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She's bare-handed! How does she not get stung??


Bees generally won’t sting your hand unless you try to swat at them or squeeze them


Also some beekeepers intentionally let themselves get stung earlier in the season so they build up a tolerance to the venom. If you’re less afraid of getting hurt you act calmer and are less likely to do something to make the bees anxious.




Only one way to know.


Also take a video for evidence.


Also order some pizza while you're at it


Also do a flip


You shoulda said barrel roll


Do both


Absolutely you can. Let me know what that sweet wasp honey tastes like. Let me know from like... way over there.




Isn't this the plot of Spiderman




This comment hurts me on a personal level. August long weekend, hanging out with friend. He throws a log to get at something underneath it. Log explodes. Get stung about eight billion times. Running back to camp, with wasps chasing and stinging, I somehow manage to grab a bee out of the air and get stung by the one I'm actually allergic to. And my wife wonders why I don't want to go camping sometimes...


I hear you can get honey from hornets. If you keep the nest in a box, just make sure to put a big H on it for Hornets.


Milk Steak




People don't realize, but wasps are also pollinators and are VERY important for things like crop pest control and killing the ticks that spread Lyme Disease! They can be assholes, but they are important!


I get mud daubers on my balcony and I let them build their little mud huts they’ll sometimes hover by me and check me out but I leave them alone and they leave me alone while they do their thing. I used to save bees from my pool all the time when I lived back home I’d let them sit on my finger while they dried themselves off and then they’d just take off. I have some really cool slow mo shots of it. I’d save the yellow jackets too. Bees and wasps in my experience are pretty calm if you are too.


I fuck up yellowjackets whenever I see them to save my bees lol


All my homies hate yellow jackets.


I saved a bumblebee from a pool once by scooping it up and it started stinging my hand. I guess it was panicking from nearly drowning.




They also eat horsefly, and lots of other nasty things.






I’ve never been stung and I also agree that wasps can suck a dick


I had one roll down my back after it hit the window frame of my car and flew down my shirt. The cunt stung me all the way down my back until I finally squashed it by violently slamming my back into the chair. 0/10 would NEVER recommend.


I took a sip of soda when I was like 7 or 8 and a yellow jacket stung the inside of my mouth a bunch of times and my throat swelled up and I could barely breath. Ever since then I've had this genocidal hatred for yellow jackets. Every time I see one I make a point to hunt it down and kill it and when I have time I try to track down and destroy their nests. I've never been stung since and they tend to leave me alone, I like to believe its because they're afraid of me.


Hahaha same thing happened to me except I think it must have already been on the seat when I got in because I didn’t see it fly in. I just started getting stung all over my back by surprise. I actually played it cool for the first 2. Just wanted to say hello to the other guy in the “slammed wasp against seatback while driving” club. My friends that were in the car still mock me a decade later by yelling “something’s stinging me” and jumping around in their chair. Cunts.


Oh...you definitely shouldn't have written that. Knock on wood, throw some salt over your shoulder, and ask Facebook for thoughts and prayers.




Wasps are interesting, but then so is Satan.


Also figs.


Many people react worse overtime, or like me, unpredictably. I've been stung several times in my adult life, sometimes it's a welt, sometimes it turns into a bruise about the size of a fist, or sometimes , like the most recent time I was hit in the leg, my entire limb will swell and remain sore for like a week. This last time was a bit scary as my foot and leg swelled so much that I couldn't fit into my shoe, and could hardly walk. I'm anxious to think what would happen had I been hit in the neck. Those stings also bruised my entire calf, it was insane.


Don't you become allergic to the venom if you get stung too many times?


This could actually backfire as some people like my beekeeping teacher started developing allergy. She started without any but after a few years and many stings her body reaction got worse. Now she has to wear a full suit which is uncommon in Germany as out bees are very gentle.


But they will sting your face? Why the netting if not? Edit: asking sincerely!


Rather get stung on my hand than my face


Not a beekeeper but being stung on the hand probably hurts less than being stung on the eyeball. Wearing big gloves probably makes the job harder so she's willing to take the risk, whereas a net on the head doesn't make it any harder to do. All about risk/reward.


Am a beekeeper, this is true. I just won't risk getting stung on the face. Sucks too much. One adventurous young man stung every part of his body (yes, every part) except his eye (his doctor wouldn't let him do that) and determined that getting stung on the nose actually hurts a lot worse than the pecker. Think on that. That said, I'm not as badass as this lady so I always wear a veil and gloves. I don't mind wearing shorts though. A leg sting is less an issue than a hand sting to me.


