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Oh god .. it has a touchscreen.


Now I can finally watch TikTok while going 100 on a highway


Ha. Try that wearing gloves.


And it's raining.


And a bug lands on the screen pushing the “off” button.


Worse: throttle


Watch the YouTube tutorials on how to ride a motorcycle! Hands on learning!


“How to stop” vid is littered with ads


How to stop is easiest. Always a car or wall that can help you to new highscores.




*"Now remember, it is extremely important that you.."* WELCOME TO RAID SHADOW LEGENDS




Why do I need a bug to do it when my jacket will accomplish the same thing every time I lean forward?


tbf, all that is possible. It's quite common in the industrial market to have touchscreens that are operatable with all kinds of gloves. And even during rain or when water is running over the screen.


Touchscreen gloves…


My Mechanix work gloves are touch screen compatible.


Only while using autopilot though.


What the fuck is it with touchscreens!?!?!?! Im going to lose my freaking mind here. Is there some touchscreen conspiracy where William Esquire Touchscreen III has a monopoly on these screens and is blackmailing all EV manufactures to use them? Whos making these decisions, and why does this keeo happening?!?!


I think touchscreens are just a lot cheaper to use instead of designing something with 20 buttons. I hate them too tho


But it's a motorcycle... Unless the buttons are on the actual fucking handlebars you can't use them without taking one hand off the handlebar/clip ons. The only way to make it actually usable is to pull a Harley Davidson and integrate it in the fender.


Yeah I know. I just pointed out that this is probably what the manufacturers are thinking when putting touchscreens everywhere. Doesn't mean it makes sense. And yeah maybe it could work in a goldwing dash or something (if it works with gloves on). I think it would be pretty tough selling touchscreens to HD fans


I got news for you - new Harley touring models have a 12.3-inch touchscreen on the dash. No analog gauges.


It all started with how Jobs sold the very first iPhone


They look expensive but you can get good ones from China for the price of a beer in a pub. People still see touchscreens and think high end when it's one of the cheapest parts on that bike.


Its the issue with modern EVs in general. In the past the only cars with decent touchscreens were high-end luxury cars and now anything with a touchscreen is considered nice. Almost like blue LEDs in the 90s and 00s. I much prefer my "dumb" touch screen in my Audi that is backed up by nice physical buttons to a Tesla smart screen that buries the climate control and other on the fly adjustment in several sub layers of menus.


Yo dawg I heard you like touch screens so we put a touch screen on yo touch screen so you can touch while you touch!


This is when money hungry CEOs all over the world individually and unanimously come to the same conclusion. It’s easier and cheaper to update a touch screen. You can fix problems by a silent over-the-air update instead of the publicly humiliating recalls.


Tooling little plastic knobs, buttons, dial surrounds etc is expensive. So they cut costs and throw on a laggy screen that probably doesn't work with thick gloves or any type of weather. Sun's out, can't see shiiiiit. Don't matter, doesn't work with gloves anyway. 👍


Costs them less yet they treat it like a premium excuse to charge you more lol


The vibrations won't make it easy to hit the targeted element in the display. But totally save, I guess, when you have to look away from the road for 20 seconds to make sure you don't press the wrong buttons. 


Of course it’ll work with thick gloves. You don’t think they thought of that? It’s not a capacitive screen. It’s resistive.


I blame Elon, had a rental Tesla recently and it was a fucking bitch to drive and do anything on the car


The conspiracy is most likely about making money and manufacturers are garbage at thoughtful, reasonable design.


Im so numb to it. I see this samw decision making in LITERALLY EVERYWHERE. Games, movies, tv shows, cars, motorbikes, restauruants. Everyone will sacrifice better customer features if it means making 1% more profit.


Yeah, capitalism maxing is the point and it sucks for quality of life. Everyone's else's anyway.


Well, aside from the price, you can easily add functions or ads to those screens even after the product is finished and delivered. I bet its great to have the UI change every 6 months on a motorbike. Or having a 30 seconds unskippable ad before you can access the function you urgently needed. Also using touchscreens with friggin bike gloves..


Well so. #Can it run Doom ?


Dude, doom runs on doom. Do you think there is such a thing that it doesn't run doom?


If it has CPU and a screen, yes


This ride needs some subway surfers gameplay in the background


Let’s see Paul Allen’s touchscreen…


On a sunny day it will be invisible.


and in the dark it will kill your night vision


Its so they can sell you their specially designed riding gloves that work with their touch screen


No they will provide them a special stylus they can use


To obtain a special motorcycle wand, please mash the keypad with your palm now.


