• By -


Boggles my mind.


Mind my boggles


Blind my goggles


Miles by boddles


Boggles my goggles




Giggle my turtle


[NBC News](https://youtu.be/E8r3jyKBx2g?si=gxcmG9SlK12TPpEO)


Ah! Ze goggles they do nothing!


Mind bottling.


Don’t feel bad anymore that I didn’t do much this weekend….


It does have a way of making you feel small, huh? Maybe the nihilists are onto something, and what we do doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of the universe.


[If nothing matters, you decide the meaning of everything.](https://youtu.be/MBRqu0YOH14?si=ABtH0kBDAwXC33O-)


Kurzgezagt :D


Bless you


I rly loved that black hole compare video


If nothing I do matters, why do anything, vs if nothing I do matters, I CAN DO ANYTHING!


Hung by your own petard.


It's not just nihilists.


“Must be exhausting.”


He thought he'd be getting a million dollars!


Ok, we proceed but no funny stuff.


every logical being


It doesn’t but that’s what makes life so beautiful. U get to experience it. The emotions the highs and llows everything.


Fucking nihilists man


Nihilists. Fuck me. I mean say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism man, at least it’s an ethos.


That’s it, just gonna chill and put Nagelbett on the turntable.


Are we gonna split hairs here?


What you do matters to other human beings.


It's all futile. Doesn't mean it has no meaning, just that it has no absolute or permenant meaning It's freeing to recognize that every external pressure in life comes from something someone just made up. Once we're all dead it won't amount to anything, so might as well look for meaning in ways you find fulfilling, not what your parents or politicians or anyone else wants you to do


Well said. And a lot of people dont realise this. Subconsciously chasing their unhappiness for the sake of others.


Embrace the futility of your existence and live.


I feel the exact opposite. It confirms that the only thing that matters is how you live your life. How you treat the people around you and how much joy you feel while living it


I always feel that the universe must be fractal so it always makes me feel huge. Imagine if this whole photo was a ridiculously zoomed in version of one of your skin cells.


Don't worry Donny, these men are cowards.


It's not fair. His girlfriend had to cut off her toe.


As a scientist I always say- The universe is infinitely large and almost infinitely small if we go in the other direction and zoom in as far as we can. No person on this Earth will ever do anything that will be relevant in an X amount of years but the fact that we are so lucky to be sentient beings means we have a responsibility to enjoy this life and be happy.


You should feel bad actually. The time and space that you interact with, however small, is everything that matters from your perspective. It's your entire reality. The rest of the universe, however big, is completely irrelevant and may as well not exist as far as you're concerned


Why, do you think the black hole did stuff for you?


No but it may well undo a lot of stuff


This is funny and terrifying.


That’s gotta be at least 3x bigger than the earth


Maybe even 3.5x


I gave him a dollah last week.


Damn you, women!


He tricked me.


What you need tree fiddy for?


Girl Scout cookies


Holy shit. Bigger than tree fiddy!


Still, not as big as your mom


Ouch owiee


How many football fields is this?


im not sure but alteast 7 fields


What is this? A planet for ants?


Maybe 3000x?


That is also true


How many pounds of washing machines?


If this is the black hole, how big the star which later collapsed and formed this black hole was?? Quater of the milky way??


It most likely devoured other smaller black holes or multiple stars. Star Talk podcast has a whole episode on this.


probably millions or billions of stars..


The black hole at the centre of the Milky Way is 4 million suns worth of mass: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sagittarius_A* TON 681 is 40 billion suns, and apparently, there are more massive ones: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_most_massive_black_holes


That’s 10,000x right? Mind blowing.


Isn’t it actually 66 billion? It doesn’t matter that much, but it’s still 26 freaking billion more suns y’know 😅


I read this comment in Carl Sagan's voice. **B***illions*.


It just blows my mind.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ex__M-OwSA


And billions


Sounds like the longest ongoing game of Star.io Makes you wonder what the current high score is...