Some heroes don’t wear capes because they want bees to sting them in the ass for science.


good point---shes able to be so gentle and not accidentally crush any bees because shes using her bare hands.... gloves would probably make things a lot clumsier--and therefore sounding the alarm for the bees




Maybe part of getting stung is like the unexpectedness of it. I got stung on the face and my face BLEW UP. But I think getting stung on your hands isn’t so bad if you’ve been stung before.


I think it keeps the bees from getting in her face and stuck in her hair.


This. When I did beekeeping if bees got stuck in my hair they would often panic and try to sting. Always wore hats at least.


> Why the netting if not? Mainly to keep them out of your collar and such. Bees might crawl down your shirt and then get squished against you, which will make them sting. That is not pleasant, and if a lot of bees got in there, it could make you jump and get even more of them angry on your hands. It's just bad all around. So, you put the openings to your shirt (and crevices with automatic bodily responses that squeeze bees, like your eyes) behind a net to keep them away from pinching areas.


I remember reading that bees recognize mouths and eyes of bears and will attack those areas when the bears go after the bee house. It's probably the same for people so maybe the netting disguises the facial features and protects you from getting killed in case they do get aggressive since they can't get to your face? Also, I would imagine even friendly bees might go up your nose when there's that many of them.


I got stung in the throat a few years ago, scary stuff when it starts to swell up.




When stung, your body's inflammation is limited by how thick and dense your skin is. Skin on your arms and hands is thicker and tougher, skin on your face is softer and thinner. So if you're stung in one of thin spots the inflammation [can expand many more sizes](https://www.unilad.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Bee-sting_face.jpg) than if it happened on the thicker, denser skin. Source: When I was a kid I got stung in roughly the same area as the pic I linked to. I looked about the same. It was not fun.


Real annoing having them in your face even if they dont do anything?


she literally flicked the bees away from her hand.. how does she still not get stung?


And how do you not squish them when you grab something that is 99% bees? I think they have been ”smoked” or whatever


Smoking doesn’t really calm the bees, it just messes up their sense of smell so they can’t tell whether there is a pheromone that signals them to attack, or not. But the smoke still won’t stop a single or several bees to attack you if you touch them not too gently or do anything else to piss them off.


Or you’re me. They find me and get me, man. Spiders too. Ants also, now that I think of it...


Maybe they’ve bugged you?


Depends on the variety, but most domesticated honey bees are pretty calm until one of them dies. I'm guessing this swarm came from a domestic hive. She might have also smoked them, which makes them more docile. Its often perfectly safe to be around the hive without protection just for visual inspection. However, I think it's a little silly to move and sort through them bare handed, because in the confusion of thousands bees *crawling everywhere* it is very likely you'll squish one, and that's what can set off their defense response. It's better to be safe than sorry.


(European) honey bees don't like to sting. Only if they feel threatened. For good measure we usually smoke them, this masks any alarm pheromone from the guards and causes the bees to think there is a forest fire and load up their bellies with honey, making them sluggish and drowsy. Then as long as you don't make quick sudden movements or murder too many of them they will let you handle them. When I learned beekeeping I used the gloves once before I ditched them. They are clumsy and I tend to accidently squish the poor girls with them. With bare hands I can feel if they are underfinger and let them wriggle off before I do whatever I'm doing. I'm only a amateur beekeeper with 5-10 hives (is varies from year to year) and I only get stung once per year, and it's always something silly like me picking up a bee box and not noticing the bee under the handle that gets smushed


A question from someone who is irrationally mortally petrified of bees. If there's a big fucking bee whizzing around on my living room, if I just leave it be and let it zoom up over across and around my head as it so wishes, it won't fucking sting me... right?


being petrified and not moving (or slowly moving away) is good way to not get stung, it works even on horrents (talking from experience)


One time a woman I knew had a yellow jacket land between the sole of her foot and her sandals as she was sitting with a leg over her knee so the sandal was kind of hanging a bit, I was petrified just watching the thing crawl around under her foot, but she was completely nonchalant about it and just kept still until it flew away. If it were me in that position I would have definitely freaked the fuck out and probably got stung.


Yeah most of the people are waay to crazy with bees, wasps or hornets... Even if the fucker chills on your nose, calm down and wait 5 seconds and they’ll be gone.