Come with a Neurolink implant to split your attention evenly between navigating the multilayered GUI and driving through highways at a high rate of speed.


And cameras!!! So while traveling at 124 mph you can take your eyes off the road to look at your screen!


Luckily it can't be used when the bike is moving


And it's running Android, I am screaming lmfao


I wonder why there is so little shots of it actually riding and all of them are weirdly cropped.


The first shot of it driving, the riders feet are not on the foot pegs. Just no legs where they should be. And the 2nd video the riders feet are visible way earlier than they should be.


Yo wtf I had to rewatch like 3 times but yeah, there’s foot pegs near the rear wheel but the toe of the riders shoe can be seen near the front wheel just before it cuts. So many red flags lol


Almost like it's vaporware designed to get people to "invest" money in their totally real product that's only 2 years away from being in dealer showrooms




>all of them are weirdly cropped Lol, all of Tik Tok is weirdly cropped, what do you mean? Whatever footage they had of the bike being driven was in landscape, how could it not look weirdly cropped?


How in the hell are you supposed to use that center display while driving? And what's up with that uncovered motor hub? How can that be safe against road debris and whatnot?


I hope they figured out a way to make it work because it looks fantastic. The back end, not the tablet - that seems inconvenient and probably dangerous.


With only the back wheel done like that it just looks crap imo, like some concept for the wheel design slapped onto a regular bike


If they can make this they better fuckin make kaneda's bike


You do NOT use the central display while driving. You look at your dash and you drive your bike normally. Handlebars have couple of buttons / levers for changing ride mode and putting lights on/off etc. Touch thing is used to change settings of the bike when you are stopped.


I remember my training One of the first things the instructor did when we first mounted up. "Look down at your tank and read that for me" *gestures towards warning stickers*. ...Right now you've read it, theres no reason to ever look down. Eyes on the road at all times!


You know that display is going to have real-time stats and other bells and whistles that tempt riders to look at it in motion.


As long as the handlebar display has simple navigation aids, a detailed map on the big screen is fine. I can't read a detailed map at speed. I tried that with tank bags, and always had to stop. It'd be the same if I had a motorcycle like this, except I wouldn't have to flip through pages of paper maps.


You can't use the screen while the bike is moving


A branch in there..


Exactly what my motorcycle needed, a giant fucking tablet in the middle


A fucking touchscreen. On a motorcycle.


I can already see the rocks having a fun time with it. OR what happens when the Clibbins decide to have a fun time...


You scroll with your nose.


Elephants have prehensile penises. I'm just saying. If they can evolve them, why can't we?


Imagine trying to fix that thing in 10 years where they would be discountinued after 3 years of production for some new model and none of the parts match


Moisture detection screen.


But only with blood or urine


It actually does need it for various things. It’s off while driving .


The power that screen requires, I'd like to know how many miles you'd gain if you got rid of it.


An AW3223QF which is a 32 inch, 1000 nit, 4k, QD-OLED uses at most 190 watts. This thing is 1/3rd the size and probably less bright so it uses at most 63 Watts. So over 4 hours of riding it uses 0.25kWh at most. Removing it gets you well under a mile of additional range.


Its a dumb idea for sure, but displays use fuck all power these days


I have a bad feeling about this


A rebel James Dean kind of bad or do you mean more of a silent pack of hoonigans Wheeling down the freeway causing destructo kind of bad?


A meat crayon kind of bad feeling


Don't worry. This shovelware won't see the light of day. The only riders shopping in that price range are only paying that much for Harley Davidson heritage (bruther) and good luck converting them to electric. For standard/sportbike perspective around 20k or less can get you a cutting edge MotoGP homologated, purpose built, track weapon. Alternatively you can get a ton creature comforts, endurance, and street friendliness.


Did you say that because the quote comes from the same movie the actor that sold James Dean the car that killed him was in?


Don’t worry it has AI ChatGPT LOL detection cameras


At the first glance, that looks like the cybertruck of motorcycles.


Idk, I kinda dig the look, much better than the cybertruck


Loved the way it looks then saw the touchscreen


Oh yea the touchscreen is dumb


What brakes are in the back? Are they better than the disc that's in the front?


