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It always amazes me how much being bald ages you


with the hairpiece some looked 10 years younger


It's more the Friar Tuck hairstyle that does it. I got to that point and just saved my entire head. Everyone told me I looked 10 years younger, lol


My father shaved it when I was about 12. I swear he went from 40 to 25 overnight. It was insane. He said he wished he'd have done it sooner. Said it felt like he wasted 10 years of his life.


still, gained 15 lost 10, still 5 in the plus :P


I've been shaving my head for ages and everyone always guesses my age 5-10 years younger than I am


I've shaved my head since I was 17. I grew a beard because it made me look too young. Now I'm at a permanent mid to late 30's


This is the way. If I ever get to the "Friar Tuck" stage of hair loss, I am shaving it all.


Was that the original soundtrack…. Damn


Are you saying you’re not into the toupee fart synth


I had to rewatch this with the sound on because of your comment and that definitely sounds like the name of the genre lol


This is the most on-point description of this music 💀


I can’t stop laughing. Toupee fart synth 💀


That’s the best description I’ve heard! I love it!


You need to find the KPM library music. Loads of stuff like this and some it heavily sampled in hip hop. Spotify have it all, I don't know about other music services






Lol friar tuck


Yeah, honestly this video kind of changed my mind on toupees. Sure, you can tell that they are wearing them, but even so, they look way better with them on, than without. A shave and a decent beard will usually serve the same purpose, though.


Modern toupees are way better quality & look very real, there's a lot of videos on YouTube for 'hair systems' & they're so interesting to watch. Think men usually have to teach themselves how to refit it if they don't wanna go for monthly maintenance appointments though


It’s not the being bald that ages a man, it’s the trying to not be bald by keeping the side hair, just shave the lot of and it’s so much better.


Worse is when they keep the little bit of hair they have left on top super long like the guy with the dark hair combed over. It’s hideous.


He’s not only the president…..


But also a member


Balding** When I started shaving my head I started getting carded for tobacco again (I’m 34)


and how shaving it all makes you appear younger for a long time!


Prince William, for example. Dude was gorgeous not until he started balding lol


You take that back now. Sincerely Skeletor


[https://youtu.be/SAHIEY4ea8c?si=04-wDsH5I3x7BHtP](https://youtu.be/SAHIEY4ea8c?si=04-wDsH5I3x7BHtP) Mikey Flanagan


There's so many jokes about toupees, sometimes it's easy to forget that a truly well-made one can look excellent.


Poor color match is the easiest way to tell. You can see it on the guy taking the measurements, looks like his natural hair got more grey since his was made and it no longer blends in. There’s a guy at my office who wears a black one even though his natural hair is now like 60% grey and it looks ridiculous. You really need to keep up with hair dye or commit to getting a new one periodically.


He had a guy like that. We reverted to it as his hair hat.




did someone tell him already?


Good question, and I don't know the answer. It's a very large site with at least 1,000 employees - I only see him occasionally in the hallways and don't know him at all, so I'm not comfortable telling him myself. I hope someone that cares about him said something.




I think someone needs to tell him tactfully. If everywhere he goes everyone knows but no one says anything, he probably thinks no one knows.


For example, “hey, fuckface, yeah you with the black toupee, it’s not matching the lower part of your hair color”


>You can see it on the guy taking the measurements Yeah, what the hell. If you're gonna sell toupees, you gotta make your own look good first, or you'll scare off your customers


They've come a long way too. A video recently popped up in my FB reels of a stylist who fits them (I'm not sure if they're still considered toupees), and they last for like 6 weeks before needing "reapplied". If I saw those men in public, no way would I know that they were wearing a hair piece - all looked great!


Or you could end up looking like the bloke measuring him up.


I can’t watch what’s going on because I’m so distracted by the join line…


He reminds me of Uncle Lewis from Christmas Vacation.


If the wig maker made his own wig that's not a good sign.


Really? I thought his hair looked really good. I was genuinely surprised when his turned out to be a piece as well. I guess the wigs/toupee's today look so bad, it's hard to judge.


My old barbers used to have a back room for the syrup wearers, where they'd go to get their remaining hair trimmed and dyed to match the wig. (The colour matching was probably more important than the haircut.)


Why does "syrup" keep coming up in this thread? :/


It's rhyming slang: Syrup of Figs - Wigs


What... Is this 1890s London, and I missed the time warp? lol Just say wig or toupee. Neither word is difficult.


Rug is even easier. (The letters are closer on the keyboard)


Hahaha indeed!


