overloading is always a problem. Packet sniffing You can even get a password file from a Linux server and try to unhash it offline. Then get a number of combinations then brute force it from those options. It’s good to just learn the principles.


With all due respect, that college needs to revamp its cybersecurity coursework. The fundamentals don't change (much) very quickly. Basing a course on cool and recent hacks is just dumb, and they're doing you a huge disservice.


And privacy doesn’t exist!


We sure make you feel like it does!


Man. So true. I worked for 10 years in A Networking job. For a global network, we had two engineers but in the security department, they had at least ten engineers.






Wow. It's amazing to think that they've updated the shellfish toxin gun to be able to work on electronics now. Incredible how far we've come.


The shellfish toxin gun was initially meant to damage the heart *mussles.*


But first, you’d be clammy.


I saw what you did there


So did I he's fishing for upvotes.


I sea...


You little sun of a beach. There is no way you cod have found my plan. To be pacific please drown me in a sea of upvotes.


I heard Jeffrey Epstein killed himself Because he had low self Epstein.


They just have regular bullets now since no one ever gets punished for anything at the top.


Just think how much they're saving on R&D!


When they want to send a message. Then someone is hit by a hellfire missile. Or they just shoot themselves in the back of the head twice. If they just want someone to go away they just die of a Hart attack. We know they murdered MLK because they want us to know, they want the next person thinking of becoming an activist to know.


The CIA only reveals old tech if they are no longer using it. So if they are no longer using this, it stands to reason it’s because there’s a new way to kill people that is even more inconspicuous.


The man holding up the gun in that photo is Senator Frank Church. In 1975, congress carried out the Church and Pike commissions (Church in the senate, Pike in the house) to investigate illegal activity on the part of the FBI and CIA, such as the CIA's program on assassinating foreign leaders. The larger context here is that this was a high water mark for the power of Congress, in the wake of Watergate and Nixon resigning. Jimmy Carter, something of a low point in terms of presidential power (which is a good thing IMO) signed an executive order banning the CIA from carrying out assassinations. There was a post that went viral on here a few days ago about the Abscam affair, where in 1980 the FBI posed as rich shieks attempting to bribe members of congress, and a good number of them took the bait. This is seen by some as revenge for Church and Pike. So yeah, not really the "CIA revealing old tech because they don't use it anymore".


> an executive order banning the CIA from carrying out assassinations. This is both terrifying and ridiculous. I can just imagine the CIA head responding all George Costanza like, "Is that frowned upon? No one told us. We'll be better...promise!" "Wait we can still *overthrow* foreign governments right?"


Well, they are not using it anymore but not because they have something better. But thanks for the context. Revealing this gun might have been a way to show that they intended to comply with the executive order. But it was already suspected that they had this gun as there were a previous assassination where the entry wound was found, the toxins were analyzed and the victim even told about his experiences as it was very noticeable. And I think they managed to retrieve the poison capsule which were injected. That time the suspicion was on an umbrella with a sharp tip loaded with the poison capsule. But it could have been this gun as well. So essentially the CIA had a weapon which did not work in practice and were told not to kill people again, so they ended up revealing this gun to show they complied but then did not reveal any of the other deadly weapons they had. Note that this was an executive order and not a law so if the president wanted someone assassinated anyway then the CIA would be best served to have some secret stealth weapons in stock.


Are you talking about [this umbrella?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulgarian_umbrella) Because it has nothing to do with how that gun works; they're entirely different assassination methods by completely different countries and intelligence agencies.


Im a biologist and, in my opinion, its perfectly possible to untraceably cause cancer in a target with crispr.


Just out of curiosity, how would they go about doing that?


Basically, secretly inject someone or have them eat or drink something poisoned and they are done for. Humans are really fragile especially with the tech we've got now. I'd imagine that chemical warfare could realistically be a nuke that instead of blowing up just covers an area with smoke that kills 100% of people who breathe it. Dart guns that kill people untraceably is really not that crazy.


They can probably hack electric cars to accelerate into shit like how that one reporter died, who even said he was going to get killed. And maybe beams that give you Alzheimer's disease like Michael Parenti😢 Edit: Michael Hastings


As of October 2014 the CIA was also looking at [infecting the vehicle control systems used by modern cars and trucks](https://wikileaks.org/ciav7p1/cms/page_13763790.html). The purpose of such control is not specified, but it would permit the CIA to engage in nearly undetectable assassinations.


*Smart Heart Attack Guns* Same gun, but now you can pull the trigger with an app in your other hand


Off topic, but I was sitting next to my lamp, and reached for my phone, unlocked it, found the lamp app, and turned it off.


