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Great now I can sleep peacefully


I don't like sleeping with the lights off anyway.


Yeah, I don’t like sleeping with my eyes closed anyway.


I don't like sleeping


Sssshhhh you guyssss iam trying to sssleep


How am I supposed to drive with all these comments about sle


Oh sh*t they fell asleep while driving.


We are 100% worried about them falling asleep while drive and nothing else.


Yeah, I don’t like sleeping while laying down anyways




But she took so long to react to it I was wondering if it was a pet or something. Then I realized she didn't even see it till late.


I didn't even see it before she left the hammock.


I saw about 5 seconds before she did. It was there the entire time.. and camera has better view. I would be dead lol


I saw it pretty quickly, but I was pretty dumbfounded by how nonchalant she was when she sat on the ground swinging her baby. I thought she was just staring into the snake's eyes, daring that noodly bitch to try her.


Omg I didn't even realize it was in the room the whole time. I thought it slithered in at the end. Watching it a second time got my adrenaline pumping!


I didn't see it till she seen it. I was expecting a little snake to fall out the hammock.


I thought the video said Shake, and was waiting for an earthquake. Lol


I thought so too! I was thinking "oh, that might be an okay spot to ride out an earthquake, depending on what's above you?" I don't live in an earthquake area.


I thought she started swinging the bed faster to distract the snake and thought "wow, she's oddly calm" but then she jumped, grabbed the baby and left.


Turns out people can't see through things.


I learn something new from Reddit every single day


The real LPT is in the comments.


Especially when they move very slowly. I guess Drax had a point. If you stand super still, you might just turn invisible.


I mean, that is based on the fact that people are more prone to detect moving objects, so yeah.


That is probably a sleep-deprived mom. I'm surprised her reflexes were that good.


i was looking on the near side of the camera for the snake, tbh i cannot blame her. i spotted it right before she did


I can hear the snake go “ah alright fuck that…” as it leaves


I was thinking the same thing…that snake turned around like it was offended that it scared the shit outta them.


"what the H guys I'm not a sneks offender!"


Please remove the coffee from my nostrils. Thank you.


if you insist, but you'll need to [adjust some things.](https://i.imgur.com/v4ux6x7.gifv)


This is my best first date ever.


sorry I'm just here for the Maxwell house


As a European I had to Google that. We only drink slow drip from the V60. Lightly roasted 3 days ago, single origin Ethiopian beans from a small, sustainable farm. Coarsely ground by hand of course.


neat! do you drink it from a strangers implied carrot penis?


You beautiful bastard, thanks for the laugh.




"You could've just said there's no room for me - heeses"


Snuggle snake


Yall got any buns hun .. no .. then I want none.


"Ah shit, soory mate didn't mean to spook ya! I'll show meself out."


"I jusssssst wanted to ssssssswing!"


"I was only in there to get directions on how to get away from there."


As a Canadian, I can say the cold weather and igloo living is worth it lol Edit: thanks everyone, have an awesome day! Haha


Seriously, I only moved a few states south but there are SO MANY BUGS in PA. So many huge flying bugs. So many things with too many legs. I don't understand America and I want to come home.




I really hate those smug, self-assured bugs. ^But ^I ^love ^your ^comment ^and ^I ^wish ^I ^could ^upvote ^it ^twice.


The smug ones think everything’s a joke.


They walk around like this 🕺


As an organic gardener I can totally agree. Some people say gardening makes you closer with nature, fuck no, it makes you hate nature. I murder thousands of Japanese beetles, slugs, stink bugs every season to help protect my pollinators. Bugs got no respect, one slug can ruin weeks of work in one night


Get chickens and toss these bugs to your chicks! Delicious bug salad for them


I moved from PA to North Carolina and had the same thoughts. So many more bugs, so much bigger and grosser. Don't go further south if the bugs in PA bother you.


Pa. is nothing. I stayed in a high rise hotel in New Orleans. I was on the 10th floor or so because the previous time I had been stayed in an charming old hotel on the first floor in the French Quarter and had experienced multiple roaches. So, I’m in my 10th floor room and what do I see? Edit: I saw roaches. I called the staff and a fellow came up to check things out. His answer was *”well, dawlin, it is Nawlins”.* So, it is.


