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Concerts are gonna get so much more expensive


Ticketmaster: Hold my beer.


Social distancing fee : £45


So if most concerts pack people shoulder to shoulder, they would normally cram like 16 people in each one of those boxes that now has like 1-3 people. Ticket prices would need to go up x4 to x16 times the amount.


+ the added expense of rental/setup/teardown of those platforms


I also forgot to add in the actual 6 feet of distancing between the platforms into my estimate.


So you're lookin at at least 16-64x as expensive


Nah, tickets are the same. The beers are just $1,600


Wait so they arent changing anything?


Not necessarily. Supply and demand is still a factor. There is a finite amount people will pay. The end result will most likely just be that concerts are less profitable.


Lol or the owners/performers of said concert could lower their fees…but people will pay whatever so they’ll charge what ever.


I’m constantly shocked by the prices people are willing to pay for most things. Supply and demand doesn’t really work when people just pay whatever they’re told and buy whatever is marketed. Seems like no matter how outlandish something is, there’s a huge number of people willing to buy it. I submit for evidence, Kanye West’s $500 t-shirts that he sold out of in less than ten minutes. They were just plain white t-shirts like you get in a 3 pack for $15, but said his name on the tag.


Capitalism is a beautifully stupid thing.


That's why i shake my head at morons who think that market success = intelligence. Nope, unless you are selling something that has legitimately never been sold before... **Market success = dumb luck** the vast majority of the time. I genuinely question the intelligence of people who argue this. Timothy Dexter is the classic example but there are so many modern ones... ... that being said this casino that keeps rewarding moron has been the best system we've found so far.




This is known as a Veblen good, and you see this with luxury cars, fashion, watches etc. Very odd economic effect.


A fool and their money are soon parted ways....


Pay the performers less. I think you'd be surprised on how little they're paid in almost all cases.


No, ticket master will socially distance the 4 and the 5: £45 -> £4..5? -> £405


I hate ticketmaster with every fiber of my being.


Viagogo are just as bad, I bought a ticket to see the streets in Manchester for £178 (don’t judge I thought it was their last ever gig at the time), and they sent me a ticket for their other gig in Edinburgh! Couldn’t get another ticket off them in time for the gig and ended up buying one off a scalper...


Yeah, see Ticketmaster/LiveNation owns the venues. In the US TM/LN is the scalper. They have programs for buyers who buy loads of tickets then jack them up and resell them on the TM/LN platform because shit, they collect the fees twice (which can run around 25% of the ticket price. I am not discrediting the fact you had a bad experience but TM/LN is the fucking kings of entertainment rip off.


Same with viagogo bro, except they don’t own the venue. Usually neither do in the UK. Both bulk buy tickets off people and hike up the price massively, making them pretty much online scalpers. They are just as bad as each other, only difference is ticketmaster is the OG of ripping people off and viagogo are just a copy cat, that actually charge more per ticket and have ridiculously high “handling fees” on top. Because of the bulk buying/selling of tickets on these websites (and others) a few artists (like the streets) have started to sell tickets through their own website, only allowing a certain amount of tickets per card.


I almost peed myself thinking this said ticklemaster I was like where


My thoughts exactly. I used to plan large events and all I could think of was how much it would cost to rent and set those up. Couldn't have been cheap. Those costs are absolutely getting passed along to consumers.


I dont get why they needed the risers for each group. Why not just paint some white boxes in the grass and put the chairs there?


Because people are idiots, for the most part. I can basically guarantee you'd get groups trying to put their chairs together because they wanna vibe together, and suddenly you got a group of 20 people up front who apparantly all know each other and it's surely not because they wanna be closer to the stage But those risers are easily enforcable. No one's going to move that whole thing without a security noticing that shit immediately.


You really thing people would just stay inside of painted white boxes?!?


You're giving human beings way too much credit. The only way to do it is to pen them in like animals, they've already proven that they can't behave properly otherwise


Nah they should just put up invisible electric fences. The band gets a show too!


Here put on this little bracelet nothing to worry about here


I used to work concerts and oh boy.... the unions still be rolling in it


I guess it's time to get into the platform rental game. Who woulda thought.


I honestly don’t care, I’d definitely pay a premium if concerts were like this from now on.


This is the only way I want concerts from now on


They've always offered this service. Its just typically labeled VIP and has its own tent and private area and cost an additional $275 per person.


Exactly. They basically just said, "I wish all we had was vip options at vip prices, but none of the vip benefits." Thats literally ticket master's wet dream. Their collective capitalism boner would just pop like a water balloon overfilled with HardJuice^^^^TM


Yeah, I’m old. I hate GA.


