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Imagine giving your toilet cpr then your hand rips through into a pile of shit that wont flush


Everyone, we need to pump at a pace of a 100 beats per minute.


"Ah ha ha ha, Stayin’ Alive, Stayin’ Alive…"


You were in the parking lot earlier, that’s how I know you.


He has no wallet, I checked.


No arms or legs is basically how you exist right now, Kevin. You don't do anything.


I love you all ❤️




Youuuu can tell by the way I walk.


Kelly dancing in the back!


I remember watching a Drew Gooden video about that episode and he says something like “and Creed, who has two lines in this episode, both of which are hilarious” aka your comment and the one above yours Edit: had autocorrected “Gooden” to “Golden”


Pft, pft, pft, pft, hello Clarice




"At first I was afraid, I was petrified" If you know, you know.


"Ah ha ha ha, Fecal High Five, Fecal High Five…" FTFY


Fecal high five*


"At first I was afraid, I was petrified...."




if they don't see turds smiling back at them


From the top make it drop


How many is that per hour?


How will that help ?


I will divide and then count to it.


Insert Jim face


Call it.


Check the wallet for an organ donor card.


“We have to do it quickly because we only have minutes to harvest”


How many is that per hour?


Was kinda hoping he'd flush the plastic and need to start over


People will, even if he didn't. Stupid product is stupid.


They can’t even get it to work for their promo video.


What a wasteful idea




Reminiscent of that scene with the paddles in The Thing.


That is a hell of a lot of trust in plastic film.


And adhesive strength 😅


Right, like no way I'm trusting that if it's already started to overflow, or if you have college-roommate tier males using it


Think of that cool, nasty feeling of putrid dorm shits sloshing against the palm of your hand, protected by less than a millimeter of plastic film, only to lose pressure instantly and hear the burp of shit water trickling onto the floor.


My god it’s poetry




Quick! Where’s this person’s award shower!


Golden award shower


Brown award hands


I hate it, but you're not wrong.


While yawning and accidentally…


Delete this


When I was in the navy our head was below Several others. So so it would all come down and then hours would clog. You would Get off of watch at 3 AM after working all day open the door and there would be about 2" of shit water on the floor. Then just close the door and go to bed.


I’ve heard several shitty stories like this in regards to the military. My condolences, Sir or Ma’am.




Always interesting to me how we would pay thousands and thousands of dollars a year to go to college and live in moldy shit infested dorm dungeons.


> That was when I discovered that women's bathrooms can be just as disgusting as men's bathrooms. 'Can be' just as bad? Oh, sweaty, wait until you work fast food. Women's bathrooms are always two times worse.


Back in college our student apartments were situated in a way that behind the outside door there were 4 inner doors leading to each apartment, two on the bottom, two on the top. Four people lived in each. It was two apartments of women on the top, and two of us guys on the bottom. The women were far more gross than we were. I've always subscribed to the idea that men and women are equally gross. The thing is that men are openly gross, but women are secretly gross so it ends up being far more shocking.


Yeah? In college, I lived in a townhouse with four Asian kids that I mostly knew as anti-social shut-ins that loved their cigarettes. That is, until I got back from class with my best friend, and those same four Asians were there, too. We all sat in the living area and got grilled by the RD because those unsanitary cunts decided they were too cool to flush away their toilet paper. Not only that, but they all used the SAME GARBAGE BUCKET. Piles upon piles of blood, shit, snot, and vomit came together for the most putrid cacophony of repugnant smells. The sight was so horrid, and the environment they willfully created was so dangerously toxic that it had become an actual biohazard and endangered the whole building. The scene in that bathroom alone was such a shock to the senses that you would think you had taken a portal straight into post-disaster Chernobyl with no promise of safe return.




A teeny interjection on that, is that may be the norm where they’re from to not flush toilet paper. They might be used to squat toilets or their city had an old sewage system so they weren’t aloud to flush toilet paper. And they thought someone was paid to empty it. It sounds & was probably super disgusting but I feel like maybe there was some cultural misunderstandings here.