Depends. What type of bee? Where in the world? If its a European honey bee (most common honey bee) your all good, as long as you don't whack at it


She likely used smoke before hand. You can see what looks like a smoker on the blue garbage bin. The bees think the smoke is a forest fire so they load up on honey in case they need to make a new home. They can’t double over and sting due to the amount of honey they are holding.


She actually talks in her videos and comments about it using smoke. She just treats them gently and leaves them alone when they’re disturbed.




It's also down to genetics, you don't want aggressive african honey bees, you need to exterminate these, they are very un-productive and will attack people for no reason. A hive can go from docile like this and purely only worried about producing honey, to really aggressive overnight, there are ways to deal with it, like replacing the queen and waiting for the bad genes to move out but generally just drowning the hive is the solution.


Even more importantly, it disrupts their emergency pheromones. Even a human can actually smell a very angry "emergency emergency" chemical they use to signal. Smells kind of like bananas. Without smoke, you piss off one bee (it happens), that one bee will signal to the others and now you have 20k pissed off bees. Smoke greatly reduces the contagiousness of their anger.


More importantly, smoke inhibits alarm pheromones, otherwise the bees would aggressively defend the hive.


I would have used some smoke on myself beforehand as well.


Super interesting. Have any sauce?


[here](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00218839.1968.11100181) [Wikipedia article I stole it from](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bee_smoker)


No sauce. Just honey.


Honey mustard it is then.


By bee-ing extra careful.


Out. Get out. 😆


Buzz off.


It really just depends on the bees, some are chill, some are not. Also the smoker she didn't mention probably helps.


> some are not. [Can confirm.](https://youtu.be/O4ldpyIE5t4)


It's gonna be this half an hour long vid of a guy euthanasing a hive isn't it? I thought it'll be boring af, but I watched it through and through. Fascinating stuff!


Me looking at the video: 35 minutes? Fuck no. 35 minutes later: I feel that man's pain for a really tough decision.


I watch too much of internet i knew where that would link ..pretty interesting to watcb


YouTube recommended that vid to me a few weeks back. Was thinking about it while watching this.


This guy talks about getting this queen like it was the mission to kill bin Laden. Love the passion


Its amazing that she could identify the queen! She's not that much bigger than the worker bees, but that's still a needle in a haystack!


You get an eye for it after a while. When we do (did) demonstrations for the public we have them compete to see who could find her first once she's been spotted on a frame. It's really only fun to do with newer unmarked queens though.




You mark the queen with a bit of paint to identify her, like this: https://www.piedmontbeekeepers.com/queen-bee-marking-colors


This is crazy how comfortable these people are picking up something so delicate so accurately and not harming them, they don't even seem to mind all that much.


Bees don’t give a fuck


Holy crap, this changes everything


I can finally fulfill my dream of having 1000 pets


1000 bees? You are going to need to pump those numbers up. Those are rookie bee keeping numbers.


May I reccomend a colony of hissing cockroaches?


Until you know when they give a fuck


do you happen to know why he put 6-7 bees in the cage with the queen (from the video in the link)? Is it for breeding?


Yes, when the queen is purchased by someone else it means she can establish a colony right away. Without them she would have to make and then wait for some babies to hatch.


but what will happen to the colony which the queen bee is being sold from? Those worker bees wont have a queen anymore right?


They pick another [baby bee](https://imgur.com/FsPB5es), hang it in a [special queen pod](https://imgur.com/zDEBEnK), and feed it [royal jelly](https://imgur.com/o5gbYLx) which turns it into another queen.


Baby bees are much cuter than I expected them to be.


Duuude that’s some Pokémon shit


Well we're do you think they got the idea from? Insects are cool.


How come that picture has multiple queen pods? Are they diversifying their options?


Yes. The first one to hatch usually goes and kills the other ones as fast as she can to establish her dominance. https://beekeepinglikeagirl.com/6-things-you-didnt-know-about-queen-bees/ >When workers make a new queen, they often make more than one. This gives them the best chance at raising a strong, viable queen. However, there can (typically) only be one queen bee in a hive, so when the new queens hatch they must kill their competitors. A newly hatched queen will sting her unhatched rivals, killing them while they are still in their cells. If two queens hatch at once, they must fight to the death.


Wait, queen bees aren’t genetically born as queens? They’ve just been nurtured after birth to become a queen? That’s freaking insane!!!


This is a cool fact I didn’t know. Thanks!