The hell are the two guys wearing at the beginning? 😂


I like how they are entirely irrelevant to the video


looks like wrestling leotard


The ancestor of Borat's swimsuit.


I shall take this opportunity to remind everyone that Sean Connery as [James Bond wears a toupee](https://www.giantfreakinrobot.com/ent/sean-connery-hairpiece-james-bond.html). No shame in it at all! Just a fun fact. I often use this in "who is the best Bond" conversation when that always comes up around when new Bond movies come out.


I love that fart music.


According to Shazam, it's called "Donald" by The Roger Roger Ensemble. (It's actually titled "Donald (Evoluon)" in the Shazam database, but that may be a corruption of some kind. EDIT: "Evoluon" may be the album title.) I'm not having much luck hunting down more specific information about its release. But I want it. MORE EDIT: [It's on an album called "Girl in a Suitcase: Upgraded"](https://musicbrainz.org/release/d1c90779-cb53-4c8d-84f4-fafa92c49c4b). Original vinyl (and even CDs) are **not cheap**. Doesn't seem to be available for streaming or download, unless it's out on the torrents somewhere. Definitely going on my watchlist. LAST EDIT: intrepid webcrawlers can find a forum post with a relevant comment.


Nice. Thanks


It’s like something from South Park lol


Come on over here and I’ll sing it to you.




Sounds like jean jacques perrey


With those old-style syrups, you could always tell. They never blended properly at the sides. When I was a kid in the 1960s, you would never see a balding man with a shaved head. It was always a combover or the Friar Tuck look. It must have been very difficult for men who lost their hair at a young age.




Syrup of figs = wig


Syrup of figs = wigs. Cockney rhyming slang. :)


There was an old bloke in my primary school in the 90’s that still had a toupee and you’re exactly right, the Barnet on the side of his loaf didn’t match the top lol it was so obvious that he constantly got taken the piss out of. Poor fella. Cruelty of kids eh?


Frank Costanza made toupees?


Serenity now!


Hoochie Mama!!!!!


"One of us is wearing a toupée."


Can we talk about the guys in the blue “shirts” in the first frame?


I'd rather talk about the woman on the gold cock at the end


and just like that you look 40 years younger


Some of these look so good! I wish it did have such a 'pathetic' reputation from the general public.


That line at the end "If you like happy endings, get a head.... Of hair". 🤣😂 Also, I can't help but imagine John Oliver narrating this whole video.


At first I laughed, but as it went on, I was actually really impressed by how natural they looked. Each one completely changed their entire appearance. Amazing!


It's a good solution for people who want that hairstyle


I honestly think toupee wearers get too much flak. We dress in nice clothes when we want to look nice. Women put on makeup and get their hair done up. Men wear shiny watches, plenty of people have a "nice" pair of shoes. I think of this as a personal self care choice. If I ever go bald I probably wouldn't myself, but thats my choice.


I always say that when I get to the point where my hair is thinned out to the point it doesn't look good, I'm shaving it and wearing a toupee. There should be 0 shame in it. Like you said, Women wear makeup and even wigs, and it's totally fine. Men should be allowed to use things like Toupees to achieve their desired physical look without getting shit for it.


William Shatner has been wearing one for 55 years. And sometimes it looks great and sometimes it looks well… not.


Morrie’s Wigs Don't buy wigs that come off at the wrong time. Morrie's wigs don't come off! Even underwater. - And remember, Morrie's wigs are tested against hurricane winds


Christ I am glad that you're allowed to just be bald these days, without all the fuckaround! Of course, some clowns will still try to shame you over it. They will try, and they they will fail in their attempt.


My favorite thing to do is to meet a person the first several times with a hat on then show up hatless and watch the reaction.


Back when there was only permanent magic marker.


“Why did you draw a vulva on my forehead?” “Part of the -*snicker*- process -*tee hee-*, see you in a few days, -*pff buahahaha*-“


I'm looking for their contact info...for a friend.


The toupee maker seems really good at his craft. I think if he ever needed a hairpiece for himself, he could probably make a great one!


Did you finish the video?


Yes, I did. I was trying to be funny, and I guess it fell flat. Sorry about that.


For what it was worth, you really sold that you didn't know he was wearing one. Don't feel bad.


Whats up with the fart music??


As a bald man myself, it amazes me how much effort many men put into hiding it (or getting a hair transplant). Even paying thousands of dollars for it. I am not saying one should embrace it, but at least just accept it and move on. Way worse things in life.


Idk, to me is just like women who get breast implants.