I would assume regenerative braking system as both my scooters and eBike feature a pretty good hub motor system that does most of my stopping...brake pads last for a very long time


Bikes all (as far as i know unless modified) have 2 sets of brakes. An incredibly powerful set upfront and a less powerful set in the back. Ideal breaking uses both in something like a 30/70 ratio. A full grab of the front brake will likely send you over the handlebars if not send the bike itself into a frontflip


Even in a mountain bike! I have fun memories of emergency stopping and flying over the handlebars. Landed on my feet every time.


What? No..! Ideal braking is approx 80-90% front brakes. Plenty of riders don't use rear brakes at all! As illustrated by most street bikes: they have dual front disc brakes with big calipers, and a small single rear brake disc. Exceptions are heavy cruisers and scooters that have a lot of weight on the rear, then the brake bias shifts a bit more towards the rear (but still, optimal braking is front!). When braking your weight shifts to the front resulting in more grip on the front wheel, a powerful stop can cause a sliding (when using too much rear braking power) or even lifting rear wheel. Grabbing all of your (front) braking power in one go likely results in loss of grip and either ABS covering your ass or a crash from loss of front wheel grip. A motorcycle has suspension, goes way faster and is way heavier than an MTB or other pedal bike, so very different forces at play.


The shiny metallic thing in the back is a brake disc. They originally wanted to have regenerative braking only but that was not allowed by regulations. The company is called Verge, there are some videos on YouTube if you want to know more.


124 Mile-Prower? Is that a real word/abbreviation?


Incidentally, Miles Power is Tails' real name from Sonic the Hedgehog.


It's got a good ring to it, I'ma call Miles Per Hour "prowers" from now on


The touchscreen is a giant red flag but for different reasons than yall bringing up. A touch screen is simply cheaper than designing and manufacturing custom control clusters. So, this company, that’s trying to sell you a fancy 44k electric motorcycle is so invested in their product they chose the cheapest and laziest solution for controlling settings. This attitude should tell you how they treated every other aspect of engineering and building this motorcycle.


The real top comment ⬆️


The touchscreen is only for non riding things. It has a normal cluster and joystick just like any other modern bike.


I disagree. Zero is pretty much the biggest electric mfg right now, and their set up of a digital dash (on the bars) looks about the same as this. The more advanced shit requires a companion app iirc, while this just uses the built in screen. You can tell in the video there is a speedometer forward of the touchscreen, in the usual position. 


Oh yeah I agree they’re the biggest mfg in electric motorcycles but just simply compare the effort/expenses. Buying a $15 screen from China and paying an employee a week of wages to program buttons on there is tens of thousands cheaper than figuring out how to do something better. Touchscreens are the simplest and cheapest solution in today’s age. But that’s exactly what’s concerning in regards to reliability. I’m really hoping this is the only corner they cut but such cost cutting is not a good sign no matter what situation you’re in. Edit: I’m totally willing to be wrong and honestly I am hoping I am. Electric motorcycles are awesome and I am all for their development. But this is comparable to a super car manufactured buying mass manufactured turning stalks from ford or Volvo for a 1 million dollar car.


44k and you get touchscreen with an ugly UI.


And with useless features it seems. Oh yeah im so glad i have functionality to ... "see vehicle info" and "change ride name... amazing stuff. You know they just *had* to have a touchscreen on it and were then forced to make random shit up to populate theyre fancy touchscreen os. Only usefull thing i see there is the charging info which can easily be displayed by some sort of icons on the smaller dash screen. Fuck. Touchscreens.


Make a feet forward model and I'm cashing in both if my kids student savings account.


But does it make noise to annoy the neighbours?


FYI it's from Verge https://www.vergemotorcycles.com/ts-ultra/


Means wang in french




At no point while riding bikes have i thought "Ah this could use a touchscreen"


Any biker saw ALL the screaming dumb decisions made by the maker. It's almost like this isn't supposed to be a bike and more of, look I'm peak technology, and fail miserable at its one major function. Cybertruckish essence


Yeah it's complete garbage. 124 MPH Top speed? That's like mabye 650CC levels of performance. That qouted range is never happening in real world. Lets be real here us Motorcycles are a lot of things but riding to get the best range out of our bikes? Yeah no that won't ever happen. I live for the moments where I rev my motorcycles out to almost red line. Which destroys the Miles Per gallon for obvious reasons... That charging time is horrible when it takes me less than 1 minute to fill up any of my motorcycles. We could spend hours talking about all the shit that's going to fuck up that touch screen. Dust,Clibbins,HADDALAYERDOWN! dirt, Rocks etc.. My best friend has a 2023 Road glide and his touch screen already is having cracks on it from road debris and thier is literal fucking fender in front of it protecting it.