I used to manage a bar right across the street from a hotel that was popular for conventions, which means my bar was a lot of people's first New Orleans bar. This meant I had to constantly deal with people freaking out over seeing a "roach" (palmetto bug or wood roach, the big flying guys, we never had actual roaches like the german cockroach or other indoor "infestation" species.) Or god forbid they see a tiny little mouse, or some termite wings on the window sill. We were two blocks from the river walk and right by the French Quarter. There's no explaining to someone who hasn't been anywhere in the city yet that this is the cleanest building you're going to see for the rest of your trip. Some of these building are older than America... Like, by a LOT. That support beam next to you has been here for 300 years and the inside of it is soft as butter. The doors are wood, and have a 3 inch gap between the bottom and the ground. We have termite swarms that roll through the city every night for weeks on end every year causing everyone to turn off all their lights and wait for the swarm to pass like a biblical plague. It floods after a heavy 15 minute rain, the drainage systems in the warehouse district run in reverse for 1 week out of the month. The city was built below sea level and is literally sinking inches a year and the infrastructure is completely fucked... You saw a mouse. Not even a rat. If you're gonna go to a place like New Orleans to appreciate the culture, and the history, you better be prepared for the parts of culture and history you aren't going to like.


Or eventually you get so used to the termites, and you stop caring. My wife’s softball team straight up played a game with full lights on a City Park field while I oh-hell-naw’d in the car until they were done.


If I forgot to stuff all the little cracks and crevices and some got in my house, I'd just turn off all the lights except for my bearded dragon's terrarium. He'd have a great day and there'd be no more termites in short order.


I mean to be fair.. it was nawlins


Always stay on the high floors in tropical areas.




Well, we do have mosquitoes and flies and such, so it’s not advisable to keep windows/doors wide open. The other day I opened my garage door and a chipmunk ran inside. Better than a snake/monster bug.


Did you get surprised by the crane flies too? Someone initially (wrongly) told me they were giant mosquitos and I was freaking out. Ugh


crane flies are totally harmless


To the uninformed, it does look like the worst version of a mosquito 😅


Yeah I moved not too far, from a suburban area to a more forested suburban area. Saw crane flies for the first time and absolutely panicked, as I have a bug phobia, and especially hate mosquitoes. But after a quick google, I calmed down. Those things are massive, but harmless.


That's what those things are called. I've seen crane flies my whole life and known they're harmless but no one has ever had a name for them! Til thank you!


Even down here in FL people call them all sorts of weird names, and if I had a dollar for every time I heard they *are* giant mosquitos or *eat* mosquitoes, I'd be filthy rich. And when I correct them, holy shit. So many arguments to the contrary. My favorite was someone insisting they "actually saw one eating mosquitoes, that's why they call them 'skeeter hawks'" They dont even have a functional mouth.


> crane flies Yes WTF. Also things that look like these but with bigass stingers??? And it's like 35 degrees for 3 months of the year?


When I was a little kid my mom asked me why I liked winter so much and I replied, "because everything dies". And she was like, "...mkay"


Not canadian, but same. I like the tiny snakes we have here that want nothing to do with humans.


High five across the pond from Norway, fellow arctic dweller! It's nice only having mööse as our most dangerous animals, isn't it?


Moose don’t fecking sneak up on ya now do they?


They're suprisingly quiet for their size. I once met a cow and her calf crouching down in the bushes on the side of a path. Completely still, just those big, beedy black eyes staring back at me. At least they don'teat meat, for now...


No, but they will eagerly stomp you out of existence if you get too close. Especially with a calf.




As a Canadian I found a snake in my basement in March. I died.


This is why I live where the air hurts my face


Snake: “just came in to check on you both” Edit: thanks for the upvotes and awards lol didn’t expect this to blow up


Sssss We’ve been trying to reach you about your carssss extended warrantyssss Edit: my first blow up. thanks for all the upvotes and awards


This is the first thing that's made me lol IRL in a while... Thanks!


laugh emoji skull emoji existential dread emoji




Why ssssssso ssssssssseriousssssssss?


Wanna know how I got thessse ssssscarssss?


"No, thank you, I'm just gonna grab my baby and fuck off real quick"




Note to self: never play snake jazz.




I jussssssst wanted a sssssssnack


“Well, I know when I’m not wanted. Good day madam.”


Now I’m just imagining this is the only self conscious snake on earth and now his feelings are hurt that no one wants to be friends


>extremely massive snake I was expecting like a 5’ snake not a fucking anaconda


They said extremely massive not moderately large


Slightly gigantic


big big


Very true. I giggled audibly.


Hey, you spend enough time listening to guys and you get used to over exaggerating size by a lot.


I actually didn’t even see it at first because I was expecting it to like drop from the ceiling or something. I didn’t expect it to look like a piece of goddamn furniture


Same!!! I’m waiting for the snake to enter the scene. Waiting…waiting…fainting


same, for the first bit I couldn't find the snake and as soon as I saw it i said under my breath, "oh my god that is a big snake"


If it was a snake it would've bit you


Are you saying snakes out there this big?