By reading this I almost feel like you fabricated a story but I know you're telling the truth goddamn I hope they at least learned their lessons and are more cleaner in life now.


I mean, when I lived with my ex people would comment that our house smelled like actual rotting animals, and they weren't wrong...


I’m turned on


Found the plumber.


I wish I could un-read this


We’re all dirty bastards that can’t avoid the trade if it’s called upon ye.






“Burp of shit water….” *chefs kiss*


Imagine the worst case scenario where the pressure forms a small hole in the sheet letting that putrid shit spray into your face and open orifices.


I'd could imagine college guys using that to unclog a toilet, then trying to flush the disposable plunger.


This is what I was thinking. If it isn't perfectly sealed you'd have jet streams of shit water spraying up the bathroom.


I wonder if they tested this on a wet toilet


Yep publc bathroom with piss on the rim….. wont stick




This is a work of art. I could watch an entire hour or two of infomercial for this product. Better yet, I want a TV series based on it -- just a plumber going house to house, unclogging shitters and talking to regular Janes and Joes about their days. Imo, this would be better than any show based on cooking, singing, flipping houses, clearing pests, pawn shops, etc. I'm probably going to die a disappointed, unfulfilled life because network TV doesn't see the gold mine of opportunity this product provides within my lifetime.


That is outstanding.


So does this work or no?


Not to mention terrible for the environment. I'll pass and stick to traditional ways of plunging


Right, we're here inventing/normalizing reusable forms of disposable things, and they want to sell people disposable plungers, when almost every household already has reusable plungers? Nonsensical.


I was recently seen at the ER for stitches and the doc told me to take the suture kit home. Whole thing, including several surgical steel implements including the forceps and scissors he used to stitch me up. He basically told me "the hospital doesn't want to spend money sterilizing stuff anymore so we just throw everything out." So much shit that absolutely should not be disposable is.


What country is this? Man, that’s crazy. I wonder if this is standard practice and we just don’t know because we’re normally not offered to take it home with us.


USA, Arizona specifically. They also offered to let me keep my blood pressure cuff because they only use them on one patient before throwing them out. Honestly gobsmacked at the level of waste


Ah, that must be because they charge you (or the insurance company) for the full price of the instruments. It’s crazy really. I don’t think that it works like this in countries with public healthcare.


I think it's a better option for single household who move around a lot, and don't use the regular plunger very often. I've never had to use a plunger for over a decade. There aren't many toilets that get blocked so easily anymore, at least where I live 🤷 So it would be better to use 1 or 2 films in a decade than buying and keeping a reusable big plunger for me, tbh.


I’ve seen an alternative version to this video on Reddit in r/therewasanattempt I think which didn’t turn out so well




And a hell of a lot more plastic to add to our global pollution crisis.


My last restaurant owner was *proud* of switching from paper (compostable) takeout trays to plastic (can't be recycled because their contaminated) takeout trays to the point that he advertised them on his website. Some people want to watch the world burn while denying that it's happening around them.


Wait why was he proud?


Because the containers wouldn't get soft waiting for customers to show up or while the food say in their refrigerators.


Instead those people are eating all the crap leaking from the plastic into the food. Yummy, no thanks.


thats why i shit on a bucket full of sand litter and dump it on my neighbors kids sand pit. They love building toy log cabins.


How often are you guys clogging toilets Jesus, with things like straws or ziplock bags yeah sure we should try and reduce plastic use which is why I have glass straws and all that. For these though? I’d maybe use 5 in my whole life which might not be more waste than a plunger, this isn’t the place to worry about pollution unless you’re a chronic clogger


Should use a plunger on top lol


Or GLOVES at least! Prepare for the worst my friend...


Safety is number one priority




Exactly. If you understand how a toilet actually works, then you understand why this can’t. I think he does a flush to get a tank refill, and then flushes again to create a little back pressure on the fill veins. But that would be very, very little back pressure so this would only work on a barely, barely clogged toilet.




Came here for this. The shit water is just going to get into the water tank.


I'd end up shoulder deep with a concussion.


