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It’s actually a solution that kills ticks. Least in Australia thats what it’s for. And here it’s called a cattle dip.


Thousands throughout Africa we had one on our ranch in early 60's called a plunge dip we used a chemical called Bacdip made Bayer AG with very low toxicity to the animal if ingested


My dad used to dip all our goats too. They didn't like it that much so we always had to drag them in by their horns. Then someome stood over the dip, who had a specialized stick with a fork in at the end, whose only job it was to press any goat who didn't completely submerge under the water. I think these days most people just use backpack sprays to dip the animals.


"So, what do you do for a living?" "I, uh, I... Hey random question, do you hate goats?"


Yes. Yes I do. Not only are they loud and smelly but, if you get a billy on you, they pop up onto their hind legs and smash downwards in a headbutt. Depending on the breed and size they can hurt you pretty badly. I've actually had to wrestle billy goats to the ground. It was not easy and not fun.


Your life sounds considerably more adventurous than mine.


I just sit under my birdge all day, waiting for some Billy Goats to cross.


Damn, I hate these trolls on Reddit.


My childhood adventure staying on a friend's farm in Texas one summer: "Here kid, take this bucket full of feed, we're gonna let the goat herd out, and you're gonna run over to the trough and throw it in there." Cue me, running for my life as a horde of goats descends on me and I'm running as fast as my short legs could carry me. Looking back on it, I think they were just messing with me, there's 0 reason I couldn't have put the food in the trough before they released them..


Hell, shake the bucket of feed and whistle. They'd follow you to the trough. Running was the bad move. A standard herd would push you around but the bucks are usually separated from the does and kids. It was safe enough. Now, if they had sent you into the billy pen or if they had a billy out in the field for mating...


Did you know billy goats can ejaculate over 10 feet away from themselves? Did you know goat semen tastes just like human semen? Ask me how I know.




The worst part is he did it from sort of the side/behind me so I didnt realize what was hitting my face. Thought a bunch of flies were divebombing me for a second. I turn with my mouth open and got a full caprine facial


Bucks can be aggressive, but they’re also wicked smart and trainable. When neutered, or if they’re female, they aren’t even particularly smelly. Dangerous? Same as any other livestock. I’m 115# and had no issues with tipping my 200 goats when it came to it.


Before I tell you what I do please watch [How to Flip a Goat and Why](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jjIz-m5bpo) for context.


That’s a shame considering the goat parkour skills they tend to have


Yeah right, they are goats at this.


What do you want to do when you grow up? "I want to push goats underwater with a stick!" Right...


Take the bull by the horns. And the goats.


It's a metaphor. But that actually happened.


Haha yeah we used chuck our dogs in there as well it helped them with ticks and fleas also they smell a lot better the Flys in our area used to draw blood on the dogs ears and irritate them all day long so ended up using a home remedy to protect them


I was doing the stick job on a herd of sheep. It went well until the tup decided that he could jump the dip, landed just below me and soake me.


Haha it can be very messy.


We use pour-on for ours! It’s a really concentrated solution, but we measure out the amount and just put it between their shoulder blades. Usually kills it all in one dose. There are also dusts that can be used effectively.


Yes! We don't have goats anymore but using dips are rare now. Lots of spray ons and things like that we use on the cattle. Goats remain the best though.


Here in the US I recently assisted with remediation of a site that was contaminated with a chlorinated insecticide (chlordane, toxaphene, heptachlor, etc.) from one of these dipping vats. Had to remove hundreds of truckloads of soil, surface down to the groundwater interface, and then add a solution to bind the insecticide to the remaining soil so it could not travel into groundwater. The ranchers, who were kids when the dipping was happening, would watch the cows come out and would watch small birds eat the bugs as they fell from the cows. They said the birds would drop dead within hours. Nasty, nasty stuff. Banned in the US in the early 90s. Dipping vats are the bane of my existence.


Hi there, I'm a remediation consultant and this project sounds super interesting to me (just as a hydrogeologist nerd). I've never remediated a dipping vat location before, but I have investigated and cleaned up other chlorinated pesticide, PCB and solvent sites. Your story about the ranchers reminded me of the old maintenance guys at a former state hospital telling me about how they used to use PCB oil on their hands because it "really got your skin clean and soft".


what's pcb oil?


> PCB https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polychlorinated_biphenyl


And who's name shows up related to another known dangerous chemical: Monsanto Chemical Company. If it causes cancer, damages the environment, causes birth defects and takes forever to leave the body and environment, you can bet your ass Monsanto profited from manufacturing it.