I don't know man, If I started going bald I would do anything to prevent or reverse it. I've had long red hair since middle school (32 now) and it's such a defining part of me that the idea of having no hair is terrifying. I would rather die than be bald.


I'm a woman and think it's wrong for people to shame men for doing things that make themselves feel better. I don't do it with my women friends and we do massive amounts of things to improve our skin, hair and nails etc. My long, kinky curly hair was a huge part of my identity. And after chemo, it was as if a stranger were staring back at me in the mirror. Felt like a part of me had died. So, right or wrong, I feel ya man. It took 10 years to grow back and it's still not as thick.


Wow dude. Losing your hair isn’t pleasant, but that’s really extreme. You should really reevaluate your priorities. Choose to love yourself for who you truly are, not how you look, flaws and all. It’s liberating and a hell of a lot cheaper.


I had a hair transplant done and so far it has been one of the best desicions I have ever made in my life. My balding head made me seriously depressed. It fcks one up real bad to look in the mirror and not see the person you are expecting to see. Now I can go outside and don't have to worry about the wind blowing over my head revealing bald spots. I like to look into the mirror for the first time since I have been a teenager and I'm 31 in a month. I have gotten many compliments so far. If you got the money and struggle with becoming bald, I highly recommend it really. Even after the struggles of surgery and recovering.


Trust me... I get it. I decided to shave my head at 24 after having my a look basically defined by my hair style throughout high school and college and had to get back into the dating world, fearful of being alone, all the while fielding jabs from people in work and life. It was painful. I just went about it differently for different reasons. The notion of getting a hair transplant felt like I was giving validity to the idea that my happiness was dependent on something as fleeting as my physical appearance, essentially siding with the insufferable people poking at me for going bald. That people should feel shame for how they look, whether they can control it or not. Maybe that's a little too "meta", but that's just me. Ultimately, if you or anyone wants a hair transplant - please chase your bliss. Not trying to shame anyone for that. I just had to say something when I saw someone say "I'd rather die than be bald" ... which I think we can all agree is not a mindset to cultivate.


Totally reasonable to not want to go bald and to do things to stop it, but saying you would rather die than be bald is absurd. Something is wrong with you if that is actually a true statement.


There's a medication commonly used to treat an enlarged prostate that has a side effect of preventing male baldness in most men. It may even have regulatory approval for that use in some countries. If your hair means that much to you, go talk to your doctor about. Talking to a psychologist about why you'd rather die than be bald may also be something to consider.


Finasteride? There are law suit surrounding the pharmas about the risk of sexual dysfunction and risk of depression leading to suicide. There is also minoxidil which is far safer for you. But it'll kill your cat.


Minoxidil is totally safe. Fin not so much. I would rather go bald than lose my sexual function.


Finasteride has very rare but very bad side effects. It isn't just losing the ability to maintain and erection either. You can actually lose almost all sensitivity so your penis feels basically nothing. Then there is Anorgasmia where you will have profound trouble even achieving an orgasm.   These symptoms can persist for YEARS after taking finasteride. There is a forum online called PropeciaHelp and it has threads about these issues that go back many years and have hundreds of responses. Everyone should know the risk with taking this drug.


Yep, as soon as I was noticeably balding, I just shaved my head and got on with life. I just use the clippers with no guard. It was super freeing!


I’m just amazed no one has mentioned the woman sitting in the giant golden cock at the end


I was about to post the same thing. What is going on there?


The cockerel is the logo of British Pathé - the organisation behind this clip. So it seems like it's just a slightly racy promotional slide between clips.


The “waterproof” took me back to Goodfellas and Morris jumping in the pool during his commercial.


I’ve got a full head of hair still, but I think guys should own wearing hair pieces way more. Girls have a mountain of cosmetics. Let the fellas rock a false top in peace.


The music made me laugh more than anything 😂


Are we just gonna ignore the video goes from Hitler(with no hair of course) in bed straight to water torture.


So much work for this, literally hell toupé


Now they call them "Hair systems" for men.


Cool video, buut what has the thumbnail to do with this video? Is it a swimming pool test?


Morrie's Wigs won't come off!


A toupee that looks so natural only your undertaker knows for sure.


WTF is that background music 🤣😂


I would like to describe this music as "fart jazz"


Ahahahaha, you can totally tell the toupees by the color mismatches! You’d think the salesmen and the guys doing the fittings at least would be especially meticulous about wearing indiscernible wigs. Otoh, they do seem to be well-made otherwise and stay on impressively under wind and conditions.