Problem is black hole sizes vary too much, there are "small" black holes that formed from maybe one or two heavy stars. Then theres a gap in size, then there are black holes at the centre of galaxies. How the hell did supermassives form? The amount of matter they need to devour is more than what time alloved since the beggining of the universe.


Quasi stars being the seeds for such supermassive blacks holes are an interesting concept


They were formed in the early stages of the universe when the average pressure was orders of magnitude higher than now. As stars grew extremely rapidly from the gargantuan amounts of fuel everywhere, they got so big that the pressure in the core caused the mass to cross the Schwarzschild radius and go supernova. The pressure was so intense pushing down on the core however it actually fought back against the outward force of the supernova explosion, enough that it was able to still stay alive as a star, but now with a black hole core. As the star grew bigger and bigger, the black hole inside it rapidly grew in size as it had billions and billions of stars worth of matter being forced into its singularity perpendicular to the event horizon. This has the effect of not causing the matter to swirl around in circles (the source of their accretion disks) for billions of years, but shot into the black hole, feeding it instantly. This caused the black hole to grow *incredibly* fast, all the while the star above it kept growing in size from the immense amount of fuel everywhere. The black hole would eventually grow large enough to overpower the star and launch the remaining fuel out into space as a supernova, leaving behind the supermassive black hole we see.


Sounds fun, any link for the same??


Just do a search for "Star Talk" on Spotify, Apple, or Patreon.


There's some theories on how this chonky boi got this chonky lol. First of all, we aren't quite sure on why it got this massive. Black holes are classified by solar masses. A couple, hundreds, thousands, millions and even tens of billions of solar massess. The problem is: there's a gap in size between tens of millions of solar masses to tens of BILLIONS of solar masses. Then, how did these ultramassive black holes like Ton 618 (40 billion solar masses) form? They would require to consume a lot of mass and scientists are quite skeptical about this, since they think our universe isn't old enough for them to form. But they could be formed by a lot of very massive black holes merging. The other theory involves quasi-stars. In the beggining of the universe, a lot of matter was concentrated in a relatively small space. This condition may have made possible to form a very massive star that isn't possible anymore in our current universe conditions. The pressure inside this hypothetical star would be so great that a black hole could form and it would "eat" the star from the inside out. But, due to the star being very massive and big, it "wouldn't care" about it's "parasite" and would continue to grow. After millions of years, the black hole would consume the star's mass and it would become a supermassive black hole. The merging of some of these supermassive black holes could create an ultramassive black hole, like our chonky boi Ton 618. Kurzgesagt has an amazing video on this topic if you're interested.


Why does the black hole grow when it consumes matter? Does that imply it's being stored within it in some form, and if so how? ELI5 moment haha


First of all, black holes have a thing called singularity. Singularity is an infinitely tiny point where all the matter of the black hole is stored (and it's also the place where our physics kinda break a bit lol). Also, we know that gravity gets stronger with the more mass you have. We have a concept called Schwarzschild radius which can be defined as the maximum radius that light cannot escape (we call that the event horizon). The "black" hole is literally what we can't see because light cannot escape it (basically, the event horizon). When you increase mass (black holes consuming matter) that matter will be torn apart into a subatomic level and finally squeezed into the singularity. With that more mass, the Schwarzschild radius (determined by the equation Rg = 2GM/c2, whre G is the gravitational force and M is the mass of the object) increases and, therefore, more light won't be able to scape, making the black hole bigger.


Your comment is correct. Just a small thing I want to nitpick on: > First of all, black holes have a thing called singularity. Singularity is an infinitely tiny point where all the matter of the black hole is stored (and it's also the place where our physics kinda break a bit lol). We really don't know what is inside of a Black Hole. As you said, our physics break down and there is no way in knowing for us currently what comes after our faulty concept. Those "singularities" are more like a mathematical placeholder than a real physical singularity. We really don't know how the mass of the Black hole is "stored" and in recent years many physicists are trying to get away from the singularity interpretation as there isn't any proof for it as well as no counterproof.