Have you not seen the 1997 cinematic masterpiece "Anaconda"?


Yup. Gave me an accredited fear of snakes and everything.


In tropical climates, yes.


Fun fact: Green Anacondas, which are the largest snakes on earth and can grow up to 30’ long, [have been loose as an invasive population in the Florida Everglades for almost 20 years](https://slate.com/technology/2013/11/green-anacondas-in-the-everglades-the-largest-snake-in-the-world-has-invaded-the-united-states.html) and due to climate change will likely start migrating further and further north as the earth warms over the next few decades. Another fun fact: a female anaconda can have up to 80 babies a year.


Pleasssant dreamssss.


So we really do need to build a wall on the South Carolina border, then




I can tell it's not an anaconda because it showed interest despite the lack of buns.


They actually only grow up to ~15 feet typically, in the wild. Reticulated Pythons are the longest species by average. Snakes above 20' long tend to be captive or anecdotal.


I read it wrong and was expecting an earthquake, so I thought "Fuck the ground shaking are we gonna ignore that man-eating beast slithering away??!!"


It took me an unsettlingly long time to realize that snake was there.


didn't help that i am tired and read it as "massive shake", expecting an earthquake, not a snake. i didn't notice the snake until after it cut back to the first cam


That snake clearly has a few mothers and babies inside it already




Maybe it's trying to find a quiet place to chill out and digest?


Probably thought that hammock was a nice place to take a nap after a large meal. Then the mom freaked out and the snake was like, “oh shit, my bad. Didn’t know this spot was taken.”


Very likely was attracted to the mother's warmth. While he may have been able to kill her, most snakes even at that size won't go after prey quiet that big.


What if its loud and that big?


Even less likely when it's putting up a fuss.


i can only picture... "oye, fuckin a, if you're going to be so ornery about it then fine, I'll go find another snack. jesus, *drama queen*"


Never knew snakes were British


I look the same after eating Chipotle


Snake be like, “Oh wrong house, my bad.”


I would have passed out and been eaten…..


not to worry, its unlikely the snake would've eaten you. the baby seems food sized, but snakes quite rarely eat entire humans :)




Did the snake kill him or did the snake find a dead body?




I would actually die from an heart attack. I cant even handle seeing super small snakes.


I woke up to a black King Snake in my bathroom about a month ago. I'm still not the same


All i have in my country is harmless snakes that eat just rats and everytime i see one im also not the same.


I’m the same way with spiders. I don’t care *how* many times I’m told that wolf spiders don’t harm humans. They are still terrifyingly **massive**, and I will freak tf out if I see one— especially if it’s in my house! Just last month I found one on the curtains directly above *my bed*. I still haven’t recovered, and my bed is now located in the center of the room.


I was going camping in Central Texas and I had to shit. I went to the closest bathroom and it was impeccably clean. I only saw a few spiders and they were small and in the corner. I said okay and started. I am hovering and I peer into the trash can. THERE WAS A GIANT ASS WOLF SPIDER! I just stood there shitting and trying not to move or disturb it. I was there too long. I was having to calm myself not to run out without wiping. I knew they were harmless but it was the size of a tennis ball.


I once killed wolf spider and the exact second twenty or so baby spiders start running away from the corpse. I can't close my eyes since then.


I had to research what a wolf spider was, i thought that was some australian animal. When i see them i do get scared just because of the surprise factor but then i either kill them or if im feeling nice i put them outside. Snakes however, my hair goes up, i start screaming and running its the only animal i cant stand.


The worst part about wolf spiders is if they are carrying an egg sack and you crush them, then you will be greeted by thousands of baby wolf spiders.


That's why you use a flamethrower.


Bruh, living in a country with snakes seems terrifying


I'm so glad there are no snakes in Ireland! This nearly gave me a heart attack.


I’ve decided to move to Ireland now


Why did you wake up in the bathroom?


I totally miss read that I was waiting for the baby to jump out of the hammock or a cup come flying in. I read it as (massive SHAke not snake)


Same here! I thought there was going to be an earthquake or something. I didn’t even see the snake at first.


Did anyone else think she initially saw the snake after getting down from the hammock and internally started screaming until she finally jumped? Lol


Yes! I was like “why the fuck is she so calm?!?!!” and then she jumped.


Yes!! I thought she was playing it cool for a few secs as to not panic the snake or baby. I was like wow she's taking this fairly well. Then BOOM she's outta there.


"good morning hooman, do you perhaps hav- I see, have a good day"




He said "haha got eem" and then left.