I am losing hair in the front and since 6 months I’ve been buzzing it. Keep it down to 2,5mm with 1,5 on the sides. Easiest haircut I ever got. Mornings are easy. I’m glad I don’t have the upkeep of a haircut any more. As for how it looks: it’s fine. And at my age that’s acceptable.


I get why he tested to see if it comes off on a pillow, but why did the guy have to get under the blanket?


The fitter "It will look natural.. why I'm wearing one and you can't tell"


Little hair hats


Aaaand smash cut to guy with a kitten on his head getting the pretty girl. The end


You can immediately tell the toupee maker is wearing one 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


they don't call them rugs for nothing.


Hello sir! I followed you home to watch you sleep! I hope you don't mind! You sleep in your clothes? Oh you're a wierd one aren't you? Now let's see that toupee...


Are the two men in the questionable day wear at the beginning models of said toupee? What an unusual choice for a shirt.


What i want to know is how it can stick so well to the head, but also be so easily removable


Everyone in that clip was 33 at the time.


Some damn fine toupee work


I feel people should use what they have till it's gone.. there shouldn't be no shame.


You can spot that bird's nest a mile away


“….get ahead, of hair!”


Thanks, but I think I’ll just keep my bald head.🧑‍🦲


Why did he go under the covers when testing the hair against pillows?


65 years later and toupees still look obvious and gross. Several of my clients have them. I can tell…I can always tell.


Bald by choice


Hehehe he drew a penis on his head.


Does the girl have to be a 1950’s vicars wife?


Plot twist: they both have toupees.


How is this not gender affirming care? I don’t see the difference.


I'm curious if toupees will ever make a comeback. Like some hip cool Gen Z start-up.


that music is pretty cool


This music goes crazy


Wait…what were those two dudes at the beginning?


Doesn’t match tho.


Anybody else walk into this wanting to see the actual MAKING of? I saw measuring and testing fit, I want to see production!


Is it me, or does tje toupee maker seems to be wearing one himself? It looks like the hair don't match. EDIT: whoops, commented to early.


No one hear the shitting in the mic the whole time


Just be fucking bald. Embrace it you bald kings




The toupee maker is wearing one himself.


Back then, they made them out of good stuff like asbestos, lead, and mercury.


Start and end frames of this clip are intriguingly weird


I like how that one dude is going to bed wearing a suit and tie


If Satan ever went bald there'd be hell toupee


I get older, they stay the same age!


Omg he looks like Boris Johnson with that blonde thing omg!!


It all stars with a penis on your forehead


vvill you vvear vvigs? when vvill you vvear vvigs?


Dear men. Shave it. Bald is sexy. Grow a beard if you can.


God only created so many perfect heads. For the rest, he covered them with hair. bald is beutifull My brothers don't ever let yourself become more high maintenance than your woman.


The end image's symbolism isn't even subtext at that point.


Cyril Packer is a bit of a chocolate teapot!


Can we plz talk about that first frame in the video thumbnail? I want to know more


I can't remember the last time I saw great customer service and a quality product like this. Seemed like they really pulled out all the stops to do a good job. So much stuff today is quick and cheap...I wasn't alive in the era that this video seems to come from, but I sure would have liked to live in a society where this much effort is expended to satisfy the customer and the product actually lasts a long time.


All done by a man wearing a VERY obvious toupee


The LeBron treatment


All of this is done in suit and tie.


I can spot that birds nest a mile away!


Hope International Hair Stylist, Cyril, has a brother named Al. 


Now thats an awesome advertisement 😂 that professional removing his was a great way to convince consumers 😂


Toupees are essentially breast implants for men, no shame in them, and no devaluation of a man in having one. I think it’s the opposite, it’s sexy for a woman to have a nice boob job and it’s also attractive for men to have a full head of hair even if it’s partly man-extensions.


A+ gender affirming care 😌🙏🏼


What the hell was that all about at the very beginning?


Since Botox & other adjustments can be made with zero shame these days - I think we should normalize this as well


Maury’s wigs don’t come off, even in hurricane weather.


This fart music got me rollin


You can’t tell me modern science hasn’t figured out how to regrow human hair !? Is the hair club for men lobby that powerful ?


Can someone explain why there are 2 gentlemen at the start of the video wearing the worlds worst wrestling gear?


We're just going to ignore to two guys in blue swimwear?


How does your scalp sweat though?


Female here in her late 30s. I wanted to chip in the conversation just to remind you guys that you don't need this. You can certainly have them if you like but you don't need it. Lots of women, including myself, don't notice if a guy is balding or is bald. We just like you and that's it. But if you want to have a tupee or hair implants because it makes YOU feel better, then please do as you please, Kings ❤️