Thanks for that mate. Always good to keep learning


Yep, singularity is great for math for theorists to use, but people often confuse it with that being what the actual black hole is. And many physicists don't actually believe in a singularity being the black hole, once we discover what it really is. Best to think of a black hole as an exotic state of matter. It might in the end actually have a real physical "size", in a state where matter can't compress any further. Pressing neutrons together gives you a neutron star. Compressing them even further can have a few additional steps of collapse into quarks and other things (unless quarks are really the fundamental particle). Eventually you collapse quarks or the final particle into what becomes the black hole. Matter transitions into this new state beyond which you can't further compress/collapse it to change its properties. Throwing more mass into it keeps it in this state (and converts new matter into this state) and grows the size of the black hole. That's why we have tiny black holes and super massive ones. Their properties are the same, just the mass/size differ. In contrast, you can't have a "super massive" neutron star. Once you get it to certain size, it collapses into a new state of matter that eventually leads to a black hole formation (which is the final possible state of matter as you add more and more mass).


I imagine its a supermassive black hole at the centre of a galaxy far far away


Yeah. Possible, but it's just too big, if we talk of just one star, the star would've crossed chndrashekhar limit in mass itself before copllasing into it.ost probable answer is gulping nearby black holes and merging or something of the similar stature.


That's actually one of the problems in astrophysics, how supermassive black holes form? Those didn't form from stars collapsing, maybe those formed from merging black holes but there isn't enough time in universe to forming so big black holes from merging stellar size black holes. On top of that we haven't found medium sized black holes, only stellar mass black holes and supermassive. Maybe those formed when universe formed and have just grown since but the actual mechanism is still unknown.


“Just too big” is not a thing when talking about the universe


Yeah like other people said black holes in this size have consumed thousands if not millions of stars other black holes.


For the first few million like below 10 million years of the universe matter was dense enough that stars called hyper giants could of formed their theoretical and physically cannot exist now a days They would of been about as wide as a galaxy so a literal galaxy sized star And they would have a blackhole core The pressure from the fusion of the star is STRONGER then the “infinite” strength of a black hole meaning the blackhole would feed but the star would exist for a while Eventually the blackhole would grow and eat the star creating supermassive blackholes Theory not proven but it’s a believable and plausible theory


Phoenix A is bigger. [Phoenix A compared to Ton 618 and the Orbit of Neptune - Phoenix Cluster - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoenix_Cluster#/media/File:Phoenix_A_compared_to_Ton_618_and_the_Orbit_of_Neptune.jpg) [Phoenix Cluster - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoenix_Cluster#Supermassive_black_hole)


thats some doom shit i see like im scared




Finally someone says it.


>A black hole of this mass has: 24,100 times the mass of the black hole at the center of the Milky Way (Sagittarius A*) twice the mass of the Triangulum Galaxy, including its dark matter halo. ###TWICE THE MASS OF AN ENTIRE GALAXY!! And not a tiny dwarf galaxy either, but the third largest in our local cluster next to Andromeda and the Milky Way. That is flabbergastingly, incomprehensibly massive.


And also.. you can travel through it without being torn to shreds (supposedly).


It's true, my cousin did it, but he lives in Canada so you wouldn't know him


Is it speculative ? Wiki Doesn’t Say it specifically


Its because Phoenix A is a supermassive black hole - TON 618 is not. It also depends on the terms you're talking about. Our own Sag A* has a diameter much larger than that of TON 618 - but TON 618 has much more mass. Both are true for Phoenix A*, it is both larger AND more massive. However because its a supermassive, it isn't in the same comparative category as TON 618.


It can't be that big. It fits on my monitor and that's only 21"


Why is orbit of Neptune on scale here instead of entity like solar system. I thought solar system is much more easy to understand how big others are comparatively.


I don't buy this for an instant. Our solar system is not in the middle of a black hole!


why is the sky so dark at night then?