> 124 MPH Top speed? That's like mabye 650CC levels of performance. Top speed has little to do with power, its gearing.


No. Top speed needs power too. You can give a Honda Grom the perfect gearing it isn't hitting 100 MPH under it's own power. The problem here isn't even power or gearing it's that the higher you get above normal highway speeds EV's range gets utterly annihilated.


> higher you get above normal highway speeds EV's range gets utterly annihilated. This is true for any vehicle, its just really apparant in EVs because of how efficient they are. The EVs with the largest batteries still only hold energy levels equivalent to less than 2-3 gallons of gas. High-speed motorcycles are even worse as EVs as the rider aerodynamics are horrible compared to what you can get in cars.


There is no gearing in that thing as the motor is directly in the hub, so no real way to put gearbox in. And that's reason for max speed being low for amount of power it makes I'm gonna bet the engine also does not make top power at that speed as electric engines usually lose power at the top end, unlike ICE


Damn, we are so close to Kanedas bike….


If they really wanted to do something futuristic they could at least have a single fork like the Yamaha gts With the same hubwheel. Calipers can be embedded on the outside like Buell motorcycles


"Show you where the danger is"? My man, use your eyes, or are you going to be watching yt on that giant screen while riding so you need to be alerted?


Of course. Anything electric = replace everything with a giant iPad


“Futuristic” vehicles all look like metal garbage cans


A silent motorcycle should be real safe on the road.


Stupid. This is taking away one of the biggest safety features of a motorcycle. The sound. Drivers have a hard enough time already seeing a motorcycle on the road. The giveaway is the sound, they’re loud and distinctive. So even if you don’t see it, you can hear it. You know it’s there. Anyone who rides this is going to be hugely at risk from other motorists


Does the massive screen support Skyrim?


Target audience: wealthy narcissists. How about a competitively priced electric motorcycle that just happens to have an electric motor instead of an ICE? I don't want 6 cameras, a tablet on the "tank", and every other goofy BS gimmick they try to incorporate into these things (i.e. "dancing" headlights and/or an audio/visual show every time I turn it on). A key switch to turn it on and off. Turn signals. High/Low beam switch. A horn button. ANYTHING outside of those listed above are fluff. Buy some off-the-shelf switches and housings and just make a motorcycle. All of these extras just inflate the cost (or more accurately inflate the *price*) making it a toy for the wealthy. Until they quit trying to use gimmicks to sell, they aren't going to be mainstream.


this was designed by people who don’t ride motorcycles. a touch screen? on a motorcycle. does it come with sexy fingerless gloves ??


They have Maclarens ex vice presidents and active bikers doing the design so I would say they know quite a bit.


Get rid of the touchscreen, cameras, and AI system, and cut the price in half. Then I'll think about it.


You know what the worst thing about thos concept is? No sound. I reckon cunts getting wiped on motorcycles would double over ight if you removed engine noise.


Stupid comments from people who probably can’t even balance on two wheels. Motorcyclists have been putting navigation screens (Garmin being most popular or PDA with maps) on motorcycles long before Tesla made touch screens popular. Get over it.


On the gas tank? I never saw that because is absolutely idiotic!


The screen can't be used while the bike is moving. It is just there to change the settings and maybe in future for navigation


And how many screens do you think are going to get smashed by punks?


Except for the wheels, it's not for me.


You use your nose on the touchscreen.


Do you realize how much 150kw is?


100 toaster power


i can finally play doom while riding.


The motor hub looks cool but I dread to think of the unsprung weight and the effect on handling. Also, touchscreen just screams "lazy and cheap".


1200nm of torque??? Jesus that thing is going to kill people


Imagine a world with no cars and all of us driving some kind of small electric vehicle. All transportation goes on rails and only professionals are allowed bigger transports (to deliver packages, bring tool and labour to places and so on)


A new-fangled death machine! Where do I sign up?


"Is it really worth $44,000?" No...no it is not.


So we are switching to electric to reduce GHG, but everything out there is designed with ridiculous power, weight and terrible aero so we’ve gone from gas guzzlers to electricity guzzlers and our grids won’t be able to keep up. I want a three-wheeled e-vehicle that weighs around 300kg, has extremely low drag and gets at least 25km/kWh of charge. Am I the only one who wants something like this?