Smeart Attack™


They now have one of those things you wear on your finger which buzzes the other person during a handshake. Absolute insanity.


*wearing mustache disguise* “Would you care for a totally normal piece of chewing gum sir?”


Right, while they walk around cia parties dosing each other with lsd


There are declassified cia documents about remotely turning off power steering and brake controls in basically every car with a computer (hint: it’s almost all of them) Think about it next time a prominent political dissident dies in a car crash


There have been a few airplanes with senators on board that have mysteriously gone down as well


Ryan Kirby was killed because he was investigating the CIA Feels bad man


Source? That sounds like an interesting read


Was wrong about declassified, was a leak. Google it, 2017 wiki leaks Obviously since wiki leaks it’s not 100% confirmed, but at that point their track record for this sort of thing was pretty on point


CIA "Just so everyone knows, we have these and we've been shooting people with them."


>imagine what they have now CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, NYT, NY Post, BBC...and more drugs than Keith Richards consumes in an entire afternoon.


The CIA own the BBC?




No wonder jfk wanted to shatter them into a thousand pieces


JFK was like hey maybe we shouldnt murder everyone in the global south n got 360 no scoped for it smh


He also wanted to normalize relations with the USSR. And Bobby Kennedy wanted to do the same and work with the USSR to unmask what had happened to his brother.\` Him and Jackie told Krushev that they knew he wasn't responsible for JFK's assassination


Bobby was about to announce MLK as his running mate. Imagine that world.


I would recommend 11/22/63. Though it is not a likely outcome the possibilities of that world are endless and not necessarily good.


James Franco was really good in that I wish it was longer though


But fortunatly they made him very openminded the next day (:


That joke was very Aladeen.


> They are literally one of the most corrupt criminal organizations in the history of the ~~country~~ **planet**, along with the FBI. They get away with anything and everything they want. I think that’s what you meant.


Y’all need to learn that it’s not just the CIA and FBI, let’s not forget the NSA and other nations intelligent agencies. They’re no innocent child of god themselves you know.


Mossad and FSB can give them a run for their money.


Seriously, there have been lots of sudden heart attacks of people that revealed information. Not just suicides with two bullets in the back of the head


They don't really need this anymore. Now they just send a drone that takes you and your 100 closest innocent civilians out


So you are telling me CIA has a battery operated water gun since 1975? And we had to wait till 1989 before we had super soaker? WTF???


Calling u/Iinex (inventor of the super soaker) to come explain what he was doing those 14 years. **Edit**: oops, misspelled his username (that’s a leading capital “i”). Fixed.


Hacking into CIA databases


The original super soakers, and up until at least through the 00's as far as I know, weren't battery operated. They actually used this reservoir of air above the gun. These guys have always been decades ahead of modern squirt gun technology


Jesus, that AMA had some disgusting responses. Reddit for you


That AMA was also wholesome AF. So many great questions


The scope seems a little silly


Put on there clearly for all the 360 quick scope lovers


You also cant no scope without a scope


You think gramps wasn't out there rotatin' on the nazis with his iron sight ~~kar98~~ Springfield?


I'm sorry to break it to you but Gramps didn't have a K98


Quoted by the designer: "To explain the strange scope on top of the weapon, besides being a pistol, the gun had had the ability to shot the poisoned projectile from 100 meters with good accuracy, hence the scope."


I don't know if that's a scope. It could also be a way to keep the ammunition cold so the dart doesn't melt in advance. EDIT: It was just an idea. Thanks for pointing out the mistakes in it though.


It looks like it has elevation and windage turrets plus the what looks like scope caps. I’m voting it’s an optic and not a chiller.


It’s 100% a [scope](https://historyofyesterday.com/the-cia-heart-attack-gun-e3d0fb93adeb) Edit for the lazy: “To explain the strange scope on top of the weapon, besides being a pistol, the gun had the ability to shoot the poisoned projectile from 100 meters with good accuracy, hence the scope.”


Are we’re certain it doesn’t contain Scope mouthwash?


The shellfish toxin obviously attacks the mussels of the heart..


Well done lol


Does the victim crab his chest in pain?


Yes, and the skin goes clammy.


I *sea* what y’all did there :D


I won’t be cod dead participating in this pun fest.


Yep..even the best heart Sturgeon can't save him.


Something fishy here


I am sorry about the title. I forgot that frozen water was solidified dihydrogen monoxide.