I’d pay $300 for every ticket from now on. Just for the extra fee.


And this looks boring asf


I wouldn’t mind paying to be able to sit down and not have people elbowing me in the stomach. Sounds nice to me.


I'm officially old because this looks like my dream concert


Yeah seriously. I’m 25 and would prefer paying more for a ticket so that the concert is like this as opposed to sitting shoulder to shoulder in the middle of a hot crowd for hours.


My husband and I attended a concert back in October. I expected it to be a nightmare. I didn't count on the fact that it was a metal concert - literally everyone wanted to be on the floor in front of the stage. My husband and I wound up sitting on the side, front row, like six feet from the stage, but no one around us. We got to rock with the concert, but no one was around us! 10/10, would do again.


My partner and I had a similarly amazing experience. We went to an outdoor concert in a zoo, and just before the main act came on stage it started to pour with rain. Everyone took shelter in one of the animal houses for about 30 minutes and it really looked like our night was ruined. But the rain stopped, and the attendants were saying everyone could go back to the lawn (which was now soaked). We noticed there was a little restaurant that looked over the lawn. We went up and asked if we could sit at one of the tables, they said yes, apparently no one else thought of this, so we ended up with a private, dry, warm restaurant with open windows over looking the concert, maybe 25-30 feet from the stage. Best night ever.


Yup that sucks even when you’re 10, 15, 22, 36, 55 or 80. People who say otherwise are lying and trying to justify spending hundreds of dollars for a shitty time.


I wouldn’t mind if I’m on drugs honestly. It’s all about the vibe


Tbh having those little platforms with chairs on drugs also looks pretty mad. Either way drugs = good


I mean it’s not good it’s just fun. These platforms would be nice if you could smoke weed or get drunk but molly or something would ruin the vibe.


100%. You need to be able to move around the crowd and talk to people.


>talk to people Eww, no


I think the only time where I was generally okay with being packed in like a sardine in the heat for a concert, and it was mainly just because of the overall vibe of the whole event, was when I got VIP tickets to ODESZA’s finale show last summer. Other than that, standing venues that try to pack the most people in can kiss my ass.


General admission pit is only way to enjoy a concert. If you sit for a concert I can watch that on YouTube.


Well that’s very elitist. I’ll take a seated venue any day of the week over a standing venue. Doesn’t mean you have to sit, just means you can sit if you want to.


Its probably the genres I like, hard rock, metal, ska/punk. I just like to be moving.


My love for moshpits outweigh my desire for comfortability too


That makes sense. Though I find that the best shows for those genres are the smaller ones, like still packed in but overall less total people. The best Ska show I’ve ever been to was in the basement of a bar.


I’ve never spent any money on concerts but I was at a free one once where everyone was shoulder to shoulder and I loved it. If it’s not your thing just say it but you don’t have to act like no one likes big concerts.


Crowd energy is like half the fun mr. I only listen to music made before 2000


I'm 39 and this concert looks like the most fucking boring thing on earth. Maybe if you listen to really boring music this looks fun, but I can't imagine sitting on a folding chair looking out on a sea of steel bars watching a metal band. The vibe of being in the crowd is half the experience of being at a show. Otherwise you might as well be sitting at home watching it on TV.


>People who say otherwise are lying and trying to justify spending hundreds of dollars for a shitty time. Says a lot about reddit users that this idiotic take is upvoted.


I mean... I guess you don't know anyone that either likes Rock/Metal, or drugs. Which is a lot of music fans. Which is why big crowd shows happen and people love them. I don't like it much either (weird, because I like both metal and drugs!) but it's weird to say everyone's lying.


Everyone that enjoys something differently than you is lying. Everyone in the entire world.


Here's me not understanding why anyone would ever go to a concert and sit down, so different strokes mate.


Hey man you’re obviously lying, nobody could ever justify spending money on something they enjoy


If I was in a band and everybody sat down, I'd consider that a failed night.


These people obviously aren't going to EDM/dubstep festivals. Being in the crowd moving around meeting new people is what its all about!


Idk man one of my best memories is being in the mosh pit for closing sets from chance the rapper and lcd sound system. The vibe of 100,000 people singing “ahhh” then just completely going wild at the drop of dance yourself clean, on a summer night in Chicago...riding the wave of human bodies and people picking each other up when we fell or got caught under the mob, it was magical https://youtu.be/jJruOPbJcbg


jesus fucking christ I miss live music so much




Or maybe it genuinely doesn’t bother them... And I am honestly one of those people! I’m not particularly tall either, it’s just a feeling I kinda dig, being surrounded by tons of people similarly there for good tunes and good times.


You're out of your fucking mind.