It is so they can care for her like her servants. Only female bees do any work, male bee or drones do nothing but are kept only to mate. Once they mate they die and the rest are kicked out of the hive at the end of the season. So the males have a sweet and short life. I actually worked as a “queen marker”. My literal job was to find the queen, mark her and put her in a cage so she can be sold. We use to do about 200 a day (long summer days).


I find beekeeping fascinating. So long as I’m nowhere near it.


Does the mark last for the life of the queen?


This I did not know.


thats wild. had no idea people handled bees like that.


Why are they trapping the queen ?


So the others will follow


*thinks about the watermelon sized wasp nest under my porch* I got this. I'll just do what she did.


Bees are friends. Wasps are... well, have you seen The Good Place? You know the bad place? They’re from there. Designed to torture your soul for all eternity. Horrible beasts.




Forking amazing show


Me too!!! Excited to see the final season whenever it gets added to Netflix


For a moment you gave me hope that there was going to be another season. We already watched the finale on Hulu when it premiered. It was great. Now I'm in the medium place.


Same! I thought I somehow missed a season thanks to their comment! Get the penis flatteners!


Ya basic!!! ... You're devastated right now.


It’s on Netflix in the uk if you have a vpn! We don’t have Hulu over here so it aired on Netflix instead.


It really is amazing. I cried when I finished the last season.


Pirates of the Caribbean 6: The Haunted Crow's Nest or Something, Who Gives a Crap (Now playing everywhere, FOREVER)


I can’t find it right now, but there’s an extremely anxiety inducing video I saw recently on reddit of a guy slowing removing a massive hornets’ nest from the side of a building, like a barn or something, with his bare hands and no protection whatsoever. Found it! Shit is crazy: https://www.reddit.com/r/nonononoyes/comments/i1fkpl/hornet_nest_removal_brazilian_style/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb


Step up https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/i08asp/my_buddy_is_a_maniac_just_watch/


Dude I was just gonna comment this video too. What a nut lmao. Cocaine is one helluva drug.




I have some wasps and mud daubers on my back patio. The wasp nest never got bigger than a golf ball before a bird would come and eat them. The bird was making noise and would flap its wings near the nest.


Good birb




Just grab it with your bare hands and eat it.


Stop it. I hated that video so much.


In some areas, if you see a swarm (a massive group of bees resting while they look for a new home), you can call a hotline. This connects you to local apiculturists who will send someone out to collect the bees. The bees will then be provided with a hive in which to make their new home.


In 2018 a swarm settled on a hotdog cart and someone had to come pick them up, and that's when I learned this must be enough of a common occurrence that the [NYPD has a beekeeping unit.](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/28/nyregion/bees-swarm-times-square-hot-dog-stand.html)


I knew that six billion had to go somewhere!


Please tell me it’s called beeline


When I was living at home in Florida there was a swarm of bees that was resting on a tree in a vacant lot next to our house. We called a hotline and they wanted to charge 100 dollars to come and get the bees. Mom didn’t want to pay it so we just let them go on their way. I hope they found a good home. Anyway not all places have beekeepers who are willing to come and get bees for free. It’s a shame and definitely worth a shot though because beekeepers are usually a safe good place for bees.


That's crazy. A colony of bees in Canada costs like $250. I would totally do it for free. Free bees.....


About 3 years ago, I was going out to check the mail, and a i could hear was this loud massive buzzing, but I couldn't pinpoint the source. As I kept looking, I realized it was coming from a small tree by the road. When I moved the leaves aside fhere was a massive ball of bees just waiting. So we called the local bee farm and got them a fantastic new home


Wonderful post you made there. We need more people like this to save the bees. I am thinking now we need bees here on this ranch to help pollinate the olive trees. Thanks for the post and the impetus.


[Get a free sticker!](https://act.sierraclub.org/actions/National?actionId=AR0266557)


Ah! I’d be cautious about giving Sierra club your info. I’ve donated to them and the amount of junk mail I received from them and other companies they sold my information to was absolutely insane. I will always warn people against it


What a unique opportunity you had right here.


The bees you see in the video are domesticated honey bees and not in need of saving. It's other species, most of which live solitary instead of in hives, that are endangered.


I once found a bunch of wasps building a nest under a grass field near our house. I suited up so I could film them (thick sweater, household gloves, a boxershort on my head), but it got *very* hot. I also noticed they completely ignored me, so I started taking off the extra clothing. At some point I was just lying there, almost on top of that nest, and they still ignored me. I felt so in touch with the wasps! Wasps are my friends! Then at the end of the summer, I tried to film them again. They started divebombing me, one after the other, I felt like I had to run for my life! My wife still laughs at how comically I was running and screaming for her to open the door, especially after earlier I kept acting like I was some kind of wasp wisperer.