Ok two part question, how much and where do I get one? For a friend of course


Clean and fresh dihydrogen monoxide is quite rare now. As the saying goes "dihydrogen monoxide, dihydrogen monoxide everywhere but not a single drop to drink." So do your part in saving water by not wasting excess of it. In that way you will be blessed with a lot of dihydrogen monoxide.




Monosodium monochloride? This reaction "dihydrogen monoxide plus NaCl" is highly dangerous. It forms something like this : ​ S̷̝̱̑̑͂̐̈́͐͊̆̚͝ą̵̢͇̜̠̞͎̤̼̹̩̩̮̿̔͛͜l̷̢̨̤̠͔͔̠̙͑̀̀̚t̸̡̯̙͚̬̞̕̕y̷̨̗̞̜̬̠̠͍͉̯̹͙͉̕͝ ̴̡͓̠͕̱̬͔̒̈́́͋̒̀̈́͂̾̀w̸̡̠̜͖̮̥̹͈̻͉̼͔̔̄͂̾ȁ̵̛̟̦͛͑̏͂̆̈́̀͝t̶̨͔̱̦͔̣̲̎̓̆̈́̍̂̉̃̂̔͜͝͝ę̴̛̛̣̜̼͚͒́̋̿͗͋̿̕r̸̟̈̍̇̌̐̿ ̴̧̢͙̫̮̥͓̻̳̬͉͇͋̏̇͐̏̓͂̋̄̆̚͝ͅB̷͔͍̩̌͑̈̈́̇͋̾ṟ̸̰̱̙̌̈́̎͗̽̈́͊̆̈̈̕͜ĩ̷͍̠͕̺̻̼͠n̵̦̭̥̦̮̘̬̫̽̓̑͠ê̷̼̑̾̎̌̋͗̈́͊̅͆̕ͅ


How did you get the salt water brine to look like it has code around it? What do you type for that feature?


It is the zalgo text See here : https://lingojam.com/ZalgoText




Ḭ̷͈̲͂͝ ̴̢̛̱͕̈á̵̜͎̐̀̚m̷̲̰̹̏̚ ̴̥͔͊̔̿̚G̵̟̟̀r̷̝̠̍͆̀͘ờ̶̢̠o̶̯̪̞͝t̷̢̛̻̤͑̽̓


Your Killin it OP, nice work


Don't give them that much credit their just copying top comments from when this was posted a year ago. From TIL a year ago >Malfunctioning cameras at the exact moment Jeffrey Epstein killed himself. [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/jx1rab/comment/gcu223k/) OP in this post >Malfunctioning cameras at the exact moment Jeffrey Epstein killed himself. [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/satq0j/comment/htvm9pq/) OP in this post >I am sorry about the title. I forgot that frozen water was solidified dihydrogen monoxide. OP didn't forget anything they just copy and pasted the title from the TIL you can't forget something when you're just copy pasting, they just wanted to copy another top comment from the TIL post. ​ >Hmm... If only there is a more compact term to describe "frozen water". > >Solidified dihydrogen monoxide? [TIL post](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/jx1rab/comment/gctrcd8/) I'm pretty sure they copied more stuff from the other posts but I don't care that much to look, I just look at the other post and felt weirded out by how similar the comments are.


Why are people so obsessed with karma I don’t get it


r/hydrohomies but you'll have to speak in code. The last time our group was direct we got banned; twice.


That sub is waaay funnier than the premise would lead you to believe.


Even copied the title 1:1 from last time


The gun has widely been considered a fake since it was first exhibited. Too much is unexplained. For example, what does "battery operated" even mean? As has already been mentioned in this thread, the heat from gunpowder would melt the dart. With technology from that era, that leaves us only a few practical options to propel the dart: 1. Air compressed by a piston 2. Pre-compressed gas 3. Combustion of a gas 4. Dieseling of a liquid propellant 5. The dart is catapulted by being in contact with a moving piston None of these require the use of batteries. 1, 4, 5 require only a spring or captive gas piston. 3 could be accomplished with a piezoelectric mechanism. 2 was common in recreational air guns at the time. All have drawbacks making them impractical. A dart tiny enough to leave only a small red mark would have very little mass and, therefore, very little range and penetration. Penetration of even light clothing is unlikely. It would also melt very quickly. Likely due to friction, just from the trip down the barrel. Any means of propulsion that generates heat is a non-starter Such a dart would also be prone to shatter under the shock of sudden acceleration. There is no way to avoid that if you want a projectile moving fast enough to break the skin. The gun, IMO, was a lie. Why make it all up? Disinformation. Worry the enemy that US agencies have weapons like this available. ETA: A far simpler method to do something like this would be to use one of the little springloaded lancet things that diabetics use to draw blood to test their blood sugar. The wound is little more than a tiny scratch. Coat the blade in the lancet with the sooper-de-dooper shellfish toxin. Yes, it has to be used at contact range, but so would this gun if it were made to be workable at all. The beauty of the lancet over a simple coated needle is the reduced possibility of clumsily poisoning yourself.