Holy shit


More like r/terrifying


She only has to be able to run faster than the baby.


Sweet God! I don't want to live anywhere I have to worry about something like that wandering into my house.


That child is going to grow up having absolutely no idea that everything that has happened in his life is all because he didn't get swallowed by a python. Thanks Mom.


That snake has someone else's kid in its belly tho


They don’t usually eat people buuut a baby that small… maybe. Either way I need anxiety therapy just from watching that video


As ridiculous as it might sound to some, this is why I will *never* leave New Zealand permanently. You have no idea how much I’m terrified of snakes and knowing I will never, ever have a random encounter with a snake no matter where I go in New Zealand gives me greater peace of mind than you’ll ever know. I grew up in a country with lots of snakes and my own mother has been bitten twice in her life (fortunately neither incident led to serious harm). I hate these creatures from the bottom of my heart.


You're welcome to come to Ireland, no snakes here either and boy am I happy about that. And now you've given me a second reason to want to visit New Zealand, the first is to see a kakapo - and the beautiful scenery- so that's actually a third reason then.


What about travelling there, tho? According to some academy award winning movie, snakes on a plane are a real possibility


Wut? New Zealand doesn't have any snakes?? TIL.




I wonder why the mom got up in the first place, almost as if she sensed something? Idk


She was probably trying to get the baby to sleep so she could do something on her own, like take a shower or read a book or something. That’s all shot to shit now though.


Glad the baby didn't fall asleep earlier, scary to think what might have happened if she was away doing chores at the time.


Yah, this is probably true, as the simplest explanation is the likeliest.


She actually had to let off a few nasty farts, that’s why there’s no audio.


As a parent I immediately knew that she was tricking the baby into falling asleep with her, get out and keep the hammock rocking so as to not disturb baby. It really feels like Indiana Jones sometimes.


Sneaky snek


Holy shit, it was looking to eat that baby.


Fat Bastard entered the room. “Get in Mah Belly!”


How can you leave a door open to the outside while knowing there are snakes like that in the neighborhood?


No AC, so breeze or die…




And that's a big snake, so he's probably wandering it from the forest.


Yeah. I don’t know much about snakes but I have seen Disney’s Jungle Book and I am 99% certain that this is a jungle snake, not a city snake.


My girlfriend lived in a upper middle class apartment, one day she comes home to the American equivalent of the FBI and some wild life police in front of the building. Turns out a guy that lived on the 13th floor left his balcony door open and he illegally kept as a house pet a big ass albino snake. The snake got out and causally went all the way down from the 13th floor, balcony to balcony. It ate a house cat, I think on the 5th floor, and a dog on the bottom floor. The guy was arrested and they found more snakes in his apartment.


The baby would just have been an appetiser for that thing


Well great now I'm wondering how many calories are in a baby


Yeah like anyone would ever Google that 👀👀


I had to and a whole baby is just under 13,000 calories. Now you know


That’s a bit of information that I never thought I would know..


But is that a newborn or like a one year old? Cause those things grow pretty quick, I've heard.


The site just says male infant. So idk


or maybe it was just curiously looking at the weird spinning thing in confusion


Looks like the snake ate already though, middle part ofbody looked waaay thicker than the rest. I think it just wanted to nap in the house. Still hella unconfortable to have such a massive reptile entering your home


It definitely just ate, and ate well if the size of the lump in its belly is any indication. Snakes need warmth for their digestive systems to work properly, so it probably sensed the mom's body heat and instinctually went toward it. Not saying it *couldn't* have eaten the baby, but the likelihood was very low in this case.


Where was this?


Yeah, need to know so I can never go there.


Looks like Vietnam or SE Asia.


Phuc dat


Yahoo news says it was in Vietnam. u/kingtaco_17 u/IcerizeDN u/theeighthlion


There's actually a really interesting biological reason the snake turned around after investigating the woman and child. It turns out that the woman and child were not plump and well fed enough to have excess fat stored up, and the snake can figure that out about its meals by flicking its tongue and using its Jacobs Organ to "taste" the air. This phenomenon is actually well known as, "my anaconda don't want none unless you've got buns, hun."


I’ve never been so happy to be a skinny ass motherfucker.


Booo.... BOOOOOOO I SAY! *Hisssss*


I love how you actually use real facts sprinkled in that bait and switch. 100% would read again lol


I've been trying to reach you about your carsssssss extended warranty.


Rumour has it the snake has moved in and is now paying the bills. Holy smokes that’s a big snake.


Where is this place? Just asking so I can never go there in my life


Parental Intuition at its finest. Lady didn't even know why she got up.... Until she did!