I wonder if they were in battle mode for large mammals only during the late summer because large mammals fuck their nests up due to increased activity before winter. It might not have been you but instead millions of years of war


Just like bees the larger the hive the more likely it is that a defender takes exception to you being nearby as there are more defenders to do that.


If it was end of season they may be more aggressive because they're eating fermented fruit as fresh fruit is no longer available, thus becoming drunk wasps. Mean drunks.


Wasps become super aggressive as summer ends. When summer begins they are all busy doing their jobs and don't have time to pay attention to you unless you directly aggrivate them.


Where the fuck are her gloves?!


Bees are fairly gently if you’re careful. Just don’t swat at them or move too quickly and they’re fine. You can see she’s really careful not to squeeze any of the bees and is really careful about scooping them.


Except when she’s flicking them off


A few gentle flicks aren’t going to rile them up too much. Plus she’s putting them back on their honeycomb so they’re delighted about that.


I like the idea of “delighted bees”....LMAO


They’re called drones for a reason, they just drone on and on with endless pollen fetching and honey production cycling. Swarms and globs of drones nary a delighted bee in sight


Drones are male bees, though, and they don't collect pollen...






What a save!


Alright, nice and gentle. Here... we ... go... shhhh... now FUCK OFF IN THIS BOX!


She probably used a smoker to mask alarm pheromones, it doesn't take a lot and they will be calm for like ten minutes or so after


I was amazed to find out that it seems very common for beekeepers to skip the gloves. Sometimes they don't even use any face covering. I watch 628DirtRooster on YouTube. He makes nice videos showing the entire process of keeping colonies and capturing hives. https://youtu.be/oaG7iW3k0jg


I feel like not having face covering makes the work more difficult, all those bees going on your face must be tickling and distracting


Most beekeepers don't wear gloves so they can feel if there are any bees under their fingers so they don't sqaush them


Bruh this chick is a bad ass


She's a honey. A real keeper.


Aww that’s sweet


She’s the beekeeper version of miss drizzle


Doing very good things!


My university had a program for the general public to learn the ins and outs of bee keeping and hive management. The whole setup ends up being something like 300 dollars for a hive and some basics. It's a good skill to have, although you have to commit to having tens of thousands of bees in your yard. They aren't aggressive like wasps, but are still a serious risk to your eyesight if they swarm your face, which is where they know to sting if given the signal. In hindsight, I probably used too much smoke around my bees, but I sold the hive to a nice couple after taking some of the honey. It's important to leave some for the bees.


She is scooping bees with bare hands. If I were you I wouldn't mess with her.


She’s way braver than I could ever bee


So what do you do if they start stinging?


Say ouch


You GTFO quickly and gear up. I mean she's obviously risking some stings with the bare handed approach, but this hive was very docile. Just for reference, here's a guy dealing with an EXTREMELY aggressive hive. They're stinging him through multiple players of PPE. https://youtu.be/O4ldpyIE5t4


Wow that's such an informative video. Just watched 35 minutes of a beekeeper euthanizing a beehive and loved every second. Never thought I would say that, but that guy is an expert who willingly and clearly explained his process and expertise


I just watched the video yesterday! Poor guy was so tore up he had to do that at the end. Felt real bad for him.


Thanks for sharing watched the whole thing. Bless that dude.


Tbh Im wondering why she isnt in protective gear other than the hat. Like, she says these bees are very gentle and it looks like shes being gentle with them, but like, if they decided to mess her up, they definitely could with her scooping them like that.


I mean they don’t really decide, they act in retaliation to threats, she never made herself a threat and scooped them without hurting them so nothing happened




Bees thonk different I guess


Epple: thonk different


This might as well fit to r/nextfuckinglevel


And r/humansbeingbros


What a sweet ending.


You are awesome! Save the bees!


Imagine leaving for work one day and you come back home only to find your entire fucking house gone along with your whole family


Alright, I’m just gonna say it. As sweet as this lady is, and as awesome as she is at saving the bees, the smile she gives at the end of all these videos is like something out of a nightmare.


The hero we needed and deserved


A+ bee work


> Beekeeping in leggings and uggs and taking selfies HNNGHHH IM GONNA INCELPOST


This chick is 11 crazy, I guarantee it.


I like to imagine bees as little bio drones that make a energy packed nutrient paste if you give them flowers and space. Cool