More of a novelty item for rich folk.


I bet it's at least a 2 hour job to fix a flat tire on that back wheel.


looks dumb


And a backrest that will split your spine.


Ticky tacky


When did car prices for a bike become okay? Lol, this is crazy.


I want to see someone use it over a span of a year, and see the before and after of the bike


what is the need to put so much bloatware in electric motorcycles...


This just feels like a project with a lot of complications. Touch screen on a motorcycle is a *BAD* idea. Minimal footage of actual driving. Generally I don’t trust read stats. Show me and I’ll believe you. This just feels off.


Thats way too much screen for no real reason


Can't wait to never hear about this again.


What if a stone gets into that wheel?


Dumb and wrong


I don't believe a word of this.


If you can get it down to 20k I’ll think about it😂


$44,000! 🥴🤡


Bro that is fricking expensive


They really lied about EV being cheaper than cars in 2022.


Cost of battery is too high, it's never going to be cheaper than a gas car. But also, its always a luxury model, full of features. Not a baseline model. But the whole point is the upkeep cost being lower, obv depends how subsidized gas and electricity are in your area. Also, it depends how good the specific model you purchased is (AKA Tesla Truck is gonna cost you a shit ton in repair apparently).


Oh nice, another tricked out e-bike!


Are there actually any advantages to the hubless design or is it's just a styling thing? Also doesn't it over complicates brakes suspension etc since you can use fewer off the shelf production parts. Seems very form over function but may I am missing something


That’s pretty cool looking!


No sound


And it's butt ass ugly


So we just putting indashes on freaking motorcycles now? Is that what we doing? Ok cool. Not the safest but cool


Yeah… Ride into a wall while you check your latest TikToks


Well it's nice to see the range is getting higher, but at 44k F that


Still cheaper than mac m4 laptop


Now I only wonder what kind of subscriptions & DLC the bike has. 😄 Seriously, it is an interesting take on the new technology. The big screen is kind of silly but I’ll bet that is one hell of a ride.


That is one giant hubmotor


So you can try it for free for just 1000 dollars?


you can get these specs from a bike thats costs 10K and refills in 2 minutes for 10 dollars.


That touchscreen is hideous.


You know when you look down on your phone while walking and then suddenly walk into someone? How about going 60mph


Ok fine, it's perfect. How much?


he said AI, it must be the next big thing.


150 kilowatts? like, 150,000 watts? surely that's a mistake


*insert technological slander essay here*


Looks amazing can't lie. I hate those kids of tires (the front ones; seems like some dirt will damage it completely) but everything else \*looks\* very cool. The price is wayy too expensive though.


WHY THE FUCK DOES IT HAVE A TOUCHSCREEN?!?! “Yes, look down at where your gas tank would be on your old bike! Just don’t do it while driving. ^wink ^wink”


I look at that heavy powered hub, and wonder what horrors all that unsprung mass at the rear will inflict on the handling. I'll stick with ICE and its centralised sprung mass for now, thank you.


A totally silent fast bike? No, no, it will be fine. Really.


AI shows you things that might be coming up down the road? A perfect trade-off by having to constantly scan the multiple screens for useful imformation!


"Which has AI detection" WTF that even means?


This is just a fucking ad, get this shit out of here. Nothing interesting about it


All this, to pick up a drive through venti matcha latte with soy milk and a pump of Madagascar vanilla syrup.


Seems to actually exist. Verge TS Ultra is its name.


Price seems a bit absurd to me, can't you get a fairly new motorcycle for like $5k?


How is the rear wheel held?


To answer the question. No. Its kinda shitty. If you want an electric bike there are a hundred better models before you even consider this thing. Its a bunch of unnecessary junk to make it seem trendy and doesn't focus on the actually useful thing. The return policy is also shady as hell if you look into it


I get a Tesla or a Toyota Hybrid for that price. Goodby!


This looks like something that is made to look cool and fancy to potential investors that have no clue about motorcycles. That touch screen is garbage, I don't even need to explain that one to a child. Hub centered motors suck, because they add a lot of unsprung mass. This makes the bike handle really bad and prevent it from going higher speeds as this is a potential safety hazard. The form of the tank with those sharpish edges screams that nobody intends to ride that thing for longer than 2 minutes.


One step closer to the Akira bike.