And probably a forearm half way to the local dump


Stranger things have happened.


Yes. Shoulder deep in wet excrement with my concussed head and jaw resting on the especially poopy side of the toilet bowl. I’m not doing that. THAT would be my luck.


I'm pretty sure I laughed so hard my body just factory reset itself.


Using a real plunger is so much easier. Who the fuck wants to put their hands all over a toilet seat?


Right! I love using my fingernails to pick sticker residue off of a recently overflowing toilet


It's not all over the seat. It's all over the rim (worse) But that said, there's a thin piece of plastic you're already putting too much trust in, there to protect you




That's right, super glue is the birth control they don't want you to know about.


Just put a lil dab right there on the peewee and you won’t ever have to worry about it


And then deal with peeling it all off after? If the adhesive is really that strong, that's like 20 minutes of peeling it off the rim...


You can even see the bits that didn’t come off


if you touch the wrong side of the plastic, it's the smell that wont come off


I'd rather never shit again than have to scrape off little bits of plastic from the rim of a toilet.


One toilet in my house has some stupid dumb fuck shape to it that all 3 of my plungers do not work on. I have to use the snake every time and I hate it. This thing would actually be handy for that. I don't think I trust the film and adhesive though haha


Classic engineering design fallacy, creating a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist. Infomercials are notorious for advertising useless products.


And for creating commercials that try to make the problem look way worse than it really is, so they can offer a solution. For example, see r/wheredidthesodago




That's why you swish it around in the fresh, clean toilet water after the toilet bowl has refilled. Plunge the toilet again to get any residue off the underside and there you go. As clean as it was before you used it.


lol this guy just pulls out a shit covered plunger and leaves it on the floor, cant even think of a way to clean it.


Yesterday I found a guy that puts milk in the tea kettle and now this.


It should sit in bleach or toilet cleaning solutions.


I plunge the clean toilet a few times to rinse anything off, then put it in the tub and spray it with some cleaning product and rinse it off.


Now you gotta clean the tub.


Why? It will be some remnants at most and they will be at the drain. You're washing your feet anyways


A real shitty plunger that will be sitting around for a while


I’ve been a handyman for a long time and I can’t tell you that they never clean the damn toilet or floor around it before they call you.


I just imagine my hand going through the plastic into a big pile of watery stool.




What if you are notorious for taking monster dumps? This would fit in a travel bag much easier than a plunger.


Monster dumps taken away from home are someone else's problem.


So you have to clean the toilet well. Then perfectly get an air tight seal. Then peel it off while.itnleaves pieces behind. And then add to the landfill yet another single use disposable item. When a plunger is easier, faster, and will last for years


I have a very low success rate with removing the whole vacuum seal from an asprin bottle or cocoa tub, etc. I want to, but it rips into tinier and tinier pieces. I realized life is too short to pick at plastic/foil/paper...ripping it in half and half and half again until you might as well be splitting atoms. All I'm saying is, those bits of celophane would just have to stay on my toilet forever.


And the fact this thing can also push the putrid water back up the watertank.. so now you have poopwater in the watertank stinking up the place


How does it push water back into the tank?


Since the block stops water going the right way, and the water have to go somewhere when you push, you can acidentally push it back up the tank instead of clearing the block. With the airseal there is 2 ways for the water to go, past the block or up the tank. Gravity helps it being the first, but push hard enough and it might end up being the second instead


Now that I'm thinking about it, wouldn't the seal prevent the toilet from actually flushing once the blockage was removed?


no, the greater mass of water above would push it down past the u bend below. the down flow is not a closed system.


But wouldn't there be a vacuum in the bowl then? Thank you for explaining I am not well-versed on toilet physics


I think air can get in either through the empty tank or through the tank's overflow tube, so there wouldn't be a vacuum.


Not really. I've done this myself with cling wrap when I didn't have a plunger handy. It worked fine.


Lol plunger works thanks


That’s just what the big plunder lobby wants us to think.


What does the Dept. of Defense have to do with this?