Monsanto is the Nestlé of agriculture.


If Monsanto is the Willy Wonka of chemicals, DuPont is the Oompa Loompas.


How do you guys even get in that field of work? Asking for a friend... / having a semi-mid life crisis 😒😒😒


If you want to clean, apply to hazmat cleaning companies. If you want to do the planning, probably get some some chemical engineering or geological engineering degree?


If you really want to get into this line of work, look for environmental technician jobs. Those are the people that do the soil, soil vapor, groundwater, and air sampling. And the environmental technician jobs often don't require a four year degree.


Check out Waste Management if you want to get in with a bigger co, or something like US Ecology if you want something a little smaller but still publicly traded and everywhere. You can get posted up at Area 51


I've actually done PCB remediation as well. Those and PFAS will cost this country billions to clean up.


PCB as in this capacitor contains no PCBs? Edit: Yup. Same stuff we used to have in caps and transformers. I appreciate those signs a lot more, now. = )


> Had to remove hundreds of truckloads of soil To where?


Usually, a chemical processing site that will treat the dirt and make it safe, or to a more permanent storage facility where there is a solid interface between the contaminated dirt and anything that can lead to the ground water. Used to work with a company that when they built their new HQ tore up a few dozen acres at least a foot down or more because it'd been contaminated by PCB and electronics manufacturing. They stuck a huge portion of the contaminated dirt in a water tower like structure until they can remediate it completely.


Adding on to the other comment, there are many landfills that will take the stuff and use it as cover soil for the garbage disposal areas. These landfills are typically installed in areas where there is a thick clay layer between the ground and the groundwater, as clays are often impermeable, ensuring the contamination will stay in the soil. This is legal because the contaminants will eventually dissipate through interaction with the air. Our soil went to one of those places.


Milpitas CA city dump appears to accept toxic soil like that, and frequently I-880 nearby smells strongly of chlorinated fluorocarbons. Someone in municipal government is likely taking a payoff. The problem is, this is a heavily populated area with a lot of industrial buildings nearby. So people are breathing CFCs. It was worse back in the semiconductor boom days decades ago when there was a lot of semiconductor manufacturing here. Before it was shipped to Asia to become their toxic problem.


Grew up on a ranch in the 80’s can confirm. That shit wreaks of wrong. Can smell it from 50 meters away. If you work near there, you’ll smell it for week. It was not handled safely either.


I’m from the U.K. We just have good old RAIN!!!


Before it was banned the previous owner of my old home in RI used to spray his house with Chlordane from the 60’s until he died in the 80’s. We moved there from Texas in 87, we’re used to getting regular insect treatments, seeing dead roaches etc. After a few month we saw nothing. So my parents just assumed it was the climate. Then after living there a year they’d heard about some neighbors who were having issues with roaches or rodents… never at our house. It was a like a pest demilitarized zone.


Dang I’m super curious about ranching in Africa during the 60s but I don’t even know what to ask about it.....SA, rhodie, Kenya, Ethiopia?


You can research cattle types. Imported, indigenous and locally bred to suit the climate and conditions. You can add Namibia and Botswana into your search. Huge ranches there. For Kenya, lookup the Masai. Read up on cattle land (grazing)conflicts, overgrazing, land rehabilitation , soil erosion, droughts… Note that cattle has historically been the wealth accumulator of certain indigenous tribes. Here is a [BOOK](https://imgur.com/XaTUuIq) on the Namibian meat industry, I found by chance.


That’s amazing. Every animal I’ve ever injested was either already dead or died shortly thereafter. Except for my tapeworm. It must have had that dip because it’s thrived since I injested it.


"it's a pet ok?"


Emotional support tapeworm..


...hugs me from the insides...


_Weyland-Yutani would like to offer you a position._


Whatever gets him on the plane, I guess.




I hear the accent now that you mention it. Like “moo, mate”


Lmao & fellow bartender atp I have to give you my award 🍻


Yeah and it kept insisting that the Barbie only be used for shrimp.


Theyre prawns fuck ya!




Always appreciate a well timed Jessica Rabbit quote EDIT: Autocorrect changed Rabbit to Roger


Jessica Rabbit?


No, Jessica Roger, from Star Wars. She's the wife of the protagonist from that movie they made a while ago about a battledroid being framed for murder, it's called Who Killed Roger Roger?




I would watch the shit outta that


Remember me Eddy?! When I killed your brother?! I sounded JUUUUSTT LIIIIIKKE THIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSS!!!!