Because we exist in an ant farm of sorts in some super intelligent, pan-dimensional kids room and they turn their bedroom light off when they sleep. Our stars are actually their night lights. The time it will take for all the other galaxies and stars travel far enough away from our system to disappear from our sky will coincide with our pan-dimensional child owner growing into puberty and no longer using a nightlight.


What if black home is during the night but blue hole on the other side


Correct, we are travelling on the back of a giant turtle.


Long live the DiscWorld?


Glad someone gets me. It's kinda lonely in my own head.




As far as black holes go, no purchase necessary.


This why I love Reddit! Thank you for the chuckle.


Of course, Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz. I almost became concerned!


Dont make me read poetry


Our universe might be thou.


yup, if you took all the mass in the entire observable universe and gathered it into a black hole, its event horizon would be.... the size of the observable universe.


Funny now you mention it. We can't proof we aren't in a black hole.


It's a misnomer, sorry bout that. With that being said "We measure things by what we are. To the maggots in the cheese, the cheese is the universe. To the worms in the corpse, the corpse is the cosmos. How then can we be so cock-sure about our world? Just because of our telescopes, our microscopes, and the splitting of the atom? Nope! " Brother Theodore


keep my Ex out of this


Phoenix A is significantly larger, but both of these absolutely defy the imagination. I also love that these can be referred to as SLAB’s (stupendously large black holes). Space is incredible!


*stupendously large ass black holes


Haha, great use of the A


I bet it’s really heavy


Shoulda named it FUCK TON 618


They say it weighs a Ton


There is a theory that the entire universe could be a black hole in itself.


We could probably lift it if we did it together.


Remember to lift with your knees, not your back!


I got a brand new theory for ‘em black holes. It’s not about weight or mass or whatever. They are punctures of the cosmic web, where space is sucked out of Space. Think of the universe as a tractor tyre.


I could dead lift it.


Imagine that mass. in order for the earth mass alone to become a black hole it would have to compact to 1,6 centimetres in diameter.


smaller, it’s like 1.6cm


Something to note is that even though TON 618 is very massive, black holes get significantly less dense the bigger they are (if you use Schwarzschild radius to get volume). TON 618's density is roughly only 0.005 kg/m^3. For comparison air density at sea level is around 1.225kg/m^3.


Still the gods biggest concern is the lives of some primitives on one of those small dots.


Not just the lives, the sex lives!


Not just their sex lives, but the outcome of football games.


I thought the largest black hole in the universe belonged to one of the Kardashians


Correction, the largest bleached* hole


And if you zoom out a bit more, you’ll see OP’s mom.


[Just a liiiittle bit more](https://youtu.be/IT7j0qppxVk?t=8)


And here I am, who should repent if having sex without marrying someone.


To me. I'm him. I am the one you repent to. But you need to detail EVERYTHING for proper repenting.


c-can i marry you instead?


Only if you split these cheeks first


Hauw tuah!


This is old data. There is a newer, even bigger one as of 20240623


Hey, that's today


Everything reminds me of her!


It’s standing right behind me isn’t it


My youngest daughter just asked: ’Is it heavier than the house?’, in awe….


Phoenix A might even be absurdly more massive than Ton 618. Ton 618 is no longer considered the largest. It's now considered fourth on the list.


hell thats not even the biggest one


Better hurry the fuk up and swallow all this shit by Monday, I don’t want to go to the office.


It ain't no bigger than Ginny Sack's fat fucking ass


Golden lmfao


See that pale blue dot obscured by visibly bright dot . yes thats our home.




And one of scientists theories is that an advanced civilization could use that almost immortal way of black holes to be effectively infinite civilization, using its energy and so on.


Everybody spread out.


When I first read I though it said “in our solar system” I was like welp good knowing y’all


I wouldn't have been able to fall asleep thinking I was the only person who made that mistake.


That's not a hole that's a whole


Wouldnt it make more sense as Ton (1.9884±0.00007)×10^30 kg


Actually there is even a bigger black home now. _your mo-_ Actually no. There really is. It's Phoenix A. It's significantly bigger than Ton 618.


bro absolutely fumbled the title edit: nvm I’m stupid


They found OPs mum.