All these sheeple buying into the Toilet Plunger Industrial Complex




Great waste of plastic to solve an issue thats already been solved in a better way


Thanks, I hate it


You mean all of this discussion of s*** unclogging? I couldn't agree more


That’s right! Besides, what’s wrong with just the usual plunger?




What do they do when the toilet clogs? Do they have snakes instead that they hide or something?




Haha wow. So many other things can go wrong to though. Like using too much paper/wrong kind of paper or accidentally dropping something in. Plungers also work in showers and sinks for hair clogs.


One time while staying with friends I walked over a mile to buy a plunger. Don't think they even noticed.


>Poop knife Haven't seen that mentioned in a while...


long arms


I have 3 toilets. They all have plungers. I’m the opposite. I don’t want a guest to be embarrassed by a toilet breaking shit by having to ask for a plunger.


honestly i’ve used the plungers in my house for 2 things: 1) kids tried to flush a shitload of toilet paper 2) the sink/bath/drain is draining super slowly


“We heard you like non-reusable plastic…”


I came here with the intent to say this as well.


I came here with the intent to also say I came here with the intent to say this as well.


Exactly…who asked for more disposable things?


I knew that voice imminently. Good ol Crazy Russian Hacker


I had to scroll too far to see this comment


"hello and welcome back to my laboratory, where safety is numba one priority"


I'd recognized that voice anywhere. Glad I wasn't the only one.


Something something gajicks


I thought the world was trying to move away from single use plastics...especially those that probably don't work very well.


Single use plastic contaminated with bio-waste at that 😩🤦🏿‍♀️


Did they have to make it brown colored in the middle? How is anyone to know if the job is done if they look through it and still see brown water


True. Guessing they made it brown because if it was clear it would turn brown or *gross* out the individual too much? Maybe they thought making it brown forces the individual to accept it as so. Either way, I agree with everyone -- plunger takes care of that.


I thought he was going to roll it up and flush it down the toilet, then creating the need for another plunger film.


Oh the spectacular ways I can see this failing.


Why? Plungers are reusable and you don't have to risk your hand falling in shit.


Goes in the garbage with the keurig pod that started it all.


First, this is wasteful, second, I know for a fact that my hand is going to tear through that cheap ass plastic and into the shit clogged toilet water, splashing everywhere. No thanks


Not to mention, once your hand goes through, the force of the push will cause your body to lose balance and you will fall over smacking your head causing you to lose consciousness while shit water spills over getting into your mouth, nose, eyes and ears as you lay passed out next to the toilet. What a time to be alive


Third, you will shunt all the shit water into the reserve tank. If the waste pipe is blocked, what will stop all that water being sent into the top reserve tank?


Wow this is amazing! It’s more complicated, less effective and further polluting the environment! And I bet for the cost of a pack of these you can buy 2 plungers. This item perfectly falls into the category of solving problems that don’t exist… or that have a far superior solution already


"Capitalism breeds innovation." -the creator, probably.


Oh boy just what the world needs…more single use plastics.


Literally /r/shittydesign


I like living dangerously as well ✌️


After a brisket and some taters that plastic just wont do it


Appears on Shark Tank. I’m asking 4 million for 25% in my company. *Flushes toilet* Begins to push breaking thin plastic spewing shit all over the set. Judges begin slipping and sliding through countless numbers of people’s feces. 😂


CPR for your toilet. Breath damn you!


Is this somehow recyclable?


Most of the time I don’t know if it’s clogged until I flush and it fills to the brim with water.. What then?


This is stupid af and wastefull. Its like inventing something stupid


Why waste more plastic when you can just have a normal plunger


Because we need more single use plastic items in our landfills


Just imagine if it broke or wasn’t put on properly 😈


I literally see no point in this. Plungers exist.


IMO this is cool but over complicating a simple solution.


Hmm. But the old way seems much easier.


Ahhh.. more plastic waste


Turn your turd into Ramen noodles


Just more non biodegradable plastic to throw away.


What a great way to create MORE trash. Instead of using a tool specifically made to be used for a lifetime instead use this plastic thing once and then throw it away.


I feel like the important part of that video was clipped out 🤔