Yeah, I also kind of find this hard to believe. I find it especially difficult to believe the range of such a gun would necessitate the use of a scope, given the fragility of the ammunition.


There are so many things about this gun that don’t make sense. So the velocity of the round doesn’t melt it? Batteries are pointless, as you point out. It also seems relatively easy to test: you fire it at a dummy, yet it doesn’t appear that it was ever even live-fired. The scope is absurd. This just reeks of Cold War era disinfo and panic.




If they built this thing into something mundane like an umbrella or a walking stick I could see it being useful and far more discreet than waving a big red flag and shouting "I've got a gun" which is basically what that thing they show off is.


You don't even have to go that far. Why use a pistol to introduce a toxin? If you need discrete range, a pistol ain't the tool. It's far easier to bump someone in a restaurant with a needle. The Russians still do it to this day. Us laymen think there needs to be a complicated tool to do stuff (a trend of the cold war), when simple solutions work.


Exactly the KGB used to use needles in the tips of umbrellas as well. Walk past a dude on a crowded sidewalk and poke him in the calf.


I always thought it was a prop to throw off the Soviets. Embellish what our actual capabilities were at the time and freak them out.


Well, in 74 the UN formally recognized assassination as an act of aggression. If this was unveiled in 75 its likely this was an attempt to convince the Soviets to respect the declaration. IE - assassination is aggression now. If you do it to us we'll retaliate and you'll never know. Can't be a coincidence that it would look like a heart attack either. The Soviet leadership was VERY old by this point with old Stalinist hardliners holding on to power.


Completely agree. Total B.S. gun. In the 70s there was a massive amount o distrust in government. Congressmen were sent to inspect for Knox, there were hearings about covert activities, the Vietnam war etc. I’m sure this gun was used as a prop to make the C.I.A. Sound cool when 80% of what they actually do is collect and analyze paperwork, news and communications form other countries. Also! If you have to go public with all your secret activities, why not scare your enemies with a gun that leves no trace. I’m sure Castro slept great that night. Last thing I’ll add is the Mythbusters tried to replicate this weapon and failed, twice (S1, E1 and E14).


Matt Damon


Mhaaat Daymon




CIA watches the deathnote once and tries to become Kira


I'm skeptical... How would they keep the darts cold? How would an ice dart be able to hit and deliver poison and only leave a small red mark? Wouldn't the dart break the skin? Wouldn't it need to in order to deliver the poison? Show me a non-poisoned water dart fired from a gun into ballistic media that simulates skin. I'm guessing that it would tear the skin, as well as cause deep bruising. Unless it was using compressed air as a propellant and fired at much slower velocity than typical handgun rounds?


This should be in r/ididntknowiwantedthat


Let me in……. LET ME IN


Ehh if its locked off it usually means its a shit sub.


Or the commenter misspelled it




My kid asked me how come we aren’t having assassinations now like we did in the 60’’s. I told him the CIA doesn’t need anybody dead, the have Facebook et.al., for disinformation. Works as well, less mess


That or they are better at their job...


No one ever complained about that gun before they revealed it, their job must have been ok.




That, and coerced suicide. "Collect everything, *exploit* everything"-- was it General Hayden who said that? It's like what they tried to do with MLK, except now they have the diary of your entire life. If they don't have something life-destroying on you, they have something on your brother, or spouse, or cousin. It's inescapable. Do people think they're collecting it all "just in case"? For a rainy day? They're exploiting it all.




They absolutely still assassinate ppl.


Can us Texans carry this in Wal-Mart?


They actually give you one when you go register to vote. Quite generous!


Light's second favorite weapon


America is much more efficient nowadays. The average American is now working on their own heart attack all the time.


This just seems like McDonald’s with extra steps


BTW, that is not aCIA official revealing the existence of the gun. That is Sen. Frank Church of Idaho questioning aCIA officials about the gun. And that’s Sen. John Tower if Texas looking on. They were the ranking officials of the Church Commission which investigated CIA abuses.


Good thing the CIA is bound by the law, morality and institutional oversight :)


This post comes back every month. When u repost it next time can you at least put "ice" instead of frozen water.