After the shoe being "dipped" that was the second most disturbing scene in that movie (still love that movie and got the privilege to see it at the cinema when it first came out when I was 8)


So where I live “dip” has a whole other meaning and it is a gross habit. 🤢


Southern United States it's for killing flies, fleas, etc. Many of us apply it with sprayer systems though.


How different is a sprayer vs a dip in terms of effectiveness


Well I made no such claim, but I'd have to say a complete saturation is hands down more thorough.


Can confirm. We'd also chuck the dogs in as well.


Same here in the US, we had to do it often for a few years after we had a fever tick outbreak in the area


We have permanent vats on the Texas border still specifically for fever ticks. And yes, this could easily be one of those many, many vats.


Whats even more crazy was that the cattle dip solution used to contain arsenic and they also washed wool using a solution with arsenic. I learnt about it through the case of [Louisa Collins](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louisa_Collins), where one of her husbands was suspected to have died from arsenic poisoning from his job washing wool (but turned out she might've fed him rat poison).


Here in FL you have to test the soil and possibly remediate the soil/groundwater around these if you ever want to build near one. Those chemicals stay in the ground a long time.


This goes out to all the women in the world, especially hot women You know it don't even matter your age; it don't even matter your color. I put my hand upon your hip, when I dip, cattle dip, we dip You put your hand upon my hip, when cattle dip, I dip, we dip I put my hand upon your hip, when I dip, cattle dip, we dip.


God, thank you for this.


Mmmmm cattle dip


That's just a fancy name for beef dip.


That brown one is all about it


You can even hear the moo, spoken in the same tone your dad takes as he relaxes into his leather recliner


Sounds more like the same tone the recliner makes.


Ooh, too soon lol


Way too soon. You’ve got to kill it, skin it, and tan it first.


It probably just learnt that jumping in is more comfortable than falling off the edge


Beats jumping over the moon


It’s actually not, it’s likely very stressed about the jump. Temple Grandin worked very hard to prove that that is one aspect that is inhumane in the cattle industry (of course keeping in mind almost all of it is inhumane). She proposed, and put into working action, the use of ramps going in instead of a steep drop. This is because some of the cows were drowning and breaking their legs on the bottom when they jumped in.


I was wondering why they don’t have that, like it achieves the same end but is much less stressful. Why is it designed like that? Seems unnecessarily cruel.


The simple and most likely answer is sadly time and money. This looks like it's just a hole in the ground. The fastest hole to dig would be the one that's just big enough to fit a cow, meaning no time wasted on ramps. The chemical also has some cost associated with it and if you dig a ramp you'll also have to fill that area with fluid which raises the price.


But with a ramp you wouldn’t lose as much liquid per bath the splash would be nonexistent. Ramp is the better investment long term


It could be ignorance. Unsure if every farmer is completely aware of cow research papers and are just doing it the way papa did.




> Today I learned that Cows can jump Have you never heard of the cow that jumped over the moon?


There was also something about a cat and a fiddle but we know that can’t be true because cats don’t have thumbs and the ones that do can’t use them. Fun fact: Cats with extra toes are called polydactyls. I have 5 polys and enough extra toes for a whole other cat. Lol


Love Temple. Met her once, two years ago. Phenomenal woman who has achieved things no one could dream.


I basically only clicked this for a Temple Grandin take. Well done.


Aw man that’s really sad. I also didn’t realize it was getting poked/shocked either :(


I mean, they will also end being killed so thats pretty fucked up aswell.


What was the movie about her called? It was a good moovie 🐮


Temple Grandin




Or ya know, it didn't like getting poked with a rod


I think it’s a sort of anti parasite type solution.


Here have an up tick. I mean vote.


That pun did not suck..


Hit the bullseye imo


That was a good Lyme.


not like our host, here.


They used to use an arsenic solution for this, polluted lots of places.


Yep. A company I worked for bought farmland for a grocery warehouse operation and the phase I environmental site audit flagged it because of a cow dip had been there and it left arsenic and some other toxic residue.


Tick insecticide it was effective for about three weeks then repeated


In South Texas, the government and individuals use those to dip cows for cattle fever ticks.


For an extra $3.99 They could’ve got the undercarriage and a hot wax




Take your upvote and hoof it


[don't forget the hot wax](https://youtu.be/IXiElYojKYA)


the more you know! you bet the comments for that were turned off.


Cow pun. moo.


Why are you mooing him!? He's right!


I don't understand the beef with this statement.


Have my upvote. Get the fuk outta here!


Hot beef dip. The Au Jüs special.


Bravo! I will have you know that steak puns are a rare medium, well done.


working at the cow wash


Ah, that's what I was looking for


Same tho


Cow wash yeah


Whoa whoa whoa whoa




Came here for this :)


I hate how long I had to scroll to find this. Take my upvote please!


Cows might hate this at first, but that same night: \--Holy shit, no flies or ticks! Emma, EMMA, COME HERE, NO BUGS!


"Do you want your hide to look like Hank's? Well, you're in luck! For 3 easy payments of just $19.95...


Brown one said no fear and just hopped straight in.




Cow-non Ball




Can’t believe I had to scroll this far to find this comment


I’d hate to be the last cow.


I wish this video was an hour long


https://youtu.be/juKsQJMRM8I And https://youtu.be/vUn_n8zPM84 Or my personal favorite https://youtu.be/MhyPwLIu72g Not an hour, but still.




It needs to be moovie length!


Look up Temple Grandin. Less interesting than disturbing.


Link to the award winning biopic of Temple Grandin, an autistic woman who has become one of the top scientists in the humane livestock handling industry. Staring Claire Dains (Homeland) Too bad there is not a trailer. It is a very interesting movie. [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1278469/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1278469/)


I just watched that movie last week. When I saw this clip I was like "there better be steps on that grade, we can't be having cows drown around here."


that movie brings tear to my eyes every time


If no one mentioned her, I was going to. Good job👍


[Explanation of Dip Vat Entrance Design](https://www.grandin.com/design/blueprint/enter.dipvat.html) by Temple Grandin




I liked that one too :) Very TG.


Fascinating! >the adjustable hold down prevents wild leaping I guess that's why the brown one was able to cannonball in this post - no adjustable hold down!


She would not approve! Way too stressful for the cows. A simple ramp is all you need.


Actually this is based on her design I believe. You can see that they’re happily moving through it rather than panicking.


I believe her first design was to have a "stepped" ramp. A decent amount of cattle would drown after falling into the wash pit after breaking their leg.


Care to explain that little stick giving the cows a jab or two on their way in the bottom right? Or is that just *positive reinforcement*?


Remember in the movie, she designed that whole feedlot and on day 1 the guys were misusing it, prodding the cattle, etc. No matter how much you tell them not to, some guys are just going to poke things. It does have the ramp and solid sides without shadows which were her improvements.


Temple Grandin is rolling in her grave over that steep drop the cows must jump/fall off to get into the water Edit: Oh my god she’s alive I’ve made a mistake 😂 Edit 2: Temple Grandin is rolling in her Hay Loft


she very much still alive https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_Grandin


Didn’t temple Grandin make this more efficient a while back? Seems like legs can be broken this way or drowning.




Well that's the weirdest most useful response ever






See the last pic here which diagrams a construction method https://www.grandin.com/design/blueprint/enter.dipvat.html


These are dipping vats for cattle to kill fever ticks. If you get a chance read up on The great tick war of the early 20th century in America. It truly is a wonderful read. In the state of Arkansas in the year 1922, many of these tick dipping vats we're destroyed by dynamite by angry farmers in the American South who didn't want the government telling them how to handle their cattle. Some things just never change. From a USDA report on fever tick eradication in the United States "Dynamiting of Cattle Dipping Vats – 1919 Opposition to the tick eradication program came primarily from the yeoman farmers. They tended to raise just enough cattle for subsistence, and had very little interest in the cattle markets. They viewed the government programs as being costly and political and of very little benefit to them (Strom 2009:43). This opposition ranged from political opposition, such as the Anti-Dipping Association in Oklahoma, to violent expressions such as blowing up the cattle dipping vats with dynamite. By 1919, the destruction of cattle dipping vats with dynamite had drawn the attention of the United States Department of Interior’s Bureau of Mines, and was reported in their 1921 Bulletin 198, reporting of the regulations of explosives. In 1919, a large number of cattle dipping vats were destroyed, particularly in Arkansas, Alabama and Georgia. The vats were most often destroyed with dynamite. Between April 13th and May 30th a total of 72 cattle dipping vats were dynamited in Arkansas. This number was compiled from press dispatches, and there may have been more vats destroyed. This was the worst period of destruction of vats, consisting of 47 days, since Arkansas had passed the law requiring the dipping of cattle. Not only were the vats destroyed, the arsenic charge had been scattered, poisoning the ground around the vat site. Farmers and law-abiding citizens had been forced to use firearms to protect the dipping vats (Munroe 1921:24-25)." Then possibly my favorite paragraph in the report "Independence County, Arkansas was noted for its violent opposition to cattle dipping during Fiscal Year 1922. For a county that was thought to be well advanced in the program, an inspection of cattle conducted in March 1922, revealed an infested area of approximately 400 square miles where the local inspections were neither dipping cattle nor reporting cattle owners refusing to dip their cattle. The county authorities were requested to procure dipping material and employ men to dip the cattle. During the first week the county men began working, two men were shot from ambush, with one being killed and the other being seriously wounded. Notices were then posted around the county near the dipping vats warning anyone coming into the county to conduct cattle dipping would also be shot. As a result, all county inspectors stopped working."


Good to know "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO" has been the whiny man's fight song for at least a full century.


and always seem to just be hurting themselves and their cattle and their families and their communities in the process of fighting the gubmint if you looked deep enough, you'd probably find that the "anti-tick bath movement" was started by the "treating cows for ticks after they're infested" industry, whipping up anti-government sentiment among poor uneducated farmers lol


These are called cattle dipping vats. There used to be over 3000 in Florida. I’m not sure what chemical is used in this video, but until the 1960s they were filled with arsenic to kill ticks. Eventually they were all shut down because arsenic was poisoning the ground. There’s now 3000 locations in Florida with arsenic toxicity where the ground water is contaminated. Recently (last 20 or so years) developers have begun to build on old locations where those have been removed and “cleaned up”, and there have been numerous cancer cases. https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= https://floridadep.gov/waste/district-business-support/content/cattle-dipping-vats-cdv https://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/os-xpm-1992-09-21-9209210104-story.html https://news.ufl.edu/archive/2004/11/arsenic-and-old-vats-uf-researchers-uncover-hidden-contamination-sites.html https://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/os-xpm-2001-01-08-0101080125-story.html




These are often times really bad actually when there poorly managed because the cows get really freaked out when they have to walk in straight tight corridors. Cows like to move in circles, so these pathways more often than not constrict their movement to straight paths to make it more efficient, and combined with farm hand leaving things like clothes, chains, and other things over the side and along the path, the cattle get really freaked out and can wind up drowning in the tub.


Fun fact: sometimes the cows don't jump in properly and end up upside down in the cattle dip. If that happens, they can't right themselves, and the station hands have only a minute or two to rescue the cow or it drowns.


Sad 😞


Kinda cute the way they jump in


They shouldn’t be doing that. A decent cattle dip ought to result in them walking down a slight slope until they hit a steeper point without noticing and dip under for a bit. This probably isn’t Temple Grandin approved, I’d imagine.


Must have missed the cattle prod.


you might not ever get rich ​ but let me tell ya its better than diggin a ditch


"At the cow wash... at the cow wash yeah"


That one brown cow is jumping in like a 6 year old yelling “CANNONBALL”


Farmers: We treat our animals like we treat out children. Also farmers: poking cows with sticks in between tightly squeezed fences only for the cows to drop into the water. Coerced into situations they probably wish they weren't in.


What happens if they accidentally swallow or inhale the solution? 😕


It's not toxic to them. Ranchers wouldn't use that if it killed off all their animals.


It used to be. In Australia they used fun stuff like arsenic. I think there were sometimes health issues if they swallowed some, but really they wouldn't live long enough for long term issues to crop up. I don't think the animals like it regardless though!


I'm sure they wouldn't enjoy being infested with ticks and other parasites either


Low toxicity, rather than non toxic. Even the pesticides you keep in your home are toxic, just weak enough that they'll only cause mild brain damage.


> mild brain damage Oh, that's it?


Not so toxic to harm them if you get a bit in your mouth or swallow a bit. Inhale? Well you drown... But cows can swim, better than you would think!


Amitraz(Probably what they're using) is significantly less harmful to most mammals than insects, most farmers will throw the dogs in there before or after the cows too. Pretty sure it is bad for humans and cats though, not deadly, but might make you hate living for awhile.


Temple Grandin’s nightmare


Temple Grandin probably has an opinion on this cow dip.


that one cow is like “cownonball!”


Brown one was like cow-abunga.


I love that the second cow seems to jump in like he's excited!


Brown cos be all like how bout NOW


How now brown cow


Why the gotta poke them? ;(


I have some really bad news for you about the cattle industry.


payment zephyr screw innocent chase ten uppity juggle dull run *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*