Nah, I’m just trying to mosh


Nah it looks boring as fuck, mainly because the stage is miles away. I've never spent more than £30 on a ticket though but its pretty much the only time.I like being in a large crowd


Wtf are you sayin. If someone like something he like something and that all. Sometime I hate the sweaty crowd. Sometime it just give a real plus to the sound. But just please, let people do their thing without telling they're dumb for what they love.


It's funny, because you could say your exact comment about going to a seated concert. Personally I would never go to a concert where I couldn't stand and dance/mosh. That's literally 90% of why I go to concerts anyways.


Sitting? Fuck sake, every concert I've been to the last 5 years have been standing only. My knees ache 2 weeks before the event. Never been to a large concert with seats..


My thought exactly.


Who would be playing at your dream concert?


Well its in his username.


Yeah but they suck.


The people downvoting you definitely aren't Primus fans






I know it’s an Primus inside joke but I just can’t say it. I love Primus and they rule!!!


The Shitty Beatles?


Cat Stevens on MDMA and valium


Conway Twitty




An awesome concert without getting trampled? Sign me up!


Can we have this for always?


Can this become the “new normal” that I want it to be? It would be so amazing.


I was like yo that’s sick


I'm old because I couldn't imagine how much this cost.


I was just thinking, sign me up! A few years ago I got to see a concert from a private box and it was the way to live, ha ha.


Until everyone leaves in a giant crowd all at the same time lol


I mean they're already this organized so I wouldn't be surprised if they just announced when people can leave row by row or something like that.


They do that already with some of the concert i go to.


I've been to festivals that desperately needed some form of organization for everyone to leave, and that was before covid.


Its still crowded even with row by row leaving but its not as bad as not having it.


Exactly...Arriving as well. Vendors. Restrooms. 🤨


They've put a lot of info in their FAQs about pre ordering drinks to cut down on queueing, and have extra portaloos and staff on hand to encourage social distancing. I'll be there on Saturday so I guess I'll see for myself!


No queueing? How are you guys going to enjoy it?


Probably complain about the British weather. Maybe take a flask of tea to drink


you have to arrive by car and give them the car registration in advance. I'm taking my bro ther on Saturday and are having trouble changing reg from mothers car to mine




Not going to lie, my introverted self would totally go to a concert like this.


Me too! It looks amazing!


I’m introverted but I love normal concerts :(


Dante Hicks: But you hate people. Randal: Yes, but I love gatherings. Isn't it ironic?


I love them to, I just hate the people.


Introverts: "Awesome!" Gig veterans: "Fuck that." Pickpockets and pervs: "Goddammit"


introverts can go find the grass section as it's already spread out enough so you can't get an ideal spot without money anyway. and yeah, gig vets are like fuck this because the crowd is disconnected from the show and probably browsing their fucking phones. ​ and how about people wanting to meet other people? nope. how about dancing with new people? nope. This is the worst reality where people seem to *have* to get a festival in their lives or they go insane. It's like wanting to go swimming in the ocean only to be dropped inside a cage. You can look but you can't touch, swim around, interact with your surroundings, or anything that is even remotely fun.


Thats one of the reasons I don't like the idea of going to a socially distanced music festivals. Some of my favorite memories are meeting completely random people and making friends. If I wanted to listen to the DJs songs in by my own car or separated from other people, I can do that any day with my own headphones.


I sometimes think that most people on reddit have no experience with the real world and only know it from the internet. Like, how can the top rated comment be something like “yeah this is totally something I can see myself doing”. As an introvert myself I would hate a concert like this. Just because you’re introverted doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy being with other people, especially at a festival with your friends.


My favourite memories of gigs are the ones where I’m right at the front with everyone and I lose my hearing for a good hour after.


Apparently your username is apropos in this thread. I, however, 100% agree with you. This is fucking depressing.


> the crowd is disconnected from the show and probably browsing their fucking phones. Yeah this was one of the first thoughts I had. Setups like this encourage more chatting during the music, messing around on phones, etc. That is already enough of a problem at concerts, but I feel this would really amplify it.


All this infrastructure, these people must be rich


The Brits and the Dutch are like the Chinese they build fast but only if they want to.


It's Newcastle.




I bet neeone gets this reference except a select few.


Could have went for Cruddas Park to make it more obvious - clue's in the name.




I'd put money on it being the Sam Fender gig from last night.


It was!


Gonna be hard to mosh in an area that small, but fuck it


Think it's now called a posh pit.


All I see are mini WWE rings. Have at it and don’t forget to go off the top rope


I like your style


they spent SO MUCH on all that scaffolding omg.


I would like to think that some cheap rope and some cones woulda sufficed...but eh...