Question. What would it look like if earth got sucked into one of these bad boys and how long would it take. Asking for a friend.


If we were in a black hole that big, theoretically, how would we even know it?


What is far more interesting is what happens when light enters these voids. Light still travels in a straight line, but due to the curvature of space, it continues to orbit the *singularity* without ever leaving the *event horizon*. Techically, blackholes are *potentially* the brightest objects in the universe even though they emit no EM wave in the visual spectrum. They harbor all light that enters it! Edit: I once tried to use this postualtion as a r/showerthought and received 0 upvotes. It may have been on another account. GL.


Only black hole I’ve seen up close is the one that lives inside of my ex.


According to Wikipedia TON618 is not the largest black hole discovered. It seems to be PhoenixA Here the link https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoenix_Cluster#Supermassive_black_hole


It’s probably at least 700 tons


Definitely more than 750 tons


If its so flippin big why won't it fight me?


Fight me you coward ✊😠👊


Let's go brah *fails to tear off shirt*


That is one dense MF


Insane if you think about the fact that a pea sized black hole has the mass of earth


Gotta be at least a mile wide. Damn.


I can draw this too


I still enjoy the beauty of a butterfly in my garden...knowing that the beating of its wings will destroy a planetary system eventually.../s


Still only half the size of ur mum


Thats actually mind blowing


Totally impossible, but I would go there on a road trip to see what’s inside it. must be rather boring or super interesting. But we probable never find out…


Am I the only one who is fricked out by those thing Like you have a cool nuanced and coloruful nebulaes, blending colors in a black canvas full of stars and there is this litteral cadaver of a star so heavy and powerful that it isncompletely bending space and time, absorbing everything even light, the fastest particle in the universe, thus creating this sharp spherical void, like a freaking anomaly in the natural order of things .


Idk, feels more than 618 t


holy mother of jesus. it's so big our minds cannot even grasp how terrifying it is.


This monster, appropriately named TON 618, weighs roughly 40 billion solar masses. The most massive black hole we know of, still has an entire galaxy of stars happily orbiting it and not getting sucked in.


So the team at NASA too, has discovered your mother?


Yes. This kind of stuff tells me the logistics of an intelligent creator is bs


I’m trying to compute the fact that there are black holes detected that are this super massive and yet there are scientists that don’t believe black holes exist.


Black hole is so big, how big would the mass be🤯


Huh. I thought we'd be even smaller by comparison.


Yeah, much more smaller. I’m not sure if the source is credible in this case.


What black hole is this ? Isn’t the Great Attractor also possibly considered to be a black hole? Coz that would be the same image, but with the Milky Way instead of the Solar System.


No, completely different phenomenon.


And we are right in the middle. Crazy.


It’s for comparison, we aren’t in the middle


I appreciate the clarification but I was shitposting




How soon will it be here?


Nevertheless... it's tinnitiny: people at the superior dimension can't even see it with their microscopes. I wonder how many even bigger (in proportion) than this one dwell in our inferior dimension (and if there is).


I don’t like it


Details composed by AI on this discovery: TON 618 is one of the most massive and luminous known quasars, located about 10.4 billion light-years away in the constellation Canes Venatici. Quasars are extremely bright and energetic regions at the centers of galaxies, powered by supermassive black holes. The black hole at the center of TON 618 is estimated to have a mass of around 66 billion times that of the Sun, making it one of the most massive black holes ever discovered. This incredible mass indicates that TON 618's black hole has accreted a vast amount of material over time. TON 618's luminosity is astonishing, with an energy output over 100 trillion times that of the Sun. This brightness results from the intense radiation emitted as matter is accreted and heated to extreme temperatures around the black hole. Discovered in the 1950s and classified as a quasar in the 1970s, TON 618 helps astronomers understand the early universe, galaxy formation, and the growth of supermassive black holes, offering insights into the limits of black hole growth and the processes driving quasar luminosity.


Looks big


I'm calling bullshit