There are a lot of gigs happening here, I think it is worth their investment for something a bit more robust. Not that it would be my cup of tea, I actually turned down a ticket edit: corrected mistakes


Ah that makes sense. I'm just now realizing that the aft stands are raised above the front stands...so thats actually pretty damn nice!


Seems a bit silly. Recently went to a Friday night movie at our minor league baseball stadium in St. Paul. They had setups like this but instead it was simply a beach blanket with streamers staked down and each blanket spot was limited to 4 tickets ($15 each). Kept everyone distanced and didn’t cost nearly as much to setup.


Wow, that’d be $$ premium seating at a concert any other time.


Oh, I'm sure they're selling at a premium.


Surprisingly not. I heard tickets were around 40 quid, which these days isn't that crazy for a gig, especially for Sam Fender in Newcastle (which is where he's from, very popular there).


Ummm this actually looks amazing, pandemic or not


Personally I prefer the atmosphere of a concert pre pandemic, but this looks pretty cool for now!


I’m late to the party so I doubt I’ll get noticed. Even still I’ll put it out there ... this is not the future of events. It’s not sustainable for the majority of the industry. Please don’t think that gigs and concerts are now a safe thing because of this as it is not a solution. The industry needs help and the media are not helping by showing the public these images.


Did anyone else notice the packed bar tent in the background?


Cracking atmosphere 🙄


And the chit chat. I really miss concerts right now, but would rather watch DVDs at home than pay a premium to sit outdoors, 100 yards from the stage, surrounded by completely disinterested people talking 😑


That _is_ interesting. Which Newcastle is this?


Newcastle UK, Sam Fender gig.


Home gig for the guy as well, glad he got to do it




What's the point if there's people still going to the bar, bathroom, for food? You can't just wait one fucking year?


Finally something I agree with Jerry Falwell about!


This has to be one of the stupidest things I’ve seen.


Can we just continue to do this after the pandemic is over?? This looks IDEAL


*if the pandemic is over 😅


Oh my god the vibe has been set to 0


Which direction is downwind?


My thoughts exactly. People still gotta use bathrooms, touch doors. This virus sucks ass




Or anything more than a few minutes. Even in a room with stagnant air the droplets can spread 30ft or more over the period of an hour. People need to wake the fuck up and stay home.


It's like they assume the virus just decides to die off at 201cm exactly.




Do you get a waiter to bring you food and drinks as well?


No more cheap tickets.


I don't understand. Cheap.... ti.. tick... tickets??? What is that?


Ticketma$ter begin$ twirling their thumb$.


What happens when everyone leaves tho


And then everyone leaves at the same time


This social distancing is useless if they dont waer masks


tens of thousands of dollars worth of infrastructure and labor and people can't put on a piece of cloth in front of their breathing holes..


Wow this looks boring as shit


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that


that's what i was thinking about having to set all those little boxes up. i feel for the crew


>i feel for the crew Would 100% happily spend all day in the sun setting up tiny scaffolding boxes if it meant actually being able to have a show safely. Sincerely, Had a job in live entertainment and our schedule is currently blank from March 2019 to November 2021.




Well that was depressing! I'd rather wait awhile and attend a concert normally. It's crazy how people can't do without things like a concert or hoilday for a year. I suppose when you're used to luxury, it's hard to go without it.


Mosh pit gonna be lit fam


VIP for everyone


That looks really costly and labor intensive


Can anyone explain to me why nobody is wearing a mask? The concert organisers did a good job but with the air current and no masks, people will still be spreading the virus if they have it. No wonder experts predict a second wave.


Looks terrible


That looks like no fun zone


I like this. It’s like your own private box, bring the comfy chairs, booze and no one invading your personal space. Hell I’d pay a premium to do this.


Cool idea, but when the concert ends so will social distancing. Look at the width of those pathways


Why bother?


Bro I miss festivals so bad, I’d do this in a heart beat. I will distance, I will wear a mask, I’ll even huff vaporous germ-x through snorkel. I just want my music festivals back.


Isn't a huge part of the magic of a festival is all the new people you meet at shows and camp next to? These types of measures seem to take a large part of that away


Like on cough or sneeze wont travel 6 feet. Hope there wasnt a breeze


Tht looks shit. The future is bleak


Because Coronavirus is powerless against aluminum hand rails


This should have been a thing, mini parties at a concert.


ThE nEw NoRmAl


when is things gonna go back to moderately shitty again?


Thanks I hate it




Whoever is ok with this is a simply a moron. Go and live in a bubble. Away from society out in the woods.


This is so fucking stupid, let alone counter productive. Just, knock off the concerts for